2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-26
Muhammad Nur Rochim Maksum

The purpose of this study was to know jihad meaning of Ta'mirul Islam boarding school leader and Darusy Shahadah boarding school leader, the model and the differences and similarities of education are applied at jihad in Ta'mirul Islam Boarding School and Darusy Syahadah boarding school 2015-2016. Type of research is a field research with qualitative methods with primary and secondary data sources, that obtained from informants in  Ta'mirul Islam Boarding School and Darusy Syahadah boarding school, this data collection techniques used interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis technique used inductive method. These results indicate that: Ta'mirul Islam boarding school leader said that meaning of jihad in accordance with the theory of Yusuf Qordowi as seriusly form of doing things. Ta'mirul Islam boarding school avoids the sense of narrowing the meaning of jihad as war. Darusy Syahadah boarding school recognizes both the meaning of jihad, either in a general sense and still looks jihad with war that must be planted in deep inside a Muslim. Jihad educational model those are applied in Ta'mirul Islam boarding school  namely: Jaulah, mujahādah, education, social Jihad, economics Jihad, education organization, said the right words to despotic leaders, the devotion of one year after graduation. Darusy Syahadah applied namely: physical Jihad, passions jihad, faith jihad, social jihad, propaganda jihad, education jihad, media jihad. Similarities of jihad education model between both boarding are namely: propaganda jihad, second: passions and devils jihad, third: amar ma‘rūf nahī munkar, fourth: education jihad. The difference between them are Ta'mirul Islam boarding school used of economic jihad jihad and said the right words to  despotic leader, while Darusy Syahadah did not. Darusy Syahadah boarding school implemented physical education model while Ta'mirul Islam boarding school did not apply that model.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui makna jihad menurut Pimpinan Pondok Pesantren Ta’mirul Islam dan Pimpinan Pondok Pesantren Darusy Syahadah, model serta perbedaan dan persamaan pendidikan jihad yang diterapkan  Pondok Pesantren Ta’mirul Islam dan Pondok Pesantren Darusy Syahadah 2015-2016. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian lapangan dengan metode kualitatif dengan sumber data primer dan sekunder, yang diperoleh dari informan di Pondok Pesantren Ta’mirul Islam dan Darusy Syahadah, Teknik pengumpulan data ini menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu metode induktif. Hasil penelitian yaitu: Pimpinan Pondok Pesantren Ta’mirul Islam dalam memaknai jihad sesuai dengan teori Yusuf Qordowi sebagai bentuk kesungguh-sungguhan dalam melakukan sesuatu,. Pondok pesantren Ta’mirul Islam menghindari pengertian dari penyempitan makna dari jihad itu yakni jihad yang bermakna perang. Pimpinan Pondok pesantren Darusy Syahadah mengakui kedua makna jihad, baik dalam makna umum dan tetap memamdang jihad dengan perang sebagai makna yang harus tetap di tanamkan secara mendalam dalam diri seorang muslim. Model pendidikan jihad yang di terapkan pondok pesantren Ta’mirul Islam yakni: Jaulah, mujāhadah, Pendidikan, Jihad sosial, Jihad ekonomi, Pendidikan organisasi, mengatakan perkataan yang benar kepada pemimpin yang zalim, pengabdian setahun pasca kelulusan. Model pendidikan jihad Darusy Syahadah yakni: Jihad fisik, jihad hawa nafsu, jihad aqidah, jihad sosial, jihad dakwah, jihad pendidikan, jihad media. Persamaan model pendidikan jihad antara keduanya yaitu: jihad dakwah, kedua: jihad hawa nafsu dan syaitan, ketiga: jihad amar ma‘rūf nahī munkar,keempat: jihad pendidikan. Perbedaan diantara keduanya yaitu Ta’mirul Islam menggunakan model jihad ekonomi dan model jihad dengan mengatakan perkataan yang benar dihadapan penguasa yang zalim, sedangkan Darusy Syahadah tidak menggunkannya. Darusy Syahadah menerapkan model pendidikan jihad fisik sedangkan Ta’mirul Islam sendiri tidak menerapakan model tersebut.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Setiawan Bin Lahuri ◽  
Vina Fithriana Wibisono

