2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 196
Suparno Juri ◽  
Dessy Triana Relita

The purpose research was to find out how the implementation citizens’ rights through poverty alleviation with a gender perspective is a family program hope towards the learning motiva- tion children beneficiary families in Sintang district. This research is motivated by the conditions poverty in Indonesia is quite high. Based on the research found that in Sintang: 1). The implementa- tion of Citizens’ Rights through Poverty Reduction with Gender Perspective The Family Hope Pro- gram has been implemented well; 2). Learning Motivation for Children Beneficiary Families is very good, it can be seen from the number KPM children who excel in both academic and non-academic fields. There are 59 children who excel both locally, nationally and internationally; 3). The Implemen- tation Citizens’ Rights through Poverty Alleviation with Gender Perspective Family Hope Program Against Learning Motivation Beneficiary family children are very relevant, because it has been able to facilitate underprivileged children to gain access to education as citizens’ rights, such as access to facilities in obtaining scholarships and relief tuition fees with assistance received in cash. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
La Ode Muhammad Elwan

Poverty reduction is an issue that should be resolved by the Government to soon completed and disconnected the chain of causes. Poverty reduction is currently oriented material so its sustainability depends greatly on the availability of the budget and the Government's commitment. The policy measures were undertaken by the Government to abolish it one is the family Program expectations. Welfare is the ultimate goal of the Family Expectations Program, namely to improve the quality of life of the family is very poor with access to health services and education. With the unsettled Family, Hope Program is expected to improve the social life of economy, education and public health, especially in poor community groups. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of a programme of Family expectations, find supporters and restricting factors and efforts to overcome it in the Wakatobi Binongko. Theory approaches used in this research is policy implementation approach Daniel Mazmanian and Paul Sabatier. The theory sees variables easy to control, the issue of whether or not the variable policy capabilities in the implementation process to manage appropriately and the variable outside the policies that affect the process of implementation. The research method used is descriptive research methods with qualitative approaches. Data collection was done through observation and interview. Research results showed the Family Hope Program Implementation in district Binongko Wakatobi many experience obstacles and have not been implemented properly. Socialisation has not been comprehensive so that less had the support of the parties concerned. It captures the recipient's Family Hope Program participants is not yet comprehensive, there are still many who have not to get family Program expectations. This has not been done well and the use of funds the Program Families Hope by very poor Households often used outside the conditions. For the long term cannot change the mindset and behaviour of very poor Households significantly.    Keywords: Implementation Of Policy, Family Expectations Program

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Nani Marwida ◽  
Mahrizal Mahrizal

Destitution is a fundamental problem faced by all countries, particularly developing countries like Indonesia. Destitution is a complex problem, so special attention is needed to overcome  it.  One  of  the  poverty  reduction  efforts  undertaken  by  the  Government  of Indonesia is through the Family Hope Program (PKH), which began to emerge in 2007.This research aim to find out and analyze the effect of the Family Hope Program on poverty alleviation in Woyla District, which is one of the areas that received assistance from the Family Hope Program. In this study using quantitative descriptive research methods. The object of this research is the Family Hope Program KPM in Woyla District. The data used are sourced from primary data in the form of answers to questionnaires, observations and secondary data from the government’s official website and the secretariat archives of Woyla District. Methods of data analysis carried out in the form of normality test and simple linear regression. The results of the analysis with the help of the SPSS 20 program indicate that there is a strong relationship between the variables of the Family Hope Program (PKH) and the poverty  alleviation  variable  with  a  correlation  coefficient  of  0.601  and  a  determinant coefficient of 0.361. This means that the Family Hope Program (PKH) has a positive and significant effect on destitution reduction in Woyla District, this means that if the Family Hope Program increases, poverty reduction will also increase.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
Baiq Reinelda Tri Yunarni ◽  
Mintasrihardi Mintasrihardi ◽  
Yeni Setiawati

