2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Agus Wijayanto ◽  
Lina Ema Purwanti ◽  
Laily Isro'in

AbstractOsteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease in the joints that involves cartilage, lining the joints, ligaments, and bones causing pain and stiffness in the joints. Pain is one of the complaints experienced by patients with osteoarthritis, the process of pain in the joints can be caused by inflammation, immunologic, noninfectious, bleeding and malignant processes. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of warm compress of grated ginger on the decrease of pain scale in osteoarthritis patient.Design This research is included in Pre-Experimental research type with population of 20 respondents with osteoarthritis, using purposive sampling technique, data collection using observation sheet, data is processed using paired t test with spss. The warm compound technique of grated ginger is said to be effective if the value of p <0.05.The result showed that the average of pain scale before the warm compression of ginger grated was 5.55 (moderate pain), after a warm compression of grated ginger was 2.95 (mild pain). The result of paired t test obtained that the value of p = 0.000 (p <0.05), thus can be stated there is influence of warm compress with ginger to decrease of osteoarthritis pain scale.Conclusion from this study that warm compresses with ginger effect in reducing the scale of osteoarthritis pain, so ginger compress can be an alternative as a non-pharmacological treatment given the inappropriate use of rheumatic drugs can cause side effects of stomach or gastrointestinal damage.Keywords: Compress with Ginger, Pain, OsteoarthritisAbstrakOsteoartritis (OA) merupakan penyakit degenerasi pada sendi yang melibatkan  kartilago, lapisan  sendi, ligamen, dan  tulang  sehingga menyebabkan nyeri dan  kekakuan pada sendi. Nyeri  merupakan  salah  satu  keluhan yang  dialami  oleh  pasien  osteoarthritis, proses  terjadinya  nyeri  pada  persendian bisa disebabkan karena inflamasi, imunologik, non-infeksi, perdarahan dan proses maligna . Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompres hangat parutan jahe terhadap penurunan skala nyeri pada penderita osteoarthritis.Desain Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian Pre-Experimental dengan jumlah populasi 20 responden penderita osteoarthritis, menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi, data diolah menggunakan Uji paired t test dengan spss.Teknik kompres hangat parutan jahe dikatakan efektif jika nilai  p < 0.05.Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa rata-rata skalanyeri sebelum dilakukan kompres hangat parutan jahe adalah 5,55 (nyeri sedang), setelahdilakukan kompres hangat parutan jahe adalah 2,95 (nyeri ringan). Hasil dari uji paired t test didapat bahwa nilai hasil p = 0.000 (p < 0.05 ), dengan demikian dapat dinyatakan ada pengaruh kompres hangat dengan jahe terhadap penurunan skala nyeri osteoarthritis.Kesimpulkan dari penelitian ini bahwa kompres hangat dengan jahe berpengaruh dalam menurunkan skala nyeri osteoarthritis, sehingga kompres jahe dapat menjadi alternatif sebagai pengobatan non farmakologi mengingat penggunaan obat rematik yang tidak tepat bisa menyebabkan efek samping kerusakan lambung atau saluran cerna.Kata Kunci: Kompres dengan Jahe, Nyeri, Osteoarthritis

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (01) ◽  
pp. 46
Lina Puspitasari

