2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 47
Mirza Irwansyah ◽  
Cut Nursaniah ◽  
Laila Qadri

Meureudu Riparian in the past was a place of a collective settlements; it was then developed  to become a Meureudu City in Aceh Province, Indonesia. Initially, it was formed as traditional fishermen settlements but now has shifted into semi-modern settlements. However, the settlements developed sporadically to form an unplanned pattern of settlements. This condition resulted in low maintaining river and non-adaptive existence of the dwellings with the environment. Floods occur repeatedly in the river that affected great lost to the community. This study aimed to propose residential pattern design and adaptive settlements with Meureudu River riparian. Easy access roads to markets will facilitate economy growth to the people. This will also cause large numbers of unbridled migrants to enter and build settlements. In this study the a combination of quantitative methods based on interview data and questionnaires and qualitative exploratory methods based on field observation were used. The data were collected through observation, field measurement and secondary data sources. The results show that the condition of settlements along the river basin do not reflect the culture of the river. In order not to further aggravate the condition of the settlement and its impact on the occupants, we recommended two types of houses, namely in the form of stage and non-stage. The stage houses are located on the riverfront with an orientation overlooking the river. Additionally, undersea area can be used as security from the puddle of river water runoff during the flood and as a garden area and public while dry­­, while at a distance of 100 meters from the river non-stage houses form would be built because the runoff of flood water no longer affects the occupancy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Rully Firmansyah ◽  
Dyah Wulansari

Happiness is the main goal in life. To measure someone's happiness is not easy, many opinions have emerged. Some say happiness can be measured through the satisfaction of one's life, some say happiness is measured through one's income, education, and health. The number of people's opinions to measure one's happiness appears as an indicator of happiness. At present, there are 48 indicators. One of the most accurate is HPI. The HPI indicator is very important for a country to increase the happiness of its people. Example: life expectancy in a country will increase and unemployment will decrease because a person has extensive knowledge and knowledge that is needed both by himself and the company that will accept him as his employee. The purpose of this study is to find out how HDI influences, life expectancy, unemployment on the level of happiness of people in ASIA. In this study using secondary data sources conducted by taking HDI data, life expectancy, unemployment in ASIA, and HPI data on ASIA. The results of the analysis using quantitative methods indicate that the independent variables namely HDI, life expectancy, and unemployment. Has a significant positive effect on the HPI dependent variable.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Qudratullah Qudratullah ◽  
Nurul Fitrianti

