Е.Е. Ульянченко

Исследовано влияние приема прорезания средней жилки на основные качественные показатели табачного сырья. Исследования проводили на листьях основных сортотипов табака Трапезонд и Остролист по массовым ломкам. Прорезание жилки осуществляли на инновационном оборудовании экспериментальном образце линии подготовки листьев табака к сушке ЛПТС360 (ВНИИТТИ, Краснодар). Качество табачного сырья с прорезанной жилкой определяли по товарным сортам, технологическим и курительным свойствам, химическому составу по методикам лабораторного контроля ВНИИТТИ. Инновационный способ подготовки табака к сушке в едином потоке с применением технологического оборудования, включающего прорезатель, выявил положительный технологический результат. Установлена эффективность приема прорезания средней жилки: срок естественной сушки листьев с прорезанной жилкой сократился в 2,5 раза выход 1го товарного сорта сырья составил 74,60 87,93 выход волокна сырья с прорезанной жилкой превышает минимальное значение технологических норм (75) в 1,15 1,26 раз условный расход сырья на единицу курительных изделий меньше норматива на 6 25 улучшен основной показатель химического состава табачного сырья (число Шмука) в 1,6 4,6 раза у сортотипа Трапезонд, в 1,2 1,5 раза у сортотипа Остролист дегустационные свойства сырья не ухудшились. Инновационный способ подготовки листьев табака к сушке, включающий прием прорезания средней жилки, рекомендуется для применения в производстве табачного сырья. The influence of middle vein cutting method on the main quality indicators of tobacco raw materials is studied. Studies were carried out on the leaves of the main varieties of tobacco Trapezond and Ostrolist, on mass breakdowns. Vein cutting was carried out on the innovative equipment of the line of preparation of tobacco leaves for drying LPTS360 (GNU VNIITTI RAA, Krasnodar). The quality of tobacco raw materials with a cut vein was determined by commercial grades, technological and Smoking properties, chemical composition in accordance with the methods VNIITTI. An innovative method of preparing tobacco for drying in a single stream with the use of technological equipment, including a cutter, revealed a positive technological result. The period of natural drying of leaves with cut veins decreased by 2,5 times. The yield of the 1st commercial grade of raw materials was 74,60 87,93. The output of the fiber raw material with cut vein exceeds the minimum value of technological norms (75) in 1,15 1,26 times. Conditional consumption of raw materials per unit of Smoking products is less than the norm by 6 25. The method of cutting the middle vein of the leaves improves the main indicator in the chemical composition of tobacco raw materials (Schmuck ratio) 1,6 4,6 times in the variety Trapezond and 1,2 1,5 times in the variety Ostrolist. The tasting properties of raw materials have not deteriorated. Analysis of raw material quality indicators showed that the innovative method of cutting the middle vein is effective and recommended for use in the production of tobacco raw materials.


