2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Agus Nero Sofyan

Abstrak Semantik Gramatikal Verba Berafiks Me(N)-Kan/-I dan Te(R)-Kan/-I dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Tulisan ini mengulas semantik gramalikal verba berafiks me(N)- kan-/-i dan te(R)-kan/-i dalam bahasa Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Data yang digunakan diambil dalam surat kabar, buku tata bahasa, dan data temuan penulis. Teori yang digunakan adalah verba, proses morfologis, semantik, jenis makna, dan gramatikal. Masalah yang dibahas adalah keberadaan semantik gramatikal verba berafiks me(N)-kan/-i dan teR-(kan/-i) yang terdiri atas bentukan dan makna. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ditunjukan bahwa verba berafiks me(N)-kan/-i dan te(R)-kan/-i tergolong pada verba transitif dan taktransitif yang memiliki makna gramatikal yang bervariatif. Di samping itu, dibicarakan pula beberapa masalah yang berkaitan dengan verba berafiks me(N)-kan/-i dan te(R)-kan/-i.Kata kunci: verba, afiks, semantik, gramatikal  Abstract Grammatical Semantic of Verb with Affixes Me(N)-Kan/-i and Te(R)-Kan/-I. This paper discusses the grammatical semantics of verbs with affixes of me (N) – kan-/-i and te (R) –kan/-i in Indonesian. The method used in this research is descriptive method. The data used are taken from newspapers, grammar books, and outhor-made data. The theories used are verbs, morphological process, semantics, types of meaning, and grammatical. Issues to be discussed is the existence of a grammatical semantics of verbs with affixes of me (N) –kan/-i and teR-(-kan/-i) consisting of forms and meanings based on the results of the analysis, it is indicated that the verbs with affixes of me (N) – kan-/-i and te (R) –kan/-i belong to transitive and intransitive verbs which have varied grammatical meanings. In addition, some of the problems associated with verbs with affixes of me (N) – kan-/-i and te (R) –kan/-i are also discussed.Keywords: verb, affix, semantics, grammatical

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-230
Suci Wulandari

Tulisan ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan ujaran penderita Afasia Motorik karena Stroke melalui klasifikasi ujaran penderita Afasia motorik dalam tataran morfologi dengan analisis ujaran berdasarkan proses morfologis bahasa Indonesia. Tataran dalam bidang sintaksis yaitu dengan cara klasifikasi ujaran penderita Afasia Motorik karena stroke ke dalam fungsi sintaksis dan hubungan fungsional antarkata/frase dalam klausa atau kalimat. Metode pengumpulan data pada tulisan ini menggunakan metode simak (observasi) dan dibantu dengan teknik rekam, teknik catat, dan teknik pustaka. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini bersifat deskriptif kualititatif. Informan yang yang terdapat dalam tulisan ini terdiri dari enam, yaitu PAMS1, PAMS2, PAMS3, PAMS4, PAMS5, dan PAMS6. Data yang diperoleh kemudian ditranskripsikan dan dianalisis berdasarkan klasifikasinya. Hasil dari analisis data ini menunjukkan bahwa penderita Afasia motorik mengalami gangguan bahasa dalam tataran morfologi dan sintaksis bahasa Indonesia. Dalam ranah morfologi PAMS sulit mengujarkan dan bahkan menghilangkan prefiks –ber, -men, dan –ter. Pada infiks PAMS menghilangkan sisipan –em, dan –er. Pengujaran kata yang tergolong ke dalam proses reduplikasi dan komposisi dapat diucapkan, akan tetapi PAMS melesapkan atau menghilangkan reduplikasi dengan pembubuhan afiks dan sulit mengucapkan fonem bunyi [r]. Kemampuan dalam tataran sintaksis PAMS belum dapat mengucapkan unsur-unsur kalimat yang menduduki fungsi S, P, O dan hanya mampu mengucapkan fungsi Ket. Kata kunci:Morfosintaksis, Afasia Motorik, Stroke, Neurolinguistik. AbstractThe research entitled "The speech of Motor Aphasia Patients caused by a Stroke in SMF Neurological Disease RSUD. Dr. Soetomo Surabaya (study case of Morphosyntax in Neurolinguistic Review" aimed to describe the speech of patients with motor aphasia due to stroke through the classification speech of patients with motor aphasia in morphology level with speech analysis based on the morphological process of Indonesian language. The stability in the field of syntax is by means of classification of speech sufferers of motor aphasia due to stroke into syntactic function and functional relationship between phrases/phrases in clauses or sentences. This research used a descriptive method. The data collection used observation which was assisted by recording, note-taking, and literature review techniques. The informants contained in this research consist of six patients are PAMS-1, PAMS-2, PAMS-3, PAMS-4, PAMS-5, and PAMS-6. The data obtained then transcribed and analyzed by their classification. The data analysis results indicated that patients with motor aphasia have language disorders in the morphology level and syntax of the Indonesian language. In terms of morphology PAMS was trouble to say and even remove prefixes -ber, -men, and -ter. From infix pronunciation, PAMS removes infix -em, and -er. The pronunciation of a classified word to process reduplication and composition can be pronounced, but PAMS distorts or eliminates reduplication by affix affixing and it is difficult to say the sound phoneme [r]. Ability in the syntactic level PAMS can not pronounce the elements of a sentence that occupies the function S, P, O and is only capable of pronouncing the function of Ket.Keywords: Morphosyntax, Motor Aphasia, Stroke, Neurolinguistic. 

