scholarly journals Authorial neologisms and occasionalisms. The phenomenon of the novel “The Little hero” by F.M. Dostoevsky

Elena A Osokina

The purpose of the study is to identify neologisms and occasionalisms as special words and phrases that characterize the author’s idiostyle; to show their origin; to explain their difference and similarity; to clarify the terminology. The aim of the study is to show new words and combinations of words in the General fabric of the author’s text and explain their use and purpose; to trace the dependence of the number of neologisms and occasionalisms on the conditions of creation of the work and the initial idea of the author. The method of linguistic research is the use of electronic and corpus technology in the study of literary text. Standard spelling program allows you to see in the text of neologisms and occasional, which stand out as different from the norm of literary language. Then the linguistic analysis of innovations is carried out and their classification is made on the basis of similar signs on etymology, word formation and morphological, semantic and phraseological modification. Take into account the precedent of the creation of the neologism occasionalism or due to the Cabinet technology. Clarification of terms to describe the language of the writer and his creative manner leads to a unification of understanding neologisms and occasionalisms in context due to the usage of the author, allowing you to create a special vertext in understanding any text. This is expressed in the anticipation of the perception of the text and in a concise and capacious characterization. Quantitative picture of neologisms-occasionalisms in all the works of Dostoevsky and every in the long term makes it possible to compare how different works of the writer and of works of different authors in the synchrony and diachrony of the Russian language. The research initially is the text of the story “Little hero”, which was written during the imprisonment in the Peter and Paul fortress, that is special for a person and writer extreme conditions of stress, and then drawing the material of other works presenting meaningful, chronological and quantitative interest on the use of neologisms and occasionalisms. This fixation of the reader’s attention on the vanishing moment makes it necessary to create a new word or phrase in the event that the main character of the story becomes invisible, small, almost disappearing. Psychologically, this technique can be explained by the revival of the author’s self-consciousness after severe stress. The phenomenon of the “The Little hero” is in the vanishing hero, and therefore in the vanishing author.

Elena Yu. Nikolenko ◽  

The review analyzes the textbook by L.S. Kryuchkova “Word formation. Form, semantics, function, teaching methods”. Russian word-formation language system is rich and diverse, it has creative opportunities, due to which the vocabulary of the Russian language is updated and replenished with new words. This becomes especially important in working with foreign students. The methodology of working with word-forming material described in the text-book is especially valuable.

