scholarly journals Pernikahan dalam Perspektif Masyarakat Bandung

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-90
Langgersari Elsari Novianti ◽  
Fredrick Dermawan Purba ◽  
Afra Hafny Noer ◽  
Lenny Kendhawati

This study aims to describe (1) relative importance of marriage, (2) desired timing of marriage, and (3) criteria for marriage readiness. Respondents aged between 15 – 30 years old, 558 individuals, not married, residents of Bandung City. The measurement is Criteria for Marriage Readiness Questionnaire (CMRQ) questionnaire designed by Carrol et al. which has been adapted to Bahasa Indonesia. Results showed that respondents perceived (1) marriage is not important/priority for them at the moment, (2) the ideal age for marriage is about 25 years old, because at this age they are mature/ready to marry, have jobs/carrier/income, and have accomplished higher education degree (bachelor/master). Different from previous findings from Carroll, respondents perceived some criteria which need not to be fulfilled before marriage: (1) have enough sexual experience, (2) have kids before marriage, (3) military service, (4) have lived together with lover, (5) premarital intercourse, (6) drinking and smoking. The present study increases understanding of criteria considered by people that needed to be fulfilled before marriage. The fulfillment of these criteria seems to play a role in the age of first marriage of the people in the city of Bandung. Further studies should be done to investigate the cultural values in perceiving marriage by the people of Bandung.

Ekaterina Mitrofanova ◽  
Alyona Artamonova

Using two representative Russian surveys – “Person, Family, Society” (used for building research models) and “Russian monitoring of the economic condition and health of the population” (for auxiliary, descriptive analysis) – we analysed the differences in the life courses of Russian men who served and did not serve in the army. For these two groups of men, we compared the ages and sequences of the most important first events (separation from the parental home, first job, obtaining an education, first cohabitation, first marriage, and first child). We constructed socio-demographic “portraits” of these men at the age of 15 and at the moment of the survey (2013). Our results revealed that those men who served in the military have more socio-economic and demographic events than those who avoided military service: men with military experience start adult life earlier and more intensively. The mechanism of selecting men for military service has changed since the 1990s. Men who serve are mainly children of parents without higher education and not occupying senior positions in the period of their children’s socialisation. After completing] military service, men often work and live separately, while those who did not serve in the army study and live with their parents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 47-54

Cities have different architectural features in terms of cultural, historical, geographical and social life. It is seen that each city has a unique identity over time. The reason for this is that the people living in the city have lifestyle, social behaviors and cultural values. Many cities have architectural symbols that symbolize that city. Functional use should be prioritized in the design phase of urban furniture, aesthetics is of course an important detail, but in order for the community to be together in the city, urban furniture should be ergonomic and functionality within certain standards in terms of different physical features. The climatic conditions of that city should be taken into consideration in the selection of materials for urban furniture. Lighting elements, plant elements, recreational elements, signs and information signs, floor coverings, artistic objects, including waste bins should be considered together. Urban furniture should complement each other with a holistic approach. It is seen that the materials used in the design have positive and negative effects on people psychologically. Wooden designs using natural materials give the feeling of calmness and rest. It is seen that concrete and iron materials give a sense of strength. In the use of artificial materials, there is a feeling of anxiety. The phenomenon of color in designed urban furniture causes a sense of dynamism or calmness. Remarkable designs are often made for symbolic purposes. It is an important detail for urban furniture that it is sometimes criticized and attracted attention instead of being liked.

2020 ◽  
pp. 227-255
Abhishek Kaicker

By the 1720s, disorderly gatherings and protests appeared to have become an integral part of urban life in Delhi. This chapter shows how such tumults of the city marked acts of everyday political assertion by ordinary people. Relying on the gestures and practices of Islam to publicly demand “justice” in the face of “oppression,” such protests appropriated the ideal of the ‘Community of Muslims’ for their own ends. Accordingly this chapter examines a central gesture in such political protests: the popular interruption of the Friday sermon. Although it emerged in a moment of sectarian controversy in 1711, the act of interrupting the Friday sermon quickly came to serve as the key symbolic means by which the people challenged the enunciation of imperial sovereignty when it did not lend its support to them.

