scholarly journals To the Questıon of the Use of Storıtellıng in the Classes on RCL in the Condıtıons of Turkısh-Russıan Bılınguısm

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-61
O.V. Sheremet ◽  
E. Ozdemir

This scientific article is devoted to the study of the formation of communicative competence as an important quality of the secondary linguistic personality of a student. A feature of this work is the fact that the process and acquisition of communication skills of future philologists takes place in the conditions of the Turkish-Russian learning environment. We focused on learning the communicative competence of native Turkish students. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, it was revealed that one of the effective linguodidactic conditions for studying Russian as a foreign language in the Turkish audience is the use of storytelling method. In this article, we consentrated on the concept of storytelling and gave a description of the main types of this method: classical, active, computer, polyphonic, etc. The methodological aspect of the application of this method is shown on the example of studying the topic «Prepositional case of a noun», which is provided for in the curriculum of the dissipline «Gramere giriş» / «Введение в грамматику» at the preparatory course of Ibrahim Chechen University of Agri. We believe that the stages of creating and telling stories described in this article can also make a contribute to the effective formation of the communicative competence of Turkish students during the learning Russian as a foreign language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 1026-1044
Martha Nandari Santoso

This study was conducted out of the researcher’s teaching reflection while teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) online class during the pandemic of COVID-19, a time when face-to-face courses had to be converted to online classes. Her choice of educational tool for her EFL e-learning environment utilized a Facebook closed group. Her experiences in utilizing a Facebook closed group for her EFL e-learning environment and the students’ views were the main topics of this study. Eighteen EFL freshmen participants were selected in this study. The researcher used data from a questionnaire with some closed and open-ended questions. The findings indicated that the students found the Facebook closed group a comfortable, practical, and useful e-learning environment. The students’ familiarity with the interface helped them to immediately focus on the class activities instead of learning how to use the tool. Most students viewed the Facebook closed group as positive for class interactions, creative work, opinions, and express feelings. A few dislike voices were related to the display quality of Facebook, the asynchronous and silent communication on Facebook. Accordingly, utilizing a Facebook closed group might be worth considering for learners who have not been adequately prepared with the technology for joining an online class. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 113 ◽  
pp. 00058
M.A. Kulkova ◽  
A.I. Giniatullina ◽  
N.V. Konopleva

This article is devoted to the study of the conditions for the formation of paremiological competence in a foreign language lesson using mobile applications. Their usage allows to improve the quality of the process of learning foreign language thanks to the elements of interactivity. Mobile applications provide the ability of flexible adaptation of educational content to the individual needs of the teacher. Using the mobile application called ‘Quizlet’ is one of the most effective ways to form the paremiological component of communicative competence in schoolchildren at the initial stage of education. The success of using this mobile application in teaching English vocabulary is confirmed by the results of the pedagogical experiment.

1998 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-125
Timothy Reagan

American Sign Language (ASL), both as the focus of scholarly study and as an increasingly popular foreign-language option for many secondary and university level students, has made remarkable strides during recent years. With respect to the linguistics of ASL, there has been a veritable revolution in our understanding of the nature, structure, and complexity of the language since the publication of William Stokoe's landmark Sign Language Structure in 1960. Works on both theoretical aspects of the linguistics of ASL and on the sociolinguistics of the Deaf community now abound, and the overall quality of such works is impressively high. Also widely available now are textbooks designed to teach ASL as a second language. Such textbooks vary dramatically in quality, ranging from phrasebook and lexical guides to very thorough and up-to-date works focusing on communicative competence in ASL.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Наталья Башлуева ◽  
Natalya Bashlueva

The article deals with the need for cadets to develop everyday communication skills in a foreign language in order to develop communicative competence and improve the efficiency of the process of training cadets of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to increase the knowledge of cadets and develop methodological techniques that ensure the development of conversational skills in the volume indicated in the program.

