scholarly journals Pemetaan Potensi Desa Berbasis Asset Based Community Development di Desa Kotabatu, Pubian, Lampung Tengah

Bakti Budaya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-172
Yulianto ◽  
Teuku Fahmi ◽  
Selvi D. Meilinda ◽  
Dewi A. Hidayati ◽  
Astiwi Inayah

The purpose of this community service activity was to increase the knowledge and experience of local communities at village potential mapping based on Asset Based Community Development in Kotabatu Village. The activities carried out are in the form of focus group discussion (FGD), training that accompanied by assistance in the context of mapping of village potential and increasing the institutional capacity of community groups, namely: Community Forestry Group and Tourism Awareness Group. The methods used in this activity included: the cognitive aspect enhancement stage, the mentoring and empowerment stage, and the advocacy stage. In particular, this community service activity has led to several objectives, including: building a commitment among village officials to focus on village development of the three potential Kotabatu Village has had, including (1) optimizing the potential of natural resources, (2) potential agricultural products, and (3) tourism potential. ===== Tujuan pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini ialah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman masyarakat lokal dalam memetakan potensi desa berbasiskan asset based community development di Desa Kotabatu, Kec. Pubian, Kab. Lampung Tengah. Kegiatan yang dilakukan berbentuk forum group discussion (FGD), pelatihan, dan dibarengi dengan pendampingan dalam rangka pemetaan (eksplorasi) potensi desa, serta peningkatan kapasitas kelembagaan kelompok masyarakat, yakni Kelompok Hutan Kemasyarakatan-HKm dan Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis). Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini di antaranya adalah tahap peningkatan aspek kognitif, tahap pendampingan dan pemberdayaan, serta tahap advokasi. Secara khusus, kegiatan pengabdian ini telah mengarah pada beberapa capaian tujuan, di antaranya, yakni terbangunnya komitmen di antara aparatur desa untuk memfokuskan pengembangan desa pada tiga potensi yang dimiliki oleh Desa Kotabatu, di antaranya, yakni (1) optimalisasi potensi SDA, (2) potensi hasil bumi, dan (3) potensi pariwisata.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-13
Ida Ayu Rostini ◽  
Roseven Rudiyanto

Community Capacity Building and Identification of Tourism Potential in the Development of Watu Tiri Village as a Tourism VillageThis community service activity aims to increase the capacity of the Watu Tiri Village community in the tourism sector and identify existing tourism potentials. In this activity, there are three approaches taken, including Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Community-based development, and participatory. Data collection used focus group discussion (FGD) techniques and field observations. The tourism potentials identified in this community service activity include Mberenang Beach and hot springs as natural tourism potential, while cultural potential includes the activity of weaving single for women and traditional ceremonies in Watu Tiri Village. It can be concluded that in developing Watu Tiri Village as a tourism village, assistance activities such as promotion and e-commerce training, guiding training and English language training, and improving the mitigation system in the Mberenang Beach area are still needed to improve its image

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 292-297
Syamsudhuha Syamsudhuha ◽  
Arisman Adnan ◽  
Afrianto Daud ◽  
Iswadi HR ◽  
Mirza Hardian ◽  

This paper aimed to develop the tourism potential of Sepahat Village, Bandar Laksamana District, Bengkalis Regency, what has been carried out, the obstacles are faced, and guidance efforts are carried out to support the realization of a tourist village, as well as recommendations that can be undertaken in the future. This community service activity used several methods, namely FGD, consultation, mentoring, and training. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted between the companion team (community service) with a team of cross-disciplinary and cross-university experts who were concerned and experienced in developing and assisting the fostered village and tourism village. FGD was also undertaken with the village head and local community leader. Consultation was carried out between local business actors, village head and community service team. Assistance was carried out between business actors directly related or as a support to tourism activities with local groups. The exploration of new economic potential in developing tourist villages, adding to the existing potential on the coast with peat soil, identifying a number of activities to encourage the realization of tourism villages, active participation and strong support from the society and local officials, gathering of society in tourism awareness groups, and also received a number of policy proposals to strengthen tourism village institutions.

