Iwan Sahrial Hamid ◽  
Faisal Fikri ◽  
Muhammad Thohawi Elziyad Purnama

AbstractThe Banyuwangi Regency Government, through the Livestock Service Office, is very active in improving the community's economic level through the livestock sector. It is proven through a variety of dynamic population numbers in 2014 namely, 108,139 beef cattle. For this reason, it is necessary to get broad attention in terms of increasing the productivity of livestock. The success of increasing livestock productivity is determined by the factors of seed, feed, and management, while the largest component, which is 70%, comes from the feed factor. So far, it is rarely known that forage feed or additional feed in the form of tofu dregs or concentrate, is not completely digested in the small intestine but only about 60-70%, while the rest is excreted through feces and urine. For this reason, it is necessary to provide feed supplementation in the form of probiotics for ruminants containing several non-pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria) that can help increase feed digestibility. Probiotics can be defined as food supplements containing live microbes that have a beneficial effect on animals as their host through improving the balance of microflora in the digestive tract. Community service activities that have been carried out include the provision of probiotics for ruminants which are given directly to farmers by visiting the location of the beef cattle pen. The community service program is carried out for 5 months including counseling, training, evaluation, and cadre development. It can be concluded that there is an increase in cognitive, affective, psychomotor and substance aspects in the partner community.Keywords: beef cattle; Wongsorejo; Gombengsari; Banyuwangi AbstrakPemerintah Kabupaten Banyuwangi, melalui Dinas Peternakan sangat gencar dalam meningkatkan taraf perekonomian masyarakat melalui sektor peternakan. Terbukti melalui beragam jumlah populasi dinamis pada tahun 2014 yakni, sapi potong 108.139 ekor. Untuk itu perlu mendapat perhatian yang luas dalam hal peningkatan  produktivitas hewan ternak. Keberhasilan peningkatan  produktivitas peternakan ditentukan oleh faktor bibit, pakan dan pengelolaan, sedangkan komponen terbesar yaitu sebesar 70 % berasal dari faktor pakan. Selama ini jarang diketahui  bahwa pakan hijauan maupun pakan tambahan berupa ampas tahu atau konsentrat, tidak seluruhnya dicerna dalam usus halus melainkan hanya sekitar 60-70 %,sedangkan yang sisanya dibuang lewat feses dan urine. Untuk itu  perlu dilakukan pemberian suplementasi pakan berupa pro biotik untuk Ruminan yang mengandung beberapa mikroorganisme (bakteri) non patogen yang mampu membantu peningkatan kecernaan pakan. Probiotik dapat didefinisikan sebagai suplemen makanan yang mengandung mikrobial hidup menimbulkan efek menguntungkan hewan sebagai induk semangnya melalui peningkatan  keseimbangan mikroflora di dalam saluran pencernaan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang telah dilakukan meliputi pemberian probiotik untuk ruminan yang diberikan secara langsung kepada peternak dengan mendatangi lokasi kandang sapi pedaging. Program pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan selama 5 bulan meliputi penyuluhan, pelatihan, evaluasi, dan pembinaan kader. Dapat disimpulkan terdapat peningkatan aspek kognitif, afektif, psikomotor dan substansi pada masyarakat mitra.Kata kunci: sapi potong; Wongsorejo; Gombengsari; Banyuwangi

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-48
Yoyon Riono ◽  
Elfi Yenny Yusuf

Horticulture is the study of the cultivation of garden plants. Broadly speaking, it is the study of the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, flowers and ornamental plants. The purpose of this community service is to provide insight and knowledge of farmer groups to use the house yard for planting crops, especially horticulture. The implementation method is carried out by counseling, training and mentoring residents and farmer groups to maximize the results of empowerment. In addition, leaflets as educational tools are given as a guide. The steps were taken: firstly, the lecturers of the agrotechnology study program to residents and farmer groups, secondly, training, starting from the selection of good planting materials. Third, assistance related to the use of household agriculture (home gardens) with horticultural cultivation techniques. The result of this community service program is that the beautiful jasmine farmer group has understood and the benefits of the house yard to be used as a planting area, especially for horticultural crops. From the activities of this community service program, it can be concluded that farmer groups can specifically make use of the empty land and unused land around their homes, especially the existence of empty land. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 124
Hastin Ernawati Chotimah ◽  
Wijantri Kusumadati ◽  
Eka Nor Taufik

