2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 176
Agustina Dewi Setyari ◽  
Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo ◽  
I Dewa Putu Wijana

Puger Wetan Village is one of coastal villages in Jember district. Puger Wetan is a multiethnic village of Javanese, Maduranese, Mandarese and Usingese. In order to communicate with each other, those etnics need a communicating language. That language is Indonesian language. Athough it’s not the main language, Indonesian is used in educational and goverment areas in Puger Wetan. This reasearch explores how Indonesia language is used within socio-cultural bacgrounds, including social economic system. This is a descriptive qualitative research. The data is analized with communication ethnography theory. This reasearch does not only analyze the language perspective (verbal and nonverbal) but also sociocultural perspective of local people, who used the language as an interactive tool. The communication component, in Poedjosoedarmo’s terms, is the word from the term of OOEMAUBICARA. The result shows that the use of Indonesian in the area of government is coneveyed at three occasions between spoker and hearer, (1) The meeting among government officials, (2) The meeting between government officials and the People, and (3) The meeting between government officials and the guest (unknown persons). The use of Indonesian in the realm of educations conducted at four points of utterances, namely (1) within the board of teachers, (2) with the parents, (3) with guest of other institutions, and (4) within the teaching and learning in the Classroom. Factors that leads to the use of Indonesian in the realm of governance and education are (1) an official situation and (2) a relationship between speakers who are not familiar to each other.

Mita Helfiana ◽  
Nita Sari ◽  
Suciani Suciani

Reading interest is one of the important keys for someone to gain knowledge and information. So by reading, students can get the knowledge that has been provided. The more often a student reads, the broader his knowledge and insight will be. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the 15 Minute Literacy Movement in Fostering Reading Interest in Class 4 Autistic Students in Indonesian Language Subjects in Narrative Story Text Material at TNCC Banda Aceh Special School. This research is a qualitative research, with data collection techniques including observation, interviews and studies. documentation. The subjects in this study were students of class IV Autism at SLB TNCC Banda Aceh, which consisted of two people, and the data analysis technique was carried out qualitatively with stages including: (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation. (3) Triangulation, and (4) Verification / Conclusion Withdrawal. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the Literacy Movement 15 minutes before the Teaching and Learning Process (PBM) is very effective in cultivating students’ reading interest in autism in class 4. This can be seen from the results of completeness of the indicators of the effectiveness of reading interest, with 15 minutes of Literacy activities for autistic students there are significant changes. in recognizing letters and students’ reading interest increases.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 139
Baryanto Baryanto

Majelis Taklim is a non-formal educational institution that acts as a place for education, training, and teaching and learning activities to learn, explore, and understand Islamic religious knowledge. The purpose of the establishment of majlis taklim is as a forum to carry out various activities that provide benefits to pilgrims and the community through recitation activities that can foster religious awareness, shape Muslim personality, enhance the ability to read and write Al-Qur'an as well as understanding and guiding towards a view of life that is Islamic. This article aims to find out the role of the Taklim Mardhotillah Assembly located in the BTN Idaman Permai housing complex in Air Bang Sub-district, Curup Tengah District in instilling Islamic values in the community. This research uses descriptive qualitative research, is inductive and aimed at describing and analyzing social activities, events, phenomena, perceptions, ethics, and beliefs in Majlis Ta'lim. Data collection techniques are using observation, interview and documentation methods. This study concludes that the role of Majlis Ta'lim Mardhotillah as a place of study that conveys material about increasing aqidah values, sharia values, religious values and socio-religious values in the people of Central Curup District especially BTN Idaman Permai Air Bang housing residents

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-139
Hariadi Hariadi ◽  
Silvia Devi ◽  
Yulisman Yulisman ◽  
Firdaus Marbun

This paper explains the Sedulang Setudung Tradition in Gelebak Dalam Village, Rambutan District, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatera Province. This tradition is still being preserved by the Gelebak Dalam community in the midst of the modernization era. Given the importance of values ?? contained in Sedulang Setudung tradition, the term "Sedulang Setudung" becomes the motto of Banyuasin district which was formed based on Law number 6 of 2002. This was qualitative research. The data were collected by conducting a literature study, having observation and interviews. The research was done in 2019. The informants included government officials, cultural observers, and religious figures. The data obtained were presented in a descriptive analysis. The findings of this study indicated that the Sedulang Setudung tradition carried out in the village mosque is a development of the alms tradition and the act of togetherness of the people in Gelebak Dalam Village. The Sedulang Setudung tradition is carried out in order to celebrate holidays and commemorate religious holidays.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Shintia Dwi Alika

Studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis penyimpangan prinsip kesantunan berbahasa dan penyebab penyimpangannya. Sumber data dari studi kasus ini adalah beberapa tuturan siswa dalam kelas dan guru bahasa Indonesia dalam interaksi belajar mengajar bahasa Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam studi kasus ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Studi kasus ini difokuskan pada permasalahan prinsip kesantunan berbahasa di dalam kelas yang dikaji secara pragmatik. Hasilnya menunjukkan beberapa hal berikut. (1) Jenis penyimpangan prinsip kesantunan berbahasa terdiri dari penyimpangan tunggal dan penyimpangan ganda. Penyimpangan tunggal meliputi penyimpangan maksim kearifan, penyimpangan maksim kedermawanan, penyimpangan maksim pujian, penyimpangan maksim kerendahhatian, penyimpangan maksim kesepakatan, dan penyimpangan maksim kesimpatian. Penyimpangan ganda meliputi penyimpangan maksim kearifan dan maksim kedermawanan, penyimpangan maksim kearifan dan maksim pujian, penyimpangan maksim kedermawanan dan maksim pujian, penyimpangan maksim pujian dan maksim kesepakatan, penyimpangan maksim kerendahhatian dan maksim simpati, penyimpangan maksim kesepakatan dan maksim simpati, penyimpangan maksim kearifan, maksim kedermawanan, dan maksim pujian, dan penyimpangan maksim pujian, maksim kerendahhatian, dan maksim kesepakatan. (2) Penyebab penyimpangan prinsip kesantunan berbahasa dalam interaksi belajar mengajar bahasa Indonesia siswa di dalam kelas meliputi penyimpangan disebabkan penutur sengaja menuduh lawan tutur, sengaja berbicara tidak sesuai konteks, protektif terhadap pendapat, dorongan rasa emosi penutur, kritik secara langsung dengan kata-kata kasar, dan mengejek. ABSTRACTSchool is a formal institution that has a strategic function to educate the future generation in using Indonesian language profi ciently, correctly, and politely. However, there are many students found not applying the politeness principles eventhough the teachers have taught it in the class. Based on that background, this research is conducted to fi nd out the types of the politeness principles in the teaching and learning interaction. Source of the data is the students and the Indonesian language teacher speeches in the class. The research uses descriptive qualitative research. Focus of this research is the language politeness using the pragmatic approach. The result indicates that (1) the violation of politeness principles in the teaching and learning interaction are happened in tact,generositiy, approbation, modesty, agreement, and symphaty maxims, (2) the cause of the violation of the politeness principles in the class interaction are the speaker accused the hearer in purpose,giving no sympathy, protective to assumption, direct critics using harsh words, and mocking.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-100
Andri Awaluddin

Human beings as social beings in an effort to meet the needs of their lives are always doing economic activities. To regulate these economic activities, there are several economic systems that can be applied, some that adhere to the capitalist economic system, some that adhere to the social economic system. But as Muslims should impose an economic system can put the interests of the people above personal interests so as to create rationality in conducting economic activities. As a human being who has lust tends to have excessive consumption behavior (israf), but man also has a sense that is able to control consumptive nature so that in fulfilling the needs of his life man always control himself to be free from israf behavior.  In the making of this journal the author uses qualitative research methods with literature research. Keywords: Rationality, Islamic Economy, Israf 

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-52
Saifuddin Alif Nurdianto ◽  
Hermanu Joebagio ◽  
Djono Djono