Bakti Budaya ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 166
B.R. Suryo Baskoro ◽  
Hayatul Cholsy

Learning French for residents and homestay employees in the homestay village, Dusun Ngaran, DesaBorobudur is carried out by the French Literature Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences,UGM as a community service activity in 2018. Tis learning is a follow-up of French languagetraining for homestay owners who have done in 2017. Using a tutorial system in small groups andcommunicative approaches, residents and homestay employees have been able and feel confdent ingreeting, offering, explaining, giving choices, and other verbal activities related to guests or potentialguests in French (francophones) through simple communicative expressions. Simple French languageskills are a powerful capital to attract more francophones guests to visit the homestays. Te supportof French Literature Study Program on tourism development in Borobudur Homestay Village wasalso given in the form of assistance in promoting the region's tourism potential through refnementof French language pages and brochures. Tus, francophones tourists can fnd out more easily andmore quickly their whereabouts and get to know the area in order to attract more tourists to stay ata homestay. Other results of this service are French language teaching materials in the form of textand documentary videos.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 135
Sumiyati Tuhuteru ◽  
Anti Uni Mahanani ◽  
Rein E. Y. Rumbiak

Wamena sebagai salah satu sentra pertanian organik di wilayah Indonesia Timur yang memiliki potensi yang cukup besar dalam pengembangan sektor pertanian, khususnya pengembangan tanaman pangan dan hortikultura. Seiring dengan itu, saat ini telah meningkat dengan pesat pola pertanian organik mulai menjadi idola dalam dunia pertanian. Produk pertanian yang selama ini menggunakan pupuk kimia dan pestisida non-organik mulai tergantikan dengan produk pertanian organik yang memanfaatkan bahan alami, sebagai pupuk maupun pestisida. Salah satu faktor penghambat dalam budi daya tanaman adalah serangan hama dan patogen. Pengendalian hama dan patogen di Wamena sejauh ini tidak dilakukan dengan sebagaimana mestinya bahkan dikatakan tradisional, seperti hanya melalui pengasapan disekitar tanaman yang dibudidaya. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan petani di Desa Isaba Himan, Distrik Siepkosi, Kota Wamena, Kabupaten Jayawijaya dalam membuat dan mengaplikasikan pestisida nabati (pestisida alami) untuk mengendalikan hama dan patogen pada tanaman yang dibudidayakan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan melalui KKN-PPM ini adalah dengan memberikan sosialisasi serta pelatihan pembuatan pestisida nabati dengan bahan-bahan yang ada dilingkungan sekitar. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah masyarakat di Distrik Siepkosi dapat mengembangkan pengetahuan terkait pestisida nabati guna membantu meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman, sehingga masyarakat dapat meningkatkan sistem pertanian organik yang telah ada. Kata Kunci: Pestisida Nabati, Pupuk Organik Cair, Pertanian Organik, Wamena, Papua.Abstract Wamena as one of the centers of organic agriculture in Eastern Indonesia which has considerable potential in the development of the agricultural sector, especially the development of food crops and horticulture. Along with that, nowadays has increased rapidly the pattern of organic farming began to become an idol in the world of agriculture. Agricultural products that have been using chemical fertilizers and non-organic pesticides have begun to be replaced with organic agricultural products that utilize natural ingredients, like fertilizers and pesticides. One inhibiting factor in plant cultivation is the attack of pests and pathogens. So far, the control of pests and pathogens in Wamena is not done properly as it is even said to be traditional, such as only through fumigation around cultivated plants. The purpose of this community service activity is to improve the knowledge and skills of farmers in Isaba Himan Village, Siepkosi District, Wamena City, Jayawijaya Regency in making and applying plant-based pesticides (natural pesticides) to control pests and pathogens in cultivated plants. The implementation of activities through KKN-PPM is to provide socialization and training in making botanical pesticides with materials in the surrounding environment. The result of this community service is that people in Siepkosi District can develop knowledge related to botanical pesticides to increase crop productivity so that the community can improve existing organic farming systems.Keywords: Botanical Pesticides, Liquid Organic Fertilizers, Organic Agriculture, Wamena, Papua.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 269
Atok Miftachul Hudha ◽  
Sukarsono Sukarsono ◽  
Ning Rahayu Handayani

The application of character values through classroom learning has not been maximal because teachers have difficulty choosing the right learning model. The OIDDE (Orientation, Identify, Discussion, Decision, and Engage in Behavior) learning model is appropriate to implement. This article aims to describe the implementation of teacher assistance activities in developing character values through learning by applying the OIDDE learning model. The subjects of the service were 12 teachers at SD / MI levels, 12 teachers from SMP / MTs, and 15 teachers at SMA / SMK / MA levels from 39 schools in Batu City, East Java. The activity was carried out for 6 months using the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) method, workshops, hands-on practice, outreach, and evaluation. The evaluation of community service is carried out thoroughly, from the process to the output, especially the seriousness of the teacher in participating in the activities to the skills in applying the model. The results of the process evaluation show that, the service activity is carried out well, the average attendance is 85%, and as many as 100% of the teachers become the Master Teacher model. OIDDE learning, and has the right to provide tutors with OIDDE learning models.