ABSTRAKNyeri persalinan merupakan suatu yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dari proses persalinan. Hal ini terjadi akibat peningkatan kontraksi uterus yang membuat janin turun memasuki ruang pelvis dan terus meningkat sampai dengan pembukaan serviks lengkap. Nyeri yang tidak ditangani segera dalam waktu lama dapat mengakibatkan kelelahan pada ibu dan stres yang meningkat dapat mengakibatkan rasa sakit yang semakin kuat dan berdampak pada persalinan lama Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas teknik effleurage dan counter pressure vertebra sacralis terhadap penurunan nyeri persalinan Kala I. Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu jenis one group without control design. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 142 ibu bersalin selama 3  bulan. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan cara purposive sampling sebanyak 30 responden. Teknik Effleurage dan Counter Pressure Vertebra Sacralis diberikan kepada pasien oleh peneliti bersama dengan satu bidan sebagai enumerator secara bergantian dengan lama masing-masing 30 menit. Nyeri diukur dengan menggunakan lembar skala nyeri sebelum (pre test) dan sesudah tindakan (post test) oleh peneliti. Efek dari perlakukan terhadap nyeri persalinan dianalisis menggunakan Paired T-test dengan SPSS analisis pre post test. Hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai mean intesitas nyeri sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan, responden mengalami penurunan menjadi (1.45). Hasil uji one sample T-test menunjukkan bahwa keknik Effleurage dan Counter Pressure Vertebra Sacralis efektif menurunkan nyeri pada kala I persalinan dengan nilai sig 0.001 (t-hitung 11.22). Simpulan teknik effleurage dan counter pressure vertebra sacralis terbukti berdampak terhadap pengurangan nyeri persalinan Kala I. Diharapkan ada penelitian lebih lanjut terkait faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi nyeri persalinan kala I sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas asuhan kebidanan. Kata kunci : Effleurage, Pressure, Sacralis, Nyeri, Persalinan EFFECTIVENESS OF TECHNIQUE OF EFFLEURAGE AND COUNTER PRESSURE VERTEBRA SACRALIS TO DECREASED LABOR PAINSABSTRACTLabor pain is an inseparable process of childbirth. This occurs due to an increase in uterine contractions that make the fetus fall into the pelvic chamber and continue to increase up to complete cervical opening. Pain that is not treated immediately for a long time can lead to fatigue in the mother and increased stress can lead to stronger pain and impact on old Labor The purpose of this research is to find out the effectiveness of the technique of effleurage and counter pressure vertebrae sacralis to decreased labor pain The study population of 142 maternity mothers for 3 months. The sampling technique by purposive sampling as many as 30 respondents. The Effleurage and Counter Pressure vertebrae Sacralis techniques are administered to patients by researchers along with one midwives as an enumerator alternately with a length of 30 minutes each. Pain is measured using the pain scale before (pre test) and after the action (post test) by the researcher. The effects of the treat against labor pains were analyzed using the Paired T-test with SPSS pre post test analysis. Data analysis results obtained the value of pain varying before and after treatment, the respondent decreased into (1.45). The T-Test one sample test results showed that the Effleurage and Counter Pressure Vertebra Sacralis were effective in reducing the pain at the time I was delivery with a value of sig 0.001 (T-count 11.22).  The technique of effleurage and counter pressure vertebrae sacralis proved to affect the reduction of childbirth pain Kala I. It is hoped that more research is related to the factors that affect labor pain so that it can improve the quality of obstetric care. Keywords: Effleurage, Pressure, Sacralis, pain, childbirth

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 277-284
Vitrianingsih Vitrianingsih ◽  
Sitti Khadijah