2018 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 162
Nataliia V. Maiier ◽  
Tamara I. Koval

The article substantiates and presents the structure and content of the information and communication learning environment for the formation of important components of the professional competence of the future teacher of foreign languages – a professionally oriented communicative competence other than language, methodical and innovative competencies. Taking into account the technical and didactic capabilities of the Moodle education management system, it is determined that it should be used to design the information and communication learning environment for the professional training of the future foreign language teacher. The structure of the electronic informational and methodological package for the discipline as a complex of electronic educational resources, combined into training modules, electronic cases, topics designed to provide a comprehensive system of teaching of future teachers of foreign languages for the development of professional competence in the process of independent out-of-class work is presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 94-112
Inessa Azarova ◽  
Iuliia Ivanytska ◽  
Iryna Nykyforenko ◽  
Olena Vasylchenko

This paper aims to develop a methodology for forming communication skills (specifically phonetic skills) through a virtual learning environment involving online learning platforms, online tools, and mobile applications, which determines the relevance and timeliness of the study. The authors present their experience of effective use of modern online resources and mobile applications to develop phonetic and communication skills in first-year students studying German as the first and second foreign language at the Department of German Philology at Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine. According to the survey, modern digital tools and applications help students reveal interest and, more importantly, increase motivation in learning a foreign language. They enable students to keep in touch with their teachers, who provide them with feedback and support, creating the effect of social presence which is so vital in a distance learning environment. The significance of the research is to establish the background for the formation of students’ self-development and self-education skills, encourage the students to take responsibility for their learning process, and motivate their learning activities with the most effective tools and technologies that do not only complement traditional teaching methods, but also contribute to the learning process improvement and enhancement. Consequently, the research findings can apply to the development of communicative competence, which is the main goal in teaching any foreign language.

2021 ◽  
pp. 98-103
Kolisnichenko A.I.

The scientific article is devoted to the formation of the international qualification requirements list and general and specific standards for the foreign language teacher training in the European model of teacher education. The author highlights the state of research and analyzes the European requirements for the profession of teacher in general and foreign language teachers in particular, which provided an opportunity to explore key aspects of the profession and ways of its development in the nearest future. The topicality of the researched question,which consists of the introduction and observance of the international requirements in the course of foreign languages teacher training during formal pedagogical education, is defined. The publication also defines the concept of “professional foreign language teacher training”, as a result of which the compliance of teacher training programs and international requirements with standards which are implemented in the European educational area is analyzed.The article reviews the stages of creating an international qualifications framework, and the preconditions for its emergence, as well as clarifies which framework were the basis and the time of its adoption and implementation. The author reveals the features of the national qualifications framework of European countries, their purpose and function.The publication identifies the stages of creating a list of international requirements for the quality of specialist qualifications, describes their essence and features. The study revealed the structural components of the qualification framework, including knowledge, skills, and competencies. The structure of qualification requirements for the foreign language teacher profession is also exposed.In the process of reviewing the qualification framework, the requirements for professional training, which are specified in the educational standards of the countries and the concept of standard in teacher education, are revealed. There are four main goals of international standards for FL teacher training and their types. The list of standards for the future foreign language teacher training is defined, which are divided into three basic sections: professional values and qualities; professional knowledge; professional skills. As a result of the qualification requirements, the qualification framework study, international requirements and standards of foreign language teaching, a positive impact on the quality of foreign language teacher training in pedagogical education of the European educational area was revealed.Key words: qualification requirements, professional training standards, national qualification framework, professional foreign language teacher training, quality of formal pedagogical education, European educa-tional area. Наукова стаття присвячена питанню формування переліку міжнародних кваліфікаційних вимог та загальних і специфічних стандартів до підготовки вчителів іноземних мов у європейській моделі педагогічної освіти. Авторка висвітлює стан дослідження питання та здійснює аналіз загальноєвро-пейських вимог до професії педагога загалом та вчителя іноземних мов зокрема, який дав можливість дослідити ключові аспекти професії та шляхи її розвитку у найближчій перспективі. Визначено актуальність досліджуваного питання, яка полягає у впровадженні та дотриманні запропонованих міжнародних вимог у процесі підготовки вчителів іноземних мов протягом формальної педагогічної освіти. У публікації наведено визначення поняття «професійна підготовка вчителя іноземних мов», унаслідок чого аналізується відповідність програм підготовки вчителів міжнародним вимогам та стандартам, які впроваджені у європейському освітньому просторі.У статті здійснено огляд етапів створення міжнародної кваліфікаційної рамки та передумов її виникнення, а також з’ясовано, яка рамка було базовою, час її прийняття й запровадження. Авторка розкриває особливості національних кваліфікаційних рамок країн Європи, їх мету створення та функції.У публікації визначено етапи створення переліку міжнародних вимог до якості кваліфікацій фахівців, описано їхню сутність та особливості. У результаті дослідження виявлено структурні компоненти кваліфікаційної рамки, серед яких слід назвати знання, уміння, компетентності. Також наведено структуру кваліфікаційних вимог до професії вчителя іноземних мов.В процесі огляду кваліфікаційної рамки у питанні якості підготовки фахівців виокремлено вимоги до професійної підготовки, які зазначені в освітніх стандартах окремих країн, а також розкрито поняття стандарту у педагогічній освіті. Виокремлено чотири основних цілі укладання міжнародних стандартів для підготовки вчителів та їх види. Визначено перелік стандартів для підготовки майбутніх учителів іноземних мов, які поділяються на три базові секції, такі як професійні цінності та якості; професійні знання та вміння; професійні навички. У результаті дослідження кваліфікаційних вимог кваліфікаційної рамки, міжнародних вимог та стандартів навчання іноземних мов виявлено позитивний виплив на якість підготовки вчителів іноземних мов у педагогічній освіті Європейського освітнього простору.Ключові слова: кваліфікаційні вимоги, стандарти професійної підготовки, національна кваліфікаційна рамка, професійна підготовка вчителя іноземних мов, якість формальної педагогічної освіти, Європейський освітній простір.

