Al-Khidmat ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-100
Tuti Alawiyah Rahman ◽  
Devy Sekar Ayu Ningrum

AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi programauthoritative parenting kepada orang tua di SD X kota Cimahi. Pelaksanaan program authoritatif parenting dalam rentang waktu September 2020 s/d Oktober 2020. Kegiatan program ini terdiri dari tiga tahap, yaitu tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Tahap pelaksanaan dengan menggunakan teknik ceramah, diskusi, dan pendampingan serta tahap evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil angket respon orang tua yang diberikan sebelum dan setelah diberikan program authoritative parenting menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pemahaman dan penggunaan authoritative parenting sebesar 57,3%. Sedangkan pada angket respon orang tua sebelum dan setelah diberikan materi mengenai perilaku distruptif pada anak menunjukkan adanya penurunan atau mereduksi perilaku distruptif pada anak sebesar 30%. Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan pengabdian ini cukup baik dan efektif. Abstract This article aims to describe the implementation of authoritative parenting training for parents at SD X of Cimahi. The authoritative parenting training held from September to October 2020. This training activity consists of three stages, namely the planning, implementation and evaluation stage. The implementation stage using lecture, discussion, and mentoring techniques. Based on questionnaire result on authoritative parenting given to parent before and after the training, it showed an increase in understanding and use of authoritative parenting by 57.3%. Whereas in the parents’ responses questionnaire on distracting behavior in children, it shows that there is a decrease or reduce distracting behavior in children by 30%. It can be concluded that authoritative parenting training given to parent is quite good and effective in reducing children disruptive behaviour.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Taufik Suadiyatno ◽  
Dedi Sumarsono ◽  
Muliani Muliani ◽  
Moh. Arsyad Arrafii ◽  
Abdul Kadir Bagis

This community service program aimed to improve teachers’ anthusiastic in SMKN 1 Sekotong, West Lombok to conduct articles to be published in national accredited and international journal. The method used in this program divided into three stages such as 1) early stage includes koordination between the program team with the principle of SMKN 1 Sekotong; 2) implementation stage includes scientific article training; and 3) evaluation stage that used as the overview of the next program. The materials in this program was presented mostly in term of describing the technique of writing good articles therefore they deserve to be published in national accredited or international journal. This community service program was conducted in SMKN 1 Sekotong which was followed by the pcinciple and 23 teachers. The conclusion of this program was there was an improvement of teachers’ anthusiastic to publish their scientific articles in national accredited and international journal.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-114
Ahmad Suryadi ◽  
Novrita Mulya Rosa ◽  
Reko Syarif Hidayatullah

Information technology not only affects an information system, but also affects everyday life. These influences include lifestyles that begin to change along with the growth of information technology products. One of the information technologies applied in the marketing world is the application of popular e-commerce based marketing media. The problem found at Binakheir Kindergarten was that the income of teachers and staff was still insufficient to meet their daily needs. Referring to this matter, the enthusiasm in carrying out tasks was reduced. The next problem encountered was that teachers do not understand and do not have any skill in creating and managing an online store. This community service activity was carried out with the aim of increasing knowledge and improving teachers’ skills in entrepreneurship and utilizing e-commerce as a medium for marketing the products they sell. The preparation stages applied in this activity consisted of partner surveys, licensing and material preparation. While the implementation stage of this activity included the socialization method of program introduction presentations, discussions and the practice of creating and managing an online store. The evaluation stage of this activity aimed to determine the ability of partners before and after the training. The results of this conducted activity indicated that there was an interest in entrepreneurship that arises from partners and an increase in partners’ knowledge and skills in creating and managing online stores. Abstrak Teknologi Informasi tidak hanya mempengaruhi sebuah system informasi, namun memiliki pengaruh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, gaya hidup mulai berubah seiring dengan pertumbuhan produk-produk teknologi informasi yang semakon berkembang. Impementasi teknologi informasi dalam dunia pemasaran, salahsatunya melalui penerapan media pemasaran berbasis e-commerce popular. Permasalahan yang ditemukan di Pra TK / TK Binakheir yaitu penghasilan para guru dan staf yang belum cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keseharian mereka. Hal ini menyebabkan berkurangnya semangat dalam menjalankan tugas. Permasalahan berikutnya adalah guru belum memahami dan memiliki ketrampilan dalam pembuatan dan pengoperasionalan toko online. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk menambah pengetahuan dan meningkatkan ketrampilan guru dalam berwirausaha dan memanfaatkan e-commerce sebagai media pemasaran produk yang mereka jual. Tahap persiapan terdiri dari survey ke mitra, perijinan dan penyiapan meteri Tahap pelaksanaan menggunakan metode sosialisasi presentasi pengenalan program, diskusi dan praktik pembuatan dan pengoperasionalan toko online. Tahap Evaluasi kegiatan bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan mitra sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan. Hasil dari kegiatan adalah timbulnya minat berwirausaha dari mitra dan erjadinya peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra membuat dan mengelola toko online.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-48
Halpiah Halpiah ◽  
Hery Astika Putra ◽  
Baiq Rizka Milania Ulfah

