Kodifikasia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 117
Dewi Iriani

Lamanya Napi wanita untuk mengikuti persidangan sebanyak 15 kali / 4 bulan, dan pada umumnya Napi wanita tersebut banyak yang tidak paham hukum. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research) sedangkan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Penelitian ini akan membahas bagaimana penegakan hukum dan kesadaran hukum narapidana wanita di Lapas Ponorogo dan bagaimana proses pembinaan dari petugas lapas terhadap narapidana wanita di Lapas Ponorogo. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa  hukuman yang diberikan Napi wanita berkisar 3 bulan – 9 bulan kurungan penjara, setelah dipotong masa tahanan menjadi 1-3 bulan masa tahanan. Putusan hukuman yang diberikan oleh hakim dan diterapkan di lapas Ponorogo akan sesuai apabila diterapkan sesuai kenyataan. Namun apabila penegak hukum yang terdiri dari hakim, polisi, jaksa, dan petugas lapas meminta sejumlah uang tertentu kepada narapidana wanita hal ini tidak diperbolehkan dan melanggar hukum. Setelah di penjara barulah napi wanita sadar akan kejahatannya. Proses pembinaan di lapas Ponorogo sudah berjalan secara baik, hanya saja proses pembinaan tersebut belum sampai pendampingan sampai keluarnya narapidana.  The length of time for female prisoners to take a part in the trial is 15 times / 4 months, and in general there are many female prisoners who do not understand the law. This type of research is a field research (field research), the method used in this study using a qualitative research approach. This study will discuss how law enforcement and legal awareness of female prisoners in Ponorogo prison and how the process of coaching from prison officers to female prisoners in Ponorogo prison. The results of this study that the sentences given by female prisoners ranged from 3 months to 9 months in prison, after being detained the prison period was 1-3 months in prison. The verdict given by the judge and applied to the Ponorogo prison will be appropriate if applied according to reality. However, if law enforcers consisting of judges, police, prosecutors, and prison officers request a certain amount of money to female prisoners this is not permitted and breaks the law. After being imprisoned, women prisoners are aware of their evil. The process of coaching in the Ponorogo prison has been going well, except that the coaching process has not reached assistance until the release of inmates.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Dewi Iriani

Female prisoners actually have 15 trials to attend or 4 months in duration. However, most of them do not have adequate understanding concerning this legal process. Thus, this study is conducted as a field research by using qualitative approach. This study tends to describe the law enforcement and the legal awareness of female prisoners in correctional institution in Ponorogo. Moreover, how the coaching process given by the prison officers is conducted is another matter to be discussed. The result of this study presented that mostly, female prisoners are sentenced for 3-9 months in prison, but it turns out to be 1-3 months due to imprisonment. Had the verdict is responsibly announced and conducted, it will be appropriate. However, the fact is that the law enforcer, i.e. judge, police officer, prosecutor, and prison officer ask for some money from the female prisoners. This action, of course is breaking the law. After being sentenced, female prisoners actually realized that they are guilty. In this case, the coaching process in correctional institution in Ponorogo has conducted in a good way. However, the coaching process is not gradually conducted when the prisoners are released.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 207
Ahmad Nilnal Muna