2021 ◽  
Е. С. Громенко ◽  
А. С. Павлова ◽  
М. Н. Приёмышева

В статье освещаются процессы в лексико-семантической системе русского языка, происходящие в период начала пандемии коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19 в 2020 году. Цель статьи – дать общую характеристику и первую оценку явлений и процессов, протекающих в период активного пополнения словарного состава новыми узуальными и окказиональными единицами.В русском языке в марте–июне 2020 г. происходят очень интенсивные изменения: язык попол-нился огромным количеством новых слов и понятий, ряд слов и словосочетаний получили новые значения, некоторые из них расширили сферу функционирования – перешли из специальной ме-дицинской, социальной сферы в общее употребление. Русский язык оказался включен в процесс интенсивной языковой игры и языкового творчества. Ключевыми словами эпохи стали слова ковид, коронавирус и корона, так как они оказались не только словами-символами этого исторического периода, но и продуктивными основами для огромного количества узуальных и окказиональных новообразований.Материалами статьи стала новая лексика СМИ и интернета, собранная авторами статьи – сотруд-никами группы академических «Словарей новых слов» – и сверенная с данными крупного медий-ного банка «Интегрум», включающего материалы более 30 000 наименований изданий массмедиа, записи теле- и радиопрограмм.В процессе исследования был рассмотрен ряд новых слов и сочетаний, вошедших в русский язык в период распространения коронавирусной инфекции, случаи формирования новой полисемии у слов ковид, ковидный, корона и прилагательных, от них образованных, кратко проанализированы сложные слова с основами ковид- и корона-, в том числе новации, образованные путем контамина-ции, рассмотрены очевидные случаи системной связи между новыми словами (синонимия, антони-мия, омонимия).Помимо широкого обзора нового языкового материала, попыток его анализа и некоторых науч-ных обобщений, одним из важных выводов статьи является системный характер целого ряда лекси-ческих изменений, ставших результатом интенсивного и стихийного процесса в русском словообра-зовании и лексико-семантической системе.The paper deals with the lexical-semantic processes the Russian language has experienced during the first half of the year 2020 throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the paper is to give a general characterization and evaluation of the phenomena and processes occurring at the period of time during which the language vocabulary gets rapidly enriched with both usual neologisms and occasionalisms.From March to June 2020, the Russian language has been subject to intense changes: a vast number of new words and notions have entered the language, a certain number of lexical units and collocations have acquired new meanings, and some of them have widened the scope of functioning: e.g. a transition of units that formerly used to belong to medical terminology or to the sphere of social life into the words of common use can be observed. The Russian language has joined the process of continuous language game and linguistic creativity. COVID, coronavirus, and corona have become the keywords of the current era as they have not only turned out to be the symbols of a certain historical period but also have served as productive stems for the formation of an enormous number of regular and occasional lexical innovations.The data presented in the paper are based on the lexical innovations published in the mass media and the Internet sources. The new lexical units were collected by the authors, who are members of the group of academic “Dictionaries of neologisms”, and collated with the large-scale mass media database “ Integrum ”, which comprises the data bank of over 30,000 mass media editions as well as records of television and radio programs.In the course of research, the following matters are examined: a number of new words and collocations which entered the language during the COVID-19 spread, the cases of forming new polysemy that the words covid, corona, and the adjectives derived from them have developed, a brief analysis of compounds with the first-component stems covid- and corona- (including the innovations that are formed by means of blending), and the investigation of obvious cases that manifest regular lexical relations (synonymy, antonymy, and homonymy) among the above-mentioned neologisms.In addition to the broad review of the neological language data, its analysis, and some scientific generalizations, one of the most important conclusions the paper arrives at is the regular character of a variety of lexical changes which have been caused by an intense and spontaneous process observed in the Russian word formation and lexical-semantic system.

The article deals with the specificity of syntagmatic relations in the word-formation system of the Russian language. The subject of the study is the typical derivational chains and their part-of-speech patterns as a methodologically relevant means of teaching the language. The aim of the work is to reveal and describe the linguodidactic potential of word-forming syntagmatics in the Russian language, reflected in simple and complex (typical) units of the word-formation system. It has been established that the typology of derivational chains reflects the hierarchy inherent in the units of the word-formation system. Typical chains are correlated with categorical models – the units of a higher level of abstraction, taking into account the partial status of derivatives. Different types of combinations on the basis of the similarity of structure and semantics are characteristic of these units. Their regularity and reproducibility in the Russian language demonstrates the degree of word-formative productivity of various parts of speech. The typical derivational chains allow the teacher to demonstrate the system properties of lexical units, which is important for the formation of linguistic competence. The comprehension of the laws of Russian word-formation makes it possible to reduce the number of words necessary to memorize and thus creates the prerequisites for the potential enrichment of vocabulary. The study of parts of speech within the framework of typical derivational chain, namely by the sequential introduction of cognate words into the active vocabulary of students, promotes the realization of the principle of continuity of learning – from word formation to morphology and syntax, which ultimately leads to the learning of new words.

2021 ◽  
pp. 63-79
T. B. Radbil ◽  
L. V. Ratsiburskaya ◽  
I. V. Paloshi

Semantic, lexical and derivational features of the emergence and spread of new phenomena in the speech practice of Russian speakers of the latest period associated with the COVID-19 pandemic are investigated. A linguo-cognitive interpretation of active processes in Russian vocabulary and Russian word formation of the era of coronavirus as formats of knowledge about the changed reality and the new conditions of communication associated with these changes is given. The methods of linguo-cognitive description of the “language of culture” and the method of analyzing active processes at different levels of the language system and methods of its speech implementation are used. The research materials are a dynamic and actively developing Russian-language segment of Internet communication and text data of the Russian National Corpus. Special attention is paid to three groups of new phenomena in the vocabulary of the Russian language associated with the mental and cultural development of the “coronavirus” conceptual space by native speakers: lexical-semantic, lexical and lexical-word-formation innovations. It is shown that active processes of the semantic type find their expression in the phenomena of “new polysemy” and “new homonymy”, as well as non-usual semantic narrowing. It is concluded that new words and expressions not only capture the emergence of new realities of life with coronavirus, but also contribute to the understanding of the changed social reality.