The article explain about the implementation of e-government management in Tasikmalaya city, West Java. Using a qualitative approach, the researcher is an instrument obliged to collect, process, analyze, interpret and verify the data and information. The observation and participatory research done by observing the processes of implementation of policy implementation of e-government in Tasikmalaya, which concerns such aspects as idealized policy, implementing organization, target groups, and environmental factors. Data and information through observation and in-depth interviews to informants are the key in collecting the data. The validity and reliability of data and information are performed by triangulation, clarification and description explained and verified by theories of public policy and science administration to formulate answers from the research questions. The result of this research shows that the implementation of e-government policy in Tasikmalaya city has not shown towards the understanding of the policies that favor e-government in the city of Tasikmalaya. The ideal policy on the implementation of e-government were not yet properly implemented by the fact that in implementing organization in the department of communication of Tasikmalaya city were not optimally effective in coaching, services and protection as well as socialization and the process and preparation of program planning. In this case the aspirations of the people are less involved in the formulation of the policy of e-government implementation resulted in the implementation; it did only accept without commenting and understanding the implementation of the e-government.

Sally Anderson

Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark and the Kingdom’s only metropolis. The city embraces institutions of royalty, state and national culture as well as all the ‘people’ of Denmark. Whereas national institutions are by and large located within the walls of the fortress city, the ‘people’ are generally located in neighborhoods constructed during rapid industrialization. The article explores the idea of Copenhagen as a folkelig city, a city that accrues both legitimacy and authenticity by invoking the ‘people’ in all their social, regional and ethnic diversity in certain areas of the city. Although a down-to-earth, non-elite, folkelig community is commonly thought to derive from the daily lives of ‘common people’ in lower class neighborhoods, the article illustrates how the idea of folkelig community is intentionally evoked in efforts to revitalize such very neighborhoods deemed lacking a proper sense of community. The article discusses how two voluntary organizations run by middle class reformers invoke different aesthetics of diversity and authentic commonality in attempts to infuse a working class neighborhood undergoing urban renewal with a new sense of folkelig community. With each their own facility for voluntary sport and culture, both aspire to create venues promoting a common sociality that cross cuts social difference. While the locally based organization invokes a plural community of locals, the nationally based organization invokes a plural community of citizens. The article concludes that the aesthetic of common diversity and the performance of folkelig community are vital to the ideal of the good city upheld by Copenhagen’s mentors, organizers and authorities.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (30) ◽  
pp. 56
Daniel Attianesi ◽  
Guilherme Rodrigues Passamani