Abstrak: Masalah kemiskinan sampai saat ini menjadi masalah yang berkepanjangan. Salah satu program penanggulangan kemiskinan yang diluncurkan oleh pemerintah pusat untuk mengatasi kemiskinan yaitu Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH). Program keluarga harapan merupakan program pemberian bantuan sosial berupa uang tunai kepada keluarga sangat miskin yang memenuhi syarat. Program keluarga harapan diharapkan mampu mengatasi kemiskinan pada masyarakat. Penelitian ini berjudul “Efektivitas Program Keluarga Harapan dlam Mengurangi Angka Kemiskinan di Desa Daha Kecamatan Hu’u Kabupaten Dompu” dalam penelitian ini peneliti mendeskripsikan bagaimana tingkat efektivitas program keluarga harapan dan faktor pendukung maupun faktor penghambat dari program PKH di Desa Daha. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Sumber data penelitian adalah data primer dan sekunder. Tekhnik analisis data meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, serta penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sosialisasi Program Keluarga Harapan di Desa Daha sudah dijalankan dengan baik dan efektif, dilihat dari jumlah penduduk miskin setiap tahunnya semakin berkurang dengan jumlah penduduk yang semakin meningkat. Program keluarga harapan dijalankan sudah sesuai dengan tugas dan kewenangan SOP yang digunakan pada pedoman dari pusat dan Kabupaten Dompu. Sosialisasi awal sudah dilakukan dengan baik, pemuktahirn data selalu dilakukan pendamping setiap pertemuan, verifikasi pendidikan dan kesehatan sudah dijalankan dengan baik, hanya saja fasilitas untuk pendamping PKH masih kurang. Abstract The problem of poverty to date has been a prolonged problem. One of the poverty reduction programs is the family hope program. Hope family program is a program of providing social assistance in the form of cash to poor people who fulfill the requirements. In this study the researcher deskibed how the level of effectiveness of family programs is hope and supporting factors and inhibiting factor in implementing family planning programs. Hope family program are expected to be able to overcome poverty in society. This study entitled “the effectiveness of family programs in reducing poverty in Daha sub-District of Hu’u District Dompu”in this study the researcher describet how the effectiveness of family programs is hope and supporting factors as well as inhibiting factors of the PKH program in the village of Daha. This type of reseach is qualitative descriptive research. Data obtained throught interviews, observation and documentation. Sources of research data are primary and secondary data. Data analisys techniques include data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions and verification. The result of the study showed that the socialization of family planning programs in the village of Daha had been carried out well and effectively, judging from the number of poor people every year decreasing with the increasing population. The family program is carried out in accordance with he duties and authority of the SOP used in the guidelines from the central and regency of Dompu, the intial outhreach has been done well, updating the data is always carried out by assistansts et each meeting, ferivication of education and health has been carried out properly, only PKH facilitsting facilities still not enough.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Vivi Yulia Nora

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>This article intends to describe economy moral from peasant and their implications for poverty reduction in Sub of Tabek Jorong Tabek Nagari district Pariangan Kabupaten Tanah Datar. The values that</em><em> </em><em>affected by peasant give influence to their behavior. Economy moral that oriented to production, does not want to maximize production, afraid to take risks and consumptive implications to poverty alleviation efforts. Government's poverty alleviation program that they receive is used to enhance the economic effort that can remove them from poverty. Assistance that has given to them tend to be used for consumption. Government programs to increase agricultural output does not respond properly, so that the government's efforts to get them out of poverty is not reached.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>economy moral, peasant, proverty reduction</em></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Artikel ini bermaksud untuk menggambarkan moral ekonomi dari petani dan implikasinya terhadap pengurangan kemiskinan di Jorong Tabek Nagari Tabek Kabupaten Pariangan Kabupaten Tanah Datar. Nilai-nilai yang dipengaruhi oleh petani memberi pengaruh pada perilaku mereka. Moral ekonomi yang berorientasi pada produksi, tidak ingin memaksimalkan produksi, takut untuk mengambil risiko dan implikasi konsumtif terhadap upaya pengentasan kemiskinan. Program pengentasan kemiskinan pemerintah yang mereka terima digunakan untuk meningkatkan upaya ekonomi yang dapat menghapusnya dari kemiskinan. Bantuan yang telah diberikan kepada mereka cenderung digunakan untuk konsumsi. Program pemerintah untuk meningkatkan hasil pertanian tidak merespon dengan baik, sehingga upaya pemerintah untuk mengeluarkan mereka dari kemiskinan tidak tercapai.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> moral ekonomi, petani, pengentasan kemiskinan</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 5766
Guanglu Zeng ◽  
Chenggang Zhang ◽  
Sanxi Li ◽  
Hailin Sun