Abstrak: The spread of Islam in Java has a distinctive pattern, it occurs through acculturation between doctrines of Islam and local wisdom. The acculturation pattern between Islam and Javanese local wisdom has a dialogical form, or occurs by two-way communication between those who want the existence of Javanese culture with the ones who want the implementation of Islamic law. The result is the appearance of a new culture which local people accept and the preachers of Islam can convey the doctrines of Islam as well. This pattern of acculturation also occurred in Pesantren Tegalsari as the oldest pesantren in Java. The theme of Pesantren Tegalsari, especially in the field of cultural acculturation, is interesting to study because many people still do not know about the historical dynamics of this pesantren. Now, Pesantren Tegalsari was better known for the magical stories of The Kiai (religious leaders) of pesantren than pesantren activities in the past. So the study about Pesantren Tegalsari is important to fill empty spaces in local historiography in Indonesia. This paper is the result of qualitative research using an anthropological approach. The results show that acculturation in Pesantren Tegalsari is in three fields: architecture, language, and tradition. The three forms of acculturation were used by The Kiai of Pesantren Tegalsari to spread Islamic teachings so that they could be easily accepted by the people who were still strong with the old beliefs (Hindu-Buddha).الملخص: انتشار الإسلام في جاوى له نمط مختلف، الذي حدث من خلال التثاقف بين العقيدة الإسلامية والحكمة المحلية. النمط التثاقف بين الإسلام والحكمة المحلية الجاوية له شكل حواري، أو حدث من خلال اتصال ثنائي الاتجاه بين أولئك الذين يريدون وجود ثقافة جاوى وأولئك الذين يريدون تطبيق الشريعة الإسلامية. والحاصل ظهور ثقافات جديدة يمكن قبولها من قبل المجتمع المحلي دون إزالة المادة من تعاليم الإسلام. حدث هذا النمط من التثاقف في معهد تيكلساري بصفته أقدم معهد في جاوا الواقعة في بونوروغو. إن موضوع معهد تيكلساري ، خاصة في مجال الثقافات الثقافية ، أمر مثير للدراسة لأن الكثير من المجتمع ما زالوا لا يعرفون عن الديناميات التاريخية لهذا المعهد. خلال هذا الوقت ، كانت معهد تيكلساري مشهور بالقصص السحرية من قادة المعهد. لذا فإن الدراسة عن هذا المعهد مهمة لملء المساحات الفارغة في التاريخ المحلي في إندونيسيا. تستخدم هذه الدراسة طريقة نوعية مع نهج الأنثروبولوجية. أظهرت النتائج أن التثاقف في معهد تيكلساري في ثلاثة مجالات: الهندسة المعمارية واللغة والتقاليد. تم استخدام أشكال التثاقف الثلاثة من قبل قادة المعهد تيكلساري لنشر التعاليم الإسلامية حتى يمكن قبولها بسهولة من قبل المجتمع الذين لم يزالوا قوياً مع المعتقدات القديمة (بوذا-الهندوسي)Abstrak: Penyebaran Islam di Jawa memiliki pola yang khas, yaitu terjadi melalui akulturasi antara ajaran Islam dengan kearifan lokal. Pola akulturasi antara Islam dan kearifan lokal Jawa memiliki bentuk dialogis, atau terjadi melalui komunikasi dua arah antara mereka yang menginginkan eksistensi budaya Jawa dengan orang-orang yang menginginkan penerapan hukum Islam secara kaffah. Hasilnya adalah munculnya budaya baru yang diterima masyarakat setempat tanpa menghilangkan substansi dari ajaran agama Islam. Pola akulturasi ini juga terjadi di Pesantren Tegalsari sebagai pesantren tertua di Jawa yang terletak di Ponorogo. Tema tentang Pesantren Tegalsari, khususnya dalam bidang akulturasi budaya, menarik untuk dikaji karena banyak masyarakat yang masih belum mengetahui tentang dinamika historis dari pesantren ini. Selama ini Pesantren Tegalsari lebih dikenal karena kisah-kisah magis dari para kiai pimpinan pesantren daripada aktivitas pesantren di masa lalu. Maka tulisan tentang Pesantren Tegalsari menjadi penting untuk mengisi ruang-ruang kosong dalam historiografi lokal di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan antropologis. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa akulturasi di Pesantren Tegalsari terjadi dalam tiga bidang: arsitektur, bahasa, dan tradisi. Ketiga bentuk akulturasi digunakan oleh para kiai pimpinan Pesantren Tegalsari untuk menyebarkan ajaran Islam agar dapat diterima dengan mudah oleh masyarakat sekitar yang masih kuat dengan kepercayaan lama (Hindu-Buddha)

Jantra. ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-158
Fandy Aprianto Rohman

Tegalrejo is the only sub-district in Salatiga that still preserves the tayuban, a traditional dance where men dance directly with women. The dance is performed each year as the climax in the village cleansing ceremony of the Saparan festival. The tayuban, which is an important function in the ceremony, has been passed down from generation to generation is well maintained by the people of Tegalrejo sub-district. The tayuban also functions as an entertainment for the local people. This qualitative research aims to describe the tayuban and its elements. The data were collected from interviews, observation, and available documents. The research has found that the elements of the tayuban include ledhek (female dancers), pengrawit (gamelan musicians), penjanggrung (men who dance together with ledheks), and offerings.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-92
Mike Meiranti

