scholarly journals Unsur Keteladanan Tokoh dalam Buku Digital H.B. Jassin: Perawat Sastra Indonesia sebagai Bahan Ajar Bahasa Indonesia

Dian Etikasari ◽  
Rahmawati Mulyaningtyas

The younger generation possess problems in recognizing the national figures who have contributed greatly to the Indonesian nation. The Ministry of Education and Culture by its digital library  releases the site which provides the books that are very useful for children in recognizing Indonesian national figures. One of the books is entitled H.B Jassin: Perawat Sastra Indonesia which contains about the ins and outs of H.B Jassin that gives a great role model. This can be used as a role model for children in building their character development. In addition, the digital book H.B Jassin: Perawat Sastra Indonesia can be used as a teaching material for Indonesian language learning. The purpose of this research is to describe the noble attitude of H.B Jassin and the use of the digital book H.B Jassin: Perawat Sastra Indonesia as Indonesian language teaching material. Descriptive qualitative was chosen as the research method an digital book H.B Jassin: Perawat Sastra Indonesia as the source data. From the results of the analysis, it was found that the noble character elements of H.B. Jassin, they are fond of reading, passionate and brave, confident, devoted to parents, respectful, diligent and thorough, honest and responsible, persistent, charitable, humble, simple, patient, forgiving, creative, hardworking, religious, and nationalist person. Then, the digital book H.B Jassin: Perawat Sastra Indonesia is used as a teaching material for Indonesian language learning at the high school level in grade X at basic competencies  3.14 menilai hal yang dapat diteladani dari teks biografi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Uun Undarti Septiani ◽  
I Nyoman Sudana Degeng ◽  
Nurmida Catherine Sitompul

Problem-based learning connects new problems that exist in daily life. It optimizes the ability to think through the process of group work and experimental activities. The students have difficulties in solving problems. They have little experience and are not highly motivated. It makes them unable to explore what students have. The conventional methods lack of training in critical thinking for students. This causes students to lack confidence to play an active role in the learning process. Based on these problems, the present study therefore developed the Indonesian language learning materials for Grade 7 at the junior high school level using the Problem Based Learning model.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Maulana Yusuf Aditya

 Abstrak  Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini merupakan kegiatan lanjutan dari program sebelumnya, dimana dilakukan pelatihan terkait penerapan teknologi dalam pembelajaran bahasa atau disingkat TELL (Technology in Language Learning). Seiring berkembangnya lembaga-lembaga kursus yang jumlahnya semakin banyak, terutama di wilayah Bangkalan. Banyak siswa-siswi mulai dari tingkat sekolah dasar sampai menengah atas mendaftar dan mengikuti program-program yang ditawarkan oleh lembaga kursus. Tren inilah yang menjadi dasar terpilihnya lembaga kursus sebagai tempat melakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Penerapan audiobook lit2go di lembaga kursus  Bahasa Inggris ini dilakukan oleh para tutor di lembaga kursus E-Home untuk membantu proses pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan teknologi pembelajaran, yang nantinya diharapkan bisa meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah meningkatnya kemampuan pengajar Bahasa Inggris di lembaga kursus dalam menggunakan teknologi saat pembelajaran, dalam hal ini penggunaan audiobook lit2go.  Kata kunci: Audiobook Lit2go, Tell, Pembelajaran, Teknologi   Abstract    This community service activity is a continuation of the previous program, where training is carried out related to the application of technology in language learning called TELL (Technology in Language Learning). As the number of course institutions grows, especially in the Bangkalan region. Many students ranging from elementary to high school level register and participate in programs offered by institute courses. This trend is the basis for the selection of course institutions as a place to do community service. The application of lit2go audiobook at English language course institutions is carried out by tutors at E-Home course institutions to assist the learning process by utilizing learning technology, which in turn is expected to improve student learning outcomes. The result of this community service activity is the improvement of the ability of English teachers in course institutions to use technology while learning, in this case the use of lit2go audiobook. Keywords: Lit2go Audiobook, Tell, Learning, Technology

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-168
Emilia Putri Kumalasari ◽  
Agus Budi Wahyudi ◽  