Safitri Hariani ◽  
Saiful Anwar Matondang

Sosiolinguistik memberikan pengetahuan tentang code switching (campur kode). Analisis teks novel untuk memahami penggunaan campur kode penutur dapat dilaksanakan untuk pengembangan ilmu sosiologi bahasa. Metode deskriptif kualitatif dalam menganalisis temuan dan mengklasifikasikan pencampuran kode dari Novel Andre Herata Sang Pemimpi. Analisis data berfokus pada kalimat dan paragraf yang menunjukkan penggunaan pencampuran kode di dalamnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada satu jenis pencampuran kode yang ditemukan dalam novel Sang Pemimpi yaitu pencampuran kode luar (bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris) yang kemunculannya ada dalam bentuk kata, frasa, dan penyisipan klausa. Penggunaan dan jenis-jenis pencampuran kode yang ada dalam novel Sang Pemimpi karya Andrea Hirata meyangkut pencampuran kode; pada pencampuran berbagai unit linguistik, seperti morfem, kata-kata, pengubah, frasa, klausa dan kalimat, terutama yang berasal dari dua sistem tata bahasa yang berpartisipasi dalam sebuah kalimat. Dapat disimpulkan narator menggunakan pencampuran kode dari Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Melayu, dan pencampuran kode luar dari Bahasa Inggris; punchbag, sprinter, fan, session, speaker, shock, slide dan Bahasa Arab. Abstract. Sociolinguistics gave knowledge of the switching codes. Text analysis of novels for understanding the interdiction of interpreting codes can be performed for the development of language sociology. The qualitative descriptive method of analyzing the find and classifying the code mixing of the novel Andre herata Sang pemimpi. Data analysis focuses on sentences and paragraphs that indicate the use of a code mixing in them. Studies have shown that one type of mixing code found in the Sang pemimpi novel is that it includes a mixture of outside codes (Indonesian and English) that appears in the form of words, phrases, and insertion of klausa. The use and kinds of coded blending in the book of Sang pemimpi Andrea hirata passes the mixing of codes; In the mixing of various linguistic units, such as morpheme, words, modifiers, phrases, clauses and sentences, especially those that come from the two grammatical systems that participate in a sentence. It could be inferred that the narrator used a code mixing from Indonesian, Malay, and a proprietary blend of English; punchbag, sprinter, fan, session, speaker, shock, slide dan Arabic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-130
Nurhayati Nurhayati

