Diversifikasi Jamang (Jajanan Mangrove) Dengan Modifikasi Peralatan Produksi

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 45
Sri Redjeki ◽  
Lilik Maslukah ◽  
Ria Azizah T.N. ◽  
Retno Hartati ◽  
Ita Riniatsih

Untuk menambah penghasilan keluarga, ibu-ibu rumah tangga khususnya di Kota Semarang telah berupaya berwirausaha berbagai makanan ringan, seperti kuping gajah, chistik, kue kecipir, dan pastel kering. UKM Kelompok ”Bina Citra Karya Wanita” pimpinan Ibu Mufidah dan UKM Kelompok ”Bina Karya Sejahtera” pimpinan Ibu Sudartik merupakan kelompok produsen jajanan yang berasal bahan alternatif dari buah mangrove. Namun demikian, mengingat peralatan yang digunakan untuk produksi roti kering masih sangat konvensional, sehingga kualitas maupun kuantitas roti relatif masih rendah. Oleh karenanya, diperlukan sentuhan teknologi untuk proses produksi berupa peralatan pembuat cheesestick, peniris minyak, mixer, dan prosedur operasi pembuatan jajanan berbahan dasar mangrove sehingga dihasilkan kue atau roti kering yang mempunyai tekstur baik, warna menarik, enak, dan renyah. Dari permasalah diatas maka targetnya adalah desain perbaikan peralatan proses produksi Jamang (Jajan Mangrove). Setelah memakai alat pengaduk mekanis, produksi menjadi 7 kg per hari, setelah mengunakan mesin pembuat cheestick produksi menjadi lebih cepat yaitu 15 menit dan setelah menggunakan peniris minyak meningkatkan kualitas dari hasil jajanan mangrove dan menjadi lebih bersih.  Pelaksanaan penerapan IPTEKS bagi masyarakat meningkatkan kapasitas pengetahuan Kelompok UKM Bina Citra Karya Wanita dan UKM Bina Karya Sejahtera di Desa Mangunharjo dan Mangkang Wetan  Diversified Jamang (Jajan Mangrove) With Production Equipment Modification To increase the family's income, housewives, especially in the city of Semarang has sought to entrepreneurship on variety of snacks, such as kuping gajah, cheesestick, kue kecipir and pastel kering. SME Group "Bina Citra Karya Wanita"  lead by Mrs Mufidah and SME Group "Bina Karya Sejahtera" lead by Mrs. Sudartik are snack producer groups based on mangrove flour. However, considering the equipment used for the  production of mangrove flour is still very conventional, so that the quality and quantity of product is still relatively low. Therefore, the necessary to give simple technology on their the production process in the form of equipment cheesestick makers, oil drainer, mixer, and the operating procedures of making snacks made from mangrove so that the resulting dry cake or bread that has a good texture, color attractive, tasty and crunchy. From the problems above, the target is the improvement of production process equipment design mangrove based snack (Jajanan Mangrove). After using a mechanical stirrer, production increase to 7 kg per day, after using the machine becomes faster production cheestick ie 15 minutes and after using the oil drainer improve the quality of the results of mangrove snacks and become cleaner. Implementation of the application of science and technology for increasing the capacity of the knowledge of SME Bina Citra Karya Wanita and SME Bina Karya Sejahtera at village of Mangunharjo and Mangkang Wetan, Semarang.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Netty Maria Naibaho ◽  
Andi Lisnawati ◽  
Khusnul Khotimah ◽  
Rudito Rudito ◽  
Anis Syauqi ◽  

Rengginang is one of the traditional foods of the archipelago that has been consumed as a snack or main food since time immemorial. At the first rengginang is a food made from the rest of rice that does not run out, rather than being wasted in rice, it is processed into savory and crunchy food in the form of rengginang. Usually the processing is very simple, it is only dried by drying and frying and can be consumed immediately. Along with the time the tasty and crunchy food is very popular with consumers, so that the prestige of rengginang extends among the community and becomes one of the business opportunities for the culprit, especially the housewife, namely Mrs. Darmini. This science and technology for the community has a positive effect on partners and other business people that the importance of using simple technology is effective, thus increasing the production process of rice. The introduction and administration of a sealer is also very important to maintain the quality of the rengginang. Besides that, the need for legality of business such as P-IRT to ensure food security for consumers. This science and technology activity for the community is expected to continue as an effort to provide coaching and mentoring for micro-businesses that have the prospect of being able to survive and develop in the future