PT. Bank BNI Syariah is one of the best Islamic banks, which obtained the best award as the most efficient bank and first ranked in the category of best good corporate governance report. So, this study aims to explore the extent of implementation of good corporate governance in PT. Bank Syariah Branch Tasikmalaya. This study is field research using the inductive method and content analysis approach. Data collection is using primary and secondary data through observations, interviews, and documentation. The results indicate that PT. Bank Syariah Branch Tasikmalaya has implemented good corporate governance principles by well according to the Islamic perspective. Described about it that bank has implemented “anti-graft” accordance with al-Amanah}-al-Jama>’ah}-al-Hasanah} as a slogan in doing work; al-Tawhi>d and al-Rid}a as the basis for forming personal character; every Dhuhur and Ashar prayer, the office is temporarily closed; Tarhib Ramadhan as routine program every June 19 by holding an MHQ competition.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-32
Ananta Budhi Danurdara

Apprenticeship program is one part of the laborrs force in Indonesia, apprentices basically get the same protection with other labors, but in Indonesia there are many industries that do not provide rights that should be given to participants of the internship program. The purpose of this study was to determine, assess, examine and analyze how the legal protection for participants in apprenticeship programs and practices to determine, assess, examine and analyze an obstacle in the implementation of the apprenticeship program. Study used is descriptive nature Analytical. Secondary data was obtained from the research literature and reinforced with Primary Data obtained from interviews daan questionnaire. Stages of the research literature research and field research. Techniques of data collection are through literature study and interviews. Methods of data analysis using Likert method. The results showed that the occurrence of violations of rights protection for participants in the company's apprenticeship program in terms of three main components, namely Statutory Rights, Contractual Rights and Other Rights on the Protection of Rights Internship Program participants have not been frilly implemented in practice yet. This is because there are some companies who do not exercise rights apprenticeship program participants in the form of the right to obtain employment injury insurance and the right to earn pocket money and or transport money and not doing the apprenticeship agreement in writing between the parties with the company's apprenticeship program participants in a company. Other authors propose recommendations for the educational institutions and industry especially Hotel XYZ at Bandung management to address the existing problems. The purpose of these recommendations is to provide input to the hotel in order to provide protection Rights Internship Program Participants in accordance with the rules of government.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-124
Nurul Hayati

Human is the creation of Allah swt who have morals, potentials, orientations, and tendencies toward positive and negative things. It is a characteristic and moral tied in every human. To neutralize and create a better human which is in accordance with the main purposes of  His creator, it needs specific ways to maintain a pure human appearance in their daily life. One of the ways to return and maintain their pureness is through dhikr. It has been implemented by one of the traditional educational institutions in East Aceh, namely the Islamic Boarding School Asasul Islamiyah and the Islamic Boarding School Darul Muta'allimin. In addition, besides teaching a religious subject as the main subject matter, they are also having daily dhikr-routine, before and after praying, and it becomes the main purpose to develop students’ morals. This study explores the implementation of dhikr as a development toward Islamic boarding school’s students’ daily morals in East Aceh regency, with aims (1) To figure out what kind of the several dhikr in the Islamic Boarding School Asasul Islamiyah and Islamic boarding school Darul Muta'allimin, East Aceh regency, (2) To figure out a mechanism of implementing dhikr in the Islamic boarding school Asasul Islamiyah and the Islamic boarding school Darul Muta'allimin, East Aceh, (3) To know an implication dhikr toward daily morals’ development in Islamic boarding school Asasul Islamiyah and Islamic boarding school Darul Muta'allimin, East Aceh. This present study is qualitative research which is used as a field research method and uses primary and secondary data. The data collection methods used are observations and interviews. The present study found that the varied of dhikr words which are pointed in Islamic boarding school Asasul Islamiyah and Islamic boarding school Darul Muta'allimin, East Aceh Regency is istighfar, tauhid (لا اله الا الله), tasbih, tahlil, shalawat (remembering The Prophet), yassin, reciting Al-Qur’an verses and having a close-by reciting do’a. The mechanisms of implementing dhikr used in both Islamic boarding schools, methodology and time, are similar; using dhikr dzahir and dhikr sirri, in addition, the time is daily; before and after praying. Moreover, one of the dhikr implications toward the students’ daily morals development is enhancing Islamic spirituality through remembering Allah SWT in order to form a balancing life between the world and the day after, also have good morals toward humans (habl min al-nās)  and Allah SWT (habl min Allāh).