Morphology is the study of words and their structure. Morphological process is a mean of changing a stem to adjust its meaning to fit its syntactic and communicational context while morphological system of language reveals its properties trhough the morphemic structur of words. This research is aimed to elaborate the morphological system of Wolio language in Kabanti Nuru Molabi based on Anceaux theory. Kabanti is an oral tradition in literary works. Descriptive method is used to analyze this research. To do this research, the researchercollect the data from Kabanti Nuru Molabi text. Moreover, in this theory, Anceaux proposed and devided the morphological system based on the class of words. One same prefix is possible to make a different class of wordswhen it is attached to a verb or a noun. Anceaux classified the morphem based on the stem attached to verb or noun. Nevertheless, the data in Kabanti Nuru Molabi shows that suffix –na, to form a possessive, and suffix –mo to form demonstrative or affirmation are not covered in Anceaux.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
Heru Setiawan

This research examines and discovers the variation and formation of slang in the street food court (angkringan) of the Perpek community, Ponorogo Regency, which is indicated by a variant of the slang language. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The research data is in the form of words from languages that contain slang forms and are spoken by sellers and buyers. Data collection uses observation techniques supported by note-taking techniques. The data analysis technique used is the equivalent method and the method of religion. The findings of this research are four processes of the formation of slang language in terms of the formation of phonological structures, namely: (1) reversing the overall arrangement of letters, for example "mahal" to "laham", (2) giving an insert at the beginning and at the end both vowels and consonants, for example "kopi" becomes "ngikop", (3) exchanges consonants and replaces one or two letters, for example "sedikit" becomes "sikit", and (4) words are shortened or cut without changing their meanings, for example "mama cantik" to be "macan". The results of the research findings indicate the formation of new slang languages that are different from the original languages, both from Indonesian and regional languages (Javanese). Penelitian ini mengkaji dan menemukan variasi dan pembentukan bahasa slang di angkringan komunitas Perpek, Kabupaten Ponorogo, yang terindikasi ditemuakan varian bahasa slang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode diskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian berupa kata dari bahasa yang mengandung bentuk bahasa slang dan dituturkan oleh penjual dan pembeli. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi yang didukung dengan teknik simak-libat-catat. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode padan dan metode agih. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh temuan berupa empat proses pembentukan variasi bahasa slang dari segi pembentukan struktur fonologis, yaitu: (1) membalikkan susunan huruf secara keseluruhan, misal "mahal" menjadi "laham", (2) memberikan sisipan di awal dan di akhir kata, baik vokal maupun konsonan, misal "kopi" menjadi "ngikop", (3) menukar konsonan dan mengganti satu atau dua huruf,  misal "sedikit" menjadi "sikit", dan (4) kata dipendekkan atau dipotong tanpa mengubah maknanya, misal "mama cantik" menjadi "macan". Hasil temuan penelitian menunjukkan adanya pembentukan bahasa slang baru yang berbeda dari bahasa aslinya, baik dari bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa daerah (bahasa Jawa).

Kandai ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 263
Wati Kurniawati

This study aimed to describe the quality of Indonesian variety of writing used by high school students in Central Jakarta and East Jakarta. The focus of this research is the spelling rules. The method used is descriptive method. Fourty high school students writing in Central Jakarta and East Jakarta were selected as the sample, they are consisting of twenty men and twenty women with regard to social factors. The findings indicate that female teenage student, female students in Central Jakarta more careful in the use of the letters, punctuation, and spelling than male teenage student in East Jakarta. Students whose parents are having different ethnic tend to be more careful in the use of letters and writing words than students whose parents is coming from same ethnic. As for the use of punctuation on students whose parents is coming from same ethnic tend to be more careful than teenage student whose parents are having different ethnic. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Evi Arifiani ◽  
Wagiran Wagiran ◽  
Haryadi Haryadi

