Ольга Константиновна Грекова

Введение. Рассмотрены современные методы обучения лексике языка специальности «Русский язык как иностранный» (РКИ), выдвинут на обсуждение интегративный курс с многоканальным предъявлением учебного материала и принципы его организации. За основу такой программы взят курс аудирования учебных лекций, построенный исключительно на материале аутентичных лекционных фрагментов. Глоссарии лекций, являясь материалом для повторения основных трудностей русского произношения для инофонов, в то же время представляют предметный ряд дисциплины. В результате выстраивается компактный многоцелевой курс, охватывающий такие области, как фонетика/акцентуация/ритмика в совокупности с лексикой/грамматикой/логикой/композицией/риторикой/анализом текста звучащего и письменного/развитием речи. Поскольку типология заданий по каждой лекции обширна и воспроизводится неоднократно, учащиеся получают возможность увидеть каждый предмет с разных сторон в его единстве и противоречиях. Цель статьи – описание передаваемых интегративно знаний и представление ряда способов работы со знанием в ходе подобного обучающего курса. Материал и методы. Ведущим методом исследования послужил сопоставительный анализ гипотетических и реальных способов соединения разных целей и задач функционального курса русского языка как иностранного в едином курсе. Результаты и обсуждение. Выяснилось, что цели и задачи формирования ряда разных по своей природе компетенций совместимы в едином курсе обучения. Несущей основой такого курса может служить аудирование как вид речевой деятельности, а отрабатываемые в обсуждаемом трехчастном учебном комплексе умственные действия (извлечение информации из неоднородных источников, предлагаемых на разных носителях, сопоставление явлений, выделение главного, составление из разрозненных элементов целого, формулирование общей и частных проблем, исчисление аспектов проблемы) формируют определенный тип мышления, необходимый не только обучающимся по специальности «Филология: Лингвистика: Литературоведение». Заключение. Интегративный учебный курс представляет собой целостную систему, вовлекающую учащегося сразу в несколько видов умственной и речевой деятельности. Многоканальное предъявление учебного материала формирует коммуникативную компетенцию ускоренно. Следовательно, подобные курсы служат способом интенсификации учебного процесса РКИ. Introduction. The paper deals with Language for Special Purposes Vocabulary Course Modern Teaching Methods. It limelights the integrative course with the multichannel teaching aids’ presentation and lines out its organization principles. This program is based on the auditive educational lectures’ course, built exclusively on the educational material of authentic lectures’ extracts. Lectures’ glossaries as a pattern for revising the main pronunciation difficulties at the same time introduce the discipline subject index. Totally it results in forming the compact multipurpose course, involving the spheres of Phonetics/Accentuation/Rhythmics/ in the aggregate with Lexicon/Grammar/Logic/Composing/Rhetoric/Sounding &Written text Analysis/Speech Development. As soon as each lecture’s task typology is vast and is reproduced repeatedly, students gain the possibility to see every object diversely in its totality and contradictions. The purpose of this article is not only to describe the integratively introduced knowledge, but to present a system of methods for working with knowledge in the flow of such educational course. Material and methods. The principle research method is the comparative analysis of hypothetical and real ways of uniting the different purposes and aims of the functional Russian as a Foreign Language course in a solid program. Results and discussion. It turned out that the purposes and aims of forming competences, being different in their nature, are compatible in the integral whole in the educational course. Such course can be based on listening as a type of speech activity. And it’s the diverse kinds of mental activity (extracting information from different non-homogenous sources, presented on different vehicles, phenomenae’ comparison, emphasizing the main item, making whole of an odd set, general and concrete problems’ formulating, enumerating the problem aspects) that forms a certain mentality type. And it is vital not only for those, specialized in “Philology: Linguistics: Literature Studies”. Conclusion. An integrative educational course is an integral system, simultaneously involving students in several kinds of mental and speech activity. Multichannel teaching aids presentation forms the communicative competence rapidly. Hence such courses contribute to intensifying Russian as a Foreign Language educational process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-104
Аlla Oleksandrivna Shchehlova ◽  

