scholarly journals Expression of Leadership in Practical Activities of Leader of Artistic Collective

Pedagogika ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 115 (3) ◽  
pp. 221-245
Vilius Tavoras ◽  
Gailė Kvedaravičiūtė

Following the experience of Lithuanian and foreign educational researchers, this article analyses the expression of leadership in practical activities of the leader of artistic collective. The role and purpose of leadership in practical activities of the leader of artistic collective are also revealed, peculiarities of expression of leadership skills are identified and the most important strategies for development of expression of leadership skills are highlighted. The problem of the research: how practical activities may influence spread of leadership of artistic collective’s leader and what kind of influence this may be. The object of the research: leadership of artistic collective’s leader and its expression in practical activities. The aim of the research: to reveal peculiarities of expression of leadership of artistic collective leader in practical activities. The methods of research: analysis of scientific literature, description (model) of expression of leader’s skills, questionnaire survey, calculation of absolute and percentage values. Conclusions: Following the analysis of scientific literature, the leadership in this article is defined as an influence process, which is manifested in practical activities through communication and collaboration, initiative, reflectivity and personal qualities. The developed and scientifically substantiated model of expression of leadership of artistic collective’s leader consists of the following components: communication and collaboration, which is expressed through ability to work in a team; expeditious informing about the conducted activity, its situation and changes; efficient conflict resolution; initiative, which is manifested in formulation and presentation of vision and goals; organisation of activities; consistency of activities; reflectivity, which is expressed through professional development; reaction to feedback and self-assessment; personal qualities, which are realised through charisma, inspiration and determination. 1. Leadership of artistic collective’s leader are strongest revealed in practical activities through communication and collaboration (52.4 % of the leaders are able to understand importance of collaboration of collective members and 72.4 % of them understand peculiarities of socialpsychological maturity of the collective) and initiative (almost every second leader (48.2 %) is able to set high and ambitious goals to oneself and members of the collective and the majority of them (71.2 %) are frequently successful in searching for new kinds of activities and implementing them). Least frequently leadership of artistic collective’s leaders is expressed through reflectivity. Occasionally only almost half of the leaders in the research (48.6 %) succeed in analysing achievements and progress of the collectives and 45.7 % of the leaders are able to analyse causes of behavior and to react efficiently. More than third of the respondents (39.5 %) only sometimes manage to apply the principle of experiential learning: to discuss its effect on members of the collective. The revealed peculiarities of leadership skills enabled to establish the key strategies for development of expression of leadership of artistic collective’s leader: 1)  deeper reflection of activities, 2)  development of collaboration, 3)  self-development of personal features, 4) encouragement of initiative at all the levels of activities.

Тамара Журавлева ◽  
Tamara Zhuravleva

The article discusses the development of professional skills in students, as a condition for the training of a police officer. The research is revealed that the main contradiction of professional self-development of students of educational institutions of higher education of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia lays between the requirements of the profession to the specialist’ personal qualities and the level of awareness to these requirements by cadets. The pedagogical conditions for the transformation of students’ personal qualities into professional qualities are considered in the article. The students features during the adaptation period are highlighted. The possibility of the professional self-development activation is revealed not only by direct, but also by indirect influence to the students, through the formation of a sociopsychological environment, where professional self-development will be approved. It describes the identification mechanism for the readiness of students to adopt professional qualities in the educational environment through the stages of professional self-development. The main way of transforming personal qualities into professional ones is revealed - this is the formation of professional self-consciousness on the basis of an adequate self-assessment of the knowledge gained about the profession. As a result of the study, the level of professional qualities of students increased. In the described study, the following methods were used: a questionnaire survey, the «Locuscontrol» technique by j. Rotter, a comparative analysis, a content analysis.