Problems that often arise in the family/ household are quite complex. One of them is economic problems or financial problems, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic requiring careful financial management by making a priority scale where prioritizing expenditures based on needs compared to spending based on desires in order to avoid debt and receivables. The method in implementing PKM is carried out in three stages, namely 1) The preparation stage includes community situation analysis, identification of problems, determining PKM work objectives, determining the theme and schedule for PKM implementation, division of PKM tasks, 2) Implementation stage including presentation of material delivery with the lecture method, question and answer session, mentoring session for making financial management to participants, 3) Evaluation stage. This PKM activity was carried out by implementing the Covid-19 Health protocol which was attended by 20 participants, which were dominated by women who were married or had families. The goal is that these housewives are able to record every income and are able to track daily expenses that have been issued in one month by way of prioritizing financial management. The conclusion from this PKM was that the 20 participants who attended had never done financial management, not because they were unable or unwilling but there had never been any socialization about financial management and the lack of basic knowledge about financial management so that economic problems in finance were always repeated. Therefore, PKM activities regarding financial management are still very important to be carried out with the main target being women / housewives as literacy efforts in financial management so that they are able to distinguish between productive expenditures and consumptive expenditures as financial managers in the family.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Anif Rachmawati ◽  
Evi Fatimatur Rusydiyah

E-learning has an important role in Islamic Education learning. Students are expected to not only listening to the explanation of the material from the teacher but also playing an active role in learning by applying e-learning. This study aims to analyze the implementation of learning based e-learning in Islamic Education course. The method used in this research was qualitative descriptive. The subject of this study was SMK 8 Surabaya students for the Islamic Education course. The data collection method had been done by interview and documentation. Data analysis had been done by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and making conclusions. The results of this study were the researcher found three stages in learning-based e-learning in the Islamic Education course, which is planning stage, implementation stage, and evaluation stage.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 21
Yoga Budi Bhakti ◽  
Irnin Agustina Dwi Astuti ◽  
Harun Rasjid ◽  
Sumiah Nasution

The purpose of community service activities is to provide counseling about the value of character in the learning curriculum 2013 as well as provide training to measure the student’s attitudes in learning process. The value of character is considered necessary and make it a requirement in the increase or graduation in learning in the curriculum 2013. This service is done in three stages, there are planning, implementation, and evaluation. The planning stage is to prepare the presentation materials of character value integration in learning and values and attitudes measurement, training and extension module, and facilities and infrastructure in supporting the training. Implementation stage is training activities conducted on December 20-21, 2016. Evaluation stage is to provide evaluation of the training participants' products results in the implementation plan of learning and assessment of the performance of the participants. The methods used in this activity are training and mentoring and discussion. Training is done by providing information in knowing the value of the characters contained in the learning and providing training on how to measure values and attitudes. The results of this activity teachers can understand and apply the value of characters in learning in school.Keywords : 2013 curriculum; character value; integrated. ABSTRAKTujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan penyuluhan tentang nilai karakter dalam pembelajaran di kurikulum 2013 serta memberi pelatihan untuk mengukur sikap peserta didik dalam pembelajaran.  Nilai karakter dipandang perlu dan menjadikannya sebagai syarat dalam kenaikan ataupun kelulusan dalam pembelajaran di kurikulum 2013. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap yaitu tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Tahap perencanaan yaitu menyiapkan bahan presentasi integrasi nilai karakter dalam pembelajaran dan pengukuran nilai dan sikap, modul pelatihan dan penyuluhan, serta sarana dan prasarana dalam menunjang pelatihan. Tahap pelaksanaan yaitu kegiatan pelatihan yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 20-21 Desember 2016. Tahap evaluasi yaitu memberikan evaluasi terhadap hasil produk peserta pelatihan dalam rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan penilaian performa peserta. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah dengan pelatihan dan pendampingan serta diskusi. Pelatihan dilakukan dengan cara memberikan informasi dalam mengetahui nilai karakter yang terkandung dalam pembelajaran dan memberikan pelatihan tentang cara mengukur nilai dan sikap. Hasil produk pelatihan ini dalam bentuk rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang dapat dikembangkan lagi.Kata Kunci : kurikulum 2013, nilai karakter, integrasi.

