Badrud Tamam

Islam is a religion with the universe spirit, that made it lives and thrives in diverse society. When Islam developed outside of Arabia, it came into contact with other culture. In its interaction between Islam and other culture, creating a harmonization of islamic values with local cultures values. In the islamic scholarship this is known as the living hadist. One of the example is upacara rokat in the Madurese culture who has experienced Islamization. Origanlly, the upacara rokat came from a pre-islamic traditions.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 325-345
Abdul Wahid Bambang Suharto

This paper seeks to uncover A. Mustofa Bisri as a literary writer who “departs from Islamic boarding school” which conveys intellectual religiosity through poetry. The concept of thinking used in this paper by exposing poetry as text, the world of Islamic boarding school as a con- text, and the interrelations both in poetry and religious Islamic intellectu- als as contextualization. First, the intensity of the written poetry is based on the intellectualreligiosity in theIslamicboarding school, so it is reli- giously timeless, and beyond the limitations of language usage. Aspects of events, aspects of experience, and aspects of the view of life (weltan- schauung) unite in the particular language and culture. Secondly, the prin- ciple that the idiocencracy of religious poetry based on Islamic values in the form of a poetical language is important to mark one’s poet as the context of the poetical of A. Mustofa Bisri. It should be interpreted not only as a symptom of poetical language that breaks away from the mean- ing of poetry (the religious experience expressed and simultaneously dis- played in poetry), but also the dynamics interrelated between poets, po- ems, and cultural backgrounds that surround them. Third, the religious experience manifested in the language of poetry is the deepestform of religious intellectual abstraction, i.e., divined and cherished love. This condition is shaped by the crystallization of knowledge as an action in the deepest dimension of one’s humanity to voice inner perceptions. By loving God, people will love God’s creation, man and the universe, as he loves himself. By loving each other and the universe as God’s creation, a lover will treat himself as a person of faith and do good deeds, and remind each other to hold fast to the truth, and remind each other to be patient. The concept cannot be separated from the perspective of al-Qur’an and al-Hadith.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-74
Tiarani Mirela ◽  
Zainal Arifin ◽  
M. Jamroh ◽  
Kaspul Anwar Us

Abstract: In the study of Islamic Education Management (MPI), it is necessary to develop a theory or concept of leadership based on Islamic values, one of which is the concept of prophetic leadership. This study aims to analyze how the prophetic leadership concept of the Prophet Muhammad SAW can be applied in organizations. This research was conducted qualitatively with a literature review. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman model, which consisted of three activities: data analysis, data reduction, and verification. The study results explain that the concept of prophetic leadership is leadership based on prophetic (apostolic) values. The prophetic leadership character of the Prophet Muhammad is known by four characters, namely Fatanah, Amanah, Sidiq, and Tabligh. Apart from these four characters, The Prophet Muhammad SAW is also known as a prophet whom Allah SWT sent to be a mercy for the universe. The implication of the Prophet Muhammad's Prophetic Leadership is that each of his followers is encouraged to imitate these characters and apply them in their daily lives.  Abstrak: Dalam kajian Manajemen Pendidikan Islam (MPI) perlu mengembangkan teori atau konsep kepemimpinan yang berlandaskan pada nilai-nilai Islam, salah satunya adalah konsep kepemimpinan profetik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis bagaimana konsep kepemimpinan profetik Nabi Muhammad saw yang dapat diterapkan dalam organisasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan kajian literatur. Analisis data menggunakan model miles dan huberman yang terdiri dari tiga kegiatan, yaitu analisis data, reduksi data dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa konsep kepemimpinan profetik adalah kepemimpinan yang didasarkan pada nilai-nilai kenabian (kerasulan). Karakter kepemimpinan profetik Nabi Muhammad saw, dikenal dengan empat karakter, yaitu Fatanah, Amanah, Shidiq, dan Tabligh. Selain empat karakter ini, Nabi Muhammad saw, juga dikenal sebagai nabi yang diutus oleh Allah swt untuk menjadi rahmat bagi semesta alam. Implikasi dari Kepemimpinan Profetik Nabi Muhammad saw adalah setiap umatnya didorong untuk meneladani karakter tersebut dan menerapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kata-kata kunci: Kepemimpinan Profetik, Nabi Muhammad SAW, Rahmat