Studi memperkirakan emesis gravidarum terjadi pada 50-90% kehamilan. Mual muntah pada kehamilan memberikan dampak yang signifikan bagi tubuh dimana ibu menjadi lemah, pucat dan cairan tubuh berkurang sehingga darah menjadi kental (hemokonsentrasi). Keadaan ini dapat memperlambat peredaran darah dan berakibat pada kurangnya suplay oksigen serta makanan ke jaringan sehingga dapat membahayakan kesehatan ibu dan janin. Salah satu terapi yang aman dan dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi keluahan mual muntah pada ibu hamil adalah pemberian aromaterapi lemon. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas aroma terapi lemon untuk menangani emesis gravidarum. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan Quasi experiment  dengan  one group pre-post test design. Populasi penelitian adalah ibu hamil yang mengalami emesis gravidarum di Kecamatan Berbah, Sleman. Jumlah sampel 20 ibu hamil trimester pertama yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengukuran mual muntah dilakukan debelum dan setelah  pemberian aromaterapi lemon menggunakan Indeks Rhodes. Analisa data menggunakan uji Paired t-test. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rata-rata skor mual muntah sebelum pemberian aromaterapi lemon berdasarkan Indeks Rhodes pada Ibu Hamil dengan emesis gravidarum yaitu 22,1 dan terjadi penurunan skor setelah pemberian aromaterapi lemon menjadi 19,8. Ada pengaruh pemberian aromaterapi lemon dengan pengurangan mual muntah pada ibu hamil (p-value = 0.017). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan pemberian aromaterapi lemon efektif untuk mengurangi emesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil trimester pertama.  Kata kunci: aromaterapi lemon, emesis gravidarum THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEMON AROMATHERAPY FOR HANDLING EMESIS GRAVIDARUM   ABSTRACT Studies estimate that nausea and vomiting (emesis gravidarum) occur in 50 – 90% of pregnancies. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy have a significant impact on the body in which it makes a mother becomes weak, pale, and decreasing body fluid so that the blood becomes thick (hemoconcentration). This situation can slow down blood circulation and inflict the lack of oxygen and food supplies to the body tissues so that it can endanger the health of the mother and fetus. One of the therapies that is safe and can be conducted to reduce nausea and vomiting of pregnancy is by giving the lemon aromatherapy treatment. The research aims to determine the effectiveness of the aroma of lemon therapy to deal with emesis gravidarum. This study applied quasi-experimental research with one group pretest-posttest design. The population of this study was pregnant women who experienced emesis gravidarum. Furthermore, samples were 20 mothers from Berbah, Sleman taken by using a purposive sampling technique. Nausea and vomiting were assessed between before and after giving lemon aromatherapy using the Rhodes Index. The data were analyzed using the paired t-test. The mean score of nausea and vomiting before giving lemon aromatherapy on mother with emesis gravidarum based on the Rhodes Index was 22.1. However, it decreased after given lemon aromatherapy treatment to 19.8. Therefore, there was an effect on giving lemon aromatherapy treatment toward the decrease of nausea and vomiting for pregnant women (p-value = 0.017). Lemon aromatherapy is effective to reduce emesis gravidarum.  Keywords: lemon aromatherapy, emesis gravidarum

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
Listiana Muji Rahayu ◽  
Supawi Pawenang ◽  
Kartika Hendra Titisari

The research purpose was determined the effect of renumeration, obedience to the rules, and motivation to the performance of teachers of SMK Negeri 1 Sukoharjo. The research type is explanatory research. The research population are teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Sukoharjo. Sampling technique was used purposive sampling technique. Data collection was used questionnaires. Data analysis techniques were used statistical analysis including of multiple linear tests, F-test, and t-test. The research results showed that 1) remuneration has significant effect to the performance of teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Sukoharjo; 2) obedience to the rules has no significant effect to the performance of teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Sukoharjo; 3) motivation has significant effect to the performance of teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Sukoharjo; 4) remuneration, obedience to the rules, and motivation simultaneously has significant effect to the performance of teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Sukoharjo. Keywords: renumeration, obedience to the rules, motivation, performance

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Nurmainah Nurmainah ◽  
Sri Wahdaningsih ◽  
Syaazaratul Qamelia Innas

