2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 29
Rahmat Adriyanto ◽  
Afifah Asriati ◽  
Indrayuda Indrayuda

Abstract This article aims to describe the mixing of cultures in the presentation of Ronggiang art in West Pasaman, especially in the Kanagarian Tujuah Padang Aua Kuniang. The type of this research was qualitative research and used descriptive methods. The main instrument in the research was the researcher himself and was supported by supporting instruments such as stationeries, video camera and audio recorder. Data collection techniques were conducted by means of library research, observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analyzed was carried out by the steps of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results indicated that the mixing of cultures in Ronggiang arts was that Ronggiang's arts could be enjoyed by tribes who had already located and became residents of the West Pasaman or specifically in Kanagarian Aua Kuniang. The three tribes that are currently residents of West Pasaman are derived from three cultures in Ronggiang art. The cultural elements that assimilate in Ronggiang dance are Malay, Minang and Javanese cultures. These cultures are not packaged into one dance project, Ronggiang art in Kanagarian Aua Kuniang. The impact of cultural assimilation in Ronggiang art has caused Ronggiang's art to survive in the lives of the Kanagarian Aua Kuniang community. Keywords: Cultural Assimilation, Ronggiang Art Presentation

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 14
Siti Nurhayati ◽  
Zora Iriani ◽  
Darmawati Darmawati

AbstractThis article aimed to reveal and describe students' motivation towards dance self-development activities in SMP-SDI Silungkang. The type of this research was qualitative research with descriptive methods. The objects in the study were 22 female students and 1 male of class VII and VIII in odd semester 2018/2019 academic year. All of the objects participated self-development. The instruments used in this study were the researchers herself and free interviews. The types of data in this research were primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of library research, observation, interviews, and documentation. The techniques of data analysis were carried out by the steps of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the motivation of students towards the self-development activities of dance in SMP of Islamic Business School (SDI) Silungkang was still quite good and the implementation of self-development in dance was running well. This school was still facing obstacles in developing dance self-development activities, such as infrastructures that were not yet complete. However, there were also several types of rewards given by the teacher to motivate students in the self-development activities. Thus, it was concluded that students 'motivation towards the self-development activities of dance in SMP of Islamic Trading School (SDI) Silungkang is quite good and needed some improvement in terms of students' external motivation, especially in the aspects of facilities and infrastructures.Keywords: Motivation, Self Development, Dance

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Rizkia Suciati ◽  
Siti Djulaiha Ika Capricanilia