2020 ◽  
Vol 175 ◽  
pp. 06006
Albina Mokina ◽  
Evelina Vereshchagina

At present, the environment of a large modern city is technologically saturated to the limit, urbanized, and the most important task is a competent system of improvement and greening of urban areas. The article discusses the key projects of the city of Rostov-on-don to improve the quality of the urban environment from 2007 to the present. Existing projects included in the system of Federal projects operate only on small sections of the city territory, and do not solve the entire set of tasks within the entire city budget. This study shows that in urban planning there is no unified system of improvement and landscaping, implemented throughout the city according to a single plan. The article points out that modern systems and technologies are not used in the city, and if they are used, they are not used in a complex way, but only in fragments. The article focuses on the prospects for the integrated application of modern systems. The final part contains conclusions based on research materials. A comprehensive solution based on the collaboration of science and technology, all existing problems in the city territory will improve the main indicators of comfort and investment attractiveness of Rostov-on-don.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 288
Desi Listianingsih

The production process of knowing the traditional poultry requires a supervisory system with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) approach as stipulated in Regulation of BPOM Head of 2012 on Good Food Making. The quality of tofu produced by a domestic industry must be in accordance with Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 01-3142-1998 about the quality of tofu so that the products know that piety produced safe. This study aims to analyze the quality of know-how with the approach of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and consumer attitudes toward tofu products in one household industry in Kediri. This research was descriptive with cross sectional approach. Aspects of GMP examined were the location and environment of production, buildings and facilities, production equipment, water supply or water supply facilities, hygiene and sanitation facilities and activities, storage, process control, food labeling, supervision by persons responsible, product recall, record and documentation, and employee training, and see the quality of the IRT. The results of the assessment of the implementation of GMP on IRT know this pardon of 59.67%, included in the category of poor assessment. Therefore, it was necessary to improve the production process from the IRT to know piety against the unfavorable aspects, such as facilities and hygiene and sanitation activities, maintenance and hygiene and sanitation programs, storage, supervision by the responsible person, and recording and documentation, so that aspects it complies with the standards and produces quality tofu according to the standard.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Hidayat Hidayat ◽  
Moh. Jufriyanto ◽  
Akhmad Wasiur Rizqi

PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) is one of the state-owned industries and manufactures engaged in the maritime sector. This company has production equipment complete enough to carry out its production of ship components. There is a problem in this machine, it can be seen by the frequency of damage that occurs to machines or equipment due to the damage so that the production target is sometimes not achieved. Another consequence caused by damage to machines or equipment is in terms of the quality of the resulting product, where products that do not comply with quality standards will be reprocessed. Increasing production efficiency at this company is to measure the effectiveness of CNC Cutting machines using the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) method. The results of this study suggest that the company should pay more attention to factors of use of production time, work according to standards, operator knowledge, and maintenance of machines. By paying attention to these factors, it is expected that the company's productivity will increase and the production process will run effectively and efficiently.

2018 ◽  
Vol 154 ◽  
pp. 01103 ◽  
Eko Nurmianto

A participatory process is used in the design of a user-centered smoke machine, resulting in lasting benefits to the community. This program of IbM (Science and Technology for Society) has designed fish fumes that are mobile, portable and environmentally ergonomic, applying appropriate technology about fumigation so as to increase knowledge to the community. This program improve people skills especially in smoked fish production, increase employment in the field of fishery products processing business. With this activity can grow the interest of the community to entrepreneurship for those who have not started a business and will increase its business for those who have started the processing business of fishery processing. Benefits derived from IbM (Science and Technology for Society) program are, among others, reduced air pollution caused by open fish curing system so that air quality environment, especially around fish processing SMEs to be better, can support and strengthen fish processing industry in the coastal area that began to grow and especially support local SMEs, increase the quantity and quality of patents that can be generated from community service activities funded by Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Technology Research and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-58
Gunawan Mohammad

PT Candrabuaya Surya Semesta is a company that produces catering and bread, one of which is located in the Jepara City. Increasing competition in the catering and bread business requires companies to be able to maintain and improve their quality to retain customers. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of product quality and to determine the factors that caused the quality of a product from the company. The sweet wet bread product is a superior product that more customer interested, so in this study (research) used analysis of product quality control with P maps and seven tools of quality. There are two main defects in the production process of sweet wet bread, namely the dough does not expand and baking is not perfect. Of the two defects, the defect of the dough does not develop into a priority proposal for improvements that must be done by the company. The common factors that cause disability are method factors in the production process, equipment used, human reliability factors, and materials / raw materials used.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Erna Ferrinadewi Kusnarsiyah

In an effort to exploit Indonesia's rich marine potential of a variety of fish and given the large contribution of the growth of the fishery sector to Indonesia's gross domestic product, the seafood processing industry needs to improve the competitiveness of its products in order to increase the value of sea-based exports which in turn will improve the welfare of the community. SMEs engaged in the processing of seafood have not utilized science and technology in the production process so that found obstacles in the speed and fulfillment of export demand to neighboring countries. There are many work errors so shipping the product does not meet the standard of demand. The length of time the SMEs in fulfilling the buyer demand is caused by the length of the production process into the product ready to send. This work error results in the quality of the delivered product not meeting the health standards and the buyer's request. The ergonomic sorting table provides 2% reduction in work errors and the provision of wash tables designed to reduce work fatigue and the use of heating ovens to replace the sunlight function of the Cucumber products can increase the employee's working speed from 4 days to 2 days to prepare the product to send .