Edupedia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-16
Abd. Muqit ◽  
Shokhibul Mighfar

The ontology of pesantren education is to build the lives of the student with Islamic values because the contents of pesantren education are Islamic doctrine. The epistemology of pesantren education is a method/approach to develop education in pesantren, so that in its axiological aspect can creating individuals who are noble, removes the paradigm of the dichotomy of science, changes indoctrination into participatory, builds a theoretical approach towards an applicative approach, combining a harmonious relationship between reason and revelation, useful knowledge, scientific charity, piety, and noble. The education of pesantren in the modern era needs to prepare learning media to support the achievement of educational goals. In the perspective of Islam, the universe is a medium of learning, included in this category is the media of technology. It’s just that the role of the teacher needs to be prioritized so there is no dehumanization in education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (01) ◽  
pp. 19-36
Tarmizi Tahir

This study aims to analyze how the concept and form of implementation of religious integration in science learning (biology, mathematics, physics and chemistry subjects) at Madrasah Aliyah Mu'allimin Nahdlatul Wathan Pancor Kab. East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB) -Indonesia. By using a descriptive-analytic qualitative research method, data was collected through document techniques, interviews, and observations to explore data about the integration and internalization of Islamic values, namely the values of tawhid, syari'ah, morals and the development of science into students which have implications. on the behavior and enthusiasm of using science (science axiology) of students. Science strengthens and supports the belief about God as the creator of the universe, while religion strengthens and directs science to provide benefits and fulfill the needs of human life. With the apologetic integration model, it is an integration model based on the view that science is a universal and value-free product. Therefore it can be used and applies anywhere and in any environment. In the context of integration of science and technology and Imtak, trying to legitimize the results of modern science by looking for appropriate verses from the Qur'an, which are related to Islamic values with scientific theories and have existed in religious teachings

2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-168
Mulyadi Mulyadi

A novel written by Habiburrahman El Shirazy “Ketika Cinta Bertasbih” (when love is connected to God) is decorated by a variety of ideas, values and ways of life. This novel does not only provide narrative story entertained with Islamic values, but also served as media to form public and readers’ morals. Because the story line presented in this novel contained an overview of everyday life containing of moral learning, therefore, it is very interesting to be studied. The current study seeks to uncover: 1) the value of moral learning and value of worship to God’ 2) the value of self moral learning.  The type of research is Library Research using discourse analysis method (content analysis).  It was found out that (1) The moral value of learning to the God contained a message of faith with arguments through the universe.  It let worship of God, be grateful and stay away from vanity. (2) The value of self-moral learning included the value patient, persevering, self-authority, high optimistic, responsibility and self-firm.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 325-345
Abdul Wahid Bambang Suharto

This paper seeks to uncover A. Mustofa Bisri as a literary writer who “departs from Islamic boarding school” which conveys intellectual religiosity through poetry. The concept of thinking used in this paper by exposing poetry as text, the world of Islamic boarding school as a con- text, and the interrelations both in poetry and religious Islamic intellectu- als as contextualization. First, the intensity of the written poetry is based on the intellectualreligiosity in theIslamicboarding school, so it is reli- giously timeless, and beyond the limitations of language usage. Aspects of events, aspects of experience, and aspects of the view of life (weltan- schauung) unite in the particular language and culture. Secondly, the prin- ciple that the idiocencracy of religious poetry based on Islamic values in the form of a poetical language is important to mark one’s poet as the context of the poetical of A. Mustofa Bisri. It should be interpreted not only as a symptom of poetical language that breaks away from the mean- ing of poetry (the religious experience expressed and simultaneously dis- played in poetry), but also the dynamics interrelated between poets, po- ems, and cultural backgrounds that surround them. Third, the religious experience manifested in the language of poetry is the deepestform of religious intellectual abstraction, i.e., divined and cherished love. This condition is shaped by the crystallization of knowledge as an action in the deepest dimension of one’s humanity to voice inner perceptions. By loving God, people will love God’s creation, man and the universe, as he loves himself. By loving each other and the universe as God’s creation, a lover will treat himself as a person of faith and do good deeds, and remind each other to hold fast to the truth, and remind each other to be patient. The concept cannot be separated from the perspective of al-Qur’an and al-Hadith.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Sarif Syamsu Rizal