A ideia do artigo proposto aqui está no questionamento sobre a possibilidade da cidade de Campo Grande se adequar aos moldes clássicos do pensado pela antropologia urbana. Ao pensar sobre a cidade de Campo Grande, estamos pensando em nexos constitutivos da própria realidade de diversas cidades brasileiras e do próprio Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, cuja capital política e administrativa possui como sede o município de Campo Grande. Município esse que possuía uma população de 49.629 mil habitantes em 1940, que em 1970 já possuía 140.233 mil habitantes e nos últimos anos conta com uma população de 863.982 mil residentes, um crescimento de aproximadamente 1640% em 75 anos. Este artigo realizará uma análise da história de Campo Grande de forma a pensar a questão da relação entre rural e urbano. Para isso focaremos a partir da visão dos primeiros pensadores sociais, que pensavam a relação entra a vida na cidade e a vida no campo, autores como Weber, Simmel, Park, Wirth. Dessa forma, buscamos três momentos específicos dessa história: o primeiro sendo a formação de uma identidade cultural sul-mato-grossense entre os anos de 1932 a 1934, o segundo será pensar o momento de urbanização da cidade nos anos de 1960-1970 e o último iremos pensar a relação que a cidade possui atualmente com seus habitantes. Abstract: The idea of the proposed article is in questioning the possibility that the City of Campo Grande fits the classic models proposed by urban anthropology. When thinking about the City of Campo Grande, we are thinking in constitutive links with the reality of many Brazilian cities and with the very State of Mato Grosso do Sul, whose political and administrative capital is based in the City of Campo Grande. This city had a population of 49,629 in 1940, which in 1970 was already 140,233 and recent years count showed a population of 863,982 -- an increase of approximately 1640% in 75 years. This paper will analyze the history of Campo Grande in order to think about the relationship between rural and urban. For this, we will focus on the vision of the first social thinkers, who sought to think the relationship between life in the city and life in the countryside, authors like Weber, Simmel, Park, and Wirth. In this way, we look for three specific moments of this history: the first one being the formation of a cultural identity of the people of Mato Grosso do Sul from 1932 to 1934, the second is to think about the moment of the city’s urbanization in the years 1960-1970 and the latter we’ll think about the relationship that the city currently has with its inhabitants.

1970 ◽  
pp. 97
Ulla Kallberg

A museum ship as a political argument In Turku, South-West Finland, the Forum Marinum, a local maritime museum and maritime centre, wished to move a museum ship, the Suomen Joutsen, from a quay where she has been stationary since 1960 to a quay in front of the museum. The museum argued, that the ship would be better preserved in a new place with less air pollution and deeper water, would be easier to take care of and demand lower investment. However, the ship is owned by the municipality and decisions concerning it are made by politicians, who were neither willing to discuss nor make a decision about changing her moring. This behaviour was influenced by the imminent elections. The Suomen Joutsen is of great national interest and is expected to arouse passionate reactions.The article discusses how a museum piece, a museum ship, can become a political apparatus, a means for achieving personal or political goals. We can analyse the discussion about the ship’s moring on the River Aura by asking, who is constructing and defining cultural meanings and for what end. At the same time we can see how the presence of the ship can strengthen local identity, and how cultural values and objects can be used to achieve personal goals and simultaneously question the views of the researchers. But it has to be remembered that the museum is a part of the community and also uses its power. Finally, the ship celebrated her centenary in the summer of 2002, and the local museum received permission to move her temporarily to the quay in front of the museum to join the other stationary museum ships already there.The inhabitants reacted. Some people thought that the ship looked nice and it was all right to move her, others claimed that the ship was no longer visible in the city centre where she belonged. They also claimed that she was a part of the urban landscape which her removal had ruined. They used the argument that a line had been drawn between other Finns and the people in the city. Only the people in the city had the right to say anything about the Suomen Joutsen. When it was time to return the ship back to her old moring, the water level was too low. While waiting for it to rise, the politicians decided to leave the ship in front of the museum for another year. Some people were disappointed and called the politicians traitors. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Theodorus Pangalila ◽  
Jeane Mantiri