<p align="center">Abstrak</p><p>Praktik gadai saat ini masih juga terjadi kendati sistem perbankan dan sistem permodalan perbankan maupun turunannya sudah begitu masif dan begitu banyak jumlahnya serta semakin memudahkan. Tak terkecuali apa yang dilakukan masyarakat Japan kecamatan Dawe kabupaten Kudus. Praktik ar-Rahn dengan menggadaikan kebun maupun sawah sebagai jaminan tetap ada dan subur di masyarakat pedesaan.</p><p>Studi mengenai praktik mu’amalah khususnya gadai di kalangan masyarakat menjadi penting adanya untuk mengukur dan mengetahui bagaimana praktik ar-rahn di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Sudah sesuai dengan tuntunan fiqih mu’amalah atau tidak.</p><p>Pada penelitian ini penulis berfokus pada praktik gadai perkebunan yang dilakukan di masyarakat Desa Japan Kecamatan Dawe Kabupaten Kudus. Melalui penelitian lapangan (<em>field research</em>) dengan pendekatan kualitatif, yakni pendekatan penelitian yang tidak menggunakan perhitungan angka-angka dalam menguji kebenaran datanya. Oleh karena itu masalah dalam penelitian kualitatif masih bersifat sementara, tentatif, dan akan berkembang atau berganti setelah peneliti berada di lapangan. Lokasi dalam penelitian ini adalah berada di Desa Japan Kecamatan Dawe Kabupaten Kudus. Sementara waktu penelitian ini adalah mulai Januari sampai Maret tahun 2021.</p><p>Penelitian ini ingin mengungkap praktik gadai perkebunan praktik gadai perkebunan yang dilakukan di masyarak Desa Japan Kecamatan Dawe Kabupaten Kudus. Apakah praktik tersebut sudah sesuai dengan kaidah dalam fikih muamalah dan bagaimana solusinya.</p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong>Fiqih Muamalah Study about pawn practice in Japan Dawe Kudus </strong></p><p>The current practice of pawning is still occurring even though the banking system and banking capital system and its derivatives are already so massive and so many in number and making it easier. The people of Japan, Dawe sub-district, Kudus district were no exception to this. The practice of ar-Rahn by mortgaging gardens and rice fields as a guarantee of existence and fertility in rural communities.</p><p>The study of mu'amalah practices, especially pawning among the community, is important to measure and find out how ar-rahn practices in the community. It is in accordance with the guidance of fiqih mu'amalah or not.</p><p>In this study the authors focused on the practice of plantation pawning carried out in the community of Japan Village, Dawe District, Kudus Regency. Through field research (field research) with a qualitative approach, namely a research approach that does not use numerical calculations to test the correctness of the data. Therefore problems in qualitative research are still temporary, tentative, and will develop or change after researchers are in the field. The location in this research is in Japan Village, Dawe District, Kudus Regency. Meanwhile, the time of this research is from January to March 2021.</p><p>This study aims to reveal the practice of plantation pawning in the practice of plantation pawning in the Japanese village community, Dawe District, Kudus Regency. Is this practice in accordance with the rules in muamalah fiqh and what is the solution</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 221
Amsori Amsori ◽  
Jailani Jailani

<p><em>This research moved from the process and formulation mekanism of Jinayat Law into Positive Law in Aceh in Indonesia's legal system is influenced by a variety of legal systems and ideologies that developed there in. The object of this study is the Aceh Qanun No. 6 of 2014 on the law Jinayat that the legislative process takes place during two periods of provincial parliament. This study is qualitative, by combining the research literature (library reseacrh) with field research (field reseacrh). The approach used consisted of approach law (statute approach), normative-empirical approach and conceptual approaches. Type of research data in the form of descriptive analysis. The results showed the legal legislation jinayat Aceh is gradually taking into account the socio-cultural conditions of the community in accepting the substance of the law jinayah, adaptive law enforcement and crime rates are dominant in society. Parties involved in the formulation of the substance Raqan jinayah Aceh, among others: Ulama Consultative Assembly (MPU), law enforcement agencies (Syari'yyah Court, the Prosecutor, the Police and the WH) as well as the public through non-governmental organizations. The Aceh Government also involves the Expert Team Expert Team Executive and Legislature in the substance of the discussion on the draft jinayah. The dynamics of thought that emerged in the formulation of the substance of the criminal law (Jinayah) should be sought common ground in order Raqan jinayah be passed along between the legislative and the executive.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 304
Muslimah Muslimah