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Muhammad Ash Shiddiqy

This study aims to find out how the implementation of the qardh contract in the Almuna Sharia Microfinance Institutions Blessing Mandiri Special Region of Yogyakarta. This study uses an empirical juridical method. Empirical juridical research is used to analyze various regulations regarding qardh financing contracts in Islamic Microfinance Institutions (LKMS) and to analyze applicable laws of community behavior in their lives. The type of data and materials of this study come from primary data and secondary data. Primary data comes from the results of interviews and secondary data derived from literature. The collection technique in this study was conducted by interviewing respondents to get the right and reliable information. The analysis technique used in this research is descriptive method with a qualitative approach.This study found findings, namely financing products carried out at LKMS Almuna Mandiri Blessings, among others, namely Qardh (borrowing virtue). The qardh contract implemented at LKMS Almuna Berkah Mandiri is in accordance with sharia principles. This qardh agreement is intended for LKMS Almuna Berkah Mandiri customers who have small businesses but are not economically capable and want to expand their business. The LKMS Almuna Berkah Mandiri program fund comes from LAZNAS BSM Umat. The amount of qardh financing granted by LKMS Almuna Berkah Mandiri is Rp. 1,000,000.00 (one million rupiah) with a period of 50 (fifty) weeks or equivalent to 1 (one) year over 2 (two) weeks. The qardh installment payment is made after 1 (one) week after the disbursement of funds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-156
Mizanul Hasanah

This article originated from the author's curiosity about the close inner relationship between parents and children who memorize the Qur'an. For the author of the Qur'an, it is Allah's revelation that was sent down directly to Rasulullah Muhammad SAW through the angel Gabriel. For this reason, the holy book of the Qur'an, which is very sacred and is the word of Allah, cannot be memorized if the individual does not appreciate, understand the signs, and glorify Allah before reading and memorizing it. One of them is filial piety to parents and do good to them. The author conducted direct research on the right target, namely the children who memorized the Quran in SMP-based Pesantren Amanatul Ummah Pacet. The aim of the author to conduct research at this location is that the children in the institution focus on producing Al-Quran memorizers. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. Sources of data used are primary and secondary data sources and use data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-40
Sifa ◽  
Muhammad Nurhadi

This research is motivated by the diversity of Indonesia's multicultural, ethnic and religious communities, as well as multiculturalism. Islamic education that touches on the aspect of morality is Islamic boarding schools. Islamic boarding schools are institutions that istiqamah still maintain the tradition of peace, balance and harmony and continue to develop the principle s of ukhuwahIslamiyah, wathaniyah, and basyariyah in an effort to strengthen the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This type of research is qualitative phenomenological field research. The data in this study consisted of primary data and secondary data. While the technique of collecting data through {a} observation, {b} interview, and {c} documentation. To test the credibility of the data the author uses the data source triangulation technique. Then the data analysis is carried out at the beginning of the research to the conclusion. From the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that: first, the principle of planting multicultural education in the Ngalah Islamic boarding school is rahmatanlil’alamin {protector for all circles}. Second, the implementation of planting multicultural education in the Islamic boarding school Ngalahala NU which includes 3 morals, namely Wathaniyah {Polite towards the State}, Insaniyah {Compassionate towards fellow human beings}, and Islamiyah {polite to fellow Muslims} and cling to the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution , through habituation of attitudes, among others: a) Religious (religious), b) Humanist (humanity), c) Nationalist, d) democracye)tolerance with exemplary media caregiver, orientation of new santri, ta'lim ad diniyah, dormitory life, stage art and halaqoh. It was proven by the enthusiasm and istiqomah attitude of the santri in participating in the pesantren activities that had been scheduled starting daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-47
Badrus Soleh ◽  
Iswatul Hasanah