Ш.Ў. Нуруллаева

Педагогик фаолият динамик характерга эга бўлиб, у доимий равишда ривожлантиришни тақозо этади. узлуксиз педагогик таълим эса ўқитувчининг ўз устида ишлаши ва фаолиятини илмий ташкил этиши асосида ташкил этилиши лозимдир. Педагогик фаолият мазмунига кўра ижодий характерга эга бўлганлиги сабабли меҳнатни илмий ташкил этиш фаолият самарадорлигини таъминловчи муҳим омил ҳисобланади. Мақолада шахс ўз устида ишлаш жараёнига доир қарашлар таҳлил қилинган. Шахснинг фаоллик, мустақиллик, жавобгарлик, масъулиятлилик, ташаббускорлик, мақсадга интилиш, ўз-ўзини бошқариш, ташаббускорлик каби психологик сифатлари ўз-ўзини ривожлантиришда муҳим омил ҳисобланади. Ушбу омиллар таҳлили асосида шахс ўз устида ишлаши динамикасини таъминловчи зиддиятлар аниқланган. Илмий таҳлиллар ва изланишларга таянган ҳолда ўқитувчиларнинг ўз устида ишлаш жараёнининг ўз-ўзини таҳлил, ўз-ўзига вазифа бериш, ўз-ўзини ривожлантириш ва ўз-ўзини баҳолаш каби босқичларда амалга ошириладиган вазифалар мазмуни ишлаб чиқилган. Педагогик меҳнатнинг иккиёқлама характери, ўқитувчи-ўқувчининг биргаликдаги фаолияти, ягона мақсад сари ҳамкорликдаги фаолиятни ташкил этиш каби ўзига хос хусусиятлари таҳлил қилинган. Ушбу таҳлиллар асосида педагогик фаолиятни илмий ташкил этиш шартлари сифатида вақтдан унумли фойдаланиш, қулай меҳнат шароити ва дам олиш имкониятлари кўрсатилган; педагогик меҳнатни илмий ташкил этиш тамойиллари ишлаб чиқилган. Мақолада педагогик меҳнатни илмий ташкил этиш учун ўқитувчи касбига оид сифатларни шакллантириш; ўз маҳорат элементларини хосил қилиш; объектив шарт-шароитни ҳисобга олиш ва педагогик фазилатларни таркиб топтириш каби йўналишларда амалга ошириладиган вазифалар ҳамда тавсиялар ишлаб чиқилган. Pedagogical activity is dynamic in nature, which requires constant development. and continuous pedagogical education should be organized on the basis of the independent work of the teacher and the scientific organization of his activities. Since the content of pedagogical activity is of a creative nature, the scientific organization of work is an important factor that ensures the effectiveness of activities. The article analyzes the views on the process of independent work of an individual. Psychological qualities of a person, such as activity, independence, responsibility, initiative, striving for goals, self-management, self-awareness, are an important factor of self-development. Based on the analysis of these factors, contradictions were identified that provided the dynamics of the individual’s work on himself. On the basis of scientific analysis and research, the content of tasks performed at such stages as self-analysis, independent task, self-development and self-assessment of the self-learning process of teachers is developed. The specific features of pedagogical work are analyzed, such as the bilateral nature, the joint activity of the teacher and the student, the organization of joint activities aimed at achieving a single goal. On the basis of these analyses, the productive use of time, favorable working conditions and opportunities for recreation are indicated as conditions for the scientific organization of pedagogical activity; the principles of the scientific organization of pedagogical work are developed. The article considers in detail the tasks and recommendations that are necessary for the scientific organization of pedagogical work in such areas as the formation of personal qualities; the formation of pedagogical skills; taking into account object conditions and the formation of pedagogical qualities.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 138-144
Валентина Зарицька

