scholarly journals Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah Tentang Prioritas Penggunaan Dana Desa di Desa Talaga Paca Dan Wangongira, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 120-130
Richard Djiko ◽  
Bagus Subardi

This study aims to determine how the implementation of government policies regarding the priority of the use of village funds for community empowerment and village development activities in the villages of Telaga Paca and Wangongira, North Halmahera district. This study use descriptive qualitative approach. Source of data used in this study uses primary and secondary data. And the results of the study can be concluded that what is mandated by the law is not in line with what is the reality in the field, whether it is development activities and community empowerment, because the village has village autonomy so that each village has the right to regulate and manage its own household according to the needs of the village

Ruth Likubua ◽  
Nur Fitra ◽  
Ahmad Saleh

The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the role of the Village Community Empowerment Institution (LPMK) in accommodating and channeling community aspirations in development in Mamasa Village, Mamasa Regency and the role of the Village Community Empowerment Institution (LPMK) in increasing community participation in development in Mamasa Village, Mamasa Regency. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. The results of the study indicate that the role of LPMK in accommodating and channeling community aspirations has not been maximized. LPMK does not schedule the right time to hold a meeting with each head of the environment, so it is not effective in conveying the aspirations of each head of the environment to LPMK.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 425
Nurul Fatika ◽  
Wida Yanti ◽  
Adina Riska Anindita ◽  
Santoso Tri Raharjo

Rumusan kebijakan yang mengatur penerimaan disabilitas dalam dunia kerja menjadi peluang dan akses, sekaligus menjadi sumber kekuatan bagi kaum disabilitas untuk menjadikan dirinya sebagai individu yang mandiri dan berdaya yang mampu menjalankan keberfungsian sosialnya. Kebijakan tersebut semestinya menjamin orang yang hidup dengan disabilitas (ODD) memperoleh hak yang sama memperoleh pekerjaan. Deskripsi mengenai bagaimana kondisi iklim kerja di Indonesia saat ini bagi orang dengan disabilitas, serta bagaimana mengoptimalisasi  iklim kerja inklusif merupakan bagian dari tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan sebagai entitas bisnis. Pendekatan kualitatif dengan kajian pustaka dan data sekunder digunakan dalam mangkaji riset ini. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa penerapan kebijakan pemerintah terkait hak disabilitas untuk bekerja belum dilaksanakan secara optimal dan sungguh-sungguh oleh berbagai perusahaan di Indonesia. Padahal program CSR yang awal bersifat bisnis etis, saat ini merupakan kewajiban yang harus dilaksanakan oleh perusahaan yang mampu. Setidaknya, sebagai bagian dari CSR internal, sudah seharusnya perusahaan dapat menjamin pemenuhan hak dan kebutuhan bagi karyawan penyandang disabilitas di tempat kerjanya. The formulation of policies governing the acceptance of disability in the world of work becomes an opportunity and access, as well as a source of strength for people with disabilities to make themselves as independent and empowered individuals who are able to carry out social functioning. The policy should ensure that people living with disabilities (ODD) have the same rights to work. Descriptions of how the current working climate in Indonesia is for people with disabilities, and how to optimize the inclusive work climate is part of corporate social responsibility as a business entity. A qualitative approach with literature review and secondary data is used in this research study. The results show that the application of government policies related to the right to disability has not been implemented optimally and seriously by various companies in Indonesia. Whereas the initial CSR program was ethical business, now it is an obligation that must be carried out by a capable company. At least, as part of internal CSR, companies should be able to guarantee the fulfillment of the rights and needs of employees with disabilities in their workplaces.