Abstrak  Muatan Budaya dalam Produk Menulis Kreatif dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas muatan budaya dalam produk menulis kreatif dalam pemahaman bagaimana budaya lokal dapat dipromosikan melalui menulis kreatif. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi unsur-unsur yang berpengaruh dalam proses penulisan kreatif hingga menjadi sebuah karya sastra sebagai sebuah karya utama. Metode penelitian ini berupa desain kualitatif dalam menjelaskan wacana, penelitian kepustakaan dalam mengumpulkan data, dan pendekatan kasual dalam menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yaitu bagaimana dan mengapa menulis kreatif dapat mempromosikan budaya lokal. Analisis unit meliputi faktor dalam unsur-unsur yang membangun karya sastra sebagai produk dari menulis kreatif yang dilakukan oleh penulis. Menulis adalah betuk kebebasan pribadi. Hal ini membebaskan penulis dari identitas massa yang dia lihat di sekitarnya. Pada akhirnya, ia akan menulis tidak untuk menjadi pahlawan penjahat bagi sebagian orang di suatu budaya tetapi terutama untuk menyelamatkan dirinya sendiri, untuk bertahan hidup sebagai individu. Rangkaian analisis dilakukan untuk mendapatkan penjelasan bagaimana budaya lokal dapat dipromosikan melalui menulis kreatif didasarkan pada dua subjek, yaitu penulis sebagai pencipta tulisan kreatif dan karya sastra sebagai produk dari menulis kreatif.Kata kunci: revelancy, culture, creative writing, literary work, author Abstract Culture Content in Creative Writing Product in English Learning. This study aims to discuss culture content in creative writing product as an understanding how local cultures can be promoted through creative writing. The study explores influencing elements in creative writing process up to be a literary work as a masterpiece. Methods of the study consist of qualitative design in explaining discourse, library research in collecting data, and casual approach in answering the problem statement that is how and why creative writing can promote local culture. Units of analysis cover the factors in the elements building the literary work as the product of creative writing conducted by author. Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees the author from the mass identity he or she sees all around. In the end, he or she will write not to be outlaw hero of some under culture but mainly to save him or herself, to survive as individuals. The work is directly or indirectly related to the universe inclusive of man, material things, events and ideas. The reader somes as the final element. The series of analysis is conducted to find out the explanation how local cultures can be promoted through creative writing based on two subjects; the author as the creator of creative writing and the literary work as the product of creative writing.Keywords: revelancy, culture, creative writing, literary work, author