Abstrak:Sosialisasi yang tepat tentang Program KB yang dipelopori oleh BKKBN dan Bidan Puskesmas perlu dilakukan dengan terjun langsung dalam lingkungan masyarakat dan melalui media massa untuk memberikan pemahaman, informasi-informasi program KB kepada seluruh masyarakat tanpa mengenal tingkat pendidikan, agama, serta strata sosial sebagai upaya pemerintah mengentaskan kemiskinan dengan cara mempersuasi masyarakat lebih dekat agar mereka dapat mengatur perkawinan, reproduksi, jarak kelahiran, serta memiliki jumlah anak yang ideal. Kendala sosialisasi program KB kadangkala selalu ditemukan, salah satunya di Desa Bonto Lojong Kecamatan Ulu Ere Kabupaten Bantaeng, yang mana memiliki Jarak dari ibu kota kecamatan + 2,5 km dan jarak dari ibu kota Kabupaten + 23 km. Jarak tempuh wilayah Desa Bonto Lojong dari Ibu kota Kabupaten Bantaeng + 35 menit. Desa Bonto Lojong memiliki luas wilayah 4.039,21 km2 dengan jumlah Penduduk 2.890.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deksriptif, dengan pendekatan teori persepsi disajikan secara deskritif analitik kualitatif. Dengan sumber data primer dan sekunder yang dimiliki, serta teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi, akan cukup digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menggambarkan secara konprehensif tentang berbagai pandangan masyarakat terhadap sosialisasi program KB di Desa Bonto Lojong Kecamatan Ulu Ere Kabupaten Bantaeng. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini di dapat bahwa laki-laki di Desa Bonto Lojong Kecamatan Ulu Ere Kabupaten Bantaeng belum pernah mendapatkan sosialisasi secara langsung dari pihak tertentu mengenai program KB sehingga pemahaman mereka tidak begitu banyak mengenai program KB. Sedangkan untuk mengenai sosialisasi iklan KB di televisi, dianggap belum efektif dan kurang berpengaruh bagi masyarakat di desa itu.Kata Kunci: Program KB, Sosialiasasi, Teori Persepsi Abstract : Socialization properly of family planning (KB) programs spearheaded by BKKBN and Puskesmas’s Midwives needs to be done in the community directly and through the mass media to provide understanding, information of KB programs to all communities without knowing the level of education, religion, and social strata, as a government efforts for alleviate poverty by closer persuading to the people so that they could regulate their marriage, reproduction, birth spacing, and have the ideal number of their children. Constraints on the socialization of KB programs are sometimes always found, one of which is in the village of Bonto Lojong, Ulu Ere Subdistrict, Bantaeng Regency, which has a distance from the capital of the subdistrict + 2.5 km and the distance from the capital of the District + 23 km. Distance of Bonto Lojong Village from Bantaeng Regency + 35 minutes. Bonto Lojong Village has an area of 4,039.21 km2 with a population of 2,890.This research uses qualitative research methods, with a perception theory and approach presented with qualitative analytical descriptive. Primary and secondary data sources that are owned, as well as data collection techniques through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation, it will be sufficient to be used to achieve the objectives of this research, namely to describe comprehensively the various views of the community towards the socialization of KB programs in the village of Bonto Lojong, Ulu Ere District Bantaeng.The conclusion of this research are that men in Bonto Lojong Village, Ulu Ere Subdistrict, Bantaeng District have never received direct socialization from certain parties regarding the KB program so that their understanding is not so much about the KB program, also for the socialization of KB advertisements on television, it is considered ineffective and less influential for the people in the village.Keywords: KB Program, Socialization, Perception theory

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-88
Sayyida Sayyida ◽  
Sri Hartini ◽  
Sri Gunawan ◽  
Syarief Nur Husin

The COVID-19 pandemic that occurred throughout 2020 has an impact on economic sector. Consumers tend to use online channels to reduce face-to-face contact with marketers or other consumers. On the other hand, the consumer's need to see, touch and feel a product directly is only available in physical stores. This study aims to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on retail consumer behavior. This study uses quantitative methods with secondary data sources obtained from several countries including the United States, England, Germany, France, Canada and Latin America. The results show that the shopping trends during the COVID-19 pandemic are webrooming and pure online shopping. Retail sales data in these countries shows that retail sales in physical stores exceed 70% of total retail sales and retail e-commerce sales are less than 30% of total retail sales. This research is expected to be useful for marketers in improving retail marketing strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 372-384
Muhammad Nasir ◽  
Nurul Faizun ◽  
Mohd. Nur Syechalad

This paper is aimed to analyze the need of investment in agricultural sector in increasing economic growth in Aceh Province. The priority in developing agricultural commodities increases economic growth in Aceh Province. This research used secondary data sources from Indonesian Statistic Board (BPS) and other related data sources. Meanwhile, the research method used is Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) Analysis. Based on the research results, it is found that the ICOR in crop plantation, livestock, forestry, and fisheries sub sectors are 2.926, 0.000, 0.108, and 0.298. This means that in achieving economic growth by 1 percent in all four commodities, its need the growth of investment in crop plantation, livestock, forestry, and fisheries sub sectors as much as 2.926, 0.000, 0.108, and 0.298 percent each. Furthermore, in achieving 4 percent economic growths, the developing of commodities that have the effect on economic welfare, it needs the investment for the five years period as much as 286 billion rupiah or equivalent with 58.1 percent of Gross Domestic Regional Product (GDRP) of Aceh Province. Thus, based on the research results, it is recommended that the Aceh Government should promote investment in agricultural sector in promoting economic growth in Aceh Province.

