Revisiting the methodology of research and implementation of Russia's national security

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (11) ◽  
pp. 2008-2030
Vladimir D. FETISOV ◽  
Tat’yana V. FETISOVA

Subject. This article deals with the issues related to the methodology and implementation of Russia's national security. Objectives. Based on the analysis of the essence of economic security, the article aims to identify ways and formulate proposals for improving the research methodology and enhancing the effectiveness of Russia's security implementation. Methods. For the study, we used the empirical, dialectical, systems, analytical, historical, and statistical approaches. Results. The article defines the main methodological approaches to the consideration of the country's security and the problematic features of the official security strategy of Russia. It justifies human security as the key link of the country's security and provides recommendations on methodology and effective solution of problems of implementing Russia's economic security. Conclusions and Relevance. The population of the country takes the major load in financing Russia's security. Monopolized corporations benefit from the price mechanism of redistribution of monetary resources. This situation worsens the financial well-being of the majority of citizens. This leads to an aggravation of socio-economic contradictions of society with inevitable negative consequences. It is necessary to radically change the methodological approach to the formation of the principles of the regulator's economic policy, taking into account the interests of mass entrepreneurship and the material capabilities of the majority of the population of Russia. The results of the study can be used when developing and implementing economic policy in the field of security, financial management of the population, business and government agencies, as well as in the systems of secondary-level and vocational education of the country.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-37 ◽  
Hanna Sytnyk

The socio-economic situation in Ukraine and lagging in the rate of economic development behind European countries require forming a new economic model that is capable of sustaining the conditions of existing threats and high levels of risk. To this end, the National Security Strategy was adopted, which should create a secure environment for economic development and population well-being. The success and rate of this strategy implementation will significantly determine the dynamics of economic development, and their monitoring and evaluation are the basis for adjusting the reforms that have been initiated in this direction. The purpose of the article is to assess the results of implementation of measures to ensure economic security of Ukraine. The research is based on the methods of analysis and synthesis in the part of the choice of indicators for assessing the economic security; the method of comparative analysis of economic macroindicators; the questionnaire – to identify the business environment perception of changes in economic security occurring in the process of the Strategy implementation. For this purpose, 100 enterprises were interviewed by e-mail and 77 questionnaires were received. In the article, based on the study and generalization of approaches to the assessment of the economic security of the country, the evaluation indicators are chosen and grouped according to various components, which allow analyzing the interim results of the National Security Strategy (economic part) implementation.

Sergey Y. Chucha

The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, approved by Presidential Decree no. 400 of July 2, 2021, is the first strategic planning document in the history of modern Russia, which called the preservation of the people of Russia and the development of human potential a primary national interest and strategic national priority, and improving the quality of life and well-being of citizens is among the priorities. The scientific research of document that changed the paradigm of national security is just beginning. In the study, using a comparative historical methodology, an intersectoral analysis of the transformation of the labor-legal and social-protective component of the National Security Strategy is carried out, the timeliness of the changes is empirically proved on the basis of statistical data. In the course of the study, we develop a classification of tasks to ensure the implementation of state policy goals, depending on the degree of determination with the sphere of labor and social protection, creates the basis for intersectoral research on national security issues, improving current legislation and its application through the prism of constitutional guarantees in the social protection and labor law spheres. We substantiate the increasing role of social partnership, social solidarity, socially responsible business and the principle of respect for human labor as necessary conditions for the implementation of strategic plans to ensure national security for the preservation of the people of Russia and the development of human potential.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 664-681

Subject. The article discusses the consistency of accounting policies, internal control and constituents of corporate economic security. Objectives. The study determines the process of articulating the term Accounting Policy at the legislative and normative levels nationwide and worldwide. We compare our own interpretations of corporate economic security. The article traces the impact of the accounting policy on areas of internal control and corporate economic securities. Methods. The study is based on general methods of research, such as the dialectical method, methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, and semantic analysis. Results. The article shows the impact of internal and external factors, which also influence corporate economic security and translate into the formation of corporate accounting policies. Conclusions and Relevance. Economic security is an aspect that every entity pursues. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly study how clauses of accounting policies influence the aspect from perspectives of business entities. The impact of constituents of corporate accounting policies, as evaluated herein, allow to consider adverse factors and help prevent negative consequences that internal and external factors may cause to corporate economic security. The findings contribute to accounting techniques for financial management in order to ensure the economic security. They are of practical significance for business leaders and financial personnel.

2020 ◽  
pp. 120-125
Yuriy Naumov

The article proposes a new methodological approach to understanding corruption threats to economic security on a national-state scale, based on the formation of a model for the system of strategic analysis, management and prevention of risks in the sphere of socio-economic development of the state. Underestimation of diagnostics and monitoring of recognition of corruption threats to national economic security in the context of an economic crisis may negatively affect the level of life support of citizens.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 198
Arzhanova I.M. ◽  
Nemtsov Yu.A.