This research was conducted because it aims to find out about the function of education management in Al-Ulum Wal Althof Islamic boarding school in strengthening religious moderation. This type of research is case study research (field research) using a qualitative approach. The results of this study are educational planning at the Al-Ulum Wal Althof Islamic boarding school in strengthening religious moderation, namely by establishing formal education and cottage programs organized by schools, pesantren administrators, and Kiai where the implementation is following the schedule or written regulations which are the result of deliberation. together. The educational organization of the Al-Ulum Wal Althof Islamic boarding school is led by a Kiai who has the right of authority to distribute tasks to the school and boarding school administrators who then the school and the boarding school administrator cooperate with the parties involved such as teachers. The implementation of education at the Al-Ulum Wal Althof Islamic Boarding School is regulated in writing and scheduled so that all activities both in formal education or in pesantren run well and smoothly. Supervision of education at the Al-Ulum Wal Althof Islamic boarding school is carried out by the school and the boarding school.

Ni Putu Januaryanti Pande

Article 4 letter C the Laws no 8 of 1999 about Consumer Protection states that consumers have the right of correct, clear and truthful information about the condition and the guarantee of goods and/or services. Without distribution license from BPPOM meaning there is no guarantee that thise cosmetics are safe to use . The decision of the head of the BPOM of Republic of Indonesia no HK. about cosmetics, also regulate the distribution of imported cosmetics that are not registered to be against the regulation of Article 2 letter c and Article 10 (1). But the facts in the field the implementation of the regulations of registering the imported cosmetic products are still met to n ot be according to the regulation of the laws. The primary data of this research is obtained through field research in the way of interviewing some informants and respondents. The secondary data in this research is obtained through the literature of the primary, secondary and thirdly legal materials,  according to the problems that will be discussed.  The data that has been collected whether from field's research or literature that has been treated with qualitative approach. From the research above, can be taken the conclusion that the implementation of the protection of the law to the consumers that suffer the loss from imported cosmetics that has not been registered is not implemented effectively. Other factors that influence the implementation of labelling Indonesian language on the packaging of the product is from the consumer's and the producer's awareness and also the obstacle of the related goverment's performance. Pasal 4 huruf c Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen menyatakan bahwa konsumen berhak atas informasi yang benar, jelas dan jujur mengenai kondisi dan jaminan barang dan/atau jasa. Tanpa ada izin edar dari BBPOM maka tidak ada jaminan bahwa kosmetik tersebut aman untuk digunakan. Keputusan Kepala BPOM Republik Indonesia nomor HK. tentang kosmetik, juga mengatur  peredaran kosmetik impor yang tidak terdaftar melanggar ketentuan Pasal 2 huruf c dan Pasal 10 ayat (1). Namun faktanya di lapangan penerapan ketentuan pendaftaran produk kosmetik impor masih banyak dijumpai tidak mematuhi aturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni penelitian hukum empiris yang mengkaji kesenjangan antara ketentuan peraturan pendaftaran kosmetik impor di BBPOM dengan pelaksanaannya di lapangan. Data primer dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui penelitian lapangan yaitu dengan cara melakukan wawancara langsung ke beberapa informan dan responden yang terkait. Data sekunder dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui penelitian kepustakaan terhadap bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tertier sesuai permasalahan yang akan dibahas. Data yang telah dikumpulkan baik dari penelitian lapangan maupun kepustakaan di olah dengan pendekatan  kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut diatas, dapat diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa implementasi perlindungan hukum terhadap konsumen yang menderita kerugian akibat kosmetik impor yang tidak terdaftar belum efektif diterapkan. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi pencantuman label berbahasa Indonesia pada kemasan produk kosmetik impor adalah  dari kesadaran konsumen, produsen dan adanya hambatan kinerja pemerintah terkait.