Е.Ю. Долгова

Статья посвящена описанию глагола «погрязнуть» по лексикографическим источникам, фиксирующим словарный состав русского языка X - XVII вв. В работе используется метод лингвистического портретирования, позволяющий объединить данные этимологических и исторических словарей и увидеть динамику развития семантического, словообразовательного, сочетаемостного и стилистического потенциала языковой единицы в диахронии. В статье подробно изложены материалы этимологических и исторических словарей русского языка, приведены и описаны многочисленные варианты употребления имперфектива грязнуть и перфектива погрязнуть, зафиксированные в словарях, содержащих лексику древнерусского и старорусского периодов: гр#зъти, гр#зhти, гр#зити, гр#знqти, погрязати - погр#зти, погр#зити, погр#знqти. Установлено, что в древнерусском языке глагол гр#зноути (гр`t#знuти) имел прямое номинативное значение «погружаться, тонуть» и редко употреблялся в памятниках письменности. Многозначным и наиболее частотным был положительный, результативный член глагольной видовой пары перфектив погрязнуть (погр#зноути). В статье приведены все лексико-семантические варианты глагола и примеры словоупотреблений, зафиксированные в словарях, отражающих лексику X - XVII веков. В статье приведены синонимы и многочисленные дериваты глагола погрязнуть , в том числе рассмотрена семантика абстрактных существительных, образованных от глагола погрязнуть ( погрязение, погрязнение, погрязновение ) и отражающих влияние церковнославянского языка на книжно-письменный литературный язык древнерусского и старорусского периодов. Лексикографический портрет лексемы погрязнуть проявляет неоднозначность в трактовке некоторых значений в разные исторические периоды. Проведенный анализ позволяет сравнить значения лексемы, увидеть их отличительные особенности и сделать вывод о существовании самостоятельных стереотипных образов, существующих в сознании носителей языка в X - XVII веках. The article is devoted to the description of the verb "to wallow" from lexicographic sources that fix the vocabulary of the Russian language of the X - XVII centuries. The method of linguistic portraiture is used to combine data from etymological and historical dictionaries and see the dynamics of the development of the semantic, word-formation and stylistic potential of the language unit in the diachrony. The article details the materials of etymological and historical dictionaries of the Russian language, presents and describes numerous variants of the use of an imperfective “gryaznut’” and a perfective “pogryaznut’”, recorded in dictionaries containing the vocabulary of the Russian language of the X - XVII centuries. It has been established that in the ancient Russian language, the imperfective “gryaznut’” had a direct nominative meaning of "dive, sink" and was rarely used in monuments of writing. The multi-valued and most frequency used was the positive, effective perfective “pogryaznut’”. The article presents all lexical and semantic variants of the verb and examples of word usage recorded in dictionaries that reflect the vocabulary of the X - XVII centuries. The article presents synonyms and numerous derivatives of the verb, including the semantics of abstract nouns formed from the verb “pogryaznut’” and reflecting the influence of the Church Slavonic language on the book-written literary language of the old Russian period. The lexicographic portrait of the lexeme “pogryaznut’” shows ambiguity in the interpretation of certain meanings in different historical periods. The analysis allows us to compare the meanings of the lexeme, see their distinctive features and conclude that there are independent stereotypical images that exist in the minds of native speakers in the X - XVII centuries.

