2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Ni Made Oktasari ◽  
I Dewa Ayu Made Budhyani ◽  
Ni Ketut Widiartini

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan media pembelajaran macromedia flash terhadap efikasi diri siswa pada mata pelajaran teknologi menjahit di kelas X Tata Busana SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja pada siswa kelas X Busana. Jenis penelitian Pre-Eksperimen dengan desain One Shot Case Study. Populasi dalam penelitian ini seluruh siswa kelas X Busana SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja tahun ajaran 2018/2019 yang berjumlah 31 siswa. Penentuan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik sampel jenuh. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode non tes yaitu menggunakan angket. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan statistik deskriptif diperoleh hasil rerata skor efikasi diri siswa setelah diberi perlakuan yaitu 112,84. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan dengan uji-t diperoleh thitung sebesar 28,69 sedangkan ttabel dengan dk = (31-1) dengan taraf signifikan 5% adalah 1,69. Hal ini berarti, thitung lebih besar dari ttabel (thitung > ttabel) sehingga H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Ini berarti terdapat peningkatan efikasi diri siswa pada mata pelajaran teknologi menjahit setelah penerapan media pembelajaran macromedia flash di kelas x tata busana SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja. Kata kunci: efikasi diri, macromedia flash, teknologi menjahit Abstract Aim of this study is to describing the usage of macromedia flash learning media to students’ self-efficacy on Sewing Technology subject in 10th grade students of Fashion Design in SMK 2 singaraja. This study is done at SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja among 10th grade Fashion Design students. Type of this study is pre-eksperimen and categorized as One Shot Case Study. Population in this sudy is all 31 students of 10th grade fashion design in SMK 2 Singaraja academic year 2018/2019. The method for choosing the sample uses sample jenuh technique. Method and technique of collecting the data for this study is non-test method. Based on the analysis with descriptive statistical calculations obtained the average scor of student’s self-efficacy scores after being given treatment namely 112.84. Based on the results of calculations with t-test obtained tcount of 28.69 while ttable with dk = (31-1) with a significance level of 5% is 1.69. This means, tcount is greater than ttable (tcount> ttable) so that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. This means that there is an increase in students' self-efficacy through the application of Macromedia Flash learning on Sewing Technology subject in 10th grade students of Fashion Design in SMK 2 singaraja.Keyword: self-efficacy, macromedia flash, sewing technology 

Ni KomangMega Lestari

This research aims to know the effect of quantum teaching model base character education towards science competency knowledge in 5th grade students of Gugus Dewi Sartika East Denpasar academic year 2017/2018. This study was an experiment with quasy experiment design using the Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. The population of this research is all 5th grade of Gugus Dewi Sartika East Denpasar amounting to 328 students. Sample were taken by random sampling technique. The sample of this research is 5th A grade in SDN  10 Kesiman amount 42 students as the experiment group and 5th B grade in SDN 3 Kesiman amount 53 student as the control group. The data were collected using the test method in the form of a standard multiple choice objective test. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistic and inferential in shape gain score from science competency knowledge. The result if data analysis obtained mean of gain skor from experiment group 16X"> =0,34 > 16X"> =0,25 control group. From the hypothesis test using t-test while at 5% significance level and df 83 obtained thitung =3,214 > ttabel=2,000. Based on these result can be concluded that quantum teaching model base character education influence of science competency knowledge of 5th grade students SD Gugus Dewi Sartika East Denpasar academic year 2017/2018.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 162-167
Yulianti Siako ◽  
Kasmudin Mustapa

