scholarly journals The Artistic picture in the sunset  garden diwan by Ghazi Abdul Rahman Al- Gosaibi: الصورة الفنية في ديوان حديقة الغروب لغازي عبد الرحمن القصيبي

Sultan Saeed Muraia Abudabeel Sultan Saeed Muraia Abudabeel

The poet "Ghazi bin Abdul Rahman Al- Gosaibi" is considered one of the figures of Saudi literature in particular, and Arab literature in general. I tried to reach in this book the literary depth, which made with Mina Al- Qusaibi broadcast his book the juice of an experience that was not a little in literature, and the same is true that the exploration of the literary depths that we discussed in this book, did not come to Al- Qusaibi that he is only a poet, but that he combined politics And literature, and this is what brings us to the beautiful literary eras, when the poet combined literature and politics, for example: to be a minister, or a prince, in the Abbasid era, for example, and a poet at the same time. When you stand with the Diwan of Sunset Garden, you can stand with Al- Qusaibi's biography, as if he wanted to summarize the stations of his life, and his lost companions, and he is fully aware that, today, he laments those who lose his comrades, and tomorrow he laments. In this research, we found out how political life played a major role in making Al- Gosaibi see things that the public did not see. Had it not been that he came out for us with a literary- political book he called "In My Humble Opinion", which is not the field of our research now, but the follower of Al- Qusaibi's production knows how much he had a view of life different from that of the ordinary human being. As for the title of the Diwan, Al- Gosaibi combined two opposites with it. It is as if he wanted to summarize great things in himself, through this title, as he came at the beginning “The Garden” and it is known to us that the garden denotes greenery and psychological comfort; As it bears a natural divine beauty, it restores calm to the human soul. As for “sunset” it indicates the end, indicates the end of the day, and comes after sunset the night, and the worries and pain that the poets endured since the pre- Islamic era. As for Al- Qusaibi: He tried to say through the title of the Diwan: His condition is like that of the owner of any house who takes care of him and makes him in the best condition, and takes care of his garden, but at the end he sits in this garden waiting for his day.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-71
Azman Ab Rahman ◽  
Zulkifli Mohamad Albakri

The Concept of Islamic criminal law incorporates particular principles such as protecting the religion i.e Islam, preserving life and the sanctity of human soul, safeguarding the soundness of mind, preserving the heredity, property and dignity. In case of Qazaf (accusation against one's chastity), the reason behind this ruling is to protect the dignity of human being from wild slander and libel. As we are in the middle of information technology era, a number of people committing crimes have distinctly increased including Qazaf involving people's life, honor, and property. Surprisingly, this kind of crime has been widely spread for no specific purpose. According to Syariah law, any person who accuses other people committing zina or sodomy must provide with four witnesses otherwise he or she shall be inflicted with hadd for committing Qazaf. The issue in this matter is that: is it a requirement for the accuser, in the absence of witnesses, to apply oath to prove his or her accusation and does the aforementioned matter applied to the accused? This article is intended to explain the concept of oath, its legal injunction and its divisions according to Islamic law. Apart from that, it would also clarify particular situations which oath is permitted to be administered as a mean of proof, in the case of Allah's right or human's right. The authors intend to elucidate the definition of Qazaf and its application, offenses under Qazaf, the mode of proof, and other issues pertaining to sodomy. The finding of this study shows that oath could be applied to deny the allegation of committing zina or sodomy if the plaintiff makes a request to the judge ordering the defendant to administer oath in the absence of witnesses. This ruling could be found in Shafi'l school of law. Nevertheless, Imam Malik and Ahmad opined that oath could only be applied when it is related to human's right such as property but not to Allah's right for instance punishment for Qazaf. It is hope that the public would gain clear picture from this writing regarding with the concept of oath and Qazaf under Islamic perspective.  Abstrak Konsep hukum jenayah yang ditetapkan dalam Islam mempunyai beberapa konsep tertentu iaitu menjaga nyawa dan kehormatan jiwa manusia, menjaga kewarasan akal, menjaga agama, menjaga keturunan dan zuriat serta menjaga harta benda. Begitu juga hukuman Qazaf, ia ditetapkan di dalam Islam berdasarkan kepada konsep untuk menjaga kehormatan jiwa manusia dan menjaga maruah seseorang. Pada zaman sains dan teknologi masa kini, kita dapat melihat dan sering mendengar pelbagai jenayah yang dilakukan  oleh  manusia  sama  ada yang melibatkan nyawa, maruah, harta benda dan sebagainya. Jenayah Qazaf merupakan jenayah yang semakin berleluasa pada masa kini yang dilakukan sama ada mempunyai tujuan yang tertentu atau sebaliknya. Mereka yang melakukan qazaf hendaklah mempunyai saksi bagi mensabitkan orang yang didakwa atau dituduh. Namun, apa yang berlaku sekarang ini, kebanyakan mereka yang melakukan jenayah qazaf tidak mempunyai saksi bagi mensabitkan kesalahan orang yang didakwa. Timbul persoalan, adakah orang yang melakukan kesalahan qazaf yang tidak mempunyai saksi perlu bersumpah ataupun orang yang didakwa dikehendaki bersumpah. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep sumpah, pensyariatannya dan pembahagiannya dalam Islam. Di samping itu, artikel ini akan menerangkan situasi- situasi tertentu yang mengharuskan sumpah dipakai sebagai kaedah pembuktian, sama ada yang melibatkan hak Allah ataupun hak manusia. Penulis juga akan menjelaskan pengertian qazaf, jenis-jenis kesalahan qazaf dan pengsabitan kesalahan qazaf serta isu yang melibatkan tuduhan melakukan liwat. Hasil daripada artikel ini penulis mendapati dalam mazhab Shafie sumpah boleh digunakan untuk menafikan tuduhan liwat ataupun zina jika pendakwa memohon daripada hakim supaya yang didakwa bersumpah disebabkan ketiadaan saksi. Walau bagaimanapun Imam Malik dan Ahmad berpendapat sebaliknya iaitu sumpah hanya boleh dilakukan apabila melibatkan hak manusia seperti mal, manakala hak Allah seperti hadd Qazaf tidak boleh dilakukan sumpah. Diharapkan artikel ini dapat memberikan gambaran dan pendedahan sebenar kepada masyarakat tentang konsep sumpah dan jenayah qazaf menurut perspektif Islam.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 35
Najmi Faza