При производстве табачного сырья важную роль играет сокращение продолжительности сушки табачных листьев. Одним из способов интенсификации сушки свежеубранных табачных листьев является прием прорезания средней жилки (ПСЖ) листьев вдоль волокон. По результатам исследований 2019–2020 гг. была создана база данных табачного сырья, полученного при естественном способе сушки с применением приема ПСЖ, которая может служить информационным материалом для производителей табака. Проведена оптимизация процесса сушки табачного листа ПСЖ по показателям качества табачного сырья для расширенного диапазона сортотипов табака. Объектом исследований были сорта отечественной селекции, включенные в Государственный реестр селекционных достижений, допущенные к использованию: Самсун 85, Вирджиния 202, Юбилейный новый 142, Трапезонд 92, Трапезонд 204, Дюбек 33, Американ 287 и Крупнолистный Ильский (находится в стадии государственных испытаний). Критерием оценки эффективности применения приема ПСЖ на исследованных сортах табака являлся совокупный сравнительный анализ следующих показателей контрольных (без ПСЖ листа) и опытных образцов: уровень интенсификации сушки, показатели товарного качества, технологических свойств и химического состава полученного сырья. Установлено, что ПСЖ позволяет интенсифицировать процесс сушки в 1,3–2,46 раза в зависимости от сорта табака и положительно влияет на технологические свойства сырья, у большинства сортов увеличивается выход волокна и сохраняются объемно-упругие свойства. Динамика сушки оказывает влияние на изменение химического состава сырья. В процессе сушки за счет гидролизации солей никотина и его освобождения путем окисления кислородом воздуха уровень никотина в ряде образцов снижается в пределах 10–30%. Чем выше содержание никотина, тем выше крепость табака, грубее его вкус. Изменения углеводно-белкового соотношения в сторону повышения углеводов улучшают вкусовые характеристики сырья. По каждому исследованному сорту не удалось выявить закономерной зависимости его структуры и характера процесса сушки при ПСЖ с преобразованиями химического состава сырья. На основе анализа технологических и качественных показателей табачного сырья, представленных в разработанной базе данных по интенсификации сушки различных сортов табака с применением приема ПСЖ табачных листьев, можно планировать выбор оптимального способа сушки для каждого сорта табака, позволяющего повысить эффективность использования сырья и улучшить его качественные характеристики. In the production of tobacco raw materials, reducing the drying time of tobacco leaves plays an important role. One of the ways to intensify the drying of freshly harvested tobacco leaves is the method of cutting the middle vein (CMV) of the leaves along the fibers. Based on the results of research in 2019–2020, a database of tobacco raw materials obtained by a natural drying method using CMV reception was created, which can serve as information material for tobacco producers. The optimization of the process of drying the CMV tobacco leaf according to the quality indicators of tobacco raw materials for an expanded range of tobacco variety types was carried out. The object of research was the varieties of domestic selection included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements, approved for use: Samsun 85, Virginia 202, Yubileyny novy 142, Trapezond 92, Trapezond 204, Dubek 33, American 287 and Krupnolistnyy Ilskiy (under state testing). The criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the use of CMV intake on the studied tobacco varieties was a cumulative comparative analysis of the following indicators of control (without CMV sheet) and experimental samples: the level of drying intensification, indicators of commercial quality, technological properties and chemical composition of the obtained raw materials. It is established that CMV allows to intensify the drying process by 1,3–2,46 times, depending on the tobacco variety and has a positive effect on the technological properties of raw materials, most varieties increase the yield of fiber and retain volume-elastic properties. The dynamics of drying affects the change in the chemical composition of raw materials. During the drying process, due to the hydrolysis of nicotine salts and its release by oxidation with air oxygen, the nicotine level in a number of samples decreases within 10–30%. The higher the nicotine content, the higher the strength of tobacco, it is coarser in taste. Changes in the carbohydrate-protein ratio in the direction of increasing carbohydrates improve the taste characteristics of raw materials. For each studied variety, it was not possible to identify a regular dependence of its structure and the nature of the drying process at CMV with transformations of the chemical composition of raw materials. Based on the analysis of technological and qualitative indicators of tobacco raw materials presented in the developed database on the intensification of drying of various varieties of tobacco using the use of CMV of tobacco leaves, it is possible to plan the choice of the optimal drying method for each variety of tobacco, which allows to increase the efficiency of using raw materials and improve its quality characteristics.

Nataliia Sova ◽  
Kristina Khudaiberdiieva ◽  
Nataliia Kovalenko ◽  
Ilona Mykhnenko