Kontrasepsi suntik merupakan salah satu kontrasepsi hormonal yang masih menjadi pilihan akseptor dalam mengatur kehamilan. Namun demikian, penggunaan kontrasepsi suntik Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA) diketahui dapat meningkatkan berat badan selama pemakaian enam (6) bulan atau lebih. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan DMPA terhadap kenaikan berat badan akseptor. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan penelitian potong lintang (cross sectional) yang bersifat analitik. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh akseptor baru suntik DMPA di Puskesmas Perumnas II Pontianak pada bulan Januari 2018 hingga Maret 2019. Variabel dari penelitian ialah usia, pekerjaan, paritas, dan kenaikan berat badan. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis paired t-test. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan ialah purposive sampling. Jumlah sampel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi sebanyak 81 akseptor. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa sebagian besar akseptor berusia 20-35 tahun (71,6%), bekerja sebagai ibu rumah tangga (97,5%), mempunyai 2 anak atau lebih (77,8%), dan memiliki kenaikan berat badan 0-2 kg (44,4%). Berdasarkan hasil analisis paired t-test bahwa penggunaan suntik KB 3 bulan (DMPA) memiliki pengaruh terhadap kenaikan berat badan akseptor dengan nilai p=0,001. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa terdapat pengaruh penggunaan DMPA terhadap kenaikan berat badan akseptor. Injectable contraception is a hormonal contraceptive used by acceptors in regulating pregnancy. However, the use of Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA) is known to increase body weight after six months of use or more.. The purpose of this study was to analysis the effect of using DMPA on weight gain. This study was an observational study with cross sectional analytic study design. The population in this study were all new acceptors who used DMPA at the Perumnas II Pontianak Public Health Care in January 2018 to March 2019. Variables from the study were age, occupation, parity, and weight gain. Analysis was performed using paired t-test analysis. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, where the number samples that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were 81 acceptors. The results showed that most of the acceptors were aged 20-35 years (71,6%), work as housewives (97,5%), had 2 or more children (77,8%), and gained weight 0-2  kg (44,4%). Based on the results of paired t-test analysis, the use of DMPA has an effect on the acceptor’s weight gain with a value of p = 0.001. The conclusion of this study is that there is an effect of the use of DMPA on acceptor weight gain.Keywords: Acceptors, DMPA, weigt gain 

Rahayu Savitri ◽  
Ovi Hardyanti

Dysmenorrhoea is pain during menstruation accompanied by cramps in the lower abdomen that spreads to the back and thighs, the pain usually occurs on the first or second day of menstruation and reaches its peak in the first 24 hours. Lavender Aromatherapy is one of the nonpharmacological therapies to decrease the intensity of dysmenorrhea. The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of lavender aromatherapy in reducing dysmenorrhea in adolescent girls. This research is a quantitative study using a pre-experimental method with One Group Pretest Posttest approach. The purposive sampling technique used in this study, the sample was 34 respondents. Data collection tools used a pain measurement scale and the observation sheet. The data were analyzed using the dependent T-Test with α = 0.05. The results of this research obtained the dysmenorrhea scale before aromatherapy was moderate pain (76.5%) after aroma-therapy reduced become mild pain (55.9%). The T-test found p-value 0.000 < α (0.05). There is an influence of aromatherapy in reducing in the teenagers (girls) Conclusion: There is the influence of aromatherapy in reducing pain scale in the teenagers (girls). Young women can lavender aromatherapy as alternative non-pharmacological therapies to solve dysmenorrhea and advice have active roles in managing their dysmenorrhea.Keywords: Effectiveness, dysmenorrhea, lavender aromatherapy, teenage girls.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-142
Sulistiyowati Sulistiyowati

The aim of research to determine the effect of guava on Hb levels during menstruation. The study design used Pre-Eksperiment method with one group pre test post-test design. The population are all sophomore of DIII Kebidanan Study Program in STIKES Muhammadiyah Lamongan. Sample taken by purposive Sampling technique. Data taken with observasion and analyzed using Paired T-Test. The result showed that guava was influence Hb levels during menstruation with p=0,000.Keywords: haemoglobin, guava, menstruation, anemia

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 897-904
I Indriyati ◽  
Vitri Dyah Herawati