This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of problem-solving learning models on students’ learning outcomes in the acid-base solutions topic in SMA Negeri 1 Buko on Academic Year 2018-2019. This type of research was a true experiment with a non-randomized posttest two group design. The population of this research was all students of class XI MIA, the sampling techniques was saturated sampling methods. The sample used was students of class XI MIA 1 and XI MIA 2 as experimental class 1 and experimental class 2. The testing of students’ learning outcomes data was using one-party statistical analysis t-test to test the completeness of individual learning outcomes and classical completeness test to test the overall percentage of mastery learning. The results of data analysis obtained, the mean experimental class 1 (X1) was 75.5 with a standard deviation of 10.71 and the average experimental class 2 (X2) was 76.43 with a standard deviation of 12.77. The results of hypothesis testing with one-party t-test statistics in the experimental class 1 and 2 was obtained tcount > ttable (2.321 > 1.740; 2.306 > 2.101) with a significance level of α = 0.05 and degrees of freedom 18 and 19, then H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. Then, the result of the classical completeness test obtained in the experimental class 1 were 80% and experimental class 2 were 80.95%. Based on the results of data analysis it can be concluded that the problem-solving learning model is effective against students’ learning outcomes in the acid-base solutions topic in SMA Negeri 1 Buko on Academic Year 2018-2019.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 208
Desak Suciani ◽  
Ni Wayan Rati ◽  
I Gde Wawan Sudatha

The average grade of learning outcomes in class V is low. That is because students' fear of learning and the teacher is not optimal in creating a pleasant atmosphere. This study aims to understand mathematics learning outcomes between students who are taught with example non example learning models assisted with video media and students who are taught discovery learning models assisted with video media in the mathematics subjects of class V. This study includes quasi-experimental uses non-equivalent post designs test only control group design with a population of class V students totaling 128 students. Sampling using a random sampling technique, with a total of 43 students. Mathematics learning outcome data is collected by a test method that is multiple choice objective tests. Mathematical learning outcomes data were analyzed using polled variance t-test. Based on the t-test obtained t count = 7.78> t table = 2.021 at a significance level of 5% (a= 0.05) with db = n1 + n2 - 2 = 43 - 2 = 41 then H0 is rejected. The results of the study prove that the example non example learning model assisted by video media influences on mathematics learning outcomes. The results of this study can be used as a theoretical basis or further learning guidelines to improve learning outcomes, especially mathematics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
I Ketut Iwan Swadesi ◽  
Ni Luh Kadek Alit Arsani

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan kombinasi footwork terhadap peningkatan kelincahan dan VO2 Maks. Jenis penelitian adalah Penelitian eksperimen, dengan desain “The Non Randomized Pretest Posttest Design Control Group” Subjek penelitian adalah siswa putra SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Singaraja tahun pelajaran 2017/2018 berjumlah 30 orang siswa. VO2 Maks diukur dengan tes MFT dan kelincahan diukur dengan ilionis agility run. Data dianalisis dengan uji t independent pada taraf signifikansi αKata Kunci : kelincahan, pelatihan kombinasi footwork, VO2 Maks. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of footwork combination training on improving agility and VO2 Max. This research was an experimental research, with the design "The Non Randomized Pretest Posttest Design Control Group". The subjects were the students of SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Singaraja of academic year 2017/2018 as many as 30 students. VO2 Max was measured by MFT test and agility was measured by the illionis agility run. Data were analyzed by independent t test at significance level α keyword : agility, footwork combination training, VO2 Max

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Ni Putu Ayu Suryani ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati ◽  
Kosim Kosim

Research aimed to find the effect of Conceptual Understanding Procedures learning model on the mastery of physics concepts observed from the scientific attitude of 10th-grade students. Type of research was quasi-experiment with 2x2 factorial design. Population was 10th grade students of MIA in SMAN 1 Gunungsari academic year 2017/2018, and the sampling technique was cluster random sampling. The data of the students’ mastery of concepts were collected by giving essays and the scientific attitude was measured by using questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed by applying 2-way ANOVA, assisted by SPSS 16 with (α) significance level of 5%. The results show that significant value for the effect of learning model consider from scientific attitude in amount 0,01 which its was smaller from (α), and significant value for interaction between Conceptual Understanding Procedures learning model with scientific attitude in amount 0,18 which its value is bigger from (α). According to data, can be conclude: there was an effect of Conceptual Understanding Procedures learning model to the mastery of physics concept in terms of scientific attitude from 10th grade student’; and there was no interaction between Conceptual Understanding Procedures learning model to scientific attitude to the mastery of physics concept from 10th grade student’. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-121
Jeff Agung Perdana ◽  
Yudo Harvianto