This article examines the referential meaning of children's names in SMA N 1 Karanggede grade X MIPA 1. This article aims to (1) find the referential meaning of the child's name (2) explains the content of the referential meaning of the child's name (3) describes the utilization of the referential meaning of the child's name as teaching material Indonesian language learning class VIII junior high school. The data in this study are referential meanings of children's names. Sources of data came from parents and students in SMA N 1 Karanggede, especially in class X MIPA 1. Data collection techniques used interviews and questionnaires. The validity used is source triangulation. The data analysis technique uses the referential equivalent method. The results of this study are, First, the referential meaning of the child's name refers to objects (23names) and properties (13names). Second, the meaning of the name of the child based on the giver's name refers to: prayer or hope (21), time of birth (7), order of birth (2), inspiration (6). Third, the use of referential meanings of children's names in Indonesian language learning in VIII grade of SMP is related to basic competencies 4.1 Concludes the content of the news (boast and motivate what is read and heard). The material used is news text taken from the name giving of children in SMA N 1 Karanggede which motivates.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 199
Meli Meli

Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi penyusunan materi pengajaran fonetik pada bahan ajar bahasa Mandarin tingkat sekolah menengah atas. Penelitian ini melibatkan 8 paket bahan ajar bahasa Mandarin di sekolah menengah atas. Dari penelitian 8 paket bahan ajar tersebut ternyata penyusunan pengajaran fonetik pada sebagian besar bahan ajar tersebut masih menggunakan format umum, serta tidak mempertimbangkan kesulitan pelajar yang bahasa ibunya adalah bahasa Indonesia. Selain itu, pada sebagian besar bahan ajar, alokasi jumlah unit pelajaran tentang fonetik cenderung masih sedikit dan terkesan disederhanakan. Berdasarkan hal ini, dengan bersumber kepada beberapa penelitian fonetik yang telah dilakukan oleh beberapa pemerhati pendidikan bahasa Mandarin baik di Indonesia dan Tiongkok, peneliti menyarankan format penyusunan pengajaran fonetik pada bahan ajar bahasa Mandarin tingkat sekolah menengah atas yang lebih baik. Hal ini dilakukan agar peserta didik khususnya pelajar pemula bahasa Mandarin di sekolah  menengah atas dapat lebih mudah mempelajarinya.    Kata-kata kunci :          Bahasa Mandarin, bahan ajar, fonetik, sekolah menengah atas AbstractThe main objective of this study is to evaluate the arrangement of phonetic teaching in Mandarin teaching material at senior high school level. The study involved eight packages of Mandarin teaching materials in senior high school. Based on the study of this 8 packages teaching materials, apparently the arrangement of phonetic teaching in most of the materials still utilizes a common format, and does not take into consideration the difficulties of students whose native language is Indonesian. In addition, the majority of the teaching materials allocates only a few units of phonetic lessons, and is oversimplified. As regards, I suggested a better format on the arrangement of phonetic teaching in Mandarin teaching material at senior high school level, referring to some phonetic research that has been done by some Mandarin education observers, both in Indonesia and China. Hopefully learners, especially beginner students in senior high school may learn Mandarin much easier.Keywords: Mandarin, teaching material, phonetic, senior high school

Retos ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 56-59
Alda Reyno Freundt

La presente investigación de tipo descriptivo - exploratorio de diseño transversal tiene como propósito analizar la opinión acerca de los objetivos y contenidos de la Unidad «Deportes y actividades de autosuperación y de expresión motriz» y de las Actividades Expresivo Motrices (AEM), emitida por profesores de Educación Física (EF) en ejercicio, en el año 2004 en Chile. Se aplicó un cuestionario a 249 profesores que impartían EF en los cursos de secundaria (NM2 y NM3) en los diferentes tipos de Establecimientos educacionales del país, con el propósito de detectar su opinión respecto a los contenidos y objetivos de las AEM. Este estudio, describe lo que está respondido por los profesores del medio, en el cuestionario de AEM. Los resultados de la encuesta fueron estratificados por género, de acuerdo a los objetivos planteados en la investigación. La Conclusión general del estudio indica que tantos los profesores entrevistados como en los Programas de Estudios del Ministerio de Educación hay una confusión en relación a lo que se entiende por Agentes de la Educación Física. Los profesores aplican agentes tales como: atletismo, folklore y baile, dejando la expresión y o la gimnasia rítmica prácticamente de lado. Los profesores declaran como objetivo «Promocionar el cuidado del cuerpo y salud» para dar cumplimiento al eje de Unidades Deportes y actividades de autosuperación y de expresión motriz, siendo que éste corresponde debiera ser «Lograr que el alumno exprese y se comunique a través del cuerpo y el movimiento».Abstract: The current research is of a descriptive – exploratory type with a transversal design and is part of the Doctoral Thesis presented in the year 2007: « Initial formation of Physical Education Teachers in Chile and Motor Expression Area Contents» The aim of the present study is to analyze the opinion regarding the objectives and contents of the Unit «Sports and Self - improvement Activities and of Motor Expression» and of «Motor Expression Activities» (MEA), given by 249 teachers of Physical Education (PE) who were working in Chile in the year 2004. A questionnaire was applied to 249 teachers who were teaching PE at high school level (10TH and 11TH grades) in different types of schools in the country. Its purpose was detecting their opinion concerning the contents and objectives of MEA. This study describes the answers given by the teachers in the MEA questionnaire. The results were stratified by gender, according to the targets stated in this investigation. The general conclusion of this analysis indicates that in the surveyed teachers as well as in the Ministry of Education program there is a confusion in relation to what is understood by Content and Agent in Physical Education. Teachers apply Agents such as Athletics, Folklore and Dance, leaving aside bodily expression and rythmnic gymnastics. Theachers declare as an objective «To promote the care of body and health». In this way they fullfil their commitment to the «Sports Unit as well as to activites of self improvement and motor expression» it ought to be «Allow the student to express and communicate througt body and movement».