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji dan mendeskripsikan ketransitifan verba pada buku teks Bahasa Indonesia SMP kelas VII Kurikulum 2013 revisi 2016. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik verba pada buku teks Bahasa Indonesia SMP kelas VII Kurikulum 2013 revisi 2016 dari segi ketransitifan verba mencakupi lima jenis ketransitifan, yaitu verba ekatransitif, verba dwitransitif, verba taktransitif,verba taktransitif berpelengkap wajib, dan verba taktransitif berpelengkap manasuka.The aim of this research is to study and describe the transitivity of verbs in 7th Grade Junior High School Indonesian language textbook of 2013 curriculum 2016 revision. Method of this research is descriptive-qualitative. Result of this study shows that there are fi ve types of transitivity of verbs found in the book. There are monotransitive, ditransitive, intransitive, obligatory complemented intransitive verbs, and arbitrary complemented intransitive verbs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-33
Chelfia Luthfi Intan Pratiwi ◽  
Asep Purwo Yudi Utomo

The problem of deixis is an obstacle in understanding reading texts, especially literary works. This study aims to identify and describe deixis in short story literary works. In addition, the findings of this study aim to be a medium in Indonesian language learning activities, especially in text description material. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. The data collection method is observational note-taking. The technique of analyzing the data used in this study is to use the data analysis technique of the Miles and Huberman model. Based on the research findings, there are five types of deixis in the Senyum Karyamin short story, namely person, place, time, discourse, and social. Through the identification of this deixis, learning to understand descriptive text will be easier to implement.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-61
Tri Mahajani ◽  
Sri Rahayu Dwiastuti ◽  
Mukodhas Mukodhas

ABSTRACTThe research is aimed at describing the use of metaphors and finding out its implications in the song lyrics of Ebiet G. Ade from the album of Perjalanan to semantic learning of Indonesian language. The research uses analytical descriptive method with structuralism and propositional approaches. The technique of data collection is done by using note taking. The data of metaphor is analyzed using content analysis. The result shows that the album of Perjalanan from Ebiet G. Ade, consisting of nine songs, has 40 metaphors used to describe the thought and meaning about love among humans and their life covering happiness, sadness, and imagination. The use of metaphors is also to describe humans, life, feelings, suffering, sadness, and anxiety. Metaphors are also used for describing natural phenomena, societys life, social relations among humans and the description of the world. The description of humans and God relationship is also there, using complex metaphors. The analysis of metaphors use in the song lyrics of Ebiet in the album of Perjalanan can improve students vocabulary enrichment and its meaning. Hence there is an implication to semantic learning of Indonesian language. Keywords: Metaphors, Song lyrics, implication

Pujangga ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 171
Maguna Eliastuti ◽  
Sangaji Niken Hapsari

<p>ABSTRACT <br />This study aims to determine concrete data about the etymology of suffixes foreigners in Indonesian on a<br />rubric Zoom Out in the newspaper tempo, to determine concrete data about the meaning resulting from the<br />process etymology suffixes foreign Indonesian language and to determine concrete data regarding the change<br />of speech resulting from the process etymology foreign suffixes in Indonesian.Methods used to determine the<br />etymology of suffixes foreigners in Indonesian on the rubric Zoom Out in Koran Tempo is by using<br />descriptive method with pedekatan qualitative emphasize on content analysis, qualitative approach which is<br />based on the level of morphology relating to the issue said that experienced the process affix particleform<br />Indonesian foreign suffix.After the authors analyzed the etymology of suffixes foreigners in Indonesian on the<br />rubric Zoom Out in Koran Tempo, the author can draw the conclusion that the use of words using the suffix<br />foreigners in Indonesian as many as 166 words, suffixes foreigners in Indonesian form a noun or adjective,<br />either which comes from the verb, noun or adjective. And the meaning resulting from the Indonesian foreign<br />suffixes can be either lexical or grammatical meaning. <br />Key words: etymology foreign suffixes, rubric Zoom Out, koran Tempo</p>

Vini Qonita Qistifani

This study aims to determine the sentence structure of Arabic and Indonesian terms in Surah Al-Baqarah, their similarities and differences, and their implications for translation. The research method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used were documentation and triangulation studies. From the results of this study, researchers found 190 the number of shar'iyah in surah Al-Baqarah with various sentence structures. Then, some similarities and differences in the structure between the sentence terms in Arabic and Indonesian, as well as the implications of this study, the researcher found a tendency to translate adawat syarṭ on the translation of the Ministry of Religion and Al-Mishbah.

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