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK </strong></p><p>Realisasi program Adiwiyata yang harus berkelanjutan seringkali mendapati kendala dari warga sekolah yang belum paham akan program Adiwiyata, sehingga berdampak kurangnya sikap peduli terhadap lingkungan hidup. <em>Green living</em> hadir sebagai solusi namun sering dipahami tidak sesuai dengan konsepnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan profil sikap peduli lingkungan warga sekolah dan hasil implementasi <em>green living</em> di sekolah adiwiyata SMPN 2 Solear Kabupaten Tangerang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Observer adalah bagian dari tim Adiwiyata, dan respondennya yaitu guru dan siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan <em>Library research</em> dan <em>Field work research</em> (observasi, kuesioner, dan dokumentasi). Teknis analisa menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif (pengumpulan data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa implementasi <em>green living</em> sudah tergambarkan sangat baik : a) indikator penghematan energi, 80% ruangan memiliki pencahayaan dan ventilasi yang baik; b) indikator penanggulangan limbah, 87% siswa terlibat aktif dalam menanggulangi limbah dengan me-<em>recycle</em> dan <em>composting</em>; c) indikator penghematan air, sekolah memanfaatkan air bekas wudhu untuk menyiram tanaman; d) indikator penggunaan transportasi, 37% siswa memilih berjalan kaki, 32% memilih angkot sebagai alternatif ke sekolah, 11% memilih sepeda, dan 20% siswa (termasuk guru) menggunakan motor menuju sekolah. Kendala masih ditemukan pada petugas kantin yang kurang paham tentang konsep <em>green living, </em>karena<em> </em>terlihat masih menggunakan plastik sebagai wadah jajanan siswa. Secara keseluruhan, <em>green living</em> dapat dijadikan sebagai sebuah solusi dalam upaya meningkatkan sikap peduli lingkungan.</p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: green living, sikap peduli lingkungan hidup, siswa SMP</em></strong></p><p align="center"><em> </em></p><p align="center"><em>ABSTRACT</em></p><p><em>Adiwiyata program realization that must be sustainable often finds obstacles from the school people who do not understand the program Adiwiyata, so that the impact of lack of care attitude towards the environment. Green living comes as a solution but is often understood not in accordance with the concept. The purpose of this study is to describe the profile of environmental attitudes of school citizens and the results of green living implementation in school Adiwiyata SMPN 2 Solear Tangerang District. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The Observer is part of the Adiwiyata team, and the respondents are teachers and students. Data collection techniques with Library research and Field work research (observation, questionnaires, and documentation). Technical analysis using descriptive qualitative analysis methods (data collection, data presentation, and conclusion). The results show that the implementation of green living has been described very well: a) energy saving indicator, 80% of the room has good lighting and ventilation; b) waste management indicators, 87% of students are actively involved in dealing with waste by recycling and composting; c) water conservation indicators, schools use ablution water to water the plants; d) indicator of transport usage, 37% of students chose to walk, 32% chose public transportation as an alternative to school, 11% chose bicycle, and 20% of students (including teachers) used motor to school. Constraints are still found in cafeteria officers who do not understand about the concept of green living, because it looks still using plastic as a container snack students. Overall, green living can serve as a solution in an effort to improve the attitude of environmental care.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><strong><em>Keyword : attitude of environmental care, green living, junior high school</em></strong></p>

Siti Mariana Ulfa

AbstractHumans on earth need social interaction with others. Humans can use more than one language in communication. Thus, the impact that arises when the use of one or more languages is the contact between languages. One obvious form of contact between languages is interference. Interference can occur at all levels of life. As in this study, namely Indonesian Language Interference in Learning PPL Basic Thailand Unhasy Students. This study contains the form of interference that occurs in Thai students who are conducting teaching practices in the classroom. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research that seeks to describe any interference that occurs in the speech of Thai students when teaching practice. Data collection methods in this study are (1) observation techniques, (2) audio-visual recording techniques using CCTV and (3) recording techniques, by recording all data that has been obtained. Whereas the data wetness uses, (1) data triangulation, (2) improvement in perseverance and (3) peer review through discussion. Data analysis techniques in this study are (1) data collection, (2) data reduction, (3) data presentation and (4) conclusions. It can be seen that the interference that occurs includes (1) interference in phonological systems, (2) interference in morphological systems and (3) interference in syntactic systems. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-209
Nurhayati Mardhatilla ◽  
Ramdhan Witarsa ◽  
Nurhaswinda Nurhaswinda

This study aims to determine and described the learning creativity of elementary school students using the number head together learning model. This research method is a literature review research method. The stages of this literature review are data collection, data reduction, data display, discussion, and conclusions. The results showed that from 17 articles published from 2010-2020 about the number head together learning model and learning creativity of elementary school students, there were 2 articles that matched these variables. The number head together learning model can increase the learning creativity of elementary school students. The novelty of this research is the connection between one article and another that discusses the same topic. The impact of the results of this study is the increasing number of literature review studies to reinforce existing theories.

Publika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 25-38
Anton Wahyu Putra ◽  
Fitrotun Niswah