Petuk Katimpun is one of the supplier villages for vegetable needs in the Palangka Raya city and its surroundings. At the abundant harvest, the prices of vegetables dropped sharply and were even worthless. Vegetables are left to rot in the tree, because there are costs to be taken to pick the vegetables. This is certainly very painful for the farmer. The farmers continue to lose money. One solution is to increase the value added of vegetables through processing technology. The technology of processing vegetable chips with vacuum frying is able to maintain the distinctive aroma and color of vegetables, crisper texture, lower vitamin damage and lower oil absorption. The purpose of this community service program is to transfer vacuum frying technology to increase the value added of the vegetables so that the level of the loss of farmers can be reduced. The approach were taken by  counseling, training and coaching and mentoring. The counseling was carried out by direct communication and interactive discussion, while training of using vacuum frying tools with various vegetable raw materials was carried out under the guidance of the service team. The coaching and group assistance were carried out in the acquisition of SPP-IRT as well as ways to access markets both directly and indirectly. The results of the community service program showed that 70% of partners were able to operate vacuum frying equipment. The capabilities of labeling and packaging were 100 % . They also had an ability to access markets indirectly through online media. The direct market could not be accessed due to  the SPP-IRT certificate has not been obtained. Key words : community empowerment, vegetables chip, vacuum frying

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 102
Agus Nugroho Setiawan

Pojok is one of village of Wonokerto, Turi, Sleman, DIY which is growing. The Pojok people realize that a good lifestyle will improve their health and a longer life expectancy, so they will continue to try to improve their knowledge and insight about health. Some of the problems faced are the insight and knowledge of the Pojok community about clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) is still limited and has not been implemented as a whole, and family welfare program (PKK) activities related to clean and healthy living behavior and the number and skills of Health Cadres are still limited. To realize PHBS in Pojok, Community Service activities was conducted in the form of KKN PPM, for 6 months starting from January to June 2020. To achieve the goal, community service was conducted with several stages, i.e. KKN student training, coordination and socialization to the community, implementation of the field consisted as extension, training, facilitation, and assistance. The results of community service show that the activity has been going well with several activities, i.e. coordination, socialization, counseling, training and facilitation of supporting equipment, assistance, and monitoring and evaluation. The community of Pojok, Wonokerto, Turi gave a good response by participating in activities and implementing PHBS in their daily lives well. The community feels they have gained insight, experience and skills in the application of PHBS. The community service program of KKN PPM has provided more benefits, when the Covid-19 pandemic occurred, the community was ready to do a clean and healthy lifestyle

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-157
Peni Patriani

Tebo is a district in Jambi Province. The population of beef cattle in 2017 was recorded 17,180 heads reduced by -8.08% from 2016 which was recorded 18,690 heads. The population of buffalo cattle in 2016 was recorded at 10,300 heads reduced by -2.37% to 10,056 heads in 2017. The Factors that causes the population of ruminant animals to decrease is a slaughter, beef cattle disease, death and traffic beef cattle. Solution these problems, needed for socialization to the community and farmer groups about Law No 41 of 2014. Socialization aims to prevent the slaughter of productive female cattle, is expected to increase the population in the meat self-sufficiency program. For prevention of cattle, disease is vaccination socialization in Tebo District. The method used is a lecture, question, and answer. The purpose of socialization is to make community active in the development of livestock populations. Targets in this community service are farmers, communities and farmer groups in Tebo District. Farmer groups included were 12 groups. An output of this community service program is the improvement of farmers' knowledge and technology so that increase the participation of farmers in accelerating the meat self-sufficiency program.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Yuszda K. Salimi ◽  
Citron S. Payu