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 123-134
Palle Manohar ◽  
Dr.G.Chenna Reddy

The present paper covers the teaching and learning process of English language teaching in government schools of Andhra Pradesh. As the aim of the syllabus by the SCERT, Andhra Pradesh, the learners of English are expected to achieve proper communication skills to apply it in the global context. Bright and Marc Gregor (1978) have remarked that “there is no language learning without exposure” At this juncture mere knowledge of English, based upon listening, speaking, reading and writing directed towards acquisition of communication skills among high school students. The present study intended to find out the lacuna of secondary skills in English language among the students at high school level. An Oxford dictionary defines lacuna as ‘an absent part’. This paper portrays the percentage of expected and achieved skills of the students which is technically the term called as ‘Lacuna’. Most of the students are promoted to the next classes without adequate all the skills expected by the SCERT. Gradually the differences between expected and achieved skills have been increasing by the students year by year. At this juncture, it is very much needed to fill the lacuna between expected and achieved skills among the students for the strong foundation of the students in the field of communication skills.

Lena Aprilliana ◽  
Neneng Sutjiati ◽  
Sugihartono Sugihartono

Pembelajaran bahasa asing dalam sebuah materi ajar sangat mengutamakan pengenalan pembendaharaan kosakata. Dalam pembelajaran bahasa Jepang di tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas, budaya Jepang turut  dipelajari dengan tujuan sebagai pengenalan dan peningkatan wawasan budaya. Beberapa kosakata benda perlu dipahami agar mempermudah dalam mempelajari budaya khas Jepang. Media pembelajaran memiliki peranan penting dalam menyampaikan materi ajar, media realia menjadi pilahan yang dianggap dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata bahasa Jepang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif eksperimen, dengan populasi siswa SMA Negeri 1 Lembang tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Sampel dipilih secara acak dengan jumlah 84 orang yaitu X MIA 2 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan X MIA 3 sebagai kelas kontrol. Analisis data menggunakan instrumen tes awal (pretest), tes akhir (posttest) dan angket. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan, nilai rata-rata siswa sebelum menggunakan media realia pada kelas eksperimen 30,48, pada kelas kontrol 27,69. Setelah menggunakan media realia nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen menjadi 78,02, pada kelas kontrol 59,90. Perhitungan statistik komparasional, sebelum menggunakan media realia t hitung lebih kecil dari t tabel yaitu 1,22<2,64. Setelah menggunakan realia nilai t hitung lebih besar dari t tabel yaitu 7,52>2,64. Hal tersebut menyatakan ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol setelah menggunakan media realia. Hasil angket menunjukkan persentase sebesar 76%-95% (sebagian besar) responden memberikan tanggapan positif mengenai pembelajaran dengan media realia. Penggunaan media realia sangat efektif dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata benda yang berkaiatan dengan budaya khas Jepang.   The learning of foreign language in a learning material is prioritizing the introduction of vocabularies. In the Japanese language learning at the high school level, Japanese cultures are taught with the purpose of introducing and enhancing students’ cultural insight. Some objects vocabularies are needed to be understood in order to make ease students to learn Japanese typical cultures. The first observation conducted in this research shows that the Japanese vocabularies learning is difficult to be learnt by using book as the media of learning. Learning media has an important role in delivering learning material. Realia becomes the alternative media to enhance students in mastering Japanese vocabularies. This research employed the true experimental quantitative methods with the population of students in SMA NEGERI 1 LEMBANG in the academic year 2015/2016. The sample of this research were selected randomly with 84 students employed both as the experimental class in X MIA 2 and X MIA 3 as the control class. The instruments used in the data analysis were prettest, posttest and questionaires.The data analysis shows that the average score of students before using Realia as the learning media in the experimental class was 30.48 and 27.69 in the control class. After realia was used as the learning media, the average score of the experimental class increases until 78.20 and 59.90 in the control class. Meanwhile, the t calculation of comparational statistic calculation before using realia was smaller than the t table which is 1.22<2.64. After using realia as the learning media the t score became greater than t table which is 7.52> 2.64. It shows that there is a significant difference between experimental class and control class after using realia as the learning media. The questionnaire results shows that 76% -95% (most) of the respondents give positive feedback towards the learning with using realia as the media of learning. The use of realia as the media of learning is very effective in improving the mastery of objects vocabularies relating to the typical culture of Japan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 1075
Rashideh Zoghi

