scholarly journals Pembentukan Karakter Santri Melalui Panca Jiwa Pondok Pesantren

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-143
Shalahudin Ismail ◽  
Mamun Zahrudin ◽  
Nurwadjah Ahmad ◽  
Andewi Suhartini ◽  

This study aims to examine the character building of students through the five souls of the boarding school in Darul Muttaqien Parung, Bogor. The method used is descriptive method, namely to describe and describe phenomena that exist in the field in the form of scientific phenomena. The results showed that the formation of the character of the students in the Darul Muttaqien Parung Islamic boarding school, Bogor was based on the Panca Jiwa Pondok. “Panca means five, jiwa means spirit, pondok means institution of pesantren.” The five spirits of the pesantren, namely sincerity, simplicity, independence, ukhuwwah islāmiyyah and freedom. So that as part of an integrated educational process, every individual who shares the task of achieving the vision and mission of the Darul Muttaqien Islamic boarding school is required to be able to understand the values of the five souls of the pondok as a value that is used as a foothold in organizations both as educators and as other supporters.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-99
Deti Rostini ◽  
Atabik Zuhdi ◽  
Vidia Lantari Ayundhari

Character education in Islam has existed since Prophet Muhammad’s period. “Pesantren” or Islamic boarding school is a place of character building in obedience to “Kaffah” Islamic teachings. The character education in schools here means, a process of building good character or Akhlakul Karimah by presenting education model of pesantren but realized in formal institutions. It is deemed as solution for children who do hesitate to have boarding school education because of several reasons. This study aims to describe the implementation of character education management in senior high schools around boarding schools environment located in Banyumas, Central Java. The approach used in this research is a qualitative with descriptive method. The character education in Banyumas has implemented four modern management functions in a proportional way by upholding the tutor role of Pesantren.. The cooperation has been running simultaneously and run conventionally, while still adhering the management principles even need a various ongoing renewal efforts.  

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Arip Hidayatulloh ◽  
Herman Herman ◽  
Asep Iwan Setiawan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran pondok pesantren At Taubah di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas II B Cianjur mengenai pembinaan Akhlak Narapidana. Dengan memahami perencanaan program dan pelaksanaan pembinaan akhlak narapidana. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Peran pesantren At Taubah yang berada di LAPAS Klas II B Cianjur dalam membina akhlak narapidana yaitu memberikan sumbangsih besar terhadap pembinaan yang secara umum merupakan tugas dari Lembaga Pemasyarakatan. Hal ini terlihat dari kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh pesantren yang begitu terorganisir.   This study aims to determine the role of the At Taubah Islamic boarding school in Cianjur Class II B Correctional Institution regarding the Moral Guidance of Prisoners. By understanding program planning and the implementation of moral guidance for prisoners. This research uses a descriptive method. The results showed that the role of the At Taubah Islamic Boarding School in the Class II B Classroom in Cianjur in building up the morals of prisoners is to contribute greatly to coaching which is generally the task of the Penitentiary. This can be seen from the activities carried out by pesantren that are so organized.

Svitlana Dovbenko

Polycultural education is considered as a process of creating conditions forschoolchildren to develop a worldview setting for constructive cooperation by engaging in ethnic, native and world cultures, developing planetary consciousness on this basis, forming readiness and ability to live in a multinational society. The process of education of tolerance in schoolchildren a multicultural educational environment is considered in three aspects: acquiring a particular philosophy of tolerance as a value; culture of tolerant consciousness; attitude to the appropriate reality that is embodied in real behaviour. The conditions for the efficiency of education of tolerance in schoolchildren in the context of a multicultural society are: multicultural content of the educational process; organization of a tolerant environment that ensures tolerant interaction between the subjects of the educational process; the use of interactive, personalityoriented, reflexive and dialogic technologies, which are aimed to develop the tolerant qualities of schoolchildren; developed tolerant qualities of the teacher’s personality and his/her competence in the issue of education of tolerance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-43
Fitri Purwaningtias ◽  
Usman Ependi

Website saat ini telah digunakan diberbagai jenis instansi termasuk instansi pendidikan seperti Pondok Pesantren Qodratullah. Saat ini website Pondok Pesantren Qodratullah menjadi tulang punggung dalam penyebaran informasi terkain pondok pesantren kepada wali santri, alumni, calon santri dan masyarakat luas. Mengingat pentingnya website bagi Pondok Pesantren Qodratullah maka perlu untuk dilakukan evaluasi apakah informasi yang diberikan dan website yang ada telah memiliki nilai kebergunaan bagi pengguna atau tidak. Untuk itu di dalam penelitian ini dilakukan evaluasi untuk melihat perspektif pengguna terhadap website. Prose evaluasi dilakukan dengan system usability scale dengan sepuluh instrumen sebagai pernyataan evaluasi. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa website Pondok Pesantren Qodratullah mendapatkan nilai akhir 88. Nilai 88 berarti website Pondok Pesantren Qodratullah mendapatkan adjective rating yang excellence, grade scale tergolong kelompok B dan tingkat acceptability termasuk acceptable. The website is currently used in various types of institutions including educational institutions such as Qodratullah Islamic Boarding School. Currently the Qodratullah Islamic Boarding School website is the backbone in the dissemination of information about Islamic boarding schools to the guardians of students, alumni, prospective students and the wider community. Considering the importance of the website for the Qodratullah Islamic Boarding School, it is necessary to evaluate whether the information provided, and the existing website have a useful value for the user or not. For this reason, in this study an evaluation was conducted to see the user's perspective on the website. The evaluation process is carried out with a system usability scale with ten instruments as evaluation statements. Evaluation results show that the Qodratullah Islamic Boarding School website gets a final score of 88. A value of 88 means that the Qodratullah Islamic Boarding School website gets an adjective rating that excellence, grade scale belongs to group B and the level of acceptability is acceptable