Cardiorespiratory endurance in sports is very important. Because cardiorespiration is closely related to human activities doing work and moving. This research is motivated by cardiorespiratory fitness which is closely related to human activities doing work and moving and exercising. This study aims to determine the differences in cardiorespiration endurance among students who take extracurricular volleyball and basketball. This study uses a comparative research design with the test method. The subjects of this study were 19 basketball basketball extracurricular students and 20 volleyball extracurricular students. Data collection techniques in this study used a measurement test. The instrument used in this study was a multistage fitness test. The analysis technique used is the t-test (Paired t-Test). The results of statistical analysis showed that there was a significant difference between cardiorespiration endurance between students who took extracurricular volleyball and basketball with male students t count = 3.354 greater than t (0.05) (9) = 2.36 and female students that t arithmetic = 3.053 is greater than t (0.05) (8) = 2.31 at a significance level of 5%. The difference in cardiorespiration endurance between students who take extracurricular volleyball and basketball is male students by 13.31% and female students 18.64%.Keywords: Basketball, volleyball, cardiorespiration, Sport, Student AbstrakKetahanan kardiorespirasi dalam berolahraga sangatlah penting. Sebab kardiorespirasi erat kaitannya dengan kegiatan manusia melakukan pekerjaan dan bergerak. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kebugaran kardiorespirasi yang erat kaitannya dengan kegiatan manusia melakukan pekerjaan dan bergerak serta berolahraga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaaan daya tahan kardiorespirasi antara  peserta didik yang mengikuti ekstrakutikuler bolavoli dan bolabasket. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kompratif dengan metode tes. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 19 siswa ekstrakurikuler bolabasket dan 20 siswa ekstrakurikuler bola voli.  Teknik pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tes pengukuran. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah multistage fitness test. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu uji-t ( Paired t-Test ). Hasil analisis statistika diperoleh hasil bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara daya tahan kardiorespirasi antara  peserta didik yang mengikuti ekstrakutikuler bolavoli dan bolabasket dengan siswa putra t hitung = 3,354 lebih besar dari t(0,05)(9)  = 2,36 dan siswa putri bahwa t hitung = 3,053 lebih besar dari t(0,05)(8)  = 2,31 pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Perbedaan daya tahan kardiorespirasi antara peserta didik yang mengikuti ekstrakutikuler bolavoli dan bolabasket adalah siswa putra sebesar 13,31% dan siswa putri 18,64%.Kata kunci: Bola basket, bola voli, kardiorespirasi, olahraga, siswa

Emi Elmiyati

This study aims to investigate the improvement of speaking ability through debate in the classroom and to investigate the students’s response toward the use of debate in teaching speaking at SMAN 3 kota Bima in academic year 2017/2018. In this study adopted experimental research design with method of collecting data used test and questionnaire, while technique for analysing data in this study based on quantities through data gained in the t-test formula. After analysing the data. It found the mean score of post-test by experimental research was higher than mean score of post-test by control research. Deviation score of post-test experimental class is 12 and control class is 5,93 and the square of deviation score of experimental class ≥ the square of deviation score of control class (1509 ≥ 287,87). It indicates that the treatment was succesful, more over significance value of the t-test also was higher than of the t-table (3,27 ≥ 2,021 = 95% and 3,27 ≥ 2,704 = 99%). The level of significance is 0,05% and 0,01% with degree of freedom (df) 58. It’s mean that Ha is accepted and Ho is refused. Not only research the treatment progress in experimental class and t-test in this study but also more response in using debate method in the classroom through questionnaire which have significant result 82,67% by respondents. This study concludes that debate method can improve students speaking ability in the classroom and has very positive response from students.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 354
Monif Maulana