Tat’yana V. Baranova ◽  

The present article is dedicated to the necessity and importance of continuing teaching students to work with great amount of information in the form of texts, as well as to acquire methods and strategies of this work. Gradual but unfaltering rejection of the use of texts in teaching a foreign lan- guage can lead to lowering the level of its mastering. To understand the deep reasons for the existing situation in this sphere, it is necessary to look at the experts’ opinions of the new generation of young people. In spite of the quick changes in the world, education preserves its strict standards that establish the landmarks upon which the pedagogical and educa- tional processes are built. In the course of several last years the teachers of the department of foreign languages have participated in the preparation of English-language materials for the Olympiads, organized by the RSUH. The author analyzes strategies and tactics of work with big texts, selection of topics, used in these Olympiads, as well as the tasks, developed for operating such texts. These types of work with big amount of information lead us to the neces- sity of forming and developing in students such aspect of the communicative competence, as its text-forming component. Here we can speak about all the skills, technologies, tactics and strategies, that are used to facilitate the stu- dent’ work in the analysis of existing texts, creation of new texts, stimulation of class and home self-study in the spheres of creative scientific and artisticwork, for example, writing an artistic essay or a scientific article. And the basis for such work will be constituted by the text.

G. B. Zhumabekova ◽  
A. A. Golovchun ◽  
A. Kashkynbekova ◽  
T. Yerkimbayev ◽  
A. Gabdrakhman

The article analyzes the modern requirements of society to the quality of training of future teachers of English, considered contextual training as one of the ways of professionalization of foreign language pedagogical education, situational modeling technologies in the formation of intercultural communicative competence, problem-communicative situations as a unit of the subject content of professionally-oriented training of future specialists.

N.Kh. Khalmuradova ◽  

The types of competencies began to increase in the scientific literature with the development of the theory and practice of competence-based approach in higher education. The problem of the development of key competences has arisen which are applied universally in a variety of situations. Theoretical foundations of key competencies and their features in developing the communicative competence of students in a foreign language in their professional domains are analyzed in the article. The modern methodology of teaching a foreign language is based on the following principles of the competence-based approach to teaching oral speech which serve as the theoretical basis for the development of integrative modules for teaching a foreign language.

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