2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 448
Hamidah Hamidah

<p align="justify"><em>The paradigm of freedom and religious tolerance in Islam contains teachings about human equality. Above equation can be formed brotherhood and friendship among religious social life based on humanity in order to create social order together. Thus from the side of humanity, Islam does not recognize exclusiveness, and from the side of faith, Islam does not recognize intolerance. In social interaction, Islam outlines the people not to argue with the followers of other religions but in a polite way, and ethical, and they should do well, and be fair to other religious communities. Expansion of the actual and empirical interpretation of religious teachings and by adjusting the reality aspects of socioeconomic, political and cultural socialization and assimilation is an effort and cultural assimilation of religious values </em><em></em><em>in the society and the nation in particular in the development, so that religion can be played in development. And the vastness of religious insight of the religion will grow an attitude and an open and inclusive approach to social problems of mankind and humanity.</em><em></em></p><p align="justify"><em>Paradigma kebebasan dan toleransi beragama dalam lslam mengandung ajaran tentang persamaan manusia. </em><em>Di atas persamaan ini dapat dibentuk persaudaraan dan persahabatan antar pemeluk agama dalam kehidupan sosial berdasarkan kemanusiaan demi terwujudnya ketertiban sosial bersama. Dengan demikian dari sisi kemanusiaan, lslam tidak mengenal eksklusivisme, dan dari sisi akidah</em><em>,</em><em> Islam juga tidak mengenal intoleransi. Dalam pergaulan sosial lslam menggariskan kepada umatnya yaitu tidak boleh berbantahan dengan penganut agama lain melainkan dengan cara yang sopan dan etis, dan mereka boleh berbuat baik dan berlaku adil terhadap komunitas agama lain. Perluasan penafsiran ajaran agama secara ak</em><em>tual dan empiris dengan merelevansikannya dengan</em><em> aspek-aspek realitas sosial ekonomi, politik dan budaya merupakan upaya sosialisasi dan inkulturasi nilai-nilai agama dalam kehidupan </em><em>bermasyarakat dan berbangsa khususnya dalam pem</em><em>bangunan, sehingga agama dapat diperankan dalam pembangunan. Dan keluasan wawasan penganut agama akan ajaran agamanya akan menumbuhkan sikap dan pandangan yang terbuka dan inklusif terhadap masalah-masalah sosial dan kemanusiaan umat manusia.</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 160-170
Yudhi Kawangung

The study of religious tolerance this century has been entering the culmination point of saturation, in which it is no longer viewed relevantly with technology 4.0 or it is generally called millennium generation. Technology development is directly proportional to social life because humans enter the digital era in which the actualization and self-existence are prioritized. Therefore, in social interaction, it often makes friction and horizontal conflict and even social media felt more concerned about. Tolerance is gradually degraded in its implementation because it is assumed that tolerance givers have a higher level (majority) than the recipient of tolerance (minority). In this case, the tolerance model needs contextual modification, namely religious moderation as a fundamental of more acceptable social interaction among citizens and netizens.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Luh Putu Wiwin Fitriyadewi ◽  
Luh Made Karisma Sukmayanti Suarya

A person’s mental, social functioning and psychological also health will decreased during the late adulthood phase. Those are the obstacles for the people who want to feel the enjoyment of life. People will assume that they have high life satisfaction when they still did the daily activity that they used to do. One of the thing that can make people satisfy with their life is social interaction. Social interaction happened in many aspect of our life not only just in family but also in bigger social life such as neighborhoods, friends, friends at work, etc. The form of social interaction are say hello, smile, and also when a person take a part in problem solving process . This research is a quantitative research using simple regression analysis and using purposive sample technique as the technique sample. Subject in this research are a person age 60 till 80 years old. The instrument in this research is social interaction scale with 15 items and the coefficient reliability = 0,788. The result of this research is show R= 0,001 (p<0,05) thus can be stated that there is a relationship between social interaction with life satisfaction of a late adulthood, which means that the higher social interaction of a person will make a high life satisfaction to their life but if a person have low social interaction, the life satisfaction will be low too. R square = 0,101 which means that the social interaction have contributed 10,1% toward life satisfaction. 100 subject in this research are the people who have a good social interaction and life satisfaction.Keyword: social interaction, life satisfaction,late adulthood.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 341
Linda Aulia Rahmah ◽  
Asep Amaludin