Progam KKN PPM Desa Barakati Kecamatan Batudaa Kabupaten Gorontalo dilaksanakan dengan tujuan meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat melalui pengolahan limbah Kulit Pisang. Upaya yang dilakukan adalah melalui pengolahan Kulit Pisang menjadi Tepung yang berkualitas serta memiliki nilai jual yang berkompeten dipasaran. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam program ini adalah metode penyuluhan, pelatihan, teori dan praktek. Program ini bekerja sama dengan kelompok masyarakat UP. FMA Desa Barakati sebagai mitra dalam pusat pengolahan Kulit Pisang menjadi Tepung. Alur kegiatan meliputi tahap persiapan berupa observasi ke dinas instansi terkait dan pembekalan mahasiswa KKN-PPM. Kemudian tahap pelaksanaan, yaitu penyuluhan dan pelatihan pada masyarakat di 4 dusun yakni Dusun I Hungayo,  Dusun II Botuhuwayo, Dusun III Hutamela dan Dusun IV Bontula, yang berpusat di UP-FMA Desa Barakati. Adapun diantara hasil yang telah dicapai adalah 1) meingkatnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan kelompok masyarakat sasaran dalam pengolahan limbah kulit pisang, 2) meningkatnya pendapatan kelompok sasaran sebagai akibat dari penjualan hasil produksi, 3) Mengurangi tingkat pengangguran di tingkat desa. Oleh karena itu program ini telah memberikan dampak positif bagi kelompok masyarakat sebagai sasaran, pemerintah desa setempat, tim dosen pelaksana dan mahasiswa peserta KKN PPM Tahun 2019. Kata Kunci : Pemberdayaan, Pengolahan, Kulit Pisang. AbstractThe community service at Barakati Village, Batudaa Sub-district, Gorontalo District is conducted to improve the community’s income through the processing of banana peel waste. The effort made is through the processing of banana peel into a quality and high selling flour. The methods used are counseling, training, theory,and practice. This program cooperates with a community group of UP. FMA Barakati village as a partner in the center of banana peel processing into flour. The flow of activities includes a preparation phase in the form of observation to the related institutions and students’ Community Service Program briefing. The next phase is implementation which is counseling and training to the community at 4 orchards; Orchard I Hungayo, Orchard II Botuhuwayu, Orchard III Hutamela and Orchard IV Bontula which centered on UP-FMA Barakati Village. The achieved results, among others, are: 1) the increase of knowledge and skill of targeted community group in processing banana peel waste, 2) the increase of targeted community’s income as a result of product sales, 3) decrease the level of unemployment within the village. Therefore, this program has shown a positive impact on the targeted community group, the local village government, the team of implementing lecturers and students who are participants of the community service program 2019.  Keywords : Empowerment, Processing, Banana Peel.

Jurnal SOLMA ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Nina Dwi Lestari ◽  
Laili Nur Hidayati ◽  
Salis Sangadatun Abadiyah

The phenomenon of bullying is currently a serious problem, especially in groups of school-age children because the incidence has increased from year to year. The results of interviews with fourth and 5th-grade students at Bangunjiwo Elementary School showed that 80% of students had been involved in the incidence of bullying. The results of interviews with teachers indicate that teachers have not known much about the problem of bullying. So far there is no school policy in the effort to prevent and overcome bullying. The data shows that the teacher's perception of bullying in school-age children is still not right. This community service program aims to improve the knowledge, awareness, and ability of the school community in efforts to prevent bullying in school-age children by increasing the participation of the school community. This program is carried out through tiered education for students, teachers, employees, student principals regarding bullying in school-age children, counseling training and mentoring for teachers, policy advocacy efforts related to bullying and the creation of health promotion media related to bullying. The resulting output in the form of increased knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of partners related to bullying in school-age children and the initiation of school policies in the prevention of bullying.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 204
Wiwin Retnowati ◽  
Rize Budi Amalia