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
Nurul Husniyati Listyana

The  aim  of this study is to analyze the index Location Quotient  of  ginger, kencur,  turmeric  and  galangal;  to  analyze  the  value  of  the  growth  component  of ginger, kencur, turmeric and galangal; to analyze the types of medicinal plants is a priority for development in Central Java. This research uses descriptive method with secondary data sources coming from the  Badan Pusat Statistik. In this study analyzed the  competitiveness  of  the  four  regions,  namely  medicinal  plant  ginger,  kencur, turmeric and galangal. The results showed Ginger has LQ <1 while kencur, turmeric and  galangal  has  LQ>  1.  Ginger  has  a  value  component  of  positive  growth  while kencur,  turmeric  and  galangal  has  a  negative  value.  Ginger  has  a  value  of  share growth  component  negative  territory  while  kencur,  turmeric  and  galangal  has  a positive  value.  Kencur,  turmeric  and  galangal  is  a  commodity  that  is  becoming  a priority for development in Central Java Province.

Ibrahim Youssef Yousef

The aim of the study was to identify the perceived factors of the students of the Faculty of Education at King Faisal University with information technology and its impact on the reality of their use of the "Twitter" in the educational process. To achieve this, follow the analytical descriptive method, and use the questionnaire as a tool to collect field data, On the model Acceptance Model Technology (TAM), in proportion to the characteristics of the study community, and was distributed after verifying its validity and stability statistically; a simple random sample of the students of the Faculty of Education at King Faisal University numbered 240 students, The most important results of the study were as follows: The level of students' awareness of the factors of their dealing with information technology and their use of the Twitter code in the educational process was high with an average score of (5.00) Of factors in their degree of use of the Twitter code in the educational process. The communication factor has had the greatest impact on students 'use of Twitter in the educational process. There is no difference in the level of students' perception of the perceived factors and the degree to which they use the code in the educational process according to gender, with the exception of one factor which is the trend factor towards the use of technology. The study concluded a number of recommendations, including: Promoting the culture of optimal recruitment of the means of social communication in the educational process, and considering it as a technique of education techniques, and promoting the proficiency of its use by the employees of the academic university and students.

Fajar Defitrika ◽  
Fitri Nur Mahmudah

The industrial era 4.0 requires that every individual must have superior competence and wise morals. Life skill education is an effective strategy to face the XXI century competition. However, there has been no development in line with the demands, resulting in much unemployment in Indonesia. Character education is encouraged to maintain and strengthen the culture and character of the nation. However, in reality, character education has not yet integrated into all school-based development programs. This research explores the development of character education based on life skill education at Pondok Pesantren Modern Muhammadiyah Boarding School (PPM MBS) Yogyakarta. This qualitative research uses an ethnographic approach.  Researchers' data is through the interview, observation, and documentation techniques—data analysis process with data reduction stages, data presentation, and conclusion. Triangulation sources and techniques used as a test of data validity. This study's findings show the strengthening of character education through life skills education orienting on self-development and boarding schools' cultural development. This study's findings recommend various life skill education programs that can develop and character education strategies in formal schools.

Joko Paminto ◽  
Tina Rosiana ◽  
Budiyono Budiyono ◽  
Heri Triluqman Budisantoso