2021 ◽  
Susiati Susiati

The aim of this community service is to provide education and outreach in understanding the dangers, prevention, transmission, and how to break the chain of the spread of covid-19. The method used in this community service is in the form of education and socialization of a clean and healthy lifestyle to anticipate the spread of Covid-19 with three stages, namely the preparation stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation stage. The targets of the implementation of this community service activity are residents of Bara Hamlet RT 01, RW 03, Namlea Village, Namlea District, Buru Regency. The result of this community service activity is that residents gain knowledge through the education and socialization stages in the form of distributing pamphlets, free masks, and making hand washing stations.

Robia Astuti ◽  
Nurmitasari Nurmitasari

Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memfasilitasi kegiatan interaksi lintas budaya melalui bingkai pertukaran mahasiswa Nusantara dengan mengungkap adanya implementasi matematika pada kebudayaan lokal yang ada di Indonesia. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 9 November 2020 melalui webinar nasional yang diikuti oleh mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam program PERMATA-SAKTI. Kemajuan teknologi informasi berbasis internet dan robotik yang biasa dikenal dengan nama revolusi industri 4.0 menjadi salah satu ancaman dan tantangan yang harus dihadapi agar keberadaan budaya tetap terjaga. Salah satu cara untuk melestarikan budaya tersebut adalah dengan memperkenalkan budaya pada mahasiswa melalui pembelajaran dengan cara mengintegrasikan budaya pada setiap mata kuliah. Oleh karena itu, melalui interaksi lintas budaya pada program PERMATA SAKTI ini sangat tepat untuk saling mengenalkan antar kebudayaan yang ada di Indonesia. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini terdiri dari tiga tahapan yaitu tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan dan tahap evaluasi. Kegiatan pada tahap persiapan yaitu mempelajari masalah tentang kebudayaan, mendata mahasiswa, dan melibatkan mahasiswa untuk bersama-sama menganalisis kebudayaan pada masing-masing daerahnya yang terintegrasi matematika. Kegiatan pada tahap pelaksanaan adalah membimbing mahasiswa memperkenalkan kebudayan daerahnya yang terintegrasi matematika, disajikan dalam bentuk video, dan dipresentasikan melalui webinar. Pada tahap evaluasi, mahasiswa merevisi video berdasarkan saran dosen dan peserta lain saat webinar. Kata kunci: Interaksi Budaya, Matematika, Kebudayaan Indonesia, Webinar, Permata –Sakti             ABSTRACT The purpose of this service activity is to facilitate cross-cultural interaction activities through the frame of Nusantara student exchange by revealing the implementation of mathematics in local cultures in Indonesia. This activity was carried out on November 9, 2020 through a national webinar which was attended by students who are members of the PERMATA-SAKTI program. The advancement of internet-based and robotic information technology which is commonly known as the industrial revolution 4.0 is one of the threats and challenges that must be faced so that the existence of culture is maintained. One way to preserve this culture is to introduce culture to students through learning by integrating culture in each subject. Therefore, through cross-cultural interactions in the PERMATA SAKTI program, it is very appropriate to introduce each other between cultures in Indonesia. The method of implementing this activity consists of three stages, namely the preparation stage, the implementation stage and the evaluation stage. Activities in the preparation stage are studying problems about culture, registering students, and involving students to jointly analyze the culture in their respective areas which are integrated with mathematics. The activity at the implementation stage is to guide students to introduce regional culture that is integrated with mathematics, presented in video form, and presented through webinars. In the evaluation stage, students revise the video based on suggestions from lecturers and other participants during the webinar. Keywords: Cultural Interaction, Mathematics, Indonesian Cultures, Webinar, Permata –Sakti

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Irfana Tri Wijayanti ◽  
Desi Sariani

