scholarly journals Sistem Aplikasi Location Based Service untuk Pengembangan Kota Cerdas

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Agus Sukerta ◽  
Linawati Linawati ◽  
NMAE Dewi Wirastuti

One way to accomplish the smart city is by utilizing application that build interaction between society and the government while providing the benefits to all stakeholders. This application systems should be reached easily and relatively cheap for the society, and they can be used anytime, anywhere. This paper describes how to develop applications that implement the Location Based Services (LBS) for Development of Smart City to build the Public Complaints Service Application System (PCSAS). The PCSAS was designed, built and then tested. This PCSAS was built with Web-based Client-Server architecture. On the client side using a web interface or mobile with Android operating system. This application uses a valid e-mail as a condition of enrollment, while accommodating Social Media interface particularly Facebook and Twitter to get into the system. The result of the use of this application system was an interaction between the community and the government in handling public complaints. Location information problems in the field may soon be known precisely by coordinates, so that the handling can be done quickly and with sufficient preparation equipment based on the information of the real conditions in the field in the form of photos and videos that are included in the complaint.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 125-135
Enjang Pera Irawan ◽  
Tasya Aulianisa

This study entitled analysis of functions and applications of siaran mobile (reporting and assignment application system) as a communication facility of South Tangerang City towards smart city. The purpose of this study was to analyze the functions and benefits of the SIARAN Mobile application as a facility of public communication in supporting South Tangerang City towards smart city. Supporting concepts and theories in this research were communication, public relations government, and smart city. This research method was to use a descriptive qualitative approach. The findings showed that the SIARAN Mobile application was a South Tangerang City reporting media based on the mobile application that was officially launched by the government since March 9th, 2017. The function of this application was to become a reporting application for technical problems such as waste problems, damaged public facilities, actions which was detrimental to the community. The benefit of this application was to make it easier for the public to report various problems in the South Tangerang area, and make it easier for the government in handling various problems that were complained of by the community.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-26 ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal Perkasa ◽  
Eko Budi Setiawan

Data is one of the most important things in this information and information technology era that evolving now. Currently, the government still has not used the public data maximally for administrative purposes. Utilization of this big population data is the creation of a web service application system with REST API where this data will be open and accessible to those who have access. One of the institutions that use this service is the Manpower and Transmigration Service where this system can make the Dinas staff more efficient to create and register job search cards using available community data. This application is able to provide and facilitate many parties, such as data administrators to monitor data usage, registration employee in input data, and people able to register independently. Index Terms—Web service, API, Rest api, People data

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-45
Rosdiana Rosdiana ◽  
Padeli Padeli ◽  
Revi Sajidah Sri Handayani ◽  
Rifky Alfian

The public service administration system at the government offices of the Kemiri village office in the Kemiri District currently does not have a computerized and integrated system. Because the system runs, residents who submit letters for administrative completeness, still use the Ms.Word / Ms.Excel application. of course has many weaknesses including human error, not neat in file storage, resulting in the lengthy process of searching and making a cover letter and required reports. The analytical method used in this study is to use PIECES (Performance, Informance, Economy, Control, Efficiency, Service) analysis, the design of the model uses UML (Unified Modeling Language). The results of this study are web-based letter information systems at the Office of the Village Chief of Kemiri that can accessed using a local computer browser. Thus the information letter needed by the Kemiri Village community and more effective and efficient in making the letter.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 174-180
Adriyansah Efendi Noor ◽  
Pahrul Irfan

Vocational High School or in Indonesian abbreviated as SMK, is a government program that was built with the aim that students can have expertise in certain fields and can be the initial capital for them in looking for work. An accredited educational curriculum and the many practical activities provided to students can also ensure that SMK graduates are ready to enter the workforce. However, in today's world of work, it requires workers who, in addition to having skills, must also have work experience. There are events held by the government regarding Job Vacancy info which are held only a few times a year so that more participants are participating and the unemployment rate in the regions is getting higher. Based on the above problems, the authors provide a solution by creating a "Freelance Service Provider Application" which is expected to bring together workers and job seekers. The application is made web-based so that it can be easily accessed through various types of devices. The author also implements Progressive Web Apps technology or also known as PWA so that it can be more easily accessed on mobile devices. Based on the results of the discussion on the implementation of PWA technology for making applications for freelance service providers, this can be a means for the public and prospective workers to meet and conduct transactions. So based on the questionnaire data obtained from the respondents, it can be concluded that the research carried out was successful and it is felt that it can help the graduates of SMK 3 Mataram to get jobs and also work experience