Many factors including the learners’ individual personality factors and their sociocultural backgrounds, attitudes to learning the new language, intelligence quotient, and personal learning styles and preferences are involved in the process of second/foreign language learning. The present study attempted to examine the relationship between learners’ linguistic intelligence and their visual, audio, and kinaesthetic (VAK) preferences by formulating three null hypotheses. In order to test the hypotheses, a total number of 100 Iranian female high school-level EFL learners in Tabriz were selected through cluster sampling. The participants took a linguistic intelligence test and responded to a VAK preference questionnaire to obtain data about their linguistic intelligence and VAK preferences. The statistical analysis of the obtained data led to the rejection of all three null hypotheses indicating a significant relationship between the learners’ linguistic intelligence and their VAK preferences. The relationship between linguistic intelligence and auditory preferences turned out to be negative and reverse. These results indicated that in order to increase teaching efficiency, the language educators should try to prepare and use instructional materials suiting the learners’ visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic preferences, indicating the need for individualized language instruction. The findings have implications for curriculum developers and syllabus designers as well as educational policy makers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 176
Nisa’ A’fifatul Azizah ◽  
Herman J Waluyo ◽  
Chafit Ulya

<p><em>This study aims to describe and explain (1) the intrinsic element of novel Rantau 1 Muara by Ahmad Fuadi, (2) the emotional condition of the character depicted in the novel Rantau 1 Muara by Ahmad Fuadi according to Sigmund Freud’s theory, (3) the values of character education contained in the novel Rantau 1 Muara by Ahmad Fuadi, (4) the relevancy of novel Rantau 1 Muara by Ahmad Fuadi as a teaching material for literary appreciation class in Senior High School level.</em> <em>This study used a descriptive qualitative method with literary psychology approach. Data collection was carried out with document analysis techniques and indept interviews. The validity data test has been done using triangulation theory technique and data triangulation. The analysis of data was conducted using flow analysis i.e, the data reduction, data presentation, and conclutions determination.</em> <em>The results of the study are (1) the intrinsic elements that build the novel Rantau 1 Muara are theme, characterizations, plot, settings, and author’s point of view; (2) the emotional  conditions experienced by characters in the novel Rantau 1 Muara are influenced by three elements i.e, id, ego, and superego; (3) the value of character education that contained in the novel Rantau 1 Muara there are 13 values including religious, honest, tolerance, discipline, hardwork, independent, curiosity, spirit of nationality, love the country, friendly/ communicate, like reading, concern to social issue, and responsibly; (4) novel Rantau 1 Muara can be used as an alternative teaching material of literary appreciation class in Senior High School level.</em></p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 95-103 ◽  
Kouki Ookawa

Abstract It cannot be denied that intercultural understanding is crucial in the process of learning English at elementary school, junior high school, high school, and beyond. This paper analyzes the high school English textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan from the perspective of intercultural understanding. First, it elucidates the types of articles, the countries materials deal with, and the purposes of the materials used in the books. Then it considers important elements of intercultural education. The result of the research shows that the materials contain various kinds of categories, and many concern English-speaking countries. Furthermore, an important fact is that many materials concerning Japan, aimed at understanding its own culture, are shown in the textbooks as well. Finally, the paper suggests future direction for the use of materials in the textbooks in order to facilitate intercultural understanding.

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