Hakikat dasar bangsa Indonesia adalah bangsa yang plural dan multikultural. Hal ini tercermin dari semboyan bangsa Indonesia: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Kenyataan dewasa ini menunjukkan banyaknya kasus intoleransi terus terjadi. Di tengah banyaknya kasus Intoleransi di berbagai daerah di Indonesia, kenyataan membuktikan bahwa masyarakat kota Tomohon-Sulawesi Utara tetap hidup dalam suasana penuh toleransi di tengah perbedaan agama, suku, ras, bahasa dan budaya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan tentang bagaimana nilai-nilai kearifan lokal masyarakat Sulawesi Utara menjadi model toleransi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kota Tomohon Sulawesi Utara. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat lokal, berbeda agama, suku, bahasa, pemuka agama dan pemerintah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Adapun penelitian ini menemukan bahwa nilai budaya/kearifan lokal masyarakat Sulawesi Utara: Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou (Manusia Hidup untuk Memanusiakan Orang Lain), Mapalus (Gotong-royong) dan Torang Samua Basudara (Kita Semua Bersaudara) mampu membuat masyarakat Sulawesi Utara hidup dalam suasana penuh toleransi, sehingga bisa diadopsi dan dikembangkan menjadi model pendidikan toleransi. Ketiga nilai budaya ini terimplementasi secara konkrit dalam kehidupan konkrit masyarakat yang tidak membeda-bedakan asal-usul suku, agama, etnis dari masyarakat. Adapun penelitian ini merekomendasikan penelitian lanjut tentang pengembangan model pembelajan berbasis nilai budaya lokal.   Abstract: The basic nature of the Indonesian people is a plural and multicultural nation. This is reflected in the Indonesian motto: Unity in Diversity. Today's reality shows that many cases of intolerance continue to occur. In the midst of the many cases of intolerance in various regions in Indonesia, the reality proves that the people of the city of Tomohon-North Sulawesi continue to live in an atmosphere of tolerance in the midst of differences in religion, ethnicity, race, language and culture. The purpose of this study is to describe how the values of the local wisdom of the people of North Sulawesi become a model of tolerance. This research was conducted in the city of Tomohon, North Sulawesi. The data sources in this study are local people, different religions, ethnicities, languages, religious leaders and government. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach by collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation studies. The research found that the cultural values / local wisdom of the North Sulawesi people: Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou (Humans Live to Humanize Others), Mapalus (Mutual Cooperation) and Torang Samua Basudara (We Are All Brothers) are able to make North Sulawesi people live in an atmosphere of tolerance, so that it can be adopted and developed into a model of tolerance education. These three cultural values are implemented concretely in the concrete life of the community which does not differentiate between ethnic, religious, and ethnic origins from the community. The study recommends further research on the development of a learning model based on local cultural values.

2008 ◽  
pp. 317-352
Ewa Koźmińska-Frejlak

Jerzy Lewiński was born at the beginning of the previous century (in 1911) in a family of assimilated Jews. Not only did he witness the most important events of that century, but he participated in a number of them as well. The youngest of five siblings, he had two step-sisters and a step-brother, from his father’s (Kopel–Kacper) first marriage and brother Adolf (mother Frajndla–Franciszka). Initially, he lived in the city of Turek, from where he moved to Warsaw in 1922, after the tragic death of his father (murdered in 1920 by his business partner). Here, in 1933, he graduated from law school of Warsaw University. During his studies, he left for several months for a scholarship at the École Superieure Politique in Paris. After completing his studies in September 1934, he was referred to the Cadet School in Częstochowa and completed it a year later as a reserve officer cadet. He passed his final exam before the military commission headed by Stanisław Władysław Maczek (the certified colonel). Following his release from military service, Lewiński moved to Łódź, where he completed judge’s training in the Łódź District Court. He also started his advocate’s training there in 1937.

Fitri Adona ◽  
Yusnani Yusnani ◽  
Sri Nita

One form of city marketing that is currently developing is the provision of city image or city branding. Brands can have 6 levels of understanding namely attributes, benefits, cultural values, personality, and users. Cultural values are very different, especially around socially embedded issues such as status, gender, family, ethics, and customs. City branding helps influence "transfer of value" by establishing a relationship between what culture sees as a desired city and a particular product. This research is a study of the city branding of Padang city or a brand that is considered to belong to Padang City, namely "Padang Your Motherland", "Serenity of Minangkabau", and "Padang Taste". To what extent does three brand of  padang city  influence consumer awareness of the values of Minangkabau culture that is dominantly adopted by the people of Padang City? Semiotic analysis and personal interviews were used to answer this research question. Some consumers are less aware of the commercial objectives of these three city branding. They don't seem to know much about the intentions of city branding makers "to play with their consciousness".

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