China was the first developing country to achieve the poverty eradication target of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 10 years ahead of schedule. Its past approach has been, mainly, to allocate more fiscal spending to rural areas, while strengthening accountability for poverty alleviation. However, some literature suggests that poor rural areas still lack the endogenous dynamics for sustainable growth. Using a vector autoregression (VAR) model, based on data from 1990 to 2019, we find that fiscal spending plays a much more significant role in reducing the poverty ratio than agricultural development. When poverty alleviation is treated as an administrative task, each poor village must complete the spending of top-down poverty alleviation funds within a time frame that is usually shorter than that required for successful specialty agriculture. As a result, the greater the pressure of poverty eradication and the more funds allocated, the more poverty alleviation projects become an anchor for accountability, and the more local governments’ consideration of industry cycles and input–output analysis give way to formalism, homogeneity, and even complicity. We suggest using the leverage of fiscal funds to direct more resources to productive uses, thus guiding future rural revitalization in a more sustainable direction.

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 462
Hongyu Wang ◽  
Xiaolei Wang ◽  
Apurbo Sarkar ◽  
Lu Qian

Market-based initiatives like agriculture value chain (AVC) are becoming progressively pervasive to support smallholder rural farmers and assist them in entering larger market interventions and providing a pathway of enhancing their socioeconomic well-being. Moreover, it may also foster staggering effects towards the post-era poverty alleviation in rural areas and possessed a significant theoretical and practical influence for modern agricultural development. The prime objective of the study is to explore the effects of smallholder farmers’ participation in the agricultural value chain for availing rural development and poverty alleviation. Specifically, we have crafted the assessment employing pre-production (improved fertilizers usage), in-production (modern preservation technology), and post-production (supply chain) participation and interventions of smallholder farmers. The empirical data has been collected from a micro survey dataset of 623 kiwifruit farmers from July to September in Shaanxi, China. We have employed propensity score matching (PSM), probit, and OLS models to explore the multidimensional poverty reduction impact and heterogeneity of farmers’ participation in the agricultural value chain. The results show that the total number of poor farmers who have experienced one-dimensional and two-dimensional poverty is relatively high (66.3%). We also find that farmers’ participation in agricultural value chain activities has a significant poverty reduction effect. The multidimensional poverty level of farmers using improved fertilizer, organizational acquisition, and using storage technology (compared with non-participating farmers) decreased by 30.1%, 46.5%, and 25.0%, respectively. The multidimensional poverty reduction degree of male farmers using improved fertilizer and participating in the organizational acquisition is greater than that of women. The multidimensional poverty reduction degree of female farmers using storage and fresh-keeping technology has a greater impact than the males using storage and improved storage technology. Government should widely promote the value chain in the form of pre-harvest, production, and post-harvest technology. The public–private partnership should also be strengthened for availing innovative technologies and infrastructure development.