This study aims to describe the form of the religious day celebrations of Malay society across religions and the meaning of commemorating them in educational institutions. This field research uses a qualitative research approach with data collection through in-depth interviews, participant level observation and documentation. The results of the study describe that the form of religious day commemoration activities in SMPN 2 Arut Selatan are grouped into two, namely: commemoration of religious days which are commemorated based on certain moments, for instance are maulid of the Prophet Muhammad, Isra Mi'raj, and celebrations to welcome the Islamic New Year (Islam), Christmas and Easter (Christian Protestant and Catholic); and routine religious activities, for example is prayer with each of the followers of interfaith religions. Furthermore, the meanings of the religious days celebration are grouped into three views, trere are; as the obligation/ necessity of the learning process, empirical religion and individual's religion; as a culture / habit that becomes a system at school; as a requirement for the implementation of religious practices; and as a culture related to the commemoration of religious days.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 148-159
Ronny Mahmuddin ◽  
Saifullah bin Anshor ◽  
Hamdan Ngaja

This study aims to determine the prohibition of inter-caste marriage in Ngafan Village, Southeast Maluku, and Islamic legal views on caste marriage in the customs of the Kei tribe, especially in Ngafan Village, Southeast Maluku Regency. This research is descriptive qualitative research with the type of field research (Field Research). The data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews and documentation. The results showed that: 1) The prohibition of inter-caste marriage (not equal) carried out by some people in Ngafan Village is the prohibition of marriage between women from the Mel-Mel caste (highest caste) and men from Riy-Riy (lowest caste). If there is a marriage between these castes, it depends on their family, if they agree then the marriage is still safe, but if they refuse the marriage can be canceled. 2) In Islamic law the scholars differ on the issue of caste (equality) in marriage. Jumhur ulama said that the caste referred to in marriage is religion, independence, social strata and, descent. Imam Malik said that the caste in question was the religion and was free from diseases that were deemed incurable. Meanwhile, the al-Ẓahiriyyah mazhab said that only Muslims were the conditions for marriage. The scholars do not require that caste be part of the legal requirements of marriage, but caste is included in the category of luzu> m requirements, a condition that allows a female guardian to request an annulment of marriage if the male partner is not in the same caste. So the prohibition of marriage is not equal in Ngafan Village can be justified based on the opinion of some scholars. The implementation of this research is expected to contribute theoretically and practically to religious leaders, parties with special interests, and society in general.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-128
Syukbertien Kariani Lombu ◽  
Eny Suprihatin

AbstractThe research entitled The Study of the Development of Patience of Children 4-5 Years through Queuing Culture at Bina Kasih Terpadu Kindergarten, Rumah Sumbul Village, Sibolangit District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province, aims to explore the results of queuing cultural habituation for Kindergarten A students in terms of development. patience. This type of research is field research (field research) using qualitative descriptive methods, which try to reveal the facts as they are. Qualitative research is an indepth study. Field research steps were carried out using descriptive data in the form of written and spoken words, observations of behavior and phenomena. Qualitative research emphasizes the meaning, reasoning, and definition of certain situations in certain contexts. Researching everyday life. The study was conducted on 9 children. From observations, it appears that children push each other and overtake when getting off the school bus, push friends when shaking hands with the teacher, place shoes carelessly on the shelf when entering class, run while washing their hands and run around on the bus when they come home from school. Therefore it is interesting to study the development of patience for children aged 4-5 years through the habit of queuing. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The habit of queuing starts at 08:00 WIB when the children get off the bus, at 08:30 WIB when entering class, at 10:30 WIB when washing their hands and at 11:00 WIB when the children take the bus back home. The results showed that through habituation queuing was able to develop patience in Bina Kasih Terpadu Kindergarten children group A. The conclusion was that children's patience could be developed through habituation. In this case it is the cultural habituation of queuing.AbstrakPenelitian dengan judul Studi Tentang Perkembangan Kesabaran Anak 4-5 Tahun Melalui Budaya Antre di TK Bina Kasih Terpadu, Desa Rumah Sumbul, Kecamatan Sibolangit, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, bertujuan untuk mendalami hasil pembiasaan budaya antre bagi siswa TK A dalam hal perkembangan kesabaran. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian lapangan (field research) menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, yang berusaha mengungkapkan fakta apa adanya. Penelitian kualitatif merupakan penyelidikan mendalam (indepth study). Dilakukan langkah-langkah penelitian lapangan menggunakan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis maupun lisan, pengamatan perilaku serta fenomena-fenomena. Penelitian kualitatif memberikan penekanan pada makna, penalaran, definisi situasi tertentu dalam konteks tertentu. Meneliti kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian dilakukan pada 9 anak. Dari pengamatan tampak anak saling dorong dan mendahului saat turun dari bus sekolah, mendorong teman saat bersalaman dengan guru, meletakkan sepatu dengan sembarangan di rak ketika masuk kelas, berlari saat mencuci tangan dan berlarian naik bus saat pulang sekolah. Oleh sebab itu menarik untuk diteliti perkembangan kesabaran anak usia 4-5 tahun melalui pembiasaan antre. Data dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Pembiasaan antre dilakukan mulai jam 08:00 WIB saat anak-anak turun dari bus, jam 08:30 WIB saat masuk dalam kelas, jam 10:30 WIB saat mencuci tangan dan jam 11:00 WIB saat anak-anak naik bus pulang ke rumah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui pembiasaan antre mampu mengembangkan kesabaran pada anak TK Bina Kasih Terpadu kelompok A. Kesimpulannya adalah bahwa kesabaran anak dapat dikembangkan dengan jalan pembiasaan. Dalam hal ini adalah pembiasaan budaya antre.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 97-111
Anwar Zain

