scholarly journals Anti-Corruption Education at Universitas Negeri Semarang: What Benefits Can Students Get?

Eko Handoyo

Corruption is the main problem faced by countries in the world. Corruption is considered an extraordinary crime; therefore, eradicating it also requires extraordinary action. Education is one way to reduce the potential for Corruption. This paper will discuss implementing anti-corruption education courses at the Universitas Negeri Semarang and the benefits of the Anti-Corruption Education (PAK) course for students. To achieve it, the research methods applied are quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. While qualitative data were analyzed using qualitative analysis. The results showed that implementing anti-corruption education courses, starting from lesson planning, implementation to learning evaluation, had gone well. Students taking part in the lectures feel that there are benefits, including increased knowledge of anti-corruption and a commitment not to corrupt in either life inside the campus or outside the campus.

2015 ◽  
Vol 13 (03) ◽  
Veybie Komaling ◽  
Stanley Kho Walandow

Computer Applications SIMDA program is an application program that is intended to assist local governments in the area of financial management. As for the above purpose of the research is to evaluate the application of SIMDA at the Department of Revenue, Finance and Asset Management Regional Kotamobagu. Research methods using qualitative data, that is data obtained from the object of research in the form of sentences or descriptions, sketches and drawings and quantitative data, ie data obtained from the object of research in the form of numbers or numbers that have been processed further. From this study, the researchers concluded that SIMDA Application Evaluation in the Department of Revenue, Finance and Asset Management Regional Kotamobagu not fully in accordance with the Legislation in force, because the procedure is not in accordance with the cash outlay Minister Regulation No. 13 Year 2006 on Guidelines for Financial Management area.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (II) ◽  
pp. 280-292
Hassan Adow Mohamud ◽  
Fredrick Ndede

Youth empowerment is vital for any nation. Most Kenyan youths aspire to get white-collar jobs after completing education in order to build self and the nation. To most, achieving their career goals after the 8-4-4 education system is the most critical thing hence they will not settle for anything less than what they have trained for. The Government of Kenya has made efforts over the years to empower the youth by coming up with policies that enable the youth to venture in education as well as create opportunity for income generating projects. It is on this basis that this study therefore sought to examine the effect of YEDF services on youth empowerment in Wajir County. The study objectives were: to assess the effect of YEDF entrepreneurial training on job creation, to examine the effect of YEDF provision of loans on income and to determine the effect of YEDF provision of market linkages on youth enterprise development in Wajir County. The study adopted social capital, theory of change and reform theory to assess relationship among the various factors that have been identified as important to the study problem. This study adopted the descriptive survey research design. The target population of the study consists of the 200 youth groups in Wajir County. This study used a closed and open – ended questionnaire to administer to the sample since time may be limited and information needed could easily be described in writing. The data was coded and entered on a Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software that aids in analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data. The researcher adopted content analysis to analyse the qualitative data based on the objectives. The descriptive statistics was used in analysing quantitative data. The researcher adopted content analysis to analyse the qualitative data based on the objectives. The descriptive statistics was used in analysing quantitative data. In analysing the relationship between variable (YEDF services and youth empowerment) the study used regression analysis. The study found out that attending the entrepreneurship training is important in improving business performance. The youths are trained on ways of improving and retaining customers. The researcher found out that most youths in the county have loan accessibility and have been accessing it for the past one year. The study found out that most youths have attended market linkages program. By attending the programs, they have learnt various ways of improving their business performance and sharing of business ideas. Finally, the study found out that there is a significant relationship between market linkages and youth’s empowerment in the County. The study recommended that the government and stakeholders to promote entrepreneur training, offering of loans and market linkages to equip youths with business skills. The study took a year to be completed, the researcher started in June 2017 and ended in July 2018. This is an open-access article published and distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License of United States unless otherwise stated. Access, citation and distribution of this article is allowed with full recognition of the authors and the source.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
Rameshwari Singhal ◽  
Anil Chandra ◽  
Shuchi Tripathi ◽  
Pavitra Rastogi ◽  
Richa Khanna