Jurnal Office ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Nursyahrul Akil ◽  
Haedar Akib ◽  
Muh Nasrullah

Employees are one of the elements of the apparatus that institutionally becomes part of government management to carry out the main tasks and functions in government, development, and community service. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of employee performance at the Bulupoddo District Office in Sinjai Regency. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Sources of data in this study are primary data sources and secondary data sources. The results of the interviews were obtained from primary data sources referred to as informants, while the main informants, namely the Bulupoddo Sub-District Head while supporting/ordinary informants, namely the staff of the general subdivision and staffing and the people of the Bulupoddo sub-district. The results showed that the effectiveness of employee performance at the Bulupoddo District Office in Sinjai Regency if seen as a whole was effective. This can be seen from the quantity of work, quality of work, knowledge of work, cooperation, determination in work, and initiative.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 124
Mohammad Awaludin

 Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan peran, fungsi dan tanggungjawab FKTSP dalam pelaksanaan program TJSL di Kabupaten Probolinggo, serta menjelaskan faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya. Desain penelitian yang dipakai adalah deskripsi kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Kabag Perekonomian Bappeda Kabupaten Probolinggo, kemudian Ketua FKTSP Kabupaten Probolinggo, serta Unit Pelaksana CSR PT POMI Kabupaten Probolinggo.   Kemudian dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan 2 sumber data, yaitu sumber data primer berupa hasil wawancara dan sumber data sekunder yang diantaranya perundang-undangan tentang TJSL, dokumen, laporan FKTSP Kab Probolinggo dan lain sebagainya. Sementara teknik pengumpulan yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi lapangan, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan tiga tahap yaitu, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Pengujian keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran, fungsi dan tanggungjawab FKTSP Kabupaten Probolinggo adalah sebagai media pembangun dan pengembangan jejaring kerjasama dengan stakeholder pelaksanaan TJSL di Kabupaten Probolinggo, baik yang bersifat regional maupun nasional. Selain itu melakukan sinergitas dan harmonisasi kegiatan yang telah direncanakan baik diantara perusahaan maupun dengan pemerintah daerah. Selanjutnya faktor pendukung pelaksanaan TJSL diantaranya semangat dan komitmen anggota FKTSP; instrumen hukum yang memadai; kemajuan teknologi dan informasi; serta kesadaran masyarakat dalam upaya peningkatan kesejahteraan hidup. Semantara untuk faktor penghambat diantaranya: aturan dan kondisi perusahaan itu sendiri; dukungan teknis oleh pihak pemerintah daerah yang kurang optimal; pandemi covid-19; dan mindset masyarakat yang selama ini masih menganggap bahwa progam TJSL adalah program bagi-bagi duit.Kata kunci: Program TJSL Perusahaan The purpose of this study is to explain the roles, functions and responsibilities of FKTSP in the implementation of the CSR program in Probolinggo Regency, as well as to explain the supporting and inhibiting factors in carrying out their duties. The research design used is a qualitative description. The subjects of this study were the Head of the Bappeda Economics Division of Probolinggo Regency, then the Head of the Probolinggo Regency FKTSP, and the CSR Implementation Unit of PT POMI Probolinggo Regency. Then in this study the researchers used 2 data sources, namely primary data sources in the form of interviews and secondary data sources including legislation on TJSL, documents, FKTSP reports in Probolinggo Regency and so on. While the collection techniques used are interviews, field observations, and documentation. Analysis of research data uses three stages, namely, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions/verification. Testing the validity of the data using source triangulation techniques. The results showed that the role, function and responsibility of FKTSP Probolinggo Regency is as a medium for building and developing a network of cooperation with stakeholders in the implementation of TJSL in Probolinggo Regency, both regionally and nationally. In addition, synergize and harmonize activities that have been planned both between companies and with local governments. Furthermore, the supporting factors for the implementation of TJSL include the enthusiasm and commitment of FKTSP members; adequate legal instruments; advances in technology and information; and public awareness in an effort to improve the welfare of life. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors include: the rules and conditions of the company itself; sub-optimal technical support by the local government; covid-19 pandemic; and the mindset of the people who so far still think that the CSR program is a money-sharing program.Keywords: Programe, TJSL,company