The existence of formal schools under Pesantren (traditional Islamic education) foundation is interesting, because they have unique characters comparing to other schools in general, whereas each Pesantren has its own peculiarity. One of them is Senior High School of Selamat Modern Pesantren, Kendal. This article describes the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in that school based on qualitative research in 2017. The research result indicated that the implementation of Curriculum 2013 established an integrated curriculum from national Curriculum 2013, learning materials from Ministry of Religious affair and unique vision of the modern Selamat Pesantren itself. So there was a combination between the Curriculum 2013, the materials form Ministry of Religious affair which is more Islamic in nature and the programs from boarding system that enrich the student character building and knowledge. Moreover, in this research teachers are central regarding to their position as student’s facilitator and companion, particularly those who actively accompany the dormitory activities. Abstrak Keberadaan sekolah-sekolah formal di bawah naungan yayasan pesantren menarik untuk dikaji, karena pasti memiliki kekhasan tersendiri dibanding sekolahsekolah lain pada umumnya. Terlebih tiap pesantren memiliki kekhasan masingmasing. Salah satu modelnya adalah di Sekolah Menengah Atas Pondok Modern Selamat, Kendal. Artikel ini menggambarkan implementasi Kurikulum 2013 di sekolah tersebut didasarkan pada penelitian berpendekatan kualitatif yang telah dilaksanakan pada 2017. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa implementasi Kurikulum 2013 di SMA Unggulan Pondok Modern Selamat, Kendal, menunjukkan karakteristik unik berupa kurikulum yang terpadu antara kurikulum nasional, muatan materi dari Kementerian Agama (Kemenag), dan visi khas dari yayasan pondok pesantren Selamat. Dengan demikian terdapat kombinasi antara orientasi Kurikulum 2013 yang bersifat umum, materi dari Kemenag yang berorientasi memberi bekal ilmu-ilmu keislaman, dan ditunjang oleh program di asrama yang memperkaya pembentukan karakter siswa dan pengayaan penguasaan pengetahuan siswa. Lebih lanjut, guru perannya sangat sentral dalam implementasi kurikulum yang terpadu di sekolah ini karena diposisikan sebagai pendamping siswa, terutama guru-guru yang juga aktif mendampingi kegiatan asrama. Keywords:  Boarding school; curriculum implementation; curriculum evaluation; curriculum plan; national curriculum

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Muhammad Abror Rosyidin

However, along with the times, pesantren have not only opened religious-based schools, but also public schools that provide general knowledge (natural, social, and language) to their students. Educational formalities in pesantren were also proposed so that pesantren alumni could continue their education to public schools. There are three main problems in this paper by reconstructing the pesantren education system, as follows; (1) the relationship between pesantren and the outside world, (2) the relationship between pesantren and science and technology, and (3) the epistemology of Islamic Science in Pesantren Sains (Trensains).�The qualitative�descriptive method is the choice in this study. This research is a qualitative field study with case studies. In order to obtain comprehensive data and pay attention to the relationship between the data and the focus and objectives of the research, data collection in this study used three techniques, namely (1) interviews, (2) participant observation: (3) research documentation. Research activities in data analysis include data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. From this research, it can be found that the interaction of science and technology with science cannot be denied. So pesantren must be prepared to deal with it. There are several Islamic boarding schools that have interacted with science and technology, both of which have greatly influenced the style of education, one of which is the Tebuireng Science Boarding School (Trensains). Santri are invited to study religion (Qur'an) as well as to study the verses of Kauniyah contained in it.Keywords: Interaction, Pesantren, Science, Technology

Muhammad Anas Ma`arif ◽  
Ibnu Rusydi

AbstractThe purpose of this study was to describe and analize the implementation of holistic education in Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School which is exploring in the terms of educational objectives, curriculum, learning methods, educators and evaluation. This study was uses qualitative approach research with the type of case study. That was describing and analyzing the implementation of holistic education in the Amanatul Islamic Boarding School. Implementation of holistic education in the Amanatul Ummah boarding school were carried out in a strict, responsible and disciplined manner while carrying out all things. The whole educational process from several elements includes: 1) Educational Objectives: the purpose of education in general is to form a whole human being with moral character while specifically covering. Becoming a cleric, a conglomerate, the nation's leader, and be a professional in every fields. 2) curriculum that implemented by using an integrative curriculum between the national curriculum and the standard of Al-Azhar Egypt’s curriculum. 3) Educators are demanded to be professional and has excellent personalities for being a role of models for santri. 4), the methods that applied was various, including traditional methods and contemporary methods. 5). Evaluation: the evaluation was carried out every week, monthly, semester, and yearly. All educational elements are evaluated to realize the Islamic Boarding School's vision and mission. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis implementasi pendidikan holistik pesantren Amanatul Ummah yang dieksplorasi dari segi tujuan pendidikan, kurikulum, metode pembelajaran, pendidik dan evaluasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus, yaitu mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis implementasi pendidikan holistik di Pesantren Amanatul Ummah Mojokerto. Hasil penelitian Implementasi pendidikan holistik di pesantren Amanatul Ummah Mojokerto dilaksanakan dengan ketat, bertanggung jawab dan disiplin dalam melaksanakan segala hal. Penerapan proses pendidikan secara utuh dari beberapa elemen meliputi: 1). Tujuan pendidikan secara umum adalah membentuk manusia utuh yang berakhlakul karimah sedangkan secara khusus meliputi. Menjadi ulama`, menjadi konglomerat, menjadikan pemimpin bangsa, menjadi profesional di bidangnya. 2) kurikulum yang diimplementasikan menggunakan kurikulum integratif antara kurikulum nasional dengan kurikulum muadalah berstandar Al-Azhar Mesir. 3) Pendidik dituntut untuk profesional dan memiliki kepribadian yang mantap agar menjadi teladan bagi santri. 4), metode yang diterapkan bervariasi meliputi metode tradisional dan metode kontemporer. 5). Evaluasi: pelaksanaan evaluasi dilakukan setiap mingguan, bulanan, per semester, dan tahunan. Semua elemen pendidikan dievaluasi untuk mewujudkan visi-misi pesantren.

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