Background: The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to the transition of dental education from chair-side clinical teachings to virtual didactic lectures. The future of dental education is not clear in these uncertain times. Objectives: This survey-based study aimed to evaluate the current scenario and preparedness of dental colleges/universities and faculty in adapting to the new situation and understanding the challenges faced during this phase. The survey also explored the opinions, limitations, and possible solutions in dental academics through open-ended qualitative questions. Methods: This survey-based study utilized exploratory mixed methods through both open- and closed-ended questions. The survey was distributed electronically to the majority of dental colleges across India to be answered voluntarily by the dental academicians involved in COVID-19 planning. The survey was inspired by the pre-existing questionnaire proposed by the Association of Dental Education in Europe (ADEE), and it was modified by the committee consisting of the study authors. Validation and piloting of the study were done through in-house dental faculty. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and expressed in percentages. Broad themes for qualitative data were derived by two independent authors and collated by the third author to finalize the results. Results: The questionnaire was answered by 89 dental schools from all parts of the country with varying stages of COVID-19 prevalence. Quantitative data revealed 100% adaptation of dental schools to online teaching, uncertainty regarding online (31.46%) and offline (10.11%) exams, and assessment of clinical competence. Qualitative analysis indicated uncertainty, ambiguity, and lack of direction among study respondents regarding how best to deal with the current situation. Conclusions: According to our results, collaborative effort from governing bodies was urgently required at this point to prevent dental education from being divided into multi-directional, incoherent, and isolated units.

2017 ◽  
Vol 71 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-55
Elena Jovanovska Janeva ◽  
Angelko Gjorchev ◽  
Biserka Kaeva ◽  
Gorica Breskovska ◽  
Zlatica Goseva ◽  

Abstract Introduction. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways in which many cells play a role with secreting a variety of mediators responsible for the clinical manifestation of asthma. It is assumed that IL-33 is one of the earliest-released mediators and can orchestrate the immune cascade of the disease. The aim of this study was to examine the role and clinical significance of IL-33 as a new and insufficiently explored mediator of inflammation in patients with uncontrolled moderate asthma. Methods. The study included 87 patients with asthma. Serum IL-33 was measured in all patients by ELISA method. The obtained data were statistically analyzedusing the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk's test. Qualitative data were presented in absolute and relative numbers, and quantitative data were presented with measures of descriptive statistics. Statistically significant values were considered forp <0.05. Results. Majority of included patients were female (75.86%). The average age of patientswas 42.3±15.9 years. The results of IL-33 in all patients were significantly increased compared to the reference value of IL-33 which is 0pg/ml. The average values of IL-33 ranged from 6.47±29.3 and they were insignificantly higher in the group with female patients compared to males (p=0.27), and insignificantly correlated with age (p=0.26). Conclusion. Even though a limited number of studies haveexplored the IL-33, results have shown higher serum level of IL-33 in asthma patients compared to healthy people, emphasizing the factthat IL-33 is an attrac tive candidate for targeted therapy and prognosis inasthma patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (05) ◽  
pp. 2196-2210
Richard Sikira

Non-governmental Organisations are key development partners who receive funds and other support from various stakeholders for supporting human development. Receiving funds and other supports require a well-established accountability framework to which most NGOs do not adhere. The downward and upward accountability phenomena seem overly complicated for NGOs to strike a balance as they have diverse and antagonistic interests. Given that scenario, it was imperative to examine how the existing mechanisms, influence the accountability of NGOs with the bias of ANSAF, UCS and HAWA. The study used Dar es Salaam as the case study employing the case study research design with a sample size of 30. Data were gathered through interviews and semi-structured questionnaires and analysed through content analysis for qualitative data. Quantitative data were analysed through simple descriptive statistics. This study aims to examine the mechanisms selected NGOs employ to instil accountability in Tanzania. The study found that the selected NGOs apply various accountability mechanisms, while the most used one is performance assessment based on a short-term basis, followed by disclosure of funding sources. The study concludes that upward and downward accountabilities are overly complex phenomena in actual practice. Thus, NGOs need a proper dedicated balance between the two.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 122 ◽  
Satriyo Wicaksono