Abstrak:Krisis akhklak masih menjadi persoalan serius bangsa ini. Berbagai berita, baik yang dirilis media cetak maupun Elektronik, mewartakan semakin merosotnya moralitas anak bangsa. Itu bisa kita lihat dengan maraknya perkelahian atau tawuran entah antar manusiawi, maupun antar mahasiswa, seperti sudah membudaya, dan intensitasnya cukup tinggi. Dan tidak hanya pendidikan akhlak anak saja yang di perhatikan oleh imam Al-Ghazali melainkan pendidikan guru juga sangat diperhatikan oleh imam Al- Ghazali sehingga seorang guru pun harus menjadi contoh yang baik pada anak-anaknya. Dan agar guru tidak asal mendidik peserta didiknya dengan cara asal-asalan atau cara yang salah, yakni dalam pemberian sanksi atau hukuman lainnya. Salah satu komponen pendidikan yang mempunyai peran signifikan dalam dunia pendidikan adalah guru. Bagiamana konsep pendidikan akhalak menurut Imam Al-Ghazali dalam pembentukan akhlak yang positif bagi peserta didik? Usaha secara sungguh-sungguh dan berkelanjutan dalam mendorong jiwa masnuia untuk berakhlakul karimah, sehingga terbentuklah Akhlakaul karimah pada diri manusia tersebut. Tugas-tugas seorang peserta didik untuk membentuk akhlak yang positif, Mendahulukan kescuian jiwa dari akhlak yang hina dan sifat-sifat yang tercela. Karena ilmu adalah ibdahnya hati, shalatnya sir dan pendekatan batin kepada allah Ta’ala. belas kasih kepada orang-orang yang belajar dan memperlakukan mereka seperti memperlakukan anak-anaknya. segala sesuatu yang menjadi milikmu sebelum mati adalah masuk duniamu, kecuali ilmu, menjadi milikmu sebelum mati adalah masuk duniamu, kecuali ilmu, dan apa yang ada diatasnya.Abstract:The moral crisis is still a serious problem for this nation. Various news, both published in print and electronic media, proclaim the declining morality of the nation's children. We can see that by the rise of fights or brawls, whether between humans or between students, as if it has become a culture, and the intensity is quite high. And it is not only the moral education of children that is noticed by Imam Al-Ghazali but teacher education is also very much considered by Imam Al-Ghazali so that a teacher must also be a good example to his children. And so that teachers do not just educate their students in a perfunctory way or the wrong way, namely in giving sanctions or other punishments. One component of education that has a significant role in the world of education is the teacher. How is the concept of moral education according to Imam Al-Ghazali in the formation of positive morals for students? A serious and sustainable effort in encouraging the human soul to have good character, so that morality is formed in the human being. The duties of a student are to form positive morals, prioritize the purity of the soul from low morals and despicable traits. Because knowledge is the worship of the heart, the prayer sir and the inner approach to Allah Ta'ala. compassion for those who study and treat them as they would their children. Everything that belongs to you before death enters your world, except knowledge, what belongs to you before death is entered into your world, except knowledge and what is above it.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (10) ◽  
pp. 1800-1816
G.B. Kozyreva ◽  
T.V. Morozova ◽  
R.V. Belaya