National-State interests of the Russian Federation are the most significant and objective political determinants of the totality of the vital needs of the population, which are aimed at the satisfaction and development of an individual, society and the State in all their areas of activity: International, military, economic, social, information, internal political, environmental. Maintaining a level of well-being of citizens, to ensuring high standards of life and health, the country's territorial integrity, its sovereignty, guaranteing citizens ' constitutional rights, stable economic development are relevant political objectives activities in Russia.

O. Bykova ◽  
Andrey Garnov ◽  
A. Shpileva ◽  
A. Chuhlebov

In the constantly changing conditions of the external environment, with the modern development of science and technology, with a high level of competition, the success of an organization's functioning lies in its timely ability to effectively respond to market demands. An enterprise's resistance to external and internal threats is determined by the level of its economic security. In other words, the economic security of an enterprise is the state of its protection from the negative influence of external and internal threats, destabilizing factors, under which the sustainable implementation of the main commercial interests and goals of the statutory activities is achieved. It is extremely important to conduct a systematic analysis of the management of the economic security of enterprises, develop effective methods for assessing the current level of security in companies and improve mechanisms for increasing economic security to improve the competitiveness of Russian business in modern market realities. The concept of economic security includes a whole range of functional components. In addition to financial security, the system of economic security includes personnel, technological, market, legal, interface, environmental, information and power components, which equally affect the well-being of the company. And only when comprehensive measures are taken to improve each functional component, a high, competitive level of economic security can be achieved. It is extremely important to understand the essence of the economic security of an enterprise, to study methodological approaches to assessing the current level of economic security and to learn how to correctly use the mechanisms to improve it.

MAZARAKI Anatolii ◽  
MELNYK Tetiana

The article analyses theoretical and conceptual approaches to define the essence of economic security.The global economic transformations are characterized in the context of the impact on the national economic security. Indicators of all economic security com­ponents are analyzed by comparing them in dynamics with the critical level and proposals for the implementation of economic policy measures which are provided to secure Ukrai­nian economic policy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (5) ◽  
Oleg A. Diegtiar ◽  
Olena A. Lutsenko ◽  
Liudmyla A. Polyvana ◽  
Tetiana A. Pushkar ◽  
Hanna A. Zhovtyak

Financial security of the insurance market significantly affects the financial, economic and social stability of society and should be included in the range of problems that are directly related to the issues of financial security of Ukraine. The main purpose of the article is to set out and solve the problem of improving methodological approaches to determining the directions of ensuring the financial security of insurance companies in Ukraine. The main functional tasks of financial security of insurance companies are identified. It has been proved that financial security is a component of economic security and a refined definition of this category has been provided. Destabilizing factors of influence on financial security of insurance companies have been identified and analyzed. A methodological approach to managing the financial security of an insurance company has been developed. A complex of proposals for the development of the insurance services market has been formed as a basis for strengthening the financial security of insurance companies. It was concluded that the insurance sector of Ukraine can actively develop provided that there is a clear theoretical and methodological justification of the toolbox, the implementation of a methodological approach to managing the financial security of the insurance company, taking into account all the problems and proposals for its continuous improvement and development in the changing conditions of the present.

Vladimir Anatolyevich Noskov

The article evaluates the world experience of post-industrial development and deindustrialization in the economies of both developed and developing countries. The significance of the crisis of the post-industrial paradigm for the development of the world economy is indicated. The importance of applying this experience in the process of import substitution and the unfolding reindustrialization in Russia. The analysis of the world experience of post-industrial development and deindustrialization of the economy, its macro-regional features is carried out in the context of maintaining and developing Russia's economic security. The author's understanding of the problems and prospects of the development of import substitution and reindustrialization processes in theworld is proposed. Import substitution is considered as part of the country's economic development and national security strategy.

I. V. Yakoviyk ◽  
A. Yu. Turenko

Economic security is an integral part of national security. As history shows, a strong economy is a prerequisite for the power of the state, its place and role in the world community. From the second half of the twentieth century economic development issues have become an integral part of the national security ideas of both the scientific community and the governments of most countries. While in some countries the emphasis is primarily on the economic power and economic sovereignty of the state, in others – on the issues related to «energy», «technological», «food» security or protection of the state from global and regional economic cataclysms, or the danger of «economic espionage».   Economic security is the foundation of national security and at the same time it is closely interconnected with its other components. Also it is the basis for ensuring its subspecies such as military, political, environmental, information and others.  The need to ensure economic security at the macro level is growing in connection with the development of globalization and integration processes in the second half of the twentieth century. Globalization and economic integration, on the one hand, threaten economic sovereignty and, on the other, create new opportunities for economic growth. In the context of economic globalization and regional integration, it is extremely important to reveal the essence of ensuring the economic security of the state. To achieve the goal of studying the economic security of the modern state, it is necessary to consider theoretical and methodological approaches to ensuring economic security. 

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