<p>The development of science and technology influence and bring out the change in the world of education. Utilization of interactive multimedia using Macromedia Flash 8 can be used as a media of learning innovation. The developments of this research using development model 4D, among other steps are define, design, develop, and disseminate, but on this research and development only till to the develop step. The type of data in this development research is using quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data obtained from the results of validation experts and users (students and teachers). While the qualitative data in the form of comments and suggestions from validator expert and users. The data obtained from the results of validation to the validator subject matter experts by 83% with a decent sting category, media expert of 97% with a very decent katerogi, and limited testing is said to be very suitable with a percentage of 76%. From the analysis, it can be concluded that the interactive multimedia instructional is valid and suitable for the students.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> development, interactive multimedia, services cycle company<strong></strong></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Deddy Sofyan ◽  
Istiqlaliah Nurul Hidayati ◽  
Asih Wahyuni

The title of the research is integrating the teaching of culture based reading and essay writing to build students cultural awareness. Two main aims were conveyed in the research. First, it was aimed at supporting students to write an essay based on what they had read (to give them background knowledge and to build their reading habit) and the second was building students cultural awareness and helping them realize that their nation actually has fabulous local wisdoms. By realizing that the nation has deeply meaningful local wisdoms, they will love and protect the nation with their body and soul. The researchers integrated this teaching of local wisdoms by asking the students to firstly read a cultural based text and discussed what they understand about the text with their friends. The text contained a description about different cultures in several countries. The titles of the texts were for example: Maintaining Eye Contact in Some Cultures, Innocent Gestures that Mean Rude Abroad, The Ethics of Gift Giving all over the World, etc. After being read, the text was then discussed in the classroom. The students gave their opinion as well as their experience related to the topic. The last activity was writing an essay with the same topic yet the culture being discussed in the writing had to be about the students own culture. The method that was employed in the research was mixed method. The qualitative data was gained from classroom observation and the portfolio of students writings while the quantitative data was gained from questionnaires distributed to the students. The results were first the students found out how to write an essay and second, they realized that their culture has high values to be appreciated. Thus the love to the nation was well established.Key Words: Reading-Writing Integration, Cultural Awareness, Essay Writing.

Suryo Setiyo Kardono

This  research  trying  to  develop  a  model  for  managing  information  using information  technology  that  can  be  used  to  create  regulation  of  monitor  and evaluate internal control in information technology using tools COBIT versi 4.1. Research  methods  that  use  in  this  thesis  research  is  Mixed  Methods  with  approaching of Sequential Transformative Strategy. There is difference in the stage of data collecting that qualitative data and quantitative data was collect together  in  the  same  time.  Qualitative  data  are  the  documents  relate  to  the regulation of information technology in Dinas Komunikasi Infomatika Kabupaten Madiun. Quantitative data are collected from questioner survey I (management awareness), questioner survey II (maturity level), and internal control questioner survey. Key  words:  Mixed  Methods,  COBIT  Framework  4.1,  Managing  Information,  InternalControl, Information Technology

Monica Augustin Mshanga

This study observed challenges faced by Ward Officers (WOs) in practicing accountability and participation in the wards in Arusha city. The study adopted descriptive research design and used mixed method research approach. The population involved 175 ward officers in 25 wards in Arusha city from which a sample of 70 ward officers was drawn, but only 68 (97%) of them participated. Purposive sampling and simple random technique were used to obtain respondents. Data was collected through questionnaires and interview guide. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics, while qualitative data were subjected to thematic analysis. Findings revealed that challenges faced by WOs in practicing accountability and participation in their wards includes: little turn up of citizens in political election, lack of interests to participate in decision making, misuse of resources and environmental pollution, corruption and insufficient funds. The study recommended that local government authorities should educate its people on the importance of participating on different development activities from planning to implementation, and WOs should ensure ward information are accessible by the public.

Dewi Surani ◽  
Hamidah Hamidah

The article was to determine student perceptions in online learning. This research was conducted by survey method by giving questionnaires to 239 active students of Bina Bangsa University. Quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and qualitative data from open-ended questions to gain insight into student perceptions. The analysis shows that 80% of students are willing to take part in online learning, 62% of students claim online learning provides benefits, and 32% of students have difficulty understanding the material. In conclusion, the perception of students in online learning is relatively good with several obstacles that require improvement. So it is recommended that online learning should be planned, implemented, and evaluated in order to minimize problems and maximize the achievement of learning objectives An abstract should explain a brief, comprehensive summary of article contents; it allows readers to survey. Keywords:  Student Perception, Online Learning, Covid-19 Pandemic

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