The article explores the features of modern information and communication technologies implementation in teaching technical English. The specifics of teaching foreign languages for applicants for non-linguistic specialties has its own characteristics, which should be taken into account when constructing and conducting classes. The information society poses new challenges and correspondingly new goals for teachers and applicants to higher education, the achievement of which is ensured by analyzing situational data and creating the environment that would most closely reflect the realities of the modern professional environment, which requires an appropriate level of a foreign language knowledge. It was determined that electronic learning tools act as a catalyst in mastering the material and improve the quality of the educational process. The study analyzed psychological factors that provide an extremely high level of student motivation and form the corresponding priorities in the direction of professional growth. The pedagogical ways of introducing multimedia teaching aids while studying a foreign language are described in detail as a key condition for the fundamental training of a qualified specialist, focused on meeting the needs of the modern market. It is noted that higher education institutions do not yet fully possess educational computer programs and the latest software, which is one of the most pressing problems in the digitalization of the educational process. It is proved that the effectiveness of achieving didactic goals directly depends on the chosen forms and methods of training, and the inclusion of information and communication technologies has such advantages as individualization and intensification of the educational process, an increase in the amount of independent work of the applicant, which is an important component of the Bologna process. In this regard, and with the aim of developing the communication skills of future specialists, ICTs are considered to be the primary element in the training of qualified specialists in economic fields.

2021 ◽  
pp. 154-161
Анна Владимировна Сахарова ◽  
Елена Александровна Линева ◽  
Мария Викторовна Овчинникова

На сегодняшний день использование аутентичных видеороликов на уроках иностранного языка в общеобразовательной школе является актуальной темой для исследования и изучения. Использование видео на уроках способствует формированию навыков и развитию умений одного из важнейших видов речевой деятельности – говорения. Сопоставляя факты, культурные особенности, поведение людей в социуме, мы формируем положительное отношение к культуре страны изучаемого языка, используя современные техники и приемы работы с видеоматериалами. Описаны критерии отбора аутентичных видеороликов и основные этапы работы с видеоматериалами, которые можно использовать на уроках иностранного языка в средней школе. Представлены результаты исследования по изучению влияния различных аутентичных видеороликов на процесс совершенствования навыков монологической речи. Наглядно показана тенденция эффективности использования аутентичных видео в процессе совершенствования навыков говорения учащихся и положительная динамика отношения учащихся к процессу обучения в целом. Также показана необходимость развития умений говорения посредством использования в учебном процессе аутентичных видео, отмечая, что данному процессу будет посвящено отдельное внимание в следующих научных работах. Полученные результаты исследования позволяют наметить стратегию дальнейшей работы с видеоматериалами. Nowadays the use of authentic videos at the lessons of foreign lessons in secondary schools is an urgent topic for research and study. The use of video at the lessons contributes to the formation of skills and the development of skills of one of the most important types of speech activity – speaking. Comparing the facts, cultural characteristics, and the behaviour of people in society, we form a positive attitude to the culture of the country of the language being studied, using modern techniques and techniques for working with video materials. The article describes the criteria for selecting authentic videos and the main stages of working with video materials that can be used at the lessons of foreign language in secondary schools. The article presents the results of a study on the influence of various authentic videos on the process of improving the skills of monologue speech. The article demonstrates the tendency of the effective use of authentic videos in the process of improving the students’ speaking skills and the positive dynamics of the students’ attitude to the learning process as a whole. The necessity to develop speaking skills through the use of authentic videos in the educational process is also shown, noting that this process will be given special attention in the following scientific papers. The results of the study allow us to outline a strategy for further work with video materials.

Existing systems of exercises on the communicative competence formation of foreign students, learning Russian, have been considered in this article. Different approaches to the exercise classification system have been suggested. A new approach to the selection and presentation of basic learning tools (exercises), included into the educational process of the Preparatory Faculty (level A-2, B-1), for language acquisition speciality has been proposed. The article is based on the Prof. D. Izarenkov Scientific School concept. He proved that exercise apparatus combined a great number of exercises in a special system. Classification is based on the basis of 3 distinctive indications: operational content of the speech activity; unites of training; content of intellectual side of the speech activity in the process of doing exercises. This classification has some advantages in comparison with the others. It includes a great variety of exercises and remains at the same time an open system. It opens some possibilities to choice the necessary exercises in the frame of the method of teaching. System of exercises is represented in the form of exercise microsystem. Actuality and perspectives of the proposed selection and possibility to use it for creation of text-books for foreign students have been proved. System description of the exercise apparatus may be perspective for the researchers and for the teachers, who control practical work with the students. Descriptions of different teaching aids, proposed by different educational institutes, have been presented. Conclusions about using different classifications have been made. Authors believe, that traditional classifications can be used in the formation of exercises system in the work with different levels of students as well as post-graduate students. Different examples of text-books construction, using the existing exercise systems, have been also described.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 343-359
Natalya Tokareva