Tujuan program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk membekali siswa SMP di kelurahan Bangsalsari kecamatan Bangsalsari kabupaten Jember tentang pengetahuan mengenai kesehatan reproduksi agar remaja putri akan lebih siap untuk menghadapi masa dewasa dan untuk mengurangi frekuensi pernikahan dini. Metode yang dilakukan adalah, penyuluhan reproduksi remaja, pelatihan dan pendampingan kader kesehatan. Hasil kegiatan adalah para remaja telah mampu mempraktekkan pengetahuannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari untuk menjaga kesehatan reproduksinya dan sebagai pioner pada lingkungan sekitar maupun adik kelas mereka serta telah terbentuknya kader kesehatan reproduksi remaja putri. Kata kunci—kader kesehatan, pioneer siswa, reproduksi remaja. Abstract The purpose of this community service program is to equip Junior High School students in the Bangsalsari village, Bangsalsari sub-district, Jember Regency about knowledge about health, so that young women will be better prepared for the future and to multiply early marriages. The method used is youth counseling, training and health cadre assistance. The result of the activity is that young people who have successfully practiced their knowledge in daily life for reproductive health and as pioneers in the surrounding environment and their junior class have also developed a young female health cadre. Keywords—health cadres, pioneers of students, adolescent reproduction

Uras Siahaan ◽  
Sri Pare Eni ◽  

ABSTRAK          Permasalahan pengelolaan sampah telah menjadi permasalahan besar bagi kota-kota besar di Indonesia, termasuk kota DKI Jakarta. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, sumber penghasil sampah harus melakukan prinsip pemilahan dan life circle sampah yang berupa reduce (mengurangi), reuse (menggunakan ulang), dan recycle (mendaur ulang). Namun belum semua penduduk Jakarta melakukannya. UKI melalui program Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat telah melakukan kegiatan pembuatan pupuk organik-kompos di Kelurahan Cawang. Dalam rangka mengedukasi penduduk di Kelurahan Cawang maka UKI mengadakan program dengan menggunakan prinsip life circle sampah yang berupa reduce (mengurangi), reuse (menggunakan ulang), dan recycle (mendaur ulang) yaitu mendaur ulang sampah melalui kegiatan pembuatan pupuk organik-kompos. Program ini adalah program green action yang merupakan Program Pengabdian pada Masyarakat yang dilaksanakan Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Kristen Indonesia sejak mei 2009 dalam program penghijauan di kelurahan tersebut. Metode yang dilakukan adalah metode pendidikan masyarakat berupa penyuluhan, pelatihan (workshop) serta advokasi yang berupa pendampingan pada masyarakat kelurahan Cawang.Proses pembuatan kompos tersebut menggunakan tong komposter, cairan EM4 untuk mengelola sampah rumah tangga yang dipotong sehingga menghasilkan pupuk organik-kompos. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah berkurangnya volume sampah sehingga meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan, memperoleh edukasi mengenai pupuk-organik kompos, meningkatkan hasil perekonomian dan dapat digunakan untuk tanaman sendiri. Kata Kunci : Sampah, Kompos, Cawang   ABSTRACT             The problem of waste management has become a big problem for big cities in Indonesia, including the city of DKI Jakarta. To overcome this, a source of waste has to emphasize the sorting principle and waste life circle in the form of reduce, reuse, and recycle. Unfortunately, not all of the Jakarta Citizen do those principles. UKI through the Community Service program has carried out the activities of making compost-organic fertilizer in the Cawang Village. In order to educate residents in Cawang Sub-District, UKI held a program using waste life circle principles in the form of reduce, reuse and recycle waste through compost-making organic fertilizer. This program is a green action program which is a Community Service Program implemented by the Architecture Study Program of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Kristen Indonesia since May 2009 in a greening program in Cawang Village. The method used is the method of community education in the form of counseling, training (workshop) and advocacy in the form of assistance to the community of Cawang village.The process is using a cask composter and EM4 liquid to manage cut through domestic waste which is resulting in organic fertilizer – kompos. The result obtained is the decreasing in garbage volume and increasing in environment quality, having a knowledge about organic fertilizer, increasing the society economic condition and self using of organic fertilizer.   Key words : Garbage, Kompos, Cawang

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-86
Andri Kusmayadi ◽  
Siti Nurhidayah ◽  
Ulpah Jakiyah ◽  
Ristina Siti Sundari