У статті обґрунтовується актуальність проблеми ставлення до себе старшокласників у сучасному  шкільному вихованні, яка надзвичайно важлива у період їх дорослішання, самовизначення, самооцінки власних  можливостей, базових цінностей, пошуку шляхів здійснення своїх мрій, задоволення потреб.  У  науковій  літературі  не  існує  однозначного  трактування  сутності  даної  проблеми,  бо  одні  науковці наголошують на необхідності створення умов для напрацювання необхідного практичного досвіду  позитивного ставлення до себе, другі – на посиленні самовиявлення і самовираження, треті – на підвищенні  до  них  вимог  задля  формування  здатності  переборювати  труднощі  у  досягненні  успіху.  У  статті  наголошується на необхідності враховувати особливості віку старшокласників, процеси ідентифікації з  власним «Я»,  оцінювання власних дій і побудови перспектив, які у цьому віці  даються дуже складно.  Виділено  раніше  не  вирішені  частини  означеної  проблеми,  зокрема,  вивчення  рівня  сформованості  найважливіших компетенцій, які є визначальними для формування позитивного ставлення до глибокого  вивчення    власної    особистості,    що    буде    поштовхом    до    саморозвитку    і    самовдосконалення.  Експериментально встановлено, що на ставлення особистості до себе впливає ставлення навколишніх.  Дослідження  дозволило  виявити  низку  проблем  у  старшокласників,  які  потребують  цілеспрямованої  системної  роботи:  невміння  робити  глибокий  аналіз  своїх  досягнень  і  невдач;  нездатність  визначати  шляхи,  варіанти  подолання  суто  навчальних  чи  життєвих  ускладнень;  невміння  цінувати  поради,  зауваження  більш  досвідчених  людей; недостатньо сформована  орієнтація на  майбутнє; неадекватна  оцінка ставлення  до  себе  інших  та невміння  підтримувати  бажаний  соціальний статус; нездатність  припинити небажані стосунки. Виокремлено найсуттєвіші компетенції і зроблено висновок про те, що  формувати їх треба системно, враховуючи три базові фактори: досвід успіхів і невдач, досвід інших і  глибоку внутрішню мотивацію.  The relevance of the problem of the attitude of senior pupils in modern school education is substantiated in  the  article,  which  is  extremely  important  during  their  maturity,  self-determination,  self-assessment  of  their  own  opportunities, basic values, the search for ways to realize their dreams, and meet needs.  There is no unambiguous interpretation of the nature of these problems in the scientific literature, since some  scholars emphasize the need to create the conditions for the development of the necessary practical experience of  positive attitude towards themselves, the others emphasize the increase of self-expression, the third emphasize the  complication the requirements for them to form the ability to overcome difficulties in achieve success. The article  emphasizes the need to take into account the peculiarities of the age of senior pupils, the processes of identification  with their own self, the processes of evaluating their own actions and building the perspectives that are very difficult  at this age. The previously unresolved parts of this problem have been identified, in particular, the study of the level  of the formation of the most important competencies that are crucial for the formation of a positive attitude towards  a deep study of one's own personality, which will be an impetus for self-development and self-improvement. It was  experimentally established that the attitude of the person to himself is influenced by the attitude of others. The  research allowed to identify a number of problems in high school students who needed purposeful system work, the  most difficult among which were the following: the inability to do a deep analysis of their achievements and  failures; the inability to identify paths, options for overcoming purely educational or life complications; the inability  to appreciate the advice, the comments of more experienced people; insufficiently formed orientation to the future;  inadequate assessment of the attitude of others who are not able to maintain the desired social status; not able to  stop unwanted relationships. The most important competencies are singled out and it is concluded that they should  be formed systematically, taking into account three basic factors: experience of successes and failures, experience  of others and deep inner motivation. 

Jose Cortina ◽  
Steve Zaccaro ◽  
Lynn McFarland ◽  
Kate Baughman ◽  
Gabrielle Wood ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-218

The article examines the legal and moral and ethical aspects of a misdemeanor that discredits the honor of an employee of the criminal Executive system. The considered reason for dismissal has the main feature associated with the integration of legal and moral norms, which often raises a lot of questions about the attribution of a particular offense to this basis. Using the analysis of normative legal acts, the authors attempt to identify the signs that contribute to the separation of the studied grounds for dismissal from all their diversity. The classification of offenses that discredit the honor of an employee of the criminal Executive system is presented, which allows to systematize and organize the knowledge obtained about the considered grounds for dismissal. The analysis of a misdemeanor that defames the honor of an employee of the penal system from a moral and ethical position gives an understanding, first of all, that it does not have a clear regulation from the point of view of the law, but the consequences of committing such a misdemeanor are clearly legal. The concepts of “honor” and “dignity” are considered as ethical categories and are analyzed as personal qualities that are manifested in an employee of the penal correction system during the period of service. These categories in the behavior of a person or employee are manifested both externally (assessment from the outside) and internally (self-assessment). The article describes the value orientation of an employee of the criminal Executive system to ethical standards in professional activity, which is an integral part of the moral and ethical side of a misdemeanor that discredits the honor of an employee.