Sekolah PAUD Widya Dharma merupakan satu satunya lembaga pendidikan tingkat TK (Taman Kanak-Kanak) yang mempunyai siswa yang berlatar berlakang agama lebih beragam dari sekolah TK. PAUD lainnya di Kota Banjarmasin. Latar belakang agama siswanya tersebut meliputi: agama Islam, Kristen, Katolik, Budha dan Hindu. Prosentasi siswa dari beragam agama tersebut tidak ada jumlah siswa dari beragama yang mendominasi lebih dari 50%. Selain itu juga walaupun para pendiri sekolah ini kebanyakannya dari orang yang beragama Budha, tetapi siswa yang berlatar belakang agama Budha tidak mendominasi secara kuantitas, sedangkan siswa yang beragama Kristen Protestan yang lebih banyak. Secara urutan kuantitas jumlah siswa berdasarkan latar belakang agama terbanyak ialah (1) Kristen Protestan, (2) Islam, (3) Katholik, (4) Budha, dan (5) Hindu. Berdasarkan latar belakang singkat tersebut, maka sangat perlu dan manfaat secara kajian ilmiah untuk diteliti tentang kehidupan toleransi beragama anak dengan anak lainnya yang mempunyai agama berbeda-beda ditingkat TK. PAUD. Oleh karena itu, peneliti memfokuskan penelitian ini kepada strategi penanaman toleransi beragama anak di PAUD Widya Dharma Kota Banjarmasin.  Pendekatan Penelitian menggunakan metode  penelitian  kualitatif  yang dilakukan  dengan  penelitian  lapangan, informan dalam menggali penelitian ditujukan kepada guru-guru agama, dan objek penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi penanaman toleransi beragama kepada anak-anak yang berbeda-beda agamanya. Teknik penelitiannya dengan melakukan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Kemudian untuk memvalidasi tingkat kebenaran data tersebut maka dalam hal ini menggunakan teknik triangulasi metode dan sumber. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa strategi penanaman toleransi beragama pada anak usia dini melalui 5 (lima) kegiatan, yaitu (1) Guru mengenalkan sifat-sifat baik. (2) Guru mengenalkan sifat toleransi beragama. (3) Guru memberikan stimulus agar  anak berpikir tentang sifat-sifat baik, 4) Guru memberikan stimulus agar anak berpikir tentang toleransi beragama. (5) Guru membuat anak merasakan  manfaat sifat toleransi beragama. Kata kunci: Strategi Penanaman, Toleransi Beragama, Anak Usia Dini.   Abstract PAUD Widya Dharma School is the only kindergarten level educational institution (Kindergarten) which has students with more diverse religious backgrounds than kindergarten schools. Other PAUD in Banjarmasin City. The students' religious backgrounds include: Islam, Christianity, Catholicism Buddhism and Hinduism. The percentage of students from various religions does not have the number of students from that religion which dominates more than 50%. In addition, even though the founders of this school were mostly Buddhist, students with Buddhist backgrounds did not dominate in quantity, while students who were Protestant Christians were more numerous. In order of quantity, the highest number of students based on religious backgrounds is (1) Protestant Christianity, (2) Islam, (3) Catholic, (4) Buddhist, and (5) Hinduism. Based on this brief background, it is very necessary and beneficial in a scientific study to study the religious tolerance of children with other children who have different religions at the kindergarten level. PAUD. Therefore, the researcher focuses this research on the strategy of internalization children's religious tolerance in PAUD Widya Dharma Banjarmasin City. The research approach used qualitative research methods carried out by field research, informants in exploring research aimed at religious teachers, and the object of this study was to find out how to cultivate religious tolerance strategies for children of different religions. The research technique is by conducting interviews, observation and documentation. Then to validate the level of correctness of the data, in this case using the triangulation technique methods and sources. The results of the study state that the strategy of internalization religious tolerance in early childhood through 5 (five) activities, namely: (1) The teacher introduces good traits, (2) The teacher introduces the nature of religious tolerance; (3) The teacher provides a stimulus so that the child thinks about good traits; (4) Tthe teacher provides a stimulus so that the child thinking about religious tolerance, (5) Teachers make children feel the benefits of religious tolerance. Keywords: Strategy of Internalization, Religious Tolerance, Early Childhood