The vocabulary of a language is a variable quantity, it is constantly changing, responding to the needs of life and reflecting its new realities. The events taking place in the South-East of Ukraine since March 2014 have significantly changed the usual picture of the world of the parties involved in this conflict, led to a new interpretation of reality, the emergence of new mental constructs, objectified in the language using a number of lexical innovations, most of which fall under the definition of „hate speech”. The purpose of this article is to try to examine the impact of the armed conflict in the South-East of Ukraine on the emergence of lexical innovations in the Russian language, to identify ways of forming new units and their main thematic clusters. The material for the work was neoplasms recorded in electronic Russian and Russian-speaking Ukrainian mass media, as well as selected from social networks and videos. The analysis showed that in the context of the armed conflict in the South-East of Ukraine, the characteristic manifestations of „hate speech” are mainly numerous new categories-labels with a pronounced conflict potential. The priority in this regard is offensive and derogatory nominations of representatives of the opposite camp, taking into account their worldview / ideological, national / ethnic, territorial / regional characteristics. The military jargon has also undergone a significant update, incorporating not only the reactualized slangisms of the era of the Afghan campaign of 1979-89, but also lexical innovations caused by the military and political realities of the current armed conflict in the Donbas. Neologisms are formed in accordance with the existing methods in the Russian language (word formation, semantic derivation, borrowing). At the same time, non-standard word-forming techniques are also used (language play, homophony, etc.).

Ольга Вячеславовна Орлова ◽  
Юаньин Ван

Введение. Изучены ксенонимы-интерпретативы в сетевом дискурсе русскоязычной диаспоры Китая как репрезентанте русской лингвокультуры, ориентированной в область китайской культуры. Ксенонимы-интерпретативы имеют полноценные лексические соответствия в языке-реципиенте, не отмечены этнокультурной маркированностью в матричном языке и служат восприятию, пониманию и интерпретации иностранной языковой и социокультурной реальности диаспоральным сообществом. Цель. На основе рассмотрения одного из наиболее распространенных в изучаемом дискурсе китаизмов – ксенонима мафань – проследить механизмы лингводискурсивной адаптации, а также особенности функционирования ксенонима-интерпретатива в публичной интернет-коммуникации русскоязычного сообщества Китая. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования послужили более 500 текстов сетевой коммуникации русскоязычной диаспоры Китая, включающие ксеноним-интерпретатив мафань. Вместе с методологическим инструментарием интерлингвокультурологии, теории заимствования и лексической семантики используются приемы контекстологического и дискурс-анализа, а также корпусной и квантитативной лингвистики. Результаты и обсуждение. Ксеноним-интерпретатив мафань при вхождении в сетевой диаспоральный дискурс и адаптации в нем, в том числе графической, претерпевает значительные семантические, деривационные, стилистические, морфолого-синтаксические трансформации, демонстрируя на всех этих уровнях крайне высокую степень подвижности и вариативности. Анализ вариантов письменной фиксации показал доминирование написания китаизма в соответствии с нормативной транскрипционной системой записи кириллицей китайских имен, наряду со значимым количеством некодифицированных и иероглифических написаний. При приспособлении ксенонима к специфике морфолого-синтаксического строя русского языка также наблюдаются его значительная грамматическая вариативность и факты включения в процесс окказионального словообразования. В ходе анализа данных словарей, а также корпусных и иных данных об употреблении лексемы в аутентичной речевой среде выявлено большое количество различных по честеречной принадлежности и семантике эквивалентов лексемы при ее переводе, а также наличие книжной и этикетной стилистической окраски в китайском языке, не сохраняющейся при вхождении в русскоязычное неформальное общение. Анализ фактов метаязыковой рефлексии по поводу ксенонима, а также совокупности контекстов его употребления в гипертексте диаспорального дискурса обнаружил наличие в русском языке семантической и стилистической лакуны, которую восполняет ксеноним мафань как универсальное понятие, обозначающее неприятную, доставляющую дискомфорт деятельность или ситуацию. Заключение. В результате проведенного анализа составлен нуждающийся в дальнейшей доработке проспект методики комплексного анализа ксенонима-интерпретатива в сетевом диаспоральном дискурсе. Introduction. This research is devoted to the study of xenonyms-interpretatives in the network discourse of the Russian-speaking diaspora of China as a representative of the Russian linguistic culture, which is focused in the area of Chinese culture. Xenonyms-interpretatives have full-fledged lexical correspondences in the recipient language, are not marked by ethno-cultural marking in the matrix language and serve the perception, understanding and interpretation of foreign language and socio-cultural reality by the diaspora community. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the study, based on the consideration of one of the most common in the analyzed discourse xenonym мафань, is to trace the mechanisms of linguistic and discursive adaptation, as well as the peculiarities of functioning of xenonym-interpretative in public Internet communication of the Russian-speaking community in China. Material and methods. The material of the research is more than 500 texts of network communication of the Russian-speaking diaspora community of China, including xenonym-interpretative мафань. Together with the methodological tools of interlinguoculturology, borrowing theory and lexical semantics, the methods of contextual and discourse analysis, corpus and quantitative linguistics are used. Results and discussion. Xenonym-interpretative мафань when entering and adapting in the network diaspora discourse, including graphic adaptation, undergoes large semantic, derivative, stylistic, morphological-syntactic transformations, demonstrating at all these levels an extremely high degree of mobility and variability. The analysis of written fixation variants showed a substantial dominance of spelling according to the normative transcription system of Chinese names written in Cyrillic alphabet, along with a significant number of and hieroglyphic writings. When the xenonym is adapted to the specifics of the morphological and syntactic structure of the Russian language, its significant grammatical variability and facts of inclusion in the process of occasional word formation are also observed. The analysis of dictionaries data, as well as corpus and other data about the use of the word in the authentic speech environment revealed a large number of different in semantics and parts of speech affiliation equivalents of translation, but also the presence of book and etiquette stylistic coloring in the Chinese language, not preserved in the Russian-speaking informal communication. Analysis of the facts of metalanguage reflection on the xenonym, as well as the totality of contexts of its use in the hypertext of diaspora discourse revealed the presence of a semantic and stylistic lacuna in the Russian language, which is filled by the xenonym мафань as a universal concept that denotes unpleasant, discomforting activity or situation. Conclusion. As a result of the research, a project of the methodology of complex analysis of the xenonyminterpretative in the network diaspora discourse has been compiled.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (Extra-B) ◽  
pp. 46-51
Usmanova Liliya Abrarovna ◽  
Minakhmetova Aliya Ildarovna ◽  
Arkin Rosy Artuchi