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 863-870
Kelly Mattran ◽  
Carmen Harris ◽  
Jan Jernigan ◽  
Janet Fulton

Background:The State Indicator Report on Physical Activity, 2010 (SIRPA) and accompanying resources provide information for practitioners to promote physical activity. This study evaluated awareness, access, and use of materials among physical activity practitioners.Methods:A Web-based survey assessed awareness, access and use among respondents. The 26-item questionnaire assessed the usability of products developed by the federal government. Response frequencies and 95% confidence intervals were reported.Results:Response rate was 27% (135 of 508). Awareness of material was from e-mail (35.6%) or partner Websites (37.8%). One-third of respondents (33.3%) accessed materials at least once a month, but 39.3% reported no use. The SIRPA (44.4%) and state-specific action guides (34.1%) were used the most. Materials were used to compare state-specific to national data (57.0%) and to present data to the public (41.5%). Most respondents (83%) reported public health partners as a target audience, and 91.8% were likely to share information in the future.Conclusions:SIRPA awareness was primarily through electronic communication, and two-thirds of respondents used the materials. Respondents accessed materials for state comparisons and public distribution. Increasing the use of federal physical activity promotion materials involves considering design and dissemination features related to the needs of practitioners.

Zulkarnaen Hatala

Abstract—Efficient and quick procedure to build a web application is presented. The steps are intended to build a database application system with hundreds of tables. The procedure can minimize tasks needed to write code and doing manual programming line by line. The intention also to build rapidly web-based database application. In this method security concerning authentification and authorization already built in ensuring the right and eligible access of the user to the system. The end result is ready to use the web-based 3-tier application. Moreover, the application is still flexible to be customized and to be enhanced to suit more specific requirement in part of each module of the software both the server-side and client-side programming codes. Abstrak—Pada penelitian kali ini diusulkan prosedur cepat dan efisien pengembangan aplikasi basis data menggunakan generator aplikasi. Bertujuan untuk meminimalisir penulisan bahasa pemograman. Keuntungan dari prosedur ini adalah bisa digunakan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi basis data secara cepat terutama dengan sistem basis data yang terdiri dari banyak tabel. Hak akses dan prosedur keamanan standar telah disediakan sehingga setiap user terjamin haknya terhadap entitas tertentu di basis data. Hasil generasi adalah aplikasi basis data berbasis web yang siap pakai. Sistem aplikasi yang terbentuk masih sangat lentur untuk untuk dilakukan penyesuaian setiap komponen aplikasi baik di sisi server maupun di sisi client.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-45
Rosdiana Rosdiana ◽  
Padeli Padeli ◽  
Revi Sajidah Sri Handayni ◽  
Rifky Alfian

The public service administration system at the government offices of the Kemiri village office in the Kemiri District currently does not have a computerized and integrated system. Because the system runs, residents who submit letters for administrative completeness, still use the Ms.Word / Ms.Excel application. of course has many weaknesses including human error, not neat in file storage, resulting in the lengthy process of searching and making a cover letter and required reports. The analytical method used in this study is to use PIECES (Performance, Informance, Economy, Control, Efficiency, Service) analysis, the design of the model uses UML (Unified Modeling Language). The results of this study are web-based letter information systems at the Office of the Village Chief of Kemiri that can accessed using a local computer browser. Thus the information letter needed by the Kemiri Village community and more effective and efficient in making the letter.

Made Yudha Putra Mahendra ◽  
I Nyoman Piarsa ◽  
Dwi Putra Githa

A public complaint is a reciprocal of the population against the government to convey opinions or problems encountered in certain areas. The complaint process using a suggestion box or counter complaint is less effective and efficient so that the complaint handling process is slow. The geographic information system of public complaints is an information system built as an intermediary for the public to make complaints against the government. This public complaint geographic information system is built by utilizing location-based services. Geographic information systems of public complaints that have been built require a test to ensure all functions contained on the system can run properly. This study discusses the testing of the geographic information system of public complaints that have been built by blackbox testing and test by involving respondents from the general public. The results of testing system usage by the user based on aspect of system interface display and conformity aspects of processes and features involving respondents from the general public. Tests conducted to get the average results of respondents gave very good value 28%, good 59.8, enough 10.2% and less by 2%. Comparison of systems conducted on two similar systems taken through a literature study showed that a mobile web-based public complaint geographic information system (Public Complaint) has more features in tracking the location of complaints.