AbstractThe increasing number of deliveries during the COVID-19 pandemic has made mothers think hard about cesarean section surgery, thus requiring adaptive coping strategies. Coping strategy is a method or method used by each individual to overcome and control situations or problems experienced such as caesarean section surgery during the COVID 19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of coping strategies on pain levels in postoperative Sectio Caesarea patients during the COVID pandemic. 19. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research design with One Group Pretest-Postest test Design. The population and sample in this study were postoperative Sectio Caesarea patients who were treated at Slamet Riyadi Hospital Surakarta as many as 35 patients with incidental sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is the Paired t-test. The results of this study are (1) coping strategies that are classified as poor 28 respondents (80.0%) and good 7 respondents (20.0%); (2) The level of pain in patients with postoperative Sectio Caesarea before the procedure which was classified as moderate pain was 19 people (54.3%) and severe pain was 16 people (45.7%); (3) The level of pain in postoperative Sectio Caesarea patients after the procedure was classified as no pain as many as 2 people (5.7%), mild pain 27 people (77.1%) and moderate pain as many as 6 people (17.1% ); (4) Coping strategies are able to reduce the degree of pain in postoperative patients with Sectio Caesarea (thit = 28.945; p = 0.000). The conclusion is that there is an effectiveness of coping strategies to reduce the level of pain in postoperative patients with Sectio Caesarea.Keywords: Coping strategy; painful; sectio caesarea AbstrakMeningkatnya angka persalinan pada masa pandemi COVID-19membuat ibu menjadi berfikir keras menghadapi operasi section caesarea sehingga membutuhkan strategi koping yang adaptif. Strategi koping merupakan cara atau metode yang dilakukan tiap individu untuk mengatasi dan mengendalikan situasi atau masalah yang dialami seperti operasi section caesarea pada masa pandemic COVID 19.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Mengetahui efektifitas strategi koping terhadap tingkat nyeri pada pasien post operasi Sectio Caesareapada masa pandemic COVID 19. Jenis penelitian ini quasi eksperimental dengan rancangan penelitian One Group Pretest-Postest test Design. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien post operasi Sectio Caesarea yang di rawat di Rumah Sakit Slamet Riyadi Surakarta sebanyak 35 pasien dengan teknik insidental sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dengan uji Paired t-test. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) Strategi koping yang tergolong kurang baik 28 responden (80,0%) dan baik 7 responden (20,0%); (2) Tingkat nyeri pada pasien post operasi Sectio Caesareasebelum tindakan yang tergolong nyeri sedang ada 19 orang (54,3%) dan nyeri berat sebanyak 16 orang (45,7%); (3) Tingkat nyeri pada pasien post operasi Sectio Caesareasesudah dilakukan tindakan yang tergolong tidak ada nyeri sebanyak 2 orang (5,7%), nyeri ringan 27 orang (77,1%) dan nyeri sedang sebanyak 6 orang (17,1%); (4) Strategi koping mampu penurunan derajat tingkat nyeri pada pasien post operasi Sectio Caesarea (thit = 28,945; p = 0,000). Kesimpulannya adalah Terdapat efektifitas strategi koping terhadap penurunan derajat tingkat nyeri pada pasien post operasi Sectio Caesarea.Kata Kunci: Strategi koping; Nyeri;Sectio caesarea

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-61
Nung Ati Nurhayati ◽  
Septian Andriyani ◽  
Novi Malisa

ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Sectio saecarea merupakan metode melahirkan janin melalui insisi pada dinding abdomen (laparotomi) dan dinding uterus (histeretomi). Salah satu komplikasi sectio caesaria adalah nyeri pada daerah insisi. Strategi penatalaksanaan nyeri metode untuk mengatasi nyeri secara non-farmakologis adalah terapi relaksasi autogenik. Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi pengaruh relaksasi autogenik terhadap penurunan skala nyeri pada Ibu post operasi Sectio Caesarea di Ruang Perawatan V/VI RS. TK.II Dustira Cimahi. Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan One Group Pretest Posttest Design dengan jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 75 ibu post sectio caesarea dalam waktu 1 bulan dengan tehnik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Non Probability Sampling berupa tehnik Purposive Sampling. Hasil: Skala nyeri post operasi SC sebelum dilakukan intervensi 64% responden mengalami nyeri luka post operasi dengan rentang skala 4-6 (nyeri sedang). Sedangkan skala nyeri post operasi SC setelah dilakukan intervensi 73,3% responden mengalami nyeri  dengan rentang skala 4-6 (nyeri sedang).Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara relaksasi autogenik dengan  penurunan skala nyeri. Hasil uji t menunjukkan 0,0001 artinya ada perbedaan skala nyeri antara sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan relaksasi autogenik dengan nilai mean = 1,080 yaitu terjadi kecenderungan penurunan skala nyeri sesudah perlakuan dengan rata-rata penurunan skala nyerinya 1,080. Kata Kunci: Sectio caesarea,Relaksasi Autogenik, Nyeri   ABSTRACT Introduction: Sectio Caesarea is defined as the delivery method of a fetus through surgical incisions which made in the abdominal wall (laparotomy) and the uterine wall (hysterotomy). One of the complications of sectio caesarea is pain in the incision area. A non-pharmacological pain management strategies to overcome pain is autogenic relaxation therapy. Objective: The aim of the research was to evaluate the effect of autogenic relaxation to decrease pain scale on postoperative mother undergoing Sectio Caesarea (SC) in the V/VI ward Tk.II Dustira Cimahi Hospital. Method: Research design used was experimental research with One Group Pretest Posttest Design involving 75 post sectio caesarea mother within 1 month. Sampling technique used was Non Probability Sampling namely Purposive Sampling techniques. Result: Postoperative pain scale before the intervention 64% of respondents experienced a post-operative incision pain with range scale of 4-6 (moderate pain), while post-operative pain scale after the intervention 73.3% of respondents experienced pain with range scale of 4-6 (moderate pain). There is a significant effect of autogenic relaxation with decreased pain scale. T-test results showed 0.0001 means that there are differences between the pain scale before and after autogenic relaxation with a mean = 1,080 ie the pain scale tendentiously decreased after treatment with an average reduction in pain scale is 1,080. Keywords: Sectio caesarea, Autogenic Relaxation, Pain Full printable version: PDF

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-200
Jon Farizal ◽  
Leli Mulyati ◽  
Susiwati Susiwati

Background: Osteoarthritis is a chronic, slowly progressive walking, not inflamed, and ischaracterized by deterioration and abrasion of articular cartilage and the formation of newbone at the joint surface. Osteoarthritis cause various health problems that decrease theability of physiological, psychological change, economic and social. Physiological problemsin elderly with osteoarthritis is pain. One of the plants used as herbal medicine to reduce thepain of osteoarthritis is the rhizome of the plant red ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe).Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of ginger compress to decreaseosteoarthritis pain scale in the elderly at District Puskesmas Kampung Delima 2016.Methods: This study used a pre-experimental design with one-group pre-posttest design, thestudy samples study is 36 respondents by purposive sampling technique. All respondents weregiven ginger compress one time for ± 20 minutes. Pain scale measurements carried outbefore and after ginger compress. Test used is dependent t-test. Results: The result of analysisused a dependent t-test showed that a mean difference of osteoarthritis pain scale before andafter ginger compress 1,72 + 0,741 with ρ=0.000 (ρ<0.05). This show that ginger compressaffects scale of osteoarthritis pain in elderly. Conclusions : For health workers to providehealth education on therapeutic use of herbal compress of ginger in relieving osteoarthritispain.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-172
Toto Aminoto

Breathing Exercise is a method of breathing in a certain way to improve and improve the performance of organs, especially the lungs. It turns out that if we do well and regular breathing can improve the quality of life and avoid anxiety. In students who will follow the National Exam often experience anxiety caused by various things. This study aims to show the effect of Breathing Exercise on decreasing anxiety levels.The population in this study is Sakura's tutorial student who is in Jatisari Jatiasih Kota Bekasi. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Samples that met the criteria of 31 respondents In this study prior to the previous intervention anxiety level was examined. After the intervention, similar investigations were also conducted. Before and after the examination results are then compared. Using t-parametric paired t test analysis resulted in the value of sign 0.00 while the value of α = 5%. Where the sign value <α. It can be concluded that Breathing Exercise has an effect on decreasing anxiety level of student of bimbel Sakura Jatisari Jatiasih Kota Bekasi. 

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