Flour confectionery products occupy an important place in the diet of the population of our country, and the world and are in great demand. A significant disadvantage of this group of products is the low content of vital essential substances, such as vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, etc., and the high content of carbohydrates and lipids. Demand for these products necessitates the need to adjust the chemical composition of these foods. One of the most famous representatives of flour confectionery is cupcakes. In the recipes of cupcakes, the largest share occupies such types of refined raw materials like wheat flour, granulated sugar, fats, which cause an imbalance in their chemical composition, low nutritional value, and high caloric content. As biologically active additives of plant origin, flour from the seeds of various niche crops (flax, hemp, sesame, amaranth, etc.) can be added to the cupcake recipe. After all, this type of raw material is valuable for its composition (the content of proteins, fats, essential amino acids, and fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, etc.) and health properties. The recipe for cupcakes enriched with flour from the seeds of niche crops has been developed. The prototype for the study was chosen recipe for the cake “Stolychnyi”. Hemp, flax, pumpkin, and sesame flour were chosen as raw materials. Organoleptic, physicochemical quality indicators, nutritional, and energy value of finished products are determined. Based on the results of the organoleptic evaluation of cupcake samples, determination of their physicochemical quality indicators, comparison with the production sample, we recommended the introduction of a cupcake enriched with low-fat hemp flour. The protein content in this sample was 8.85 g/100 g, fat – 17.83 g/100 g, carbohydrates – 51.8 g/100 g, energy value – 396.85 kCal / 100 g of product. Due to the functional properties of hemp flour, the resulting product can be attributed to health products.

2018 ◽  
pp. 251-259
Aleksandra Viktorovna Nekhorosheva ◽  
Sergey Viktorovich Nekhoroshev ◽  
Aleksey Anatol'yevich Drenin ◽  
Erkin Hozhiakbirovich Botirov ◽  
Nikolay Viktorovich Gornikov ◽  

The analysis of the chemical composition of the vegetable raw materials received from leaves of an aspen ordinary, family plants Willow (Salicaceae), growing in the territory of the Khanty-Mansi autonomous district Yugra is provided in article. The choice of raw materials is caused by a large supply and fast reproducibility of a raw resource. In work numerical indicators and indicators of high quality of raw materials are established (humidity, the general ashes, sulphatic ashes, ashes not soluble in 10% to hydrochloric acid, extractive substances). The way of extraction of vegetable raw materials is reasonable, the comparative characteristic of content of extractive substances is provided in the received extracts. It is shown that the average content of extractive substances in native samples is 27.9%, the content of polysaccharides – 10.9%. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of biologically active agents is carried out by method of a highly effective liquid chromatography. The dominating components in samples of the plants growing in the territory of one land plot are салицин 510 mg of %, гиперозид 170 mg of %, routines of 210 mg of %. Influence of process of fermentation on the chemical composition of the vegetable raw materials received from leaves of an aspen ordinary is studied. The greatest exit of phenolic connections at impact on vegetable raw materials of fermentation is established by cold. The positive effect of impact of fermentation by crushing on quantity of the identified biologically active components is defined. Work was carried out for assessment of phytochemical parameters of quality of vegetable raw materials and formation of justification of analytical approaches to diagnostics of vegetable raw materials of the explored territory.