2011 ◽  
pp. 2776-2783
Gloria T. Lau ◽  
Kincho H. Law

The making of government regulations represents an important communication between the government and citizens. During the process of rulemaking, government agencies are required to inform and to invite the public to review the proposed rules. Interested and affected citizens participate by submitting comments accordingly. Electronic rulemaking, or e-rulemaking in short, redefines this process of rule drafting and commenting to effectively involve the public in the making of regulations. The goal of the e-rulemaking initiative is to integrate agency operations and technology investments; for instance, the electronic media, such as the Internet, is used as the means to provide a better environment for the public to comment on proposed rules and regulations. Based on the review of the received public comments, government agencies revise the proposed rules. With the proliferation of the Internet, it becomes a growing problem for government agencies to handle the comments submitted by the public. Large amounts of electronic data (i.e., the public comments) are easily generated, and they need to be reviewed and analyzed along with the drafted rules. As such, part of e-rulemaking involves a non-trivial task of sorting through a massive volume of electronically submitted textual comments. For example, the Federal Register (2003) documented a recent case where the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) received over 14,000 comments in seven months, majority of which are e-mails, on a flavored malt beverages proposal. The call for public comments by the TTB included the following statement: All comments posted on our Web site will show the name of the commenter but will not show street addresses, telephone numbers, or e-mail addresses. (2003, p. 67388) However, due to the “unusually large number of comments received,” the Bureau announced later that it is difficult to remove all street addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses “in a timely manner” (2003, p. 67388). Instead, concerned individuals are asked to submit a request for removal of address information as opposed to the original statement posted in the call for comments. The example shows that an effortless electronic comment submission process has turned into a huge data processing problem for government agencies. Fortunately, the advance in information and communication technology (ICT) can help alleviate some of the barriers in e-rulemaking. This article will discuss a prototype of a comment analysis system, which classifies public comments according to related provisions in the drafted regulations. The automated relatedness analysis system can potentially save rule makers significant amount of time in reviewing public comments in regard to different provisions in the drafted regulations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Fittia Restiane ◽  
Eko Priyo Purnomo ◽  
Lubna Salsabila

Abstract: Smart City as an innovation in overcoming every problem that occurs in the city. In the Smart City concept there are aspects that are Smart Regency. Is a process of management and development of a variety of natural and human resources, Smart Regency provides innovations in information technology-based grievance services, with access to the Sleman Report application, which is online complaints, aspirations, suggestions and criticisms from the public for the government. However, the services provided by the government to the community were not yet fully maximized in its implementation. The purpose of this study is to see the extent of effectiveness in the application of the Sleman Report in realizing Sleman Smart Regency in Sleman Regency. The result is quite effective for the realization of Smart Regency but in its implementation it is felt to be less than optimal because its handling is sometimes problematic. This study concludes the success of the Sleman Report Program for the steps to realize Smart Regency, the success of target users of the Sleman Report and the achievement of the Report Report in realizing the Smart Regency.Keywords: Smart City,Smart Regency, Lapor Sleman.Abstrak: Smart City sebagai sebuah inovasi dalam mengatasi setiap permasalahan yang terjadi di dalam kota. Dalam konsep Smart City terdapat aspek yang ada yakni Smart Regency. Adalah sebuah proses pengelolaan dan pengembangan dari berbagai macam sumber daya alam dan manusia, Smart Regency memberikan inovasi mengenai layanan pengaduan berbasis teknologi informasi, dengan akses aplikasi Lapor Sleman yakni pengaduan, aspirasi, saran dan kritik secara Online dari masyarakat untuk pemerintah. Namun dalam pelayanan yang diberikan pemerintah untuk masyarakat pun belum sepenuhnya maksimal dalam pelaksanaannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat sejauh mana efektivitas pada penerapan Lapor Sleman dalam mewujudkan Sleman Smart Regencyn di Kabupaten Sleman. Hasilnya cukup efektif untuk terwujudnya Smart Regency namun dalam implementasinya dirasa kurang maksimal karena penanganannya yang terkadang bermasalah. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan keberhasilan program Lapor Sleman untuk langkah terwujudnya Smart regency, keberhasilan target pengguna dari Lapor Sleman dan pencapaian tujuan Lapor Sleman dalam mewujudkan Smart Regency.Kata kunci: Smart City,Smart Regency, Lapor Sleman

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