AbstrakModerasi Agama di Indonesia menjadi salah satu indikator yang penting dan dijadikan sebagai cara pandang (perspektif) dalam seluruh praktik kehidupan beragama sebab Indonesia memiliki berbagai macam keragaman, yaitu keragaman budaya, keragaman  keyakinan (agama), keragaman suku, ras dan budaya. Dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, interaksi sosial sangat diperlukan untuk mewujudkan kerukunan antar umat beragama dengan saling bergotong royong. Dengan cara inilah masing-masing umat beragama dapat saling menghormati, menerima perbedaan, serta hidup berdampingan dengan aman dan tentram. Dalam konteks toleransi antar umat beragama, Islam memiliki konsep yang sangat jelas yaitu “Tidak ada paksaan dalam agama, bagiku agamaku dan bagimu agamamu”. Hal ini merupakan contoh populer toleransi dalam agama Islam. Untuk mewujudkan toleransi tersebut dapat diwujudkan dengan membina tiga kerukunan hidup beragama, yaitu kerukunan intern umat beragama, kerukunan antar umat beragama, dan kerukunan antar umat beragama dengan pemerintah. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan karena kurangnya pemahaman yang mengarah pada masyarakat umum, yang  relatif  rendahnya pengetahuan mengenai keagamaan di dalam masyarakat. Maka sikap moderasi beragama dengan menerapkan sikap toleransi perlu dibangun kepada masyarakat sebagai suatu pengakuan atas keberadaan pihak lain sebagai  sikap menghormati adanya berbagai macam perbedaan. Perbedaan agama didalam masyarakat  inilah yang menjadikan alasan untuk tidak saling menyakiti dan menghakimi justru saling mempersatukan. Metode ini menggunakan tahap wawancara yang dapat digunakan dalam bentuk wawancara secara langsung dengan beberapa  narasumber. Dokumentasi yang dimaksud merupakan suatu usaha dari berbagai pengumpulan data yang di dapat dengan cara mengumpulkan hasil dari dokumen-dokumen yang bersangkutan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh penulis. Dalam metode dokumentasi ini telah dilakukan untuk memperoleh data mengenai keadaan tempat lokasi yang diteliti baik dari segi geografis, keagamaan, tradisi, dan keadaan penduduk yang terdapat di Desa Gentasari.Hasil dari kegiatan yaitu, terlaksananya pengajin sesuai dengan tema Kuliah Kerja Nyata di Desa Gentasari, serta mengetahui toleransi dan interaksi yang ada di Desa Gentasari. Kata Kunci: Moderasi Agama, Interaksi Sosial, ToleransiAbstractModeration of religion in Indonesia is an important indicator and is used as a perspective (perspective) in all practices of religious life because Indonesia has various kinds of diversity, namely cultural diversity, diversity of beliefs (religion), ethnic diversity, race and culture. In social life, social interaction is needed to create inter-religious harmony by working together. In this way, each religious community can respect each other, accept differences, and live side by side in a safe and peaceful way. In the context of inter-religious tolerance, Islam has a very clear concept, namely "There is no compulsion in religion, for me it is my religion and for you your religion". This is a popular example of tolerance in Islam. To realize this tolerance, it can be realized by fostering three religious harmony, namely internal harmony between religious communities, inter-religious harmony, and inter-religious harmony with the government. Community service activities are carried out due to a lack of understanding that leads to the general public, which is relatively low in knowledge about religion in society. So the attitude of religious moderation by applying an attitude of tolerance needs to be built to the community as an acknowledgment of the existence of other parties as an attitude of respect for various kinds of differences. Religious differences in society are what make the reasons not to hurt each other and judge each other to unite each other. This method uses the interview stage which can be used in the form of direct interviews with several sources. The documentation in question is an effort from various data collections that can be obtained by collecting the results of the documents concerned with the research conducted by the author. In this documentation method, it has been carried out to obtain data regarding the condition of the locations studied both in terms of geography, religion, tradition, and the condition of the population in Gentasari Village, and knowing the tolerance and interaction in Gentasari Village.Key Word: Religious Moderation, Social Interaction, Tolerance

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 163
I Gusti Ayu Oka Silantari ◽  
I Ketut Mardika