Е.Е. Ульянченко

Исследовано влияние приема прорезания средней жилки листа на качественные показатели табачного сырья. Исследования проводили на крупнолистных скелетных сортах табака Вирджиния 202, Юбилейный новый 142, Трапезонд 92. Прорезание жилки осуществляли дисковым прорезателем на инновационном оборудовании – линии подготовки листьев табака к сушке. Сушили листья с прорезанной жилкой и без прорезания в вертикальных гирляндах под навесом естественным способом. Качество табачного сырья определяли по товарным сортам и технологическим свойствам, фракционному составу резаного табака; контролировали уровень значений никотина. Контроль показателей осуществляли по методикам лабораторного контроля ВНИИТТИ (Краснодар). Применение приема прорезания средней жилки на крупнолистных сортах табака выявило положительный технологический результат. Интенсивность сушки увеличилась, сорт: Вирджиния 202 – в 1,54 раза; Юбилейный новый 142 – в 1,93 раза; Трапезонд 92 – в 1,78 раза. Срок сушки сортов составил 13–14 сут. Сырье с прорезанной жилкой незначительно – до 5–7% снизило товарную сортность. Прорезание жилки не ухудшило технологических свойств сырья: выход волокна в целом увеличился на 5% в сравнении с сырьем с не прорезанной жилкой. Объем волокна у сорта Юбилейный новый 142 составил 92,96%, сорт показал хорошую скорость влагоотдачи и наибольшую эффективность применения приема прорезания средней жилки. Прием прорезания средней жилки листа предотвратил снижение уровня значений никотина в процессе сушки у сортов Вирджиния 202 и Трапезонд 92 на 35 и 15% соответственно за счет сокращения сроков сушки. Уровень никотина в листьях табака сорта Юбилейный Новый 142 понизился на 8%. Установлено, что прием прорезания средней жилки эффективен на крупнолистных сортах табака с массивной жилкой, он интенсифицирует сушку, не ухудшает основных показателей качества, сохраняет уровень никотина в табаке и рекомендован для применения в производстве табачного сырья. The influence of the method of cutting the middle vein of the leaf on the quality indicators of tobacco raw materials is studied. Studies were conducted on large-leaved skeletal tobacco varieties Virginia202, Yubileyny Novy 142, Trapezond 92. The vein was cut with a disk cutter using innovative equipment – a line for preparing tobacco leaves for drying. Dried leaves with a cut vein and without cutting in vertical garlands under a canopy in a natural way. The quality of tobacco raw materials was determined by commodity grades and technological properties, fractional composition of cut tobacco; the level of nicotine values was controlled. Monitoring of indicators was carried out according to the methods of laboratory control of All-Russian scientific research institute of tobacco, makhorka and tobacco products (Krasnodar). The use of the method of cutting the middle vein on large-leaf tobacco varieties revealed a positive technological result. The intensity of drying increased, the variety: Virginia 202 – 1,54 times; Yubileyny Novy 142 – 1,93 times; Trapezond 92 – 1,78 times. The drying period of the varieties was 13–14 days. Raw materials with a cut-through vein slightly reduced the commodity grade to 5–7%. The cutting of the vein did not impair the technological properties of the raw material: the yield of the fiber as a whole increased by 5% in comparison with raw materials with a non-cut vein. The volume of fiber in the Yubileyny Novy 142 variety was 92,96%, the variety showed a good rate of moisture loss and the highest efficiency of using the method of cutting the middle vein. The method of cutting through the middle vein of the leaf prevented a decrease in the level of nicotine values in the process of sushi in the varieties Virginia 202 and Trapezond 92 by 35 and 15%, respectively, due to a reduction in the drying time. The level of nicotine in tobacco leaves of the Yubileyny Novy 142 variety decreased by 8%. It was found that the method of cutting the middle vein is effective on large-leaf varieties with a massive vein tobacco leaves, it intensifies drying, does not worsen the main quality indicators, preserves the level of nicotine in tobacco and is recommended for use in the production of tobacco raw materials.

I. A. Ilina ◽  
I. A. Machneva ◽  
E. S. Bakun

  The article is devoted to the study of the chemical composition, physical and thermal-pfysical characteristics of damp apple pomaces and the identifying patterns of influence of drying temperature the functional composition and gel-forming ability of pectin. The research is aimed at obtaining initial data for the subsequent calculation of the main technological, hydro-mechanical, thermal, structural and economic characteristics of devices for drying the plant raw materials, ensuring the environmental safety and high quality of pectin-containing raw materials, the reducing heat and energy costs. As a result of the study of the thermal characteristics of apple pomaces, the critical points (temperature conductivity – 16.5 x 10-8 m2/s, thermal conductivity – 0.28 W/m K, heat capacity – 1627 j/(kg K)) at a humidity of 56 % are determined, which characterizing the transition from the extraction of weakly bound moisture to the extraction of moisture with strong bonds (colloidal, adsorption). It was found that the pomaces obtained from apples of late ripening have a higher content of solids (21-23 %), soluble pectin and protopectin (2.5-4.5 %). Dried pomaces obtained from apple varieties of late ripening contain up to 25 % pectin, which allow us to recommend them as a source of raw materials for the production of pectin. The optimum modes of preliminary washing of raw materials are offered, allowing to the remove the ballast substances as much as possible. It is established that when the drying temperature increases, the destructive processes are catalyzed: the strength of the pectin jelly and the uronide component and the degree of pectin esterification are reduced. The optimum drying temperature of damp apple pomaces is 80 0C, at which the quality of pectin extracted from the dried raw materials is maintained as much as possible. It is shown that the most effective for the pectin production is a fraction with a particle size of 3-5 mm, which allow us to extract up to 71 % of pectin from raw materials.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 1411
José Luis P. Calle ◽  
Marta Ferreiro-González ◽  
Ana Ruiz-Rodríguez ◽  
Gerardo F. Barbero ◽  
José Á. Álvarez ◽  