The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical analysis of the trends in the speech development of adolescents in the context of psycholinguistic scientific space. As one of the vectors of adolescents’ thought-speech activity development, the author considers the development of the logical-semantic organization of the speech utterance, which is a complex unity of interrelated but phenomenologically independent phenomena: object-meaning and logical ordering of speech utterance structure. The necessity of using the post-neoclassical approach (evolutionary-synergetic paradigm of scientific rationality) to study the trends in the variability of modern adolescents speech development is grounded in the article, which makes it possible to analyze the phenomenological field of speech from the standpoint of the development of open dissipative systems in the unity of the socio-cultural, psychological and psycholinguistic contexts. Empirical study procedure involves the study of the features of logical-semantic organization of teenager’s speech activity of by the formation of written speech utterance by the method of quasi-creative work with the supports. The subject of analysis were meaningful text content (denotative content presentation units and their hierarchical matching) and logical ordering of the speech utterance structure (proportional correlation of each of the microtopics within the logics of integral text, compliance consistency of information blocks, ensuring communications between first-order predicators). Comparison of the average values of predicators of the psycholinguistic profile of verbal constructs of adolescents of different ages revealed certain differences in the compared groups and showed nonlinearity of the respondents speech development. The data obtained are interpreted by the author as the conditionality of the schoolchildren’ speech development not only by the external situational and contextual influence of the educational process, but also by the specificity of age-related neoplasms of the cognitive spectrum. In this context, the purposeful formation of the communicative culture of an individual, mastery of effective ways of forming and formulating thoughts in the logic of dialogical partnership is defined as an indispensable prerequisite for the personal development of adolescents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 229 ◽  
pp. 98-104
N.V. Eremina ◽  
V.V. Tomin ◽  
J.V. Kanyukova ◽  

Currently, a very urgent problem in the university training system of students in foreign languages is the problem of designing educational and methodological complexes for classroom and extracurricular use. Analysis of this problem’s state in the context of social order allows us to note that the domestic market is insufficiently saturated with the required teaching aids. Existing textbooks differ, as a rule, either by a traditional formal approach or by a hypertrophied professional orientation and the absence of assignments aimed at independent extracurricular work. Educational and methodological complexes at the university level should be built based on communicative, sociocultural, and cognitive approaches. Raising the status of a foreign language in many countries’ education systems poses the task of creating new pedagogical, didactic, and methodological developments of conditions for improving the process of its learning. A characteristic feature of didactic aids is the versatility of their application. The structuredness of educational and methodological complexes in the form of multi-level blocks contributes to developing students of a scientific organization for the development of educational material, free orientation within the course, and the development of practical skills for performing control tasks. The main criteria for selecting material for students’ independent work are problematic, relevance, availability, adequacy, optimality of volume and complexity, the possibility of self-control and self-correction, and variability of tasks. Independent work in a foreign language in the context of cross-cultural interaction at non-linguistic faculties is an obligatory part of the educational process. The main goals are achieving an appropriate level of foreign language communicative competence and preparing graduates for an independent increase in foreign language proficiency. When planning and organizing students’ independent work in cross-cultural interaction, it is necessary to consider their readiness to perform this type of work: psychological, theoretical, practical.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-84
Victoria V. Vyazovskaya ◽  
Tatiana A. Danilevskaya ◽  
Margarita E. Trubchaninova

The paper discusses using online resources in modern teaching Russian as a foreign language (henceforth - RFL). A lot of resources for teaching and learning Russian are uploaded online daily. However, the format of their integration into educational process has not been analyzed yet. The acuteness of the present study stems from the necessity to define effective educational online resources for teaching RFL. The study draws upon the data of free-access online resources developed for A0-B1 level students in leading Russian universities. The aim of the study is to analyse online RFL resources, including educational software, applications and sites, their structure and their chances to be integrated into teaching process. The research has resulted in estimating educational and functional value of online teaching resources for students who study Russian in order to enter Russian universities. The paper presents conclusions concerning practical application of online resources in RFL teaching practice in blended education of foreign students in the higher educational establishments. The theoretical significance of the research lies in the fact that the analysis of fundamental scientific articles and electronic materials allows us to expand and deepen our knowledge about the place of e-teaching aids in the sphere of teaching foreign languages and RFL, as well as to justify the need to include electronic teaching materials in order to intensify the learning process. The results of the research can be implemented in blended forms of learning, distance learning, as well as in organizing students' independent learning in the university environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (3) ◽  
pp. 5-13
Joong-Kwan Kim ◽  
I.Yu. Larionova ◽  