<p><em>In human nature, apart from being individual beings as well as social beings who have their own culture. Culture arises in humans due to reason and thought in the human being itself. Humans will be able to live perfectly when they live together with other humans, in relation to other humans, certain norms or rules are needed. In the regulation, one of them was written about the procedure for honoring guests called Athiti Krama. Athiti Krama gives motivation in human life because through this human being can foster good relations between humans one with other human beings in harmony. The implementation of Athiti Krama can be found in societies everywhere in the world, both in the advanced society and the people who are still modest in their civilization.<br /> In social life, everyone should behave well so as to create happiness for themselves and the community, because in the teachings of Hinduism, Athiti Krama teachings are basically contained which can bring people to achieve harmony in social order in society. The basis of Athiti Krama's teachings is the ethics or morality that many of the Vedic scriptures have mentioned, one of which is Tri Kaya Parisudha. Considering the importance of Athiti Krama as a social guide in people's lives. So it should be known to be applied in the learning process in Pasraman Dharma Bhakti.</em><strong><em></em></strong></p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 143
Mukhamad Shokheh

<p>This study discusses the growth and development of religious movements and their effects on social life of religious communities during the period 1890s-1940s Semarang. The main problems of this study are the growth and development of Islamic da’wah and Catholic mission and its influence on socio-religious life to the people in Semarang. This study used the historical method in order to answer the problem. The development of Islamic da'wah and Catholic missions in Semarang in the period 1890s-1940s could be seen into two mainstream, namely the renewal of da’wah and indigenization of mission. Islamic da'wah and Catholic mission have brought progress to the social religious life of societies. Poeple in Semarang recognized the religious organization and new forms of leadership which more rational and democratic, and the growth of new awareness of identity from  people to the identity as citizens.</p><p> </p><p>Penelitian ini mendiskusikan muncul dan berkembangnya gerakan keagamaan dan dampaknya pada kehidupan sosial pada komunitas agama periode 1890-an sampai 1940-an di Kota Semarang. Permasalahan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dakwah Islam dan misi Katolik, serta pengaruhnya terhadap kehidupan sosial keagamaan di Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah untuk menjawab permasalahan. Perkembangan dakwah Islam dan misi Katolik pada periode 1890-an sampai 1940-an dapat dilihat dari dua mainstream, yakni pembaharuan dakwah dan indigenisasi (pelokalan) dari misi. Dakwah Islam dan misi Katolik memberikan progress terhadap kehidupan sosial keagamaan di Semarang. Masyarakat di Semarang mengenal organisasi keagamaan dan bentuk baru dari kepemimpinan yang lebih rasional dan demokratis, dan tumbuhnya kesadaran atas identitas personal menjadi identitas sebagai warga masyarakat.</p><p> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 357-371
Chandra Lesmana ◽  
Elly Malihah

Tolerance is as one of basic capitals the Indonesians should have as an attempt of building peaceful and harmonious life between religious communities. This research was conducted based on an objective to find out how the people of Cigugur Kuningan can live adjacently and peacefully without either conflict or dispute amid plural community condition. Different religious backgrounds the people of Cigugur Kuningan are not something that can make them divided, but are defined as a driving force of progress and benefit for the people of Cigugur of Kuningan Regency, West Java. This research employed literature research/narrative research technique, in which data was collected based on the result of observation on previous studies related to tolerance in Cigugur people, concluding that Cigugur people, with different creed and religion backgrounds can live adjacently and peacefully. It was initiated with the presence of blood ties and Seren Taun tradition held by Cigugur people as a foundation of religious tolerance defense within them.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-110
Suparta Suparta