Angga Wibowo Gultom ◽  
Yudi Tusri ◽  
Anton Kurniawan ◽  
Muznah Muznah

Entrepreneurs having significant contribution in creating job opportunities, reducing unemployment, increasing people's income and contributing greatly to the country's economic cycle. For this reason, the government through the Ministry of Education program issued an entrepreneurial skills program to encourage of new entrepreneurs for productive age who do not have a job and are not currently studying. This community service activity aims to prepare mindsets, motivation and strong reasons for 20 participants in the entrepreneurial skills program at PKMB Alkahfi in order to be ready to become new entrepreneurs. The methods used are presentation, focus group discussion, questions and answer, discussion, game and roleplay. The results of this community service show that all participants have a new mindset, understand the character of entrepreneurship, succeed in destroying mental blocks and have high motivation to become new entrepreneurs

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-12
Siti Nuurlaily ◽  
Anak Agung Sagung Alit Widyastuty ◽  
Annisa Budhiyani Tribhuwaneswari

  Abstract Tourism village is largely based in local wisdom is a form of integrated activities between attractions, accommodation, supporting facilities and additional facilities in the form of village management presented in the structure of community life that is bound by traditional procedures and norms that apply in the village. The development of sustainable tourism villages reguires the participation of local communities in all phases of development starting from the planning, implementation and supervision and control stages. Pujon Kidul Village in Pujon subdistrict, Malang regency is one of the tourist villages developed by the village community, which has tourism potential from the agriculture, livestock and small to mediun industries which is supported by the geographical and climatological conditions of the region. The purpose of this activity is to strengthen the promotion of village teourism based in local wisdom by identifying the potential of the Pujon Kidul village tourism area. Approach to the implementation of community service using the Rural Appraisal Approach (RAA) through a Group Discussion Forum (FGD) between the Pujon Kidul village apparatus, the Tourism Awarness Group (Pokdarwis) and the representatives of the village community. The results of this activity are strengthening promotion through a catalog of tourism village potentials and understanding of village afficials, the community and the private sector in planning the development of tourism villages through the utilization of the potential of geography, agriculture, animal husbandry and plantations in the tourism village of Pujon Kidul District of Pujon Malang Regency which begore socialization and counselling was 32% to 96%..   Keyword : Local Wisdom, Tourism Potentials, Tourism Village   Abstrak Desa wisata sebagaian besar berbasis pada kearifan lokal desa adalah bentuk kegiatan terintegrasi antara atraksi, akomodasi, fasilitas pendukung dan fasilitas tambahan berupa manajemen desa yang disajikan dalam struktur kehidupan masyarakat yang terikat dengan prosedur tradisi dan norma yang berlaku di desa. Pengembangan desa wisata yang berkelanjutan membutuhkan partisipasi masyarakat lokal dalam seluruh fase pengembangan mulai dari tahap perencanaan, implementasi dan pengawasan serta pengendalian. Desa Pujon Kidul di Kecamatan Pujon Kabupaten Malang merupakan salah satu desa wisata yang dikembangkan oleh masyarakat desa, memiliki potensi wisata dari sector pertanian, peternakan dan industry kecil ke menengah yang didukung kondisi geografi dan klimatologi wilayahnya. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah penguatan promosi desa wisata yang berbasis kearifan lokal dengan mengidentifikasi potensi kawasan wisata desa Pujon Kidul. Pendekatan – pendekatan pelaksanaan pengabdian dengan menggunakan metode Rural Appraisal Approach (RAA) melalui Forum Group Diskusi (FGD) antara aparatur desa Pujon Kidul, Kelompok Sadar Wisata (pokdarwis) dan perwakilan masyakat desa. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah penguatan promosi melalui katalog potensi desa wisata dan pemahaman aparatur desa, masyarakat dan pihak swasta dalam perencanaan pengembangan desa wisata melalui pemanfaatan potensi geografi, pertanian, peternakan dan perkebunan di desa wisata Pujon Kidul Kecamatan Pujon Kabupaten Malang yang sebelum sosialisasi dan penyuluhan sebesar 32%  menjadi 96%.     Kata kunci : Desa Wisata, Potensi wisata, Kearifan Lokal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 268-282
Atika Masrifah ◽  
Haris Setyaningrum ◽  
Adib Susilo ◽  
Imam Haryadi

Ngebel is known as one of the centers for durian fruit in Ponorogo, and is known as Kampung Durian. Durian skin waste that has not been utilized. Through the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach the team of this community service has assisted to make use of durian skin waste to become organic fertilizer to supplements the durian crops. Through the construction of the composter house and technology transfer support program for the processing of durian skin waste into organic fertilizer, the results showed that the people of Kampung Durian village were able to make organic fertilizer with good quality standards. The organic fertilizer products have been tested on durian crops, so that they can increase the production and quality of durian fruit, increase the capacity of the Karang Asri Farmer Group in Kampung Durian to use local resources and increase the capacity to cultivate and process durian skin waste.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-54
Selfa Seftiani Aulia ◽  
Tatang Suheri ◽  
A Hanafi