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 175
Siska Lis Sulistiani

Abstract. Waqf has more flexibility than zakat so that the form of waqf will continue to grow in accordance with the times. The development of the waqf must still be in the corridor of the Shari'a so that the value of ubudiyah and iqtishadiyah remain. The potential of waqf land in Indonesia is so large, making the number of unproductive waqf land due to limited aspects of funding and management. Sukuk-based waqf innovation launched in early 2017 by the Government in order to maximize the potential of waqf land in Indonesia, only the legal aspects of sukuk itself are legally still legitimate. The methodology used is qualitative research methods through literature study, with normative juridical research types and secondary data sources collected by documentary and interview methods and analyzed descriptively qualitatively so that the level of synchronization and feasibility of norms is known. The results of this study are that waqf and sukuk stand from 2 different contract goals, namely tabarru and tijaroh contracts, which are combined in order to bring greater value to benefit. The position of the sukuk-based waqf law if it is built on the contract of sukuk ijarah which is almost similar to bai al-wafa according to the jumhur ulama is prohibited, except for Hanafi schools that allow it. This is in line with the DSN fatwa regarding sukuk and Article 112-113 of the KHES regarding Bai al-Wafa. Apart from differences of opinion in the context of fiqh, it is necessary to pay attention to the clear regulatory aspects that underlie sukuk-based waqf, pay attention to the administration of waqf assets both land and building certificates and waqf certificates and attention to sharia legality aspects so that the main purpose of waqf for the benefit of the people can still achieved without reducing the value or the form of waqf assetsAbstrak. Wakaf memiliki fleksibilitas yang lebih dibandingkan zakat sehingga bentuk wakaf akan terus berkembang sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman. Perkembangan wakaf tersebut tetap harus dalam koridor syariat sehingga nilai ubudiyah dan iqtishadiyah nya tetap ada. Potensi tanah wakaf di Indonesia yang begitu besar, menjadikan banyaknya tanah wakaf yang tidak produktif diakibatkan terbatasnya aspek pendanaan dan manajemen. Inovasi wakaf berbasis sukuk yang diluncurkan di awal 2017 oleh Pemerintah dalam rangka memaximalkan potensi tanah wakaf di Indonesia, hanya saja aspek hukum sukuk itu sendiri secara hukum masih khilafiah. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif melalui studi kepustakaan, dengan jenis penelitian yuridis normatif dan sumber data sekunder yang dikumpulkan dengan metode dokumenter dan wawancara lalu dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif sehingga diketahui taraf sikronisasi dan kelayakan norma. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa wakaf dan sukuk berdiri dari 2 tujuan akad yang berbeda yaitu akad tabarru dan tijaroh, yang digabungkan dalam rangka menghadirkan nilai maslahat yang lebih besar. Kedudukan hukum wakaf berbasis sukuk ini jika dibangun diatas akad sukuk ijarah yang hampir serupa bai al-wafa  menurut jumhur ulama diharamkan, kecuali madzhab hanafi yang membolehkannya. Hal ini yang selaras dengan fatwa DSN tentang sukuk dan Pasal 112-113 KHES tentang bai al-wafa. Terlepas dari perbedaan pendapat dalam konteks fiqh ini, perlu diperhatikan aspek regulasi yang jelas yang melandasi wakaf berbasis sukuk ini, memperhatikan perapihan administrasi aset wakaf baik sertifikat tanah dan bangunan maupun sertifikat wakaf dan perlu diperhatikan aspek legalitas syariah agar tujuan utama wakaf untuk kemaslahatan umat tetap dapat tercapai tanpa mengurasi nilai ataupun wujud dari asset wakaf.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 582
Muhammad Tho'in ◽  
Yuge Agung Heliawan