Vasiliy Dvortsov ◽  
Alexander Efimenko

В статье предпринята попытка теоретического анализа и изучения научной литературы по организации и становлению воспитательной работы с осужденными в местах лишения свободы, продемонстрирована взаимосвязь между политико-воспитательной работой, ресоциализацией и исправлением осужденных в пенитенциарных учреждениях. Проведенное исследование позволяет предполагать, что воспитательная работа является основополагающим средством исправления различных категорий осужденных (регламентировано ст. 9 УИК РФ). На этой основе критерием исправления будет становиться устойчивое правопослушное поведение человека. В связи с этим возникает необходимость использования психолого-педагогической программы по перестройке и самооценке осужденных, позволяющей формировать их готовность к самореализации, когда осознание совершенных преступлений становится внутренне неприемлемым. Авторами отмечается, что, самоисправление человека зависит от ряда направлений воспитательной работы: нравственного, правового, физического воспитания, получения основного общего образования, получения профессии. Очевидно, что для закрепления положительного результата процесс ресоциализации в пенитенциарных учреждениях должен проводиться сотрудниками всех отделов и служб на основе комплексных программ, разработанных с учетом специфики и возраста осужденных.The article attempts a theoretical analysis and study of scientific literature on the organization and formation of educational work with convicts in prisons, demonstrates the relationship between «political and educational work», re-socialization and correction of convicts in prisons. The study suggests that educational work is a fundamental means of correcting various categories of convicts (regulated by article 9 of the criminal code). Based on this criterion fixes will become sustainable human behavior, demonstrating a conscious rejection of the violation of legal norms with the aim of securing sustainable patterns of law-abiding behavior. There is a need to use the psychological and pedagogical Program for restructuring and self-assessment of convicts, which allows to form on this basis their readiness for self-realization, when the awareness of the crimes committed becomes internally unacceptable. In this regard, the self-correction of a person depends on a number of areas, namely, moral, legal, physical education, basic General education, profession, forming the basis of educational work. It is obvious that in order to consolidate a positive result in penitentiary institutions, the activities of all departments and services should be carried out a process of re-socialization on the basis of comprehensive Programs developed taking into account the specifics and different ages of convicts.

Nikolai Petrovich Senchenkov

The article analyzes the view of a number of Russian scientists (V. A. Slastenin, A. Ya. Savelyev, A. A. Verbitsky etc.) on the problem of pedagogical professionalism as a system of stable personal traits, ensuring high productivity and effciency of work aimed to form individual students competencies. The external and internal factors for the formation of a modern professional teacher are also determined: state and social orders for a competent teacher, an educator, a teacher of a higher institution, their personal characteristics and desire to develop. It is noted that as a result of self-development, teachers realize the needs for the development of such personal qualities and competencies, which guarantee them high results in their professional activities and success in life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 140-155

The purpose of the article is to consider the competence capabilities of MFC specialists that require structuring in a professional standard, aimed at increasing satisfaction with the implemented policy of providing public services to the population. The article focuses on the results of a survey of MFC employees, aimed at determining the factors that, according to respondents, form the professional standard of a specialist in a multifunctional center. The authors believe that structuring of a professional standard can act as an innovative mechanism for shaping public opinion in politics. Public opinion, aimed at assessing the quality of interaction with the authorities and the provision of services to the population, can not only reflect the massive satisfaction of the needs of the population, but also take into account the point of view of the current employees of multifunctional centers. Using the self-assessment methodology in the context of an “inside look”, MFC specialists objectively assess their own competence capabilities; identify professional problems, gaps, weaknesses, which should be addressed by additional professional education. In the first part of the article, the authors analyze various mechanisms for shaping public opinion that are often used in modern political science. The second part of the article presents the results of a survey of current MFC employees. Based on the analysis of the survey results, the criteria for the professional standard of an MFC specialist were formed, which include: 1) awareness, that is, understanding the need to implement a professional standard; 2) the range of the most significant competencies of an MFC specialist; 3) a system of individual and personal qualities that form the professional efficiency of employees.

Libri ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 68 (4) ◽  
pp. 301-313 ◽  
Murtaza Ashiq ◽  
Shafiq Ur Rehman ◽  
Syeda Hina Batool

Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of academic library leaders of Pakistan about library leadership. Qualitative research design was used with phenomenology approach as the present study aims to investigate what library leaders commonly perceive to be challenges, fundamental difficulties and needed skills to be successful. Data were collected through in-depth interviews from 15 senior academic library leaders. Major challenges found were identity crises followed by communication issues, financial constraints, CPD and administrative issues. The most challenging aspects of being an academic library leader were identified as trying to create awareness, lack of self-development culture and technological issues. The required leadership skills were communication, vision, social interaction, team building, organisational understanding and knowledge sharing. The findings of the study are helpful for current, young and future chief librarians to understand the challenges they may face and to develop the leadership skills needed to cope with these challenges. The study will also be helpful to academic institutions during their recruitment processes; professional associations for training purposes; and library schools for arranging and offering leadership courses.

2017 ◽  
pp. 24-37
Terry D. Anderson ◽  
Ron Ford ◽  
Marilyn Hamilton

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