Subject. The article provides considerations on the formation and development of a successful person model in the modern Russian society. Objectives. The study is an attempt to model a successful person in the Russian society, when the ideological subsystem of the institutional matrix is changing. Methods. The study relies upon the theory of institutional matrices by S. Kirdina, theories of human and social capital. We focus on the assumption viewing a person as a carrier of social capital, which conveys a success, socio-economic position, social status, civic activism, doing good to your family and the public, confidence in people and association with your region. The empirical framework comprises data of the sociological survey of the Russian population in 2018. The data were processed through the factor analysis. Results. We devised a model of a successful person in today's Russian society, which reveals that a success, first of all, depends on the economic wellbeing and has little relation to civic activism. The potential involvement (intention, possibility, preparedness) in the social and political life significantly dominates the real engagement of people. The success has a frail correlation with constituents of the social capital, such as confidence in people and doing good to the public. Conclusions and Relevance. Based on the socio-economic wellbeing, that is consumption, the existing model of a successful person proves to be ineffective. The sustainability of socio-economic wellbeing seriously contributes to the social disparity of opportunities, which drive a contemporary Russian to a success in life.

Journalism ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 146488492095858
Leena Ripatti-Torniainen

This article provides an alternative contribution to journalism studies on a foundational concept by analysing texts of Jane Addams, a public intellectual contemporary with the seminal scholars Walter Lippmann and John Dewey. The author uses methods of intellectual history to construct the concept of the public from Addams’s books: Democracy and Social Ethics and The Newer Ideals of Peace, showing that all three authors, Lippmann, Dewey and Addams, discuss the same topic of individuals’ changed engagement with public political life. Addams departs from Lippmann and Dewey in setting out from the standpoints of exclusion and cosmopolitanism. Her argument regarding the public, as constructed by the author, consists of two premises. First, public engagement is a method of democratic inclusion as well as social and political inquiry for Addams. She sees the extension of relationality across social divisions as a necessary method to understand society and materialise democracy. Second, Addams emphasises cooperative and reflexive involvement especially in the characteristic developments of a time. She considers industrialisation and cosmopolitanism as characteristic developments of her own era. Addams suggests an in-principle cosmopolitan concept of the public that includes marginalised persons and groups. Compared to Lippmann’s and Dewey’s accounts of the public, Jane Addams’s argument is more radical and far more sensitive to the social inequality and plurality of a drastically morphing society.

1892 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-55

I will commence by stating that three reasons have moved me to bring this subject before the Society—(1) Because I found everywhere loose and even altogether false ideas possessing the public mind on the subject; (2) because I much fear that we, the academical teachers of the Greek language, are chiefly to blame for the currency of these false ideas; and (3) because, if Greek is a living and uncorrupted language, and dominating large districts of Europe and the Mediterranean, as influentially as French on the banks of the Seine and German on the Rhine, it follows that a radical reform must take place in our received methods of teaching this noble and most useful language. Now that the current language of the Greeks in Athens and elsewhere is not, in any sense, a new or a corrupt language, as Italian is a melodious and French a glittering corruption of Latin, may be gathered even a priori; for languages are slow to die, and the time that elapsed from the taking of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453 and the establishment of the Venetian power in the Morea in 1204, to the resurrection of Greek political life in 1822, was not long enough to cause such a fusion of contrary elements as produced the English language from the permanent occupation of the British Isles by the Normans.

Ekta Sharma

The Presented summary paper target is to draw the attention of the public to the benefits of Environment and how we are connected to the Environment. To show that if there’s any change in the Environmental conditions, then how the conditions change in human beings lives. Living Being, whether a Human Being or Animals or plants,  are all directly or indirectly Dependent on the Environment for their Survival. When asked truly it can be said that none of the living being can survive without the presence of Environment. It is difficult to find absolutely natural environments, and it is common that the naturalness varies in a continuum, from ideally 100% natural in one extreme to 0% natural in the other. More precisely, we can consider the different aspects or components of an environment, and see that their degree of naturalness is not uniform.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-100
Lydia Hazanah ◽  
Wiryo Setiana ◽  
Dyah Rahmi Astuti