Ni Putu Januaryanti Pande

Article 4 letter C the Laws no 8 of 1999 about Consumer Protection states that consumers have the right of correct, clear and truthful information about the condition and the guarantee of goods and/or services. Without distribution license from BPPOM meaning there is no guarantee that thise cosmetics are safe to use . The decision of the head of the BPOM of Republic of Indonesia no HK. about cosmetics, also regulate the distribution of imported cosmetics that are not registered to be against the regulation of Article 2 letter c and Article 10 (1). But the facts in the field the implementation of the regulations of registering the imported cosmetic products are still met to n ot be according to the regulation of the laws. The primary data of this research is obtained through field research in the way of interviewing some informants and respondents. The secondary data in this research is obtained through the literature of the primary, secondary and thirdly legal materials,  according to the problems that will be discussed.  The data that has been collected whether from field's research or literature that has been treated with qualitative approach. From the research above, can be taken the conclusion that the implementation of the protection of the law to the consumers that suffer the loss from imported cosmetics that has not been registered is not implemented effectively. Other factors that influence the implementation of labelling Indonesian language on the packaging of the product is from the consumer's and the producer's awareness and also the obstacle of the related goverment's performance. Pasal 4 huruf c Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen menyatakan bahwa konsumen berhak atas informasi yang benar, jelas dan jujur mengenai kondisi dan jaminan barang dan/atau jasa. Tanpa ada izin edar dari BBPOM maka tidak ada jaminan bahwa kosmetik tersebut aman untuk digunakan. Keputusan Kepala BPOM Republik Indonesia nomor HK. tentang kosmetik, juga mengatur  peredaran kosmetik impor yang tidak terdaftar melanggar ketentuan Pasal 2 huruf c dan Pasal 10 ayat (1). Namun faktanya di lapangan penerapan ketentuan pendaftaran produk kosmetik impor masih banyak dijumpai tidak mematuhi aturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni penelitian hukum empiris yang mengkaji kesenjangan antara ketentuan peraturan pendaftaran kosmetik impor di BBPOM dengan pelaksanaannya di lapangan. Data primer dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui penelitian lapangan yaitu dengan cara melakukan wawancara langsung ke beberapa informan dan responden yang terkait. Data sekunder dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui penelitian kepustakaan terhadap bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tertier sesuai permasalahan yang akan dibahas. Data yang telah dikumpulkan baik dari penelitian lapangan maupun kepustakaan di olah dengan pendekatan  kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut diatas, dapat diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa implementasi perlindungan hukum terhadap konsumen yang menderita kerugian akibat kosmetik impor yang tidak terdaftar belum efektif diterapkan. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi pencantuman label berbahasa Indonesia pada kemasan produk kosmetik impor adalah  dari kesadaran konsumen, produsen dan adanya hambatan kinerja pemerintah terkait.

Jurnal Niara ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Andriana Andriana ◽  
Abdul Mahsyar

abstract Community institutionalization in empowering the household community of poor farmers in Kapita Village, Bangkala District, Jeneponto Regency, in the implementation, there are still many obstacles that have not run optimally.The purpose of this research is to know the institutional community in community empowerment (household) poor farmers in the village of capita. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach, which uses a method of interviewing, observation, documentation, and libraries to explore studies on existing groups are able to become a strong community and institutional work related to community empowerment that has been running in the village of Capita into a more directional and cutting edge. Empowerment will affect direct interaction, relationships, goals and setup rules in the group created good, a group that is in the capita as farmers group, goat and cattle still need in language use and given a motivation in the development of the group in order to be effective, efisen bias, just and prosperous.   Keywords: Institutional, Community, Community Empowerment, Poor Farmer Households Abstrak Kelembagaan komunitas dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat rumah tangga petani miskin di Desa Kapita Kecamatan Bangkala Kabupaten Jeneponto dalam pelaksanaannya masih dijumpai banyak kendala sehingga belum berjalan secara optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  mengetahui kelembagaan komunitas dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat (rumah tangga) petani miskin di Desa Kapita. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, yang menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan studi  kepustakaan untuk mengeksplorasi tentang kelompok-kelompok yang ada apakah mampu menjadi kelembagaan komunitas yang kuat dan melembaga terkait dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat yang telah berjalan di Desa Kapita ke jalan yang lebih terarah dan terdepan. Pemberdayaan yang baik akan mempengaruhi langsung interaksi, tata hubungan, tujuan dan penataan aturan dalam kelompok terjalin baik, kelompok yang ada di kapita seperti kelompok tani, dan ternak kambing masih perlu di dampingi dan diberi motivasi dalam pengembangan kelompoknya agar bias efektif, efisen, adil dan sejahtera. Kata Kunci : Kelembagaan, Komunitas, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Petani Miskin

Siti Nurul Hamidah ◽  
Uzieka Arsiya Rosadha ◽  
Abdul Hafidz Sufiyana ◽  
Ari Alfiansyah ◽  
Mutamimatussifah Mutamimatussifah

Pottery is a traditional product that is still being made and developed. But the existence of pottery today has begun to diminish its interest because it has to compete with modern products. Therefore, the need for empowerment of Small and Medium Industries, especially the pottery industry to be able to compete in the modern market. This paper aims to: (1) know the potential of proper local empowerment in Kampung Gerabah Bumi Jaya Serang Banten, (2) identify the right model of economic development and empowerment, (3) Analyze the usefulness and benefits of technology in the economy of the pottery industry through E-Martketplace on pottery craftsmen in Kampung Gerabah Desa Bumi Jaya Serang Banten. The method used is a descriptive qualitative approach to obtain relevant data in community empowerment, especially empowerment in pottery craftsmen in Kampung Gerabah Bumi Jaya Serang Banten. The results showed that empowerment through e-Marketplace can be done on pottery craftsmen in Bumi Jaya Village. Pottery sales through e-marketplaces have a high opportunity if developed well and continuously and there are innovations in pottery products.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Riki Ismail Barokah