Sherry wine vinegar is a Spanish gourmet product under Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). Before a vinegar can be labeled as Sherry vinegar, the product must meet certain requirements as established by its PDO, which, in this case, means that it has been produced following the traditional solera and criadera ageing system. The quality of the vinegar is determined by many factors such as the raw material, the acetification process or the aging system. For this reason, mainly producers, but also consumers, would benefit from the employment of effective analytical tools that allow precisely determining the origin and quality of vinegar. In the present study, a total of 48 Sherry vinegar samples manufactured from three different starting wines (Palomino Fino, Moscatel, and Pedro Ximénez wine) were analyzed by Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The spectroscopic data were combined with unsupervised exploratory techniques such as hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA), as well as other nonparametric supervised techniques, namely, support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF), for the characterization of the samples. The HCA and PCA results present a clear grouping trend of the vinegar samples according to their raw materials. SVM in combination with leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) successfully classified 100% of the samples, according to the type of wine used for their production. The RF method allowed selecting the most important variables to develop the characteristic fingerprint (“spectralprint”) of the vinegar samples according to their starting wine. Furthermore, the RF model reached 100% accuracy for both LOOCV and out-of-bag (OOB) sets.

2021 ◽  
pp. 227-237
Yu. Вerezovsky ◽  
T. Kuzmina ◽  
M. Yedynovych ◽  
G. Boyko ◽  
N. Lyalina ◽  

The article contains theoretical and experimental researches in the field of the preservation of flax raw material of high moisture content. In the article, factors that are worsening the quality of flax raw material, resulting in non-observance of agrotechnical and technological requirements of preparing, collecting, harvesting the stem material, adverse weather conditions and other factors, are considered. The objective of this paper is to study the influence of preservation agents’ concentrations and of hollow structure device on the quality of flax raw material during long-time storage. In the article, the influence of aqueous preservatives’ concentration, humidity, storage length on the quality of fibrous products, obtained as a result of processing stem material, is analyzed. The influence of the device of hollow structures, as an alternative to preservatives, on the storage process of bast crops stem material was evaluated. The method of flax retted straw storage is described, actions of the main factors influence on the strength of fibers are analyzed. It is demonstrated, that prolongation of flax raw material preservation time can be made by using preservatives without considerable wastes of quality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 510-519
M. Syvyj ◽  
B. Gavrychok