The population in this study was seventh grade students consisting of 7 calsses. The sampling technique use random sampling technique that was by lottery class. From raffle earned that grade VII G class as TS-TS class and VII F Class as ekspository class. Mathematics learning outcomes data obtained using the test method in the form of objective questions. Analysis of the data used one tailed t-test and two tailed t-test. From the test results obtained by the two tailed t-test  = 1,9180 and  = 1,5409, it means  >  with a significance level of 5% and 54 degrees of freedom, which means  was rejected. This suggest that there were differences in mathematics achievement between students who use cooperative model of TS-TS and ekspository learning model. One tailed t-test result obtained that  = 1,9180 and  = 1,5409, it means  >  with a significance level of 5% and 54 degrees of freedom, which means  was rejected. This suggest that the learning outcomes of students who use the cooperative model of TS-TS was better than learning outcomes of students who use the ekspository learning model in even semester of seventh grade student in SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Yogyakarta academic year of 2016/2017

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-34
Admin JPTM

The purpose of this study was to determine the Effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Model on ​​Student Learning Outcomes on Conventional Gasoline Fuel Systems Lesson in TBSM XI Class of SMKN 1 Palangka Raya, Academic Year 2017/2018. The method used in this study is pre-experimental design, by using one-group pretest-posttest design. In this design there is a pretest before treatment. Thus the results of the treatment can be known more accurately, because it can compare with the situation before being treated. The results of this study indicate that the calculation using the t-test with a significance level of α = 0.05 obtained a t-count value of 16.19 while the t_table value was 1.992. Because t_count > t_table, this means that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, so it can be concluded that there are influences of student learning outcomes taught using the CTL model on conventional gasoline fuel system lesson. The type of learning model is quite effective in the process of teaching in schools especially automotive lesson.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-196
A. Muafiah Nur

This research is a pre-experimental that aims to know: 1) measuring students’ ability of tenth grade SMA Negeri 1 Watampone in solving physics problem that is taught by using guided inquiry approach, 2) measuring the students’ ability in solving physics problem through guided inquiry approach achieve the level of Minimum Passing Standard. The population and all at once as sample in this research is 36 or all of student at tenth grade SMA Negeri 1 Watampone in 2016/2017 academic year. The research design used in this research is One Shot Case Study. The research instrument is the description test in solving physics problem. The result of descriptive analysis shows that the average score of students’ physics achievement after taugh by using guided inquiry approach is 108 and 12 for standard deviation. While the result of inferential analysis shows that students’ ability achieve the minimum passing standard at significance level α = 0,05.Keywords: guided approach; problem solving skills; Descriptive statistics; inferential statisticsPenelitian ini adalah penelitian pra eksprimen yang bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui besarnya kemampuan siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Watampone dalam memecahkan masalah fisika yang diajar dengan menggunakan pendekatan inkuiri terbimbing, (2) mengetahui kemampuan siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Watampone dalam memecahkan masalah fisika melalui pendekatan inkuiri terbimbing mencapai tingkat Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal. Subjek populasi sekaligus sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Watampone tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 sebanyak 36 siswa. Desain Penelitian yang digunakan adalah One Shot Case Study. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes kemampuan memecahkan masalah fisika dalam bentuk tes uraian. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan skor rata-rata hasil belajar fisika siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Watampone setelah diajar dengan pendekatan inkuiri terbimbing sebesar 108 dan standar deviasi 12. Hasil analisis inferensial menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Watampone dalam memecahkan masalah fisika setelah diajar dengan pendekatan inkuiri terbimbing pada pembelajaran fisika mencapai tingkat Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal pada taraf nyata α = 0,05.Kata kunci: pendekatan ikuiri terbimbing; kemampuan memecahkan masalah; statistik deskriptif; statistik inferensial

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