Inovasi layanan drive-thru perpustakaan merupakan sebuah layanan yang diciptakan Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Jawa Timur. Inovasi layanan drive-thru ini berbentuk tempat / loket untuk melayani kebutuhan pemustaka tanpa harus turun dari kendaraan. Inovasi ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan pelayanan kepada pemustaka dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan budaya literasi.. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan inovasi layanan drive-thru di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Jawa Timur. Fokus penelitian ini adalah Kriteria Inovasi menurut PermenPANRB nomor 3 Tahun  2018 meliputi 5 variabel yang terdiri atas Kebaruan, Efektif , Bermanfaat , Dapat direplikasi, dan Berkelanjutan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah jenis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Untuk teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara,observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, pemaparan dan penarikan kesimpulan. Untuk hasil penelitian menunjukkan inovasi layanan drive-thru memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan. Pada kriteria kebaruan menunjukkan inovasi drive-thru merupakan suatu penemuan baru serta menawarkan cara baru dalam melayani pemustaka melalui loket. Untuk kriteria efektif tujuan dari diciptakannya drive-thru adalah untuk memudahkan pemustaka sudah memenuhi, tetapi untuk meningkatkan budaya literasi belum tercapai. Untuk kriteria bermanfaat sudah dapat memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat dan bagi dinas yang menerapkannya. Pada dapat direplikasi inovasi ini dapat menjadi contoh/rujukan karena sudah ada beberapa instansi yang menduplikasinya, lalu kriteria terakhir keberlanjutan untuk kedepan inovasi ini akan tetap dipertahankan karena mendapat dukungan dari berbagai stakeholder. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah lebih menggalakan sosialisasi agar drive-thru ini bisa lebih berkembang dan dimanfaatkan oleh lebih banyak orang.    Kata kunci : Inovasi Layanan, Drive Thru Perpustakaan, Budaya Literasi   The library's drive-thru service innovation is a service created by the Library and Archives Office of East Java Province. This drive-thru service innovation is in the form of a counter to serve the needs of visitors without having to get off the vehicle. This innovation aims to facilitate service to users in the hope that it can improve literacy culture. The purpose of this study is to describe the drive-thru service innovation in the Department of Library and Archives of East Java Province. The focus of this research is the Innovation Criteria according to the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PermenPANRB) number 3 of 2018 covering 5 variables consisting of novelty, effectiveness, benefit, transferbility, and sustainability. This type of research is a descriptive type with a qualitative approach. For data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used was data collection, data reduction, data presentation, presentation and conclusion drawing. The research results show that drive-thru service innovation has advantages and disadvantages. The novelty criterion indicates that drive-thru innovation is a new invention and offers a new way of serving visitors through the counter. . For the effective criteria, the purpose of creating a drive-thru is to make it easier for users to fulfill it, but to improve literacy culture has not been achieved. For useful criteria, it can provide benefits for the community and for the agencies that implement them. If this innovation can be replicated, it can be used as an example / reference because there are already several agencies that duplicate it. Then the last criteria for sustainability for the future of this innovation will be maintained because it has the support of various stakeholders. Suggestions that can be given are to promote more socialization so that this drive-thru can be more developed and utilized by more people. Keywords : Service Innovation , Drive Thru  Library, Literacy Culture

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-116
Harmanto Harmanto ◽  
Suyoto Suyoto ◽  
Jody Diamond

This study aimed to reveal the concept of Tumbuk in Javanese gamelan tuning, namely gamêlan agêng with Sléndro and Pélog. This study used a qualitative method with an ethical emic perspective. The data collection was done by conducting literature review, observation, interviews, and studio work, then processed with data analysis. The data analysis then was followed up through data interaction by interpreting the relationship reactions of the three elements of analysis consisting of data collection, data reduction, and data presentation. The interpretation of the data was done inductively, so that the conclusion was drawn entirely from the development of the data according to the realities of the field. The results showed that tumbuk was not only limited to a note that has the same high and low, but it is a musical concept that integrates the Sléndro and Pélog scales in the tuning of a set of gamelans. There are basically only two types of tumbuk: nêm tumbuk and lima tumbuk. Other than those, it means that they are the strut. The thing is,tumbuk has a central tone that serves as a benchmark and a supporting tone whose position strengthens the integration of each type of tumbuk. As a concept, it was found that tumbuk plays several important roles including equalizing the highs and lows of certain notes, equalizing the range of certain notes, and conditioning the range of notes or the addition of the tune.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 92
Drajat Stiawan