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Suwari Akhmaddhian

AbstractLaw enforcement is an interesting issue to be studied because it deals with the implementation of applicable laws and regulations, enforcement of environmental law is closely related to all aspects of human life because the environment is a buffer of life on this earth. The formulation of the research that the researcher formulated is how to regulate the law enforcing environmental law enforcement in mining sector in kuningan Regency and Implementation of environmental law enforcement in mining sector in kuningan regency. The purpose of this study is to find out the legislation regulating the enforcement of environmental law in the mining sector in Kuningan Regency and To know? Implementation of environmental law enforcement in mining sector in Kuningan regency. The research approach method is empirical juridical. The result of the research is the Regional Regulation of Kuningan Regency Number 7 Year 2014 on the Management and Protection of the Regional Environment and Implementation of environmental law enforcement in mining sector in Kuningan Regency through the making of regulation related to environment and mining, law enforcement through repressive and persuasive Increasing the role of the community in accordance with the mandate of the law. The conclusion of this research is that law enforcement in mining sector is done through persuasive and repressive approach.Keywords: Implemetation, Enforcement, Law, Environment, Mining. Abstrak Penegakan hukum merupakan isu yang menarik untuk diteliti karena berkaitan dengan implementasi peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, penegakan hukum lingkungan sangat berkaitan dengan semua aspek kehidupan manusia karena lingkungan merupakan penyangga kehidupan mahluk hidup di bumi ini. Rumusan penelitian yang peneliti dirumuskan adalah Bagimana pengaturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur penegakan hukum lingkungan pada sektor pertambangan di Kabupaten Kuningan dan  Implementasi penegakan hukum lingkungan pada sektor pertambangan di Kabupaten Kuningan. Tujuan penelitian  ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur penegakan hukum lingkungan pada sektor pertambangan di Kabupaten Kuningan dan Untuk mengetahui ? Implementasi penegakan hukum lingkungan pada sektor pertambangan di Kabupaten Kuningan. Metode pendekatan  penelitian adalah yuridis empiris. Hasil penelitian yaitu adanya Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Kuningan Nomor 7 Tahun 2014 tentang Pengelolaan dan Perlindungan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah dan Implementasi penegakan hukum lingkungan pada sektor pertambangan di Kabupaten Kuningan yaitu  melalui pembuatan peraturan perundangan yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan hidup dan pertambangan, penegakan hukum melalui represif dan persuasif serta peningkatan peran masyarakat sesuai dengan amanat peraturan perundangan. Kesimpulan penelitain ini adalah penegakan hukum pada sektor pertambangan dilakukan melalui pendekatan persuasif dan represif.Kata kunci : Implemetasi, Penegakan, Hukum, Lingkungan, Pertambangan.