This article is devoted to the linguoculturological competence development among schoolchildren in the process of teaching the Russian language. The object of scientific consideration was the lexeme "rainbow", which refers to the most ancient layer of words and has a deep national and cultural specificity. In accordance with the set tasks of our work, we used descriptive-analytical, stylistic, component, distributive methods of data analysis, the method of the semantic field. An integrated approach to the study of the lexeme "rainbow" implies a multifaceted analysis, including the analysis of dictionary definitions, collection of etymological information, consideration of word-formation relations, study of the paremiological status of a word, its discursive features, identification of traditional and individual author's meanings and, thus, reflection in the form of creative work of students, reflecting the information received about this lexeme... An upbringing approach in Russian language lessons helps students discover aesthetic ways of understanding the world, without which it is impossible to describe the Russian language picture of the world.    

Olga Terekhova ◽  

The word, as a structural unit of language, has a number of basic features. The Russian language is alive, and, like all living things, it develops and undergoes changes in the process of its development. Preschoolers come up with new words based on linguistic patterns. The teacher in the classroom on the development of speech should redirect the word-creation of children in the right direction, showing them the current rules of word-formation of their native language.

Sara Alfalki

This article presents the composition and structure of the associative-semantic field Child and the structure of the image (concept) of the same name in the Russian linguistic view of the world. According to the results of the conducted research and other scientific works related to the study of this object we describe the basic lexical-semantic groupings within ASP, which are called the most important meanings that characterize child with age, size, gender, physical, physiological, psychological, cognitive, behavioral and active characteristics in terms of education, in his social relations. These meanings determine the structure not only of this lexical field, but also the structure of the mental formation of the same name. First proposed and justified the selection as a separate aspect of the structure of ASP and the structure of the concept of the dimension of the attribute child emotional object (sweet, tender, love) relationship. The emphasis on this aspect is justified by the fact that the system of the Russian language has a significant number of units of lexical, morphemic, word-formation levels that regularly convey this meaning. Along with the use of these means in the direct meaning for the characteristics of the child, they are used as genre-forming means in various speech situations, including metaphorically, in order actualizing the affectionate attitude towards adult speech participants. For the article, we also wrote about (diminutives) containing suffixes of subjective evaluation, as defined by many authors, its role in our work and how to make nouns with diminutive or affectionate suffixes that indicate a small size, a small age of the child and at the same time an affectionate, loving attitude.

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