This article aims to review and describe the strategy of religious tolerance education and its impact on the integrity of the Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) in Bangka Belitung. In the Bangka Belitung Islands, the life of the people is very heterogeneous and has a high level of plurality. There are many portraits of the diversity of ethnicities, cultures, religions, ethnicities and languages ​​that are integrated into the social dynamics of the people in Bangka Belitung. Of course, this plurality has the potential to cause horizontal conflict in society. Therefore, to study and examine in depth this reality an in-depth interview technique is used to obtain clear information about the principles of religious tolerance from the perspective of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Confucianism. As a result, there are three educational strategies that can be developed by religious communities in Bangka Belitung; first, the strategy of educating the internal religious community; second, the strategy of educating people to maintain harmony between fellow religious communities; and third, the strategy of educating people to maintain harmony with the government. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengulas dan memaparkan strategi pendidikan toleransi beragama dan dampaknya terhadap keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) di Bangka Belitung. Di Kepulauan Bangka Belitung kehidupan masyarakatnya sangat heterogen dan memiliki tingkat pluralitas yang tinggi. Ada banyak potret keragaman suku, budaya, agama, etnis, dan bahasa yang  menyatu dalam dinamika sosial masyarakat di Bangka Belitung. Tentu, pluralitas tersebut berpotensi menimbulkan konflik horizontal di tengah masyarakat. Oleh karena itu untuk mengkaji dan menelaah secara mendalam realitas tersebut digunakan teknik wawancara mendalam untuk mendapatkan informasi yang jelas mengenai prinsip toleransi beragama dalam perspektif agama Islam, Kristen, Budha, Hindu, dan Konghucu. Hasilnya, ada tiga strategi pendidikan yang dapat dikembangkan oleh umat beragama yang ada di Bangka Belitung; pertama, strategi mendidik dalam internal umat beragama; kedua, strategi mendidik umat untuk menjaga kerukunan antara sesama umat beragama; dan ketiga, strategi mendidik umat untuk menjaga kerukuan dengan pemerintah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Adéyẹmí Balógun

In the precolonial period, the coastal town of Ìkòrodú played a prominent role in the traffic of goods and services between traders on its coast and many Yorùbá groups who lived in the interior. While this traffic was sustained by socio-political institutions such as the Oloja and the Osugbo cult, the role of religious groups – including the Ifá priests, Màgbó, Líw`ẹ and Agẹmọ – remained highly influential because they represent the deities and spirits which shaped Ìkòrodú’s inhabitants’ views about social life, economic activities and political institutions. Ìkòrodú has, however, experienced a transformation from a traditional commercial economy into an urban center with modern industrial firms and capital infrastructures. The town has also witnessed the emergence of Muslimand Christian groups, and socio-ethnic groups from many parts of Nigeria. This transformation has not only challenged the authority of the traditional institutions in Ìkòrodú, it has also impacted on the religious beliefs and practices which underpin the socio-economic and political systems of the people. A notable example is the reduction in dates of religious festivals which Traditionalists believe were once instrumental in sustaining social order and prosperity in the town. The power of the state has also affected the responsibilities of the Traditionalists in the town. This article further shows how this transformation hasshaped relations between religious groups and the state in Ìkòrodú.

Muhammet Ali Köroğlu

As a necessity of being a social being, humanity has lived as groups and communities throughout its entire history. The collective life has required some values, norms, and rules. As normative qualifications for human behavior, values, norms, and rules are based on the social order and the continuity of social life. In a very long period of humanity, social institutions such as religion, morality, and politics were determinant on the individual and social behavior of human beings. Then the legal system was activated and the provision of the behaviors were determined in detail. It can be said that the legal systems are based on the negative behaviors of the people, namely their criminal behaviors. However, there have always been people who violate the rules and legal norms required by social life. In its most general form, behaviors that violate the rules can be expressed by the concept of crime. Although the legal response of any behavior varies according to societies, crime is a sociological phenomenon that exists in all societies. This article explores the development of crime sociology.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Idrus Ruslan

The pattern of public relations is a social process, which refers to a pattern of dynamic social relations. Sindang Sari Village is one of the villages in Tanjung Bintang District, South Lampung Regency, which has Islamic, Christian, Catholic and Buddhist religious communities, while the people are Javanese, Sundanese, Palembang and Batak. However, the life and association of the religious community is harmonious and there has never been a conflict or dispute with religious and cultural backgrounds. The results of this study indicate how the pattern of community relations in Sindang Sari village is associative, namely the form of relationships that lead to cooperation in various forms of social life, community, and inter-religious relations, all of which are related, or without coercion from any party. While the factors that support the good interfaith relationship are the existence of community habits and awareness to carry the burden borne by other members or citizens by arranging night patrols, mutual cooperation, social gathering or squatting. In addition, the supporters of the relationship between religious communities in the village of Sindang Sari are the existence of support from religious leaders and village officials both formally and informally.

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