Sekolah alam adalah sekolah yang kegiatan pembelajarannya tidak hanya terpaku di dalam kelas, tetapi juga memanfaatkan alam sekitar atau lingkungan sebagai objek pembelajaran. Pembelajaran matematika pada sekolah alam dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk menumbuhkan jiwa siswa menjadi lebih kreatif dan mandiri. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan bagaimana pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika di Sekolah alam Ma’had Islam Pekalongan. Informan adalah kepala sekolah, guru matematika kelas IV dan V sekolah alam SD Ma’had Islam. Teknik dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan wawancara. Analisis datanya meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika di Sekolah alam SD Ma’had Islam dilakukan di dalam kelas dan di luar kelas. Ketika di dalam kelas menggunkan metode ceramah dan tanya jawab. Saat di luar kelas (out door) lebih banyak menggunakan metode pemberian tugas dan game (bermain) serta memanfaatan bahan-bahan yang ada di Alam, guna memahamkan siswa sesuai dengan materi yang diajarkan oleh guru matematika.ABSTRACTA natural school is a school whose learning activities are not only fixed in the classroom, but also utilize the natural surroundings or the environment as objects of learning. Mathematics learning in natural schools is done as an effort to grow students' souls to be more creative and independent. The research carried out aims to describe how the implementation of mathematics learning in Pekalongan's Ma'had Islam School of Nature. The informants are the school principal, mathematics teacher grades IV and V of the natural school Ma'had Islam elementary school. The technique in collecting data uses observation and interviews. Data analysis includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the implementation of mathematics learning in the natural school of Ma'had Islam Elementary School was done in the classroom and outside the classroom. When in class use the lecture and question and answer method. When outside the classroom (out door) use more methods of giving assignments and games (playing) and utilizing materials available in Nature, in order to understand students according to the material taught by mathematics teachers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-108
Anik Prabowo ◽  
Udi Utomo ◽  
Syahrul Syah Sinaga

Theater is a performing art which in its performance brings a story that is delivered through acting on the stage. Theater performance is inseparable from music as supporting atmosphere. Based on that, this research aims to know the types of illustration music composition in “Kembang” Theater group from SMA N 1 Brebes. This study used qualitative method. To obtain the accurate data, this study used observation, interview, and documentation. This research consists of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The result shows that “Kembang” Theater always makes music composition that is suitable with the theme of the script on their performances. Illustrated music is always played live on stage with consideration of getting maximum results in every scene played. There are various types of illustration music composition in “Kembang” Theater group. They are opening music, happy music, wistful music, tense music, horror music, romantic music, comical music, sampakan music/convey music, transition music, and closing music. The types of script are divided into two types. There are tragedy script and comedy script. Not all types of Illustration music composition exists in all types of script. For example, sampakan music and comical music that only exist in comedy script.                                                                       

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-57
Yenny Ristiantie

This study aims to provide information about the history, processions and shifting values that occur in the Wiwitan Tradition in Mangunan, Dlingo, Bnatul, Yogyakarta and the factors behind it. This study used qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques with observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used was data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this research is that the history Wiwitan Tradition which going on for hundreds of years. The stages in the Wiwitan Tradition are the stages of preparation and implementation. The form of a shift in the value of the Wiwitan Tradition is in the form of shift in value in terms of economy, social, tourism, religion and spirituality. The shift in value that occurs is caused by external factors and internal factors.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 359
Misnawati Misnawati ◽  
Hasbi ◽  
Abd Rasyid J ◽  
Yusriadi Yusriadi ◽  
Saidna Zulfiqar Bin-Tahir

The Family Hope Program (PKH) is one of government policy programs in poverty alleviation by involving the main actor who called PPKH. This study aimed to describe the task and function of PPKH in empowering the sick society in Bone Regency. Qualitative approach used with case study research. Data collection techniques used was interviews, observation, and documentation. The instrument in this study was the researcher himself as a human instrument, while the informants selected by a purposive method. Data analysis techniques used an interactive model includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation, verification, and conclusion. The results of the study showed that PPKH has carried out their roles well as representatives and technicians but have not been optimal in their roles as facilitators and educators.

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