Fenomena ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-46
Hauli Haikal ◽  
Azwar Habibi

Radicalism is an understanding or sect which wants social and political renewal with violence wrapped of terrorism in physical and non-physical forms. Radicalism is an organized movement, a large international network that chooses productive age (17-40 years old) as regeneration cadres. The existence of radicalism brings hardline organi-zations to have an exclusive, rigid and ghallun character, this is the result of a formalistic and literal attitude in interpreting the Qur'an and al-Hadist, make decisions of local Islamic traditions as bid'ah, kafir and haram which must be eradicated. The focus of this study is as follows: what is the category of radicalism based on the classification of PP al-Bidayah Jember and PP Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki Bondowoso from kyai, administrators and santri, what is the attitude used, what efforts are made by kyai,, the management and santri in stemming radicalism and how the kyai hope, the management and santri towards the government in resolving terrorists. The research method uses applied research based on practical reasons, curious, and has a purpose to do something more effective and efficient. Selain itu, juga menggunakan penelitian lapangan dan studi kasus. In addition, it also uses field research and case studies. PP al-Bidayah Jember and PP Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki Bondowoso as educational institutions that have ahlussunnah wal jama'ah ideology has obliged to maintain and preserve the legacy of saints ideology, spreaders of Islam, in Indonesia. The category of radical Islam according to kyai and santri of the Islamic boarding school PP al-Bidayah Jember and the PP Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki Bondowoso are: based on the thought that interprets the Qur'an and al-Hadist literally, based on actions that justify violence in the name of God, and based on symbolic physicality, such the using of flags, shorts, robes, beards and veils. The attitude of kyai, administrators and santri of PP al-Bidayah Jember and PP Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki Bondowoso towards radical Islam are passive if only physically symbolic, tolerant of thinking because adheres of particular religion is the right of every citizen, criticize if the understanding of Islamic radicalism is disturbing the community. The strategy of kyai, administrators and santri in preventing the Islamic radicalism through scientific approaches, the preservation of traditions and Islamic culture, development of cultural and structural networks, submission to the authorities. The hope of kyai, administrators and santri towards the government about radicalism includes instrumental, cultural and structural aspects.

El Dinar ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Egi Agutian R.S ◽  
Hayyu Afuw ◽  
Yulinda Nordiana M.A.S

<p>Muslims in Indonesia are the most major element. With a population of 254.9 million, Indonesia is the country with the largest number of Muslims in the world. Based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics 2015, the number of Muslims in Indonesia is about 87%. But not optimally run the function of the mosque as a central activity of Muslims both in mahdhah worship and ghair mahdhah. In order to realize the function, the potential development of Islamic philanthropy in the mosque becomes the right choice one of them is the development of productive waqf in the form of wakaf market.<br />Wakaf market Al-Khaibar Malang is an access for people to simplify the system of sale and purchase based on the mosque. However, market managed wakaf needs to adjust the current state of digital-based. Therefore, Al-Khaibar market wakaf need to develop vehicle waqf to be the target market expansion. The purpose of this research is Knowing Capital and Development of productive waqf mini market Al-Khaibar and provide innovative development of productive waqf mini market Al-Khaibar.<br />The type of research used in this study is empirical research (field research). data collection methods that researchers use is by interview and documentation and secondary data that other litelatur relevant to the research material. Data analysis method used in this research is descriptive analysis.<br />The results obtained, Minimarket Al-Khaibar has a policy of implementation of productive endowments include the percentage of installment repayment minimal mini capital to be returned and allocation of funds productive endowments. Nadzir reward is intensive alaih. The minimarket manager consists of managers and employees. Employment recruitment is preferred from surrounding communities and people in need of employment, prospective workers register with application letter, following interview selection by manager. Also establishing partners with distributors like Unilever and the location of minimarkets adjacent to the mosque is very strategic in the development effort Go Wakaf. So that the mosque is really central to the activities of Muslims, especially in the field of independent economy.</p>

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