Perum Perhutani Divisi Regional Jawa Barat dan Banten merupakan perusahaan atau instansi yang melaksanakan Human Relations melalui kegiatan informal, kegiatan informal tersebut dilakukan oleh Unit Seksi Humas dan Protokoler pada Bidang Ekspert Madya Komunikasi dan Pelaporan. Peneliti tertarik melakukan penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk menetahui bagaimana gambaran impelementasi Human Relations melalui kegiatan informal di Perum Perhutani. Paradigma yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah konstruktivisme yang bertujuan untuk memaknai makna-makna yang diungkapkan informan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk memahami fenomena yang dialami oleh subjek penelitian secara utuh. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus, karena penulis ingin mengetahi aspek “how” dan “why”yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik setiap manusia dengan cara berinteraksi secara langsung dan mendalam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi Human Relations melalui kegiatan informal tersebut menggunakan konsep POAC yaitu perencanaan (Planning), pengorganisasian (Organizing), pelaksanaan (Actuating), dan pengawasan (Controling), sehingga dalam kegiatan informal di Perum Perhutani menerapkan atau mengimplementasi Human Relations melalui kegiatan informal tersebut dengan sebaik mungkin. Implementasi yang tercipta di Perum Perhutani dapat menciptakan kenyamanan, merasa dihargai dalam melaksanakan setiap pekerjaan, sehingga dapat dipahami pula bahwa implementasi Human Relations melalui kegiatan informal di Perum Perhutani telah dilaksanakan dengan baik sehingga dapat menciptakan serta meningkatan produktivitas dalam bekerja. Perum Perhutani Regional Division of West Java and Banten is a company or agency that carries out Human Relations through informal activities, informal activities are carred out by the Public Relations and protocol section unit in the field of experts in intermediate communication and reporting. Researchers are interested in doing this research with the aim to find out how the descripyion of Human Relations implementation through informal activities in Perhutani Public Division West Java and Banten Regional Division through the concept of POAC from planning, organizing, implementing to monitoring (controlling) the activity. The paradigm used in this study is contructivism which aims to interpret the meanings expressed by informants. The approach used is a qualitative approach that aims to understand the phenomenon experienced by the research subject in its entirety. The method used in this study is a case study, because the author wants to know the “how” and “why” aspects that aim to find out the caracteristics of each human being by interacting directly and deeply. Based on the results of the study showed that the implementation of Human Relations throught informal activities using the consept of POAC namely planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling, so that in informal activities in the Perhutani public corporate to implement Human Relations throught informal activites as well as possibl. The implementation created in Perum Perhutani can create comfort, feel valued in carrying out every job, so that it can be understood also that the implementation of Human Relations throught informal activites in Perum Perhutani has been carried out properly so as to create and improve productivity in work. 

Therese Scarpelli Cory

This chapter explores the fundamental vision of the human being at the core of Aquinas’ anthropology. Aquinas has typically been construed as defending a fundamentally ‘Aristotelian’ vision of the human being. I show that this label has generated a skewed reading of Aquinas. Accordingly, this chapter does not lay claim to identify what it would take for an anthropology to be authentically ‘Thomistic’. Instead, it makes a proposal concerning what I argue is the ‘guiding vision’ of Aquinas’ anthropology: namely the ‘distinctive unity of the human’. Aquinas prioritizes this notion of distinctive unity in the different areas of his anthropology. I explore how this distinctive unity is expressed (a) in Aquinas’ account of the human soul as the ‘horizon’ of the bodily and spiritual worlds, and (b) in his definition of the human being as ‘rational animal’.

2018 ◽  
pp. 8-15
Іvan Pobochiy

The level of social harmony in society and the development of democracy depends to a large extent on the level of development of parties, their ideological and political orientation, methods and means of action. The purpose of the article is to study the party system of Ukraine and directions of its development, which is extremely complex and controversial. The methods. The research has led to the use of such scientific search methods as a system that allowed the party system of Ukraine to be considered as a holistic organism, and the historical and political method proved to be very effective in analyzing the historical preconditions and peculiarities of the formation of the party system. The results. The incompetent, colonial past and the associated cruel national oppression, terror, famine, and violent Russification caused the contradictory and dramatic nature of modernization, the actual absence of social groups and their leaders interested in it, and the relatively passive reaction of society to the challenges of history. Officials have been nominated by mafia clans, who were supposed to protect their interests and pursue their policies. Political struggle in the state took place not between influential political parties, but between territorial-regional clans. The party system of Ukraine after the Maidan and the beginning of the war on the Donbass were undergoing significant changes. On the political scene, new parties emerged in the course of the protests and after their completion — «Petro Poroshenko Bloc», «People’s Front», «Self-help»), which to some extent became spokespeople for not regional, but national interests. Pro-European direction is the main feature of the leading political parties that have formed a coalition in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Conclusion. The party system of Ukraine as a result of social processes is at the beginning of a new stage in its development, an important feature of which is the increase in the influence of society (direct and indirect) on the political life of the state. Obviously, there is a demand from the public for the emergence of new politicians, new leaders and new political forces that citizens would like to see first and foremost speakers and defenders of their interests.

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