A. P. Glazova

INTRODUCTION. Currently, states can apply a whole range of law enforcement measures at sea in order to prevent such unlawful phenomena as piracy, slave trade, drug trafficking, migrant smuggling, etc. However, the problem of the exercise of jurisdiction by states within various maritime areas is the main sticking point during the implementation of these measures. In an attempt to exercise the law enforcement function at sea, the state can't ignore the fact that its ability to create legal norms and ensure their effective implementation depends not only on its will as a sovereign, but also on the restrictions imposed by international law. Therefore, maintaining a balance between limiting the “territorialization” of maritime areas and the need to carry out a law enforcement function logically entails the need to determine the nature and content of the concept of “jurisdiction of the state” within different maritime areas, as well as to identify specific features of this legal category. The present article focuses on this and other related issues.MATERIALS AND METHODS. Historical and comparative analysis along with dogmatic research approach were used in the research process and the entire research is well grounded in focusing on the norms of international treaty law and customary law. In addition to that this research focuses on the norms of national law governing issues related to the application of law enforcement measurement at the sea. Apart from those given material and methodical inputs, the doctrinal works of the relevant jurists have been used in this research.RESEARCH RELULTS. The author comes to an alternative conclusion that territorial jurisdiction within the maritime territory is not absolute, which is due, apparently, the principle of freedom of the high seas which have a longer support by the international community. The definition of jurisdiction as extraterritorial is not self-sufficient, since in case of conflict of jurisdictions, additional legal criteria are required to resolve such a conflict. The classification of extraterritorial jurisdiction depending on the principles on which it is based also does not solve the problem, since some principles, such as protective or universal, in turn, require additional criteria in order to become a self-sufficient tool to overcome legal uncertainty. The author notes that the ability to exercise territorial jurisdiction within maritime areas, as a rule, determines the ability to exercise legislative and executive jurisdiction, which are also not absolute. The exercise of extraterritorial legislative or executive jurisdiction at sea is potentially permissible only on the basis of international law to solve a specific function, for example, law enforcement.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION. The main problem of the varieties of jurisdiction proposed by in- ternational legal science is that each of them only supplements each other, describing a possible choice, but not explaining why a particular choice should be preferred in case of conflict. It is obvious that current uncertainty has created some severe impacts upon the institution of law enforcement measures at sea as a result of the absence of standards for enforcement measures that could make a balance to the mechanism. Hence the law enforcer has to be cautious with a number of factors in deciding the implementation of law enforcement measures within the sea.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (02) ◽  
pp. 93
Ulil Azmi ◽  
Muhammad Ridha DS

Abstract: This study aims to explore and analyze the principal's management in improving the quality of education at MAS Thawalib Tanjung Limau. The approach used in this research is qualitative research approach by using field research type (field research). The subject of the study was the principal at MAS Thawalib Tanjung Limau. Data collection is done through observation, interview and documentation study. The analyst technique used is as follows: (1). Data reduction, (2). Presentation of data, (3). After the data is compiled and then drawn conclusions in the form of matrices and narratives. The results show that with good management, there is a quality improvement in MAS Thawalib Tanjung Limau, this is proven, with many events that have been successfully implemented in order to improve the quality, such as camps and provincial and provincial silat martial arts ever held at MAS Thawalib Tanjung Limau.

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