Stunting menggambarkan status gizi kurang yang bersifat kronik pada masa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan sejak awal kehidupan yaitu pada masa 1000 hari pertama kehidupan akibat pemberian makanan yang tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan gizi. Berdasarkan Data stunting di Kabupaten Kudus sampai dengan bulan September 2019 berada pada 21,21%, dilihat dari data stunting pada tahun sebelumnya, angka kejadian stunting di Kabupaten pada tahun 2019 mengalami peningkatan yang tinggi. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kesadaran pada masyarakat Puskesmas Dawe Kudus dan kader kesehatan posyandu khususnya, bahwa stunting merupakan masalah penting yang harus ditangani bersama dengan bantuan berbagai pihak yang terkait. Pelaksanaan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode dan tahapan berupa: 1) tahap survey dan persiapan, 2) Tahap Pelaksanaan, 3) Tahap Monitoring dan Evaluasi. Sasaran dalam kegiatan ini adalah kader kesehatan. Hasil evaluasi pada kegiatan PKM ini menunjukkan bahwa pada saat dilakukan pelatihan terkait konsep stunting pada anak, deteksi dini stunting pada anak, pencegahan stunting pada anak, dan penatalaksanaan stunting pada anak, semua kader sangat aktif dan antusias. Selain hal tersebut menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan tentang konsep stunting pada anak, deteksi dini stunting pada anak, pencegahan stunting pada anak, dan penatalaksanaan stunting pada anak. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan pengetahuan kader kesehatan sebelum dan setelah kegiatan dilakukan pelatihan menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan setelah dilakukan kegiatan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kader kesehatan mampu melakukan pencegahan dan penatalaksanaan stunting pada anak. Kata kunci: pelatihan kader kesehatan, stunting HEALTH CARE TRAINING AND EMPOWERMENT IN STUNTING PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF CHILDREN ABSTRACT Stunting illustrates the chronic malnutrition status in the period of growth and development since the beginning of life, namely in the first 1000 days of life due to feeding that is not in accordance with nutritional needs. Based on stunting data in Kudus Regency up to September 2019 it was at 21.21%, seen from the stunting data in the previous year, the number of stunting events in the Regency in 2019 experienced a high increase. This activity is expected to be able to provide awareness to the community of Dawe Kudus Health Center and posyandu health cadres in particular, that stunting is an important issue that must be addressed together with the assistance of various parties concerned. The implementation of this service is carried out using methods and stages in the form of: 1) the survey and preparation phase, 2) the Implementation Stage, 3) the Monitoring and Evaluation Stage. The target in this activity is health cadres. The results of the evaluation on the PKM activities showed that when training was conducted regarding the concept of stunting to children, early detection of stunting in children, prevention of stunting in children, and management of stunting in children, all cadres were very active and enthusiastic. Besides that, there is an increase in knowledge about the concept of stunting in children, early detection of stunting in children, prevention of stunting in children, and management of stunting in children. The results of the activities showed that the knowledge of health cadres before and after the activities were conducted training showed a significant increase after the activities were carried out. This shows that health cadres are able to prevent and manage stunting in children. Keywords: health care training, stunting    

Dedi Riyan Rizaldi ◽  
Aris Doyan ◽  
Ziadatul Fatimah ◽  
Muhamad Zaenudin ◽  
Muhammad Zaini

Learning during a pandemic requires every teacher to be able to improve literacy skills in terms of using technology to help the learning process. However, due to the rapid paradigm shift due to the COVID-19 pandemic, from direct learning to online-based learning. Therefore this activity was carried out to improve the ability of Madrasah Aliyah Plus Nurul Islam Sekarbela teachers in using various learning support applications, especially the Ministry of Religion E-learning. The Ministry of Religion E-learning application is an application recommended by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia for use in the distance learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic at the madrasa level. The use of applications in the learning process is expected to be able to increase student motivation and enthusiasm for learning during the learning period from home and still pay attention to health protocols. Participants in this activity were attended by all teachers who teach at Madrasah Aliyah Plus Nurul Islam with a total of 36 people. In its implementation, this activity consists of three stages, namely 1. The preparation stage, 2. Implementation stage, and 3. Evaluation stage with each activity an evaluation process is carried out to ensure that the initial objectives of this activity can be achieved. Based on the activities that have been carried out, it can be concluded that this mentoring activity is needed by teachers in understanding the use of the Ministry of Religion E-learning application with various supporting features and its implementation. Also, after carrying out this activity, teachers began to get used to the use of the Ministry of Religion's E-learning application in carrying out the learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-220
Baiq Tuhfatul Unsi

Speaking Arabic skills are language skills that must be possessed by students in order to develop foreign language skills, in this case especially Arabic. In relation to teaching Arabic, one method that can be used to improve students' speaking skills is the Conversational Method. The Conversation Method is a way of presenting Arabic learning material through conversation or dialogue, both between students and between students and teachers, as well as to add to the vocabulary of Arabic. This paper focuses on the application of the Conversational Method in learning Arabic speaking skills, the students' Arabic speaking skills as well as the inhibiting and supporting factors of the application of the Conversational Method in learning Arabic speaking skills of students. The results of this study are that the application of the conversational method in learning Arabic speaking skills for students of MIN Bendunganjati is through three stages, namely the preliminary stage, the implementation stage in the form of simple conversations between students and teachers and students and students. and the evaluation stage. In general, MIN Bendunganjati students are able to speak Arabic, this is evidenced by the activeness and enthusiasm of students in communicating Arabic in class. As for the inhibiting factors in the application of the conversational method, namely: Lack of basic Arabic skills possessed by students due to differences in their potential and abilities. While the supporting factors are: school environment, facilities/infrastructure and the role of teachers.

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