EMPOWERMENT OF DUCK FARMERS GROUP THROUGH UTILIZATION OF RICE SNAILS AS ALTERNATIVE FEED FOR DUCKS IN CIHATEUP HAMLET, TASIKMALAYA. In Cihateup Hamlet, the presence of golden snail is abundant with a large number of paddy fields scattered in several locations. Moreover, the presence of golden snail in this area has the potential to be an agricultural pest so that to minimize its existence it needs to be used as an alternative to duck feed. The community service program aims to improve the insight and skills of members of livestock groups in utilizing and processing rice snails into quality food products. This community service method takes the form of counseling, training and mentoring for members of livestock groups. The target of this program is members of the livestock group “Kelompok Ternak Megar Bebek Cihateup”. The implementation of the community service program began in March to September 2017 in the Cihateup Hamlet, Sukanagalih Village, Rajapolah District, Tasikmalaya Regency. The impact of this program is to reduce the loss of rice farmers from rice snail pests and reduce the cost of feed for duck farmers. In addition, there has been an increase in the community's insight and skills in utilizing the region’s potential to become a useful and high-quality product.

Andri Kusmayadi ◽  
Ristina Siti Sundari

Dusun Cihateup sebagai wilayah domestikasi itik Cihateup memiliki potensi sebagai penghasil telur itik yang cukup melimpah. Telur itik di wilayah ini memiliki nilai jual yang relatif murah. Untuk meningkatkan nilai jual telur itik telah dilakukan pengolahan lebih lanjut menjadi telur itik asin. Pengolahan telur menjadi telur asin memiliki nilai jual yang lebih meningkat meskipun tidak signifikan dan daya tahan yang cenderung singkat. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan proses pengasapan pada telur asin sehingga nilai jual telur meningkat dan daya tahan produk semakin bertahan lama. Selain dengan metode pengasapan, penambahan asap cair pada proses pemeraman dilaporkan dapat meningkatkan nilai sensoris dan daya tahan produk telur asin yang semakin lama. Program pengabdian bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh warga dan anggota kelompok ternak yang ada di Dusun Cihateup yaitu rendahnya nilai jual telur itik dan daya tahan telur yang relative singkat. Tujuan khusus pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu meningkatkan nilai jual telur dan menyediakan produk telur itik yang tahan lama melalui metode pengasapan. Kegiatan berlangsung dari Januari sampai Juni 2020 di Dusun Cihateup Desa Sukanagalih Kecamatan Rajapolah Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan terdiri atas penyuluhan, pelatihan dan pendampingan pada warga, wanita tani dan anggota kelompok ternak “Kelompok Megar Bebek Cihateup”. Hasil program ini yaitu meningkatnya nilai jual dan pendapatan dari penjualan telur asin asap dan terciptanya produk telur asin asap yang memiliki daya tahan yang lebih lama. Pengolahan telur itik yang semakin banyak diduga mampu meningkatkan keuntungan lebih banyak. Kata kunci: Dusun Cihateup, Pengasapan, Telur asin asap, Telur itik ABSTRACT Cihateup Hamlet as an area of ​​domestication of Cihateup ducks has potential as a producer of sufficiently abundant duck eggs. Duck eggs in this region have a relatively cheap sale value. To increase the selling value of duck eggs, further processing has been done into salted duck eggs. Processing eggs into salted eggs has a selling value that is increasing even though it is not significant and the durability tends to be short. Therefore, it is necessary to process the fumigation of salted eggs so that the selling value of eggs increases and the durability of the product lasts longer. In addition to the fogging method, the addition of liquid smoke to the curing process is reported to increase the sensory value and the durability of salted egg products for longer. The service program aims to solve the problems faced by residents and members of livestock groups in the Cihateup hamlet, namely the low selling value of duck eggs and relatively short egg resistance. The specific purpose of this community service is to increase the sale value of eggs and provide long-lasting duck egg products through the smoking method. The activity took place from January to June 2020 in Cihateup Hamlet, Sukanagalih Village, Rajapolah District, Tasikmalaya Regency. The method of carrying out activities consists of counseling, training and mentoring to residents, farm women and members of the livestock group "Kelompok Megar Bebek Cihateup". The results of this program are the increase in sales value and income from the sale of smoked salted eggs and the creation of smoked salted egg products that have longer durability. Processing more and more duck eggs is thought to be able to increase profits more. Keywords: Cihateup hamlet, Fumigation, Smoked salted eggs, Duck eggs

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