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-102
Salafudin Salafudin

Abstract  Science and technology have great benefits for mankind. But science can also be a punishment for humans. In other words, science has positive and negative values for humans. Efforts need to be made to minimize the negative side of science and increase its benefits, so that science is present as a blessing for the universe. Science that is rahmatan lil ‘alamin is a science that can implement the values of rahmatan lil ‘alamen thus bringing humanity to a life that is prosperous, safe, peaceful and egalitarian. Such science is expected to bring harmony to life. Not only brings prosperity to humans, but also to all beings on earth. Efforts to present the science of rahmatan lil ‘alamien are carried out with science learning integrated with rahmatan lil ‘aalmaien Islamic values. Science learning that rahmatan lil ‘alamin has several characteristics, among others: presenting a non-pragmatic intention in learning science, linking faith to God with natural phenomena, science learning is contextual, science learning is associated with values, culture and beliefs. The implementation rahmatan lil ‘aalamin science learning  requires the hard work of all parties considering the current reality of science learning still oriented towards the West. This is due to the lack of concrete examples of learning models and alternative science books. Abstrak Sains dan teknologi memberi manfaat yang besar bagi umat manusia. Namun sains juga bisa menjadi azab bagi manusia. Dengan kata lain, sains mempunyai nilai positif dan negatif bagi manusia. Perlu dilakukan ikhtiar untuk meminimalisasi sisi negatif sains dan memperbesar manfaatnya, sehingga sains hadir sebagai rahmat bagi semesta. Sains yang rahmatan lil ‘alamin merupakan sains yang bisa mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai rahmatan lil ‘alamien sehingga membawa umat manusia pada kehidupan yang sejahtera, aman, damai dan  egaliter. Sains yang demikian diharapkan akan memunculkan harmoni kehidupan. Bukan hanya memunculkan kesejahteraan bagi manusia, melainkan juga bagi seluruh makhluk di muka bumi. Upaya menghadirkan sains yang rahmatan lil ‘aalamien dilakukan dengan pembelajaran sains terintegrasi dengan nilai-nilai islam rahmatan lil ‘aalmaien. Pembelajaran sains yang rahmatan lil ‘alamin mempunyai beberapa karakteristik antara lain: menghadorkan niat yang tidak pragmatis dalam mempelajari sains, mengaitkan keimanan kepada Tuhan dengan fenoma alam, pembelajaran sains bersifat  kontekstual, pembelalajaran sains dikaitkan dengan nilai, budaya dan keyakinan. Implementasi pembelajaran sains yang rahmatan lil ‘aalamin memerlukan kerja keras semua pihak mengingat realitas saat ini pembelajaran sains masih berkiblat ke Barat. Hal ini disebabkan minimnya contoh konkret model pembelajaran maupun buku sains alternatif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Deni Miharja ◽  
Endah Wahida ◽  
Yeni Huriani

Indonesia is a country that has many local cultures including one of them is Ajar pikukuh sunda (Sundanese Wiwitan) which is in Padepokan Bumi Dega Sunda Academy Bandung. In the teachings of Sundanese pikukuh there is a ritual that is always carried out, namely the offering. However, many people misinterpret the ritual offerings so that they are referred to as givers of demons and polytheists. The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of offerings in Sundanese Pikukuh (Sunda Wiwitan) Teachings at Padepokan Bumi Dega Sunda Academy Bandung. This research methodology is descriptive qualitative with case studies. The results of this paper conclude that the ritual offerings carried out in Ajar Pikukuh Sunda (Sundanese Wiwitan) have a very high and noble meaning. The teaching materials / means in the ritual are all the same, namely water, earth, fire, and wind, animal elements, and plant elements. The meaning of offerings carried out by the Sundanese Pikukuh Teachers at Padepokan Bumi Dega Sunda Academy Bandung is a prayer ritual as a form of gratitude to our ancestors, the universe, to our parents, or to everything that has supported us so far, because without them we will never exist so that by using the means of sasajen from the natural elements it will be able to reconnect the energy of the past with the future.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-128
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin

Malay culture is the unique racial and ethnic identity of the Malay people that cannot be separated from the teachings of Islam that are embraced by Malay society. This article explains that Malay culture is firmly rooted in Islamic values. The doctrine of the belief in monotheism in Islam is the normative and philosophical basis of Malay culture. Meanwhile the teachings of Islam about truth and justice become the spirit that animates the behavior of the Malay community in their daily lives. Malay culture integrated with Islamic values ​​must be well communicated in the interaction of Malays with non-Malay races and ethnicities. This is important so that the values ​​of Islam as a mercy for the universe can be felt by all humans. The final part of this paper shows how Malay Muslims have not yet understood Malay culture in a broader perspective. Culture is only understood as cultural art, whereas Malay culture also includes aspects of politics, social, science, economics and so on. On the other hand, the behavior of some Malays in these aspects also does not reflect the ideal Malay culture imbued with Islamic values.

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