Nur Ainy Sadijah

The role of the family has the influence to overcome all obstacles both from internal and external students in realizing all the ideals and hopes. Family support can increase learning motivation, sense of security and attention of students who are still in school. The form of family expression through empathy and acceptance helps students with enthusiasm to manifest individual enthusiasm in the learning process. High learning motivation is also caused by school well-being which is used by school institutions to understand all the basic needs for students and hope that individuals feel satisfaction, well-being and comfort in school with all the processes so as to reduce low learning motivation, this makes students feel prosperous, happy, happy in studying at school. This study aims to determine the effect of family support and school well-being on learning motivation in students of SMP Negeri 1 Telukjambe Timur Karawang. The number of samples used was 205 students of SMP Negeri 1 grades 7 and 8 East Telukjambe using probability sampling method. Based on the multiple regression analysis test that there is an influence between family support and school well-being on the learning motivation of students of SMP Negeri 1 Telukjambe Timur Karawang grades 7 and 8 with a Sign value. 0.000 <0.005, which means that family support and school well-being affect students' learning motivation by 23.1%. Keywords: Learning motivation, family support, school well-being Peran keluarga memiliki pengaruh untuk mengatasi segala rintangan baik dari internal maupun ekternal siswa dalam mewujudkan semua cita-cita dan harapan. Dukungan keluarga mampu meningkatkan motivasi belajar, rasa aman dan perhatian siswa yang masih duduk dibangku sekolah. Bentuk ungkapan keluarga melalui empati dan penerimaan membantu siswa dengan semangat untuk mewujudkan semangat individu dalam proses belajarnya. Motivasi belajar yang tinggi juga di sebabkan oleh school well-being yang, dijadikan oleh institusi sekolah untuk memahami segala kebutuhan mendasar bagi siswa dan berharap individu merasakan kepuasan, kesejahteraan dan kenyamanan di sekolah dengan segala prosesnya sehingga mengurangi rendahnya motivasi belajar hal ini membuat siswa merasa sejahtera, senang, bahagia di dalam menuntut ilmu di sekolah. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dukungan keluarga dan school well-being terhadap motivasi belajar pada siswa SMP Negeri 1 Telukjambe Timur Karawang. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan 205 siswa SMP Negeri 1 kelas 7 dan 8 Telukjambe Timur dengan menggunakan metode probability sampling. Berdasarkan uji analisis regresi berganda bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara dukungan keluarga dan school well-being terhadap motivasi belajar siswa SMP Negeri 1 Telukjambe Timur Karawang kelas 7 dan 8 dengan nilai Sign. 0,000 < 0,005 yang artinya dukungan keluarga dan school well-being mempengaruhi motivasi belajar siswa sebesar 23.1%. Kata Kunci: Motivasi belajar, dukungan keluarga, school well-being

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-127
Novi Firmawati ◽  
Budi Sasongko

This study examines the role of education in improving technology adoption as reflected in technology inclusion, poverty alleviation and efforts to increase community income which is reflected in economic growth. This study uses secondary data from world banks and processed regression using the moving average autoregression method. We found that education investment and technology inclusion were positively related to economic growth. And,negatively related to probability. This indicates that education plays a role in encouraging technological inclusion which reflects technological adaptation and encourages economic growth which is an indicator of the prosperity of the people in Indonesia which is strengthened by a negative relationship with poverty which indicates that education plays an important role in poverty alleviation

2019 ◽  
Jay Luo

Poverty alleviation is a hallmark of post-revolution Chinese policymaking. Since 1978, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has implemented successive waves of poverty alleviation policies whose effects have become the focus of an ever-increasing body of academic literature. This paper reviews this diverse but limited literature that evaluates the impact of the CPC’s poverty reduction programs through four major channels, namely fiscal investment programs, social safety nets, rural governance on the village-, county- and provincial level, and the relocation of rural populations from destitute regions. This paper aims to synthesize results and evaluate whether and how the abovementioned poverty alleviation programs have had distinct positive or negative impacts on regional development outcomes. Furthermore, I highlight contradictions in empirical findings to motivate the discussion about contextual importance when designing and implementing future poverty alleviation programs. Finally, I suggest that an exhaustive and critical appraisal of the empirical strategies used in this literature would further the development and application of more accurate and informative methodologies.

Faizal Anwar ◽  
Nanik Untari

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the Family Hope Program Assistance Policy and to want to know what factors hindered the implementation of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Mesigit Village. The method in this research uses qualitative research. The results showed that the implementation of the Family Hope Program policy has gone well, but that has become an obstacle in the implementation of the Hope Family Program coordinating PKH facilitators to the village government. The conclusion of this research is that the implementation of the Family Hope Program (PKH) has been going well because it has four indicators of policy implementation such as: communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. While the inhibiting factors are the awareness and interest of the community about PKH, telecommunications network facilities and the absence of meeting activities, there is no coordination from PKH facilitators.  Keywords: Policy, Poverty, Program.  

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