This article aims to explain and describe "tampang Boyolali" in Prabowo's speech which was explored using online media framing analysis. To see the framing of media online the authorused qualitative research method with framing analysis Robert N Entman who examined the analysis into four concepts namely: define problems, diagnose causes, make moral judgement, and treatment recommendation. The results of the study using three online media gave rise to fitur diverse news. The diction "Tampang Boyolali" in Prabowo Subianto's speech invited controversy in the community and media. Government officials also contributed to the diction of his speech. The diction "Tampang Boyolali" seemed to demean the people of Boyolali, and immediately invited an angry reaction from the people of Boyolali. Researchers collected data in the form of images and text through 3 media, namely,, and Kompas.Com. The three media are actively preaching "Tampang Boyolali" with different framing. In this case the author tried to analyze the news with Robert N. Entmen's analysis which resulted in the fact that did not respond well and discredited Prabowo's apology. Meanwhile appreciated Prabowo's  gentleman attitude that dared to make an apology. As tend to be neutral, do not appreciate and do not discredit the figures reported.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan “tampang Boyolali” dalam pidato Prabowo yang dieksplorasi menggunakan analisis framing media online. Untuk melihat framing media online penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis framing Robert N Entman yang mengkaji analisis menjadi empat konsep yaitu: define problems (pendefenisian masalah), diagnose causes (memperkirakan penyebab masalah), make moral judgement (membuat pilihan moral), dan treatment recommendation (menekankan penyelesaian). Hasil studi menggunakan tiga media online memunculkan fitur berita yang beragam. Diksi “Tampang Boyolali" dalam pidato Prabowo Subianto mengundang kontroversi di masyarakat dan media. Para petinggi pemerintahan pun turut andil mengomentari diksi pidatonya tersebut. Diksi “Tampang Boyolali" seakan merendahkan warga Boyolali, dan seketika mengundang reaksi marah warga Boyolali. Peneliti mengumpulkan data berupa gambar dan teks melalui 3 media, yaitu,, dan Kompas.Com. Ketiga media tersebut aktif memberitakan “Tampang Boyolali” dengan framing yang berbeda-beda. Dalam hal ini penulis mencoba menganalisis berita dengan analisis Robert N. Entmen yang menghasilkan fakta bahwa tidak merespon baik dan mendiskreditkan permohonan maaf Prabowo. Sedangkan sangat mengapresiasi sikap gentleman Prabowo yang berani menghaturkan permohonan maaf. Adapun cenderung netral, tidak mengapresiasi dan tidak mendiskreditkan tokoh yang diberitakan.

10.26458/1747 ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 85-94
Bogdan Sofronov

Sustainable tourism is the concept of visiting a place as a tourist and trying to make only a positive impact on the environment, society and economy. A key aspect is respect for the people who call the location home, the culture and customs of the area, and the socio-economic system. While sustainable tourism is sometimes confused with ecotourism, ecotourism is actually only one aspect of sustainable tourism.Sustainable tourism is attempting to have a low impact on the environment and local culture, while helping to generate future employment for local people. The aim of sustainable tourism is to ensure that development brings a positive experience for local people, tourism companies and the tourists themselves.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Nelvia Susmita

<p><em>This research aims to describe the speech act of locussion, illocussion, and perlocussion in Bahasa Indonesia subject for students grade X SMAN 8 Kerinci. Speech act is a crucial aspect which is used in the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Therefore, it is important to concern the use of speech act done by both teachers and the students in order to accomplish the learning goals. The theories used to analize the speech act of the teachers and students in the learning process of Bahasa Indonesia subject in this research are proposed by Nadar (2008), Suadi (2014), Chaer (2010), Bonodari (20115), and Rehardi (2005). The type of this research is qualitative research. The subject of the research are teachers and students grade X in SMaN 8 Kerinci in the process of teaching and learning in Bahasa Indonesia subject. The technique of data collection are namely listening freely and speaking involved, recording techinque, and writing down technique. The technique of data analysis is equal pragmatics. The result of the research can be described as follow: it is found the speech act in form of locussion, illocussion, and perlocussion. The speech act of locussion includes the forms of news, questions forms and commands forms. The speech act of illocussion includes assertive illocussion, directive, expressive, commisive, and declarative. The speech act of perlocussion that was found is giving influences</em><em>.</em></p>

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