Sugeng Mulyono ◽  
Nyoman Susipta

Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dirancang guna mengoptimalkan kinerja pengrajin miniatur kapal kayu melalui peningkatan kemampuan dalam tatakelola keuangan, pemasaran dan modernisasi peralatan produksi. Sektor kerajinan ini mempunyai prospek usaha yang baik, mengingat tingkat persaingan rendah, pasar terbuka luas, efisien dalam proses produksi dan mampu menyerap tenaga kerja di Pedesaan. Efisiensi dapat dicapai karena sebagian material produksi memanfaatkan limbah pabrik. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini menggunakan perpaduan pelatihan, pendampingan dan bantuan peralatan produksi. Pelatihan merupakan kegiatan penyampaian materi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan bidang tatakelola keuangan dan pemasaran. Selanjutnya dilakukan pendampingan untuk mengimplementasikan materi pelatihan dan sekaligus monitoring perkembangan pengrajin. Selain itu, untuk meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas produksi, maka perlu diberikan bantuan peralatan produksi sebagai bagian dari upaya peningkatan kinerja bisnis. Kegiatan pengabdian ini telah berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan pengrajin dalam tatakelola keuangan dan pemasaran, meningkatkan efisiensi proses produksi serta meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas produk.ABSTRACTThis community service activity is designed to optimize the performance of wooden boat miniature craftsmen through capacity building in financial management, marketing and modernization of production equipment. This handicraft sector has good business prospects, given the low level of competition, wide open market, efficient in the production process and able to absorb labor in the countryside. Efficiency can be achieved because some production material utilizes factory waste. The method of implementing this service uses a combination of training, assistance and production equipment assistance. Training is an activity to deliver material to improve knowledge and skills in the field of financial management and marketing. Further assistance was made to implement training materials and simultaneously monitor the development of craftsmen. In addition, to increase the quantity and quality of production, it is necessary to provide production equipment as part ofefforts to improve business performance. This service activity has succeeded in increasing the knowledge and skills of craftsmen in financial and marketing governance, improving the efficiency of the production process and increasing the quantity and quality of products.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Herman Herman ◽  
Adil Setiawan ◽  
Chahyono Chahyono

The implementation of the Community Service Program Community Service Program Community Based Empowerment Community Service Program Community Service Program will increase the Wiring Tasi Village in Suppa District. The results of the consul meeting with partners finally identified 6 issues: (i). The low ability of entrepreneurs in home industry businesses (ii). Business organizations have not been managed optimally, (iii). The business production process has not yet implemented a good manufacturing product, (iv). Home industry products do not yet have a halal quality guarantee / certificate, (v). Packaging has not been able to attract customers, and (vi). Marketing is still limited to orders. Solution to the problem:(i). Entrepreneurship training for home industry players and the general public, (ii). Making the home industry a KUB to encourage synergy between business actors, (iii). Assistance and training related to the production process with the application of good manufacturing products, (iv). Product legality training and assistance, (v). Product packaging design and training and (vi). Assistance and marketing training based on promotion and information technology. Expected outputs from KKN PPM are: (i). Knowledge of home industry and community entrepreneurs is increasing, (ii). The formation of joint business groups in each hamlet, (iii). Implementation of good manufacturing products for home industry players, starting from selecting raw materials, production processes, and post-production, (iv). Increasing the quality of simple technology-based home industry product packaging, (v). Increased product quality assurance with the availability of halal certification for home industry products, (vi). The availability of media promotion of various home industry products, (vii).Increased income of Wiring Tasi villagers

Bjørn Røe

The author is Professor, Department of Town and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Fine Arts, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim. He is a member of the World Society for Ekistics (WSE). The text that follows is an edited and revised version of a paper presented at the WSE Symposion"Defining Success of the City in the 21st Century," Berlin, 24-28 October, 2001, and is mainly based on Paper 2000:1 by the author published by the Department of Town and Regional Planning, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, which was made available to the participants at the same Symposion.

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