This study aims to explore village authority in village financial management to realize village governance in accordance with the principles of Good Governance. One of the financing for the Village Government program is the Village Fund Budget (ADD). The research method used is descriptive analysis to get a clear picture by examining secondary data. Secondary data is obtained through literature studies from primary legal materials and secondary legal materials related to regional autonomy in villages in the management of Village Government, particularly with regard to the performance of Village-Owned Enterprises based on Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. The data obtained from this study were analyzed juridically normative with a statutory approach. The results showed the accountability of the village head in managing village finances. In exercising the power of village financial management, the village head authorizes part of his power to the Village apparatus. (2) The village head as the holder of the village financial management power as referred to in paragraph (1), has the authority to: a. establish policies regarding the implementation of APBDesa; b. determine PTPKD; c. determine the officer who collects village revenue; d. approve expenditures for activities stipulated in APBDesa; and e. take actions that result in spending at the expense of the Village Budget. The factors that become obstacles in Talagasari, namely the lack of information and lack of direction in the distribution of ADD, so that it contributes low to community empowerment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Istiqomah Istiqomah ◽  
Ragil Tri Novitasari

The purpose of this study is for learning. This study entitled Social Change Towards Development of Rasau Jaya Village 3 After the Development of the Rajati Flower Garden. With the problem of how social change in the village of Rasau Jaya 3, economic improvement after the construction of a flower garden, development planning or the addition of facilities. This research method is a descriptive qualitative approach. Data sources of this research are primary data and secondary data. The results showed that: after the construction of the flower garden in Rasau Jaya 3 village the development of social change there was increasing, the people there accepted the development of the flower garden, because with the development of the community's economy there could be increased, because the people there could sell at around the flower garden so that it can increase their economy again there, and there will be plans to add facilities in the flower garden so that it can attract visitors to keep coming to the flower garden of the flower garden rajati.

Siti Umayah ◽  
Junanah Junanah

Pesantren, Islamic boarding school, as Islamic educational institutions by setting the main objectives of Islamic education is simply to generate the Santri (students) to explore religious knowledge (tafaqquh fid-din). However, since the 1970s Pesantren began to open up indicating that Islamic boarding schools with their dynamics required recognition by the community about their existence. Kiai Sahal Mahfudh, a Pesantren intellectual figure with a traditional background helped encourage the Pesantren to be able to respond to modernization and the demands of society in the right way. Kiai Sahal Mahfudh presents himself as a figure with transformative, innovative and visionary vision in transforming Pesantren education. He argued that Pesantren education cannot be separated from its two potentials: religiosity and social potential. This study aimed to determine the perspective of Pesantren education based on the perspective of Kiai Sahal Mahfudh and its relevance to the development of contemporary Pesantren. This study is a library research using the primary data in the form of Nuansa Fiqh Sosial, papers, or any works of Kiai Sahal Mahfudh. Meanwhile, the secondary data were in the form of books related to the Pesantren or AZJAF Vol.1 No. 2 (Special Issue 2021) Page 24 the thoughts of Kiai Sahal Mahfudh. The analysis technique used content analysis in which the phases of analysis started by determining the problems, formulating the frame of thoughts and preparing the methodology devices, data analysis and data interpretation.The results of this research showed that the teaching of the kitab kuning needs the abilty to understand contextually for solving contemporary social problems. The formulation of the objectives of pesantren education in preparing righteous and akram people in line with the functions of humans personally as khalifah of Allah who also carry out social functions to prosper and manage the earth.The da’wah islamiyyah or propagative potential in pesantren is not only articulated in word but also in deeds or da’wah bil hal. For kiai Sahal Mahfudh, da’wah can also in the form of community empowerment. Both have the same end goals. These are relevant and in accordance with the direction of development of contemporary pesantren which wants pesantren to no longer only carry out their traditional functions as religious educational institutions, but also as social community institutions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Anita Tri Widiyawati

Abstract The Village Library has full responsibility in terms of empowering knowledge for the community. This is because the village library has a strategic position in rural communities. The empowerment of this knowledge is very closely related to the achievement of prosperity both materially and nonmaterial. In the empowerment of knowledge refers to the existing conditions of the village library, potential maps, and problems that exist in the Paseban Village community. This research uses a case study with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, documentation, audio-visual material (Creswell). Analysis of the data used is Creswell data analysis. The researcher chooses to use qualitative validity and reliability to demonstrate the validity of the data as well as the accuracy of the research results. The results of this study are that the Paseban Village Government has carried out empowerment related to