The article deals with the issues of cognitive and pragmatic aspects of assessing speech activity in a foreign language dialogical speech. The authors investigate the advantages of criteria-based assessment, which include: the ability to track students’ individual achievements in the educational process (as opposed to the formal statement of the result based on standard reference norms); the possibility of informal expert assessment of educational results, for example, by employers, parents, teachers, as well as independent and mutual assessment (as opposed to assessment only by the teacher); focus on the student's achievements, on what he knows and is able to, that is, the presence of the “success effect” (as opposed to the “loser effect”, which states that the student is not able to); qualitative, rather than quantitative (normative) assessment of the achieved learning outcomes; visual presentation of the achieved learning outcomes and personal achievements in the form of project products, presentations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2/S) ◽  
pp. 319-324
Farogat Muhammedova

One of the features of the design of the educational process in the context of the competence-based approach is that the detailed nomenclature of competencies is not fully regulated by the standard. The composition of competencies reflected in the general educational program of a particular university depends on the specifics of the university, its positioning and status and is determined based on the requirements imposed by the practice of professional activity of graduates. In these conditions, there is a need for professionally oriented teaching aids in a foreign language, which are built on the basis of the competence model of a graduate of a particular university and the content of which is developed taking into account the specifics of the content of a student's training in this educational institution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 229 ◽  
pp. 70-75
A.V. Osiyanova ◽  
N.A. Muratova ◽  

The standards of modern higher education determine the requirements for the preparation of a university graduate who speaks a foreign language and is competent in the field of intercultural communication. In this regard, in the field of linguistic education, the appeal to innovative technologies is being actualized, ensuring the improvement of foreign language communicative competence and increasing motivation for mastering a foreign language. The linguo-didactic potential of gaming applications is of particular interest to researchers. Foreign language communicative competence is the student’s ability and willingness to carry out foreign language intercultural and interpersonal communication in variable authentic spheres and situations. The development of linguistic, speech, socio-cultural, compensatory and educational components of foreign language communicative competence involves the deepening of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities about all types of speech activity by means of reproductive, problem-search, project and game teaching methods. Learning through play by means of modern gaming applications creates a comfortable environment for active mastery of the language being studied. In the course of observations and experimental work, the linguo-didactic potential of the game applications “Memrise”, “The Phrasal Verbs Machine”, “Quizlet”, “Words, Sounds: Pronunciation App”, “Learn English with SpeakingPal” in the linguistic education of students was revealed, which is expressed in the possibilities their application for the purpose of purposeful assimilation of lexical and grammatical material and its further application in foreign language speech activity, ensuring the development of all components of foreign language communicative competence. The choice of game applications is due to the age characteristics of students, their cognitive interests, the level of foreign language proficiency, the specifics of the integration of synchronous and asynchronous independent work. The study found that the positive effect of using the considered game applications in the development of foreign language communicative competence is manifested in the successful mastering of language material, the development of communication skills, and increased motivation for the educational process in general.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 967-977 ◽  
Agzam A. Valeev ◽  
Irina G. Kondrateva ◽  
Diana R. Sabirova ◽  
Nailya F. Plotnikova

Purposes: Increased international activity in Russia leads to a steady claim of foreign language knowledge. The list of professional characteristics of a university graduate includes the ability to adapt to new information realities in the professional community, where foreign language speech activities become highly demanded, when not only language skills, but also social and cultural arrangements of the country. Thus, innovative approaches to foreign language teaching are required. The article explored the following aspects of foreign-language speech activity of university students. Methodology: methodology of teaching foreign-language speech activity; principles of development of foreign language speech activity of students; realization of educational resources for this activity development; model of pedagogical technology of formation of foreign language speech activity, etc. Result:  The results of the pilot work showed the validity of using the principles of the development of foreign language speech activities in the organization of the educational process. Implications/Applications: This article will help the student to promote the ability to give a speech. Novelty/Originality: At the same time, being a type of speech activity, foreign language communication in the process of training solves, in turn, educational and development tasks by means of a foreign language sign system, where the whole set of speech actions of the individual is actually present.

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