The purpose of this research is to determine the analysis of the factors that affect the liquidity of Islamic banks at Bank BNI Syariah and Bank BCA Syariah in 2010-2018. This research uses descriptive quantitative research that uses secondary data sources in the form of financial reports. This research uses quantitative methods, where this method is used to test the hypothesis. Sources of data in this study are secondary data in the form of financial statements of Bank BNI Syariah and Bank BCA Syariah for 2010-2018 from the official website www.bnisyariah.co.id and www.bcasyariah.co.id which are supported by journals and reference books related to research, as well as other information related to this research. The population of this research is the financial statements of Bank BNI Syariah and Bank BCA Syariah in 2010-2018. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique, the sample in this study was quarterly financial report data published for 9 consecutive years by Bank BNI Syariah and Bank BCA Syariah. The data used is secondary data from the official website www.bnisyariah.co.id and www.bcasyariah.co.id. The results showed that the CAR variable has a significant effect on Liquidity (FDR), the NPF variable has a significant effect on Liquidity (FDR), the TPF variable has no significant effect on Liquidity (FDR), simultaneously the CAR, NPF and TPF variables have a significant effect on Liquidity ( FDR).

Sadiq Mukhtar ◽  
Rosniza Aznie Che Rose ◽  
Lam Kuok Choy ◽  
Amina Ummulkhair Ibrahim Bibi-Farouk

Migration is currently perceived as an epitome of globalization and a measuring gauge of global geopolitical mobility. In recent years, Nigeria has been faced with a series of migratory crises such as insurgency and conflict, forcing large numbers of people to flee from their various residential origins to neighboring countries as refugees and asylum seekers or within their country as Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). This study explores how geographical and political factors intersects to provide explanations on the types and causes of forced migration due to the Boko Haram insurgent activities in Nigeria. The research engages the use of content analysis to examine relevant secondary data on Boko Haram insurgent activities and the geopolitics of forced migration in Nigeria. It is reported that from the total number of 2.1 million forced migrants in Nigeria as of May 2017, 9.7% are refugees in neighboring countries while others are spatially distributed in different states around the country as internally displaced persons. Furthermore, it was revealed that more than 97% of the internally displaced persons migrated due to the Boko Haram insurgent activities from the northeastern part of the country. It concluded that the migratory crises in Nigeria is predominantly caused by the activities of the Boko Haram insurgent group that subsequently forced the people to flee their origin because of fear for their lives coupled with the risk of persecution and the destruction of properties.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Dudung Abdul Rohman

Today preaching activities through social media are very widespread and attract the attention of all parties. So that prachers are popular on social media whom can shifting the preachers conventionally popular among the people. Then came the social media such as Ustadz Abdul Somad, Adi Hidayat, and Evie Effendi. In this case, it is certainly interesting to examine da'wah communication activities through social media. The research method used is qualitative-descriptive which seeks to describe how da'wah communication activities through social media that have been going on so far. While the data collection technique uses library research that uses relevant books as primary and secondary data sources. This research produces a picture, that da'wah communication activities through social media are related to patterns of social interaction, persuasive patterns, and ethos factors or the attractiveness of da'wah activities through social media. If da'wah activities through social media want to be effective and interesting, then they must pay attention to these patterns well. This has been proven by Ustadz Abdul Somad, Adi Hidayat and Evie Effendi in his missionary communication activities through social media. Their da'wah activities are seen as effective and attractive, because they pay attention to patterns of social interaction, persuasive patterns, and ethos and attractiveness in the missionary activities.

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