ABSTRACT  South Nias Regency is currently still in the category of lagging areas based on composite index in North Sumatera province. However, South Nias Regency has a variety of potential, especially maritime tourism potential, fisheries, and agriculture. Focus Group Discussion with the stakeholders in South Nias Regency was done to formulate the right business model in South Nias regency. Based on the results of FGD and the analysis of business model conducted, business activities that can be done by South Nias Regency was to focus on the development of maritime tourism activities through surfing and agroindustry activities. The business Model would be able to succeed if the cooperation between stakeholders, such as the central government, local government, tourism business, and local communities with various models of operational cooperation. Keywords: business model, disadvantaged area, South Nias, maritime tourism.   ABSTRAK Kabupaten Nias Selatan saat ini masih masuk dalam kategori daerah tertinggal berdasarkan Indeks Komposit Ketertinggalan di Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Akan tetapi, Kabupaten Nias Selatan memiliki berbagai potensi, terutama potensi wisata bahari, perikanan, dan pertanian. Focus Group Discussion bersama para stakeholder yang ada di Kabupaten Nias Selatan pun dilakukan guna merumuskan model bisnis yang tepat di Kabupaten Nias Selatan. Berdasarkan hasil FGD dan analisis model bisnis yang dilakukan, kegiatan bisnis yang dapat dilakukan oleh Kabupaten Nias Selatan adalah dengan memfokuskan pengembangan aktivitas pariwisata bahari melalui kegiatan berselancar dan agroindustry. Model bisnis tersebut akan dapat berhasil jika adanya kerjasama antar stakeholder, seperti Pemerintah Pusat, Pemerintah Daerah, Pelaku Usaha Wisata, dan Masyarakat Lokal dengan berbagai model kerjasama operasional Kata kunci: model bisnis, kawasan tertinggal, Nias Selatan, pariwisata bahari.

Bambang Prayitno

AbstrakTim Litbang Yayasan Kolese Santo Yusup sudah memiliki draf roadmap pendidikan karakter. Draf yang sudahdimiliki hendak dikembangkan dalam modul-modul pelatihan pendidikan karakter untuk sekolah-sekolah yangbernaung di bawah Yayasan Kolose Santo Yusup. Untuk mewujudkan rencana ini, Tim Litbang Yayasan KoleseSanto Yusup mengajak kerjasama Tim Abdimas Universitas Ma Chung yang sebelumnya sudah ikut mendampingipembuatan draf roadmap pendidikan karakter untuk ikut terlibat di dalam pembuatan modul. Selama enam bulanTim Abdimas Universitas Ma Chung secara intensif melakukan pertemuan secara online bersama Tim LitbangYayasan Kolese Santo Yusup untuk mereview roadmap pendidikan karakter dan menyusun modul-modulpendidikan karakter. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah Focus Group Discussion dan Workshop.Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah: 1) Review roadmap pendidikan karakter yang sudahdisusun Tim Litbang Yayasan Kolese Santo Yusup, 2) Rancangan modul implementasi pendidikan karakter melaluimata pelajaran, 3) Rancangan modul implementasi pendidikan karakter melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Selainpendampingan, Tim Abdimas Universitas Ma Chung juga memberikan bantuan buku Modul Latihan KepemimpinanTingkat Dasar Metode Aksi Refleksi kepada anggota Tim Litbang Yayasan Kolese Santo Yusup sebagai contohuntuk pembuatan sebuah modul. AbstractThe Research and Development Division of Kolese Santo Yusup Foundation already has a roadmap ofcharacter education. This draft will be developed in order to issue character education training’s modules forschools under Kolese Santo Yusup Foundation. To realize this plan, The Research and Development Division ofKolese Santo Yusup Foundation collaborated with Universitas Ma Chung Community Service Team who hadpreviously accompanied the drafting of a character education’s roadmap to be involved in the module development.During six months collaboration, Universitas Ma Chung Community Service Team intensively held online meetingswith The Research and Development Division of Kolese Santo Yusup Foundation to review the roadmap andcompile the modules. Focus Group Discussion and Workshop were applied as methods during the communityservice activities. The results obtained from this service activity are: 1) Review of the character education roadmaphas been managed by The Research and Development Division of Kolese Santo Yusup Foundation, 2) The design ofthe module for the implementation of character education through subjects, 3) The design of the module for theimplementation of character education through extracurricular activities. Moreover, Ma Chung UniversityCommunity Service Team also provided a book of Basic Level of Leadership Training Modules and ReflectionAction Methods for members of The Research and Development Division of Kolese Santo Yusup Foundation asguidance for making a module.

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