This article presents the characteristics of the resource base of building sands within the three Podillya regions, the patterns of sands distribution, and proposals for increasing the extraction of raw materials . The construction sands of Podillya are confined to the Upper Cretaceous, Neogene and Anthropogenicdeposits. The decrease of the thickness of the sandy strata of the Opilsk Neogene suite in the eastern direction was observed with the simultaneous increase in the thickness of the overlapping strata of the rocks. There is no apparent correlation between the thickness of sandy interlayers and the quality of sands. The interdependence of the chemical composition of Neogene sands and the sand size module is established.The genetic predisposition for the distribution of building sands in different parts of the Podillya territory has been established. Four groups of sand deposits of different age have been identified within the Podillya regions, which contrast sharply with single deposits in the neighbouring territories.There is a very uneven distribution of explored reserves of sandy raw materials across the region and accordingly in the provision of construction sands in the different oblasts /regions of Podillya. The areas best provided with sandy raw materials are the central districts of Ternopil region and Slavutsky district of Khmelnytsky region . Sands of the Baltic stage distributed in Vinnytsia region are mostly poor in quality, clogged with clay material and require enrichment. The further development of the mineral raw material base and the prospects for increasing the production of construction sand in the Podillya regions is associated with the increase in production at the prepared deposits, the commissioning of reserve deposits, the conducting of prospecting and exploration work in the proposed potentially exploitable areas and additional exploration of individual deposits that are exploited. The research allows us to evaluate objectively the existing base of sand raw materials for various purposes in the Podillya region and to develop on this basis measures to increase it. The importance of the study is determined by the acute shortage of the raw material in most administrative districts of Khmelnytsky and Vinnytsia regions, by the growth in the volume of construction work (and accordingly the requirements for sandy raw materials) both in Podillya and in the country.

В. В. Поздняков ◽  
Ю. В. Харченко ◽  
Л. Я. Харченко ◽  
О. В. Анцыферова

Гибриды сахарной и сверхсахарной кукурузы являются хорошим сырьем для производства функциональных пищевых продуктов, в том числе диетического и детского питания. Важными показателями высокого качества этих продуктов являются повышенное содержание белка и ценного масла, незначительное количество плохо усвояемого кукурузного крахмала и высокое содержание антиоксидантов, а также отменные вкусовые качества. В работе представлены данные по оценке антиоксидантной активности большой группы новых перспективных гибридов сверхсахарной кукурузы среднеспелой группы, созданных с целью получения ценных источников сырья для консервной промышленности. Значения показателя общей антиоксидантной активности варьировали в широком интервале значений (от 31,8 % до 60,4 %, 568,4–1008 мкг/г семян), что указывает на перспективность использования этого важного биохимического параметра в селекции сверхсахарной кукурузы на качество. Hybrids of excess sugar maize are good raw material for the production of functional food products, including baby food and diet. Important indicators of high quality of these products are high protein content and a valuable oil, a small amount of poorly digestible maize starch and a high content of antioxidants, and also excellent taste qualities. The paper presents data on the evaluation of the antioxidant activity of a large group of promising new hybrids of excess sugar maize of mid-group created in order to obtain valuable raw materials for the canning industry. Index value of total antioxidant activity varied over a wide range (from 31,8 % to 60,4 %, 568,4–1,008 mg/g of seed), which indicates on promising use of this important parameter in the breeding of biochemical excess sugar maize on quality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 714-722
Noverita Sprinse Vinolina ◽  
Antonio Marro Sipayung ◽  
Dardanila ◽  
Sondang Pintauli

This program is conducted to assist Siponjot Village while empowering the people of Siponjot Village to be able to utilize and maximize the benefit of the village forest. Village forest might support the availability of raw materials required for making musical instruments, such as high quality of wood, including how to process wood waste from making musical instruments to be used as creative souvenirs and improve the economic value. The raw material for production determined its results of the production of wood-based musical instruments. Thus, in order to produce a high quality tanginang, hasapi, and gondang, which previously began to be produced by arts crafts in the Sitangkubang area of ​​Siponjot Village, a high quality of raw materials is needed. The community service team surveyed the location of planting seeds for village forest restoration, provided socialization related to the importance of village forest cultivation and the suitability of the Siponjot Village area for the cultivation of these plants. Village forest restoration aims to maintain the beauty and beauty of the village. Implementation of village reforestation activities starting from socializing forest tourism and the strength of village forests to the community, followed by a discussion about village forest management and its economic benefits. Handover of a thousand units of forest plant seedlings given to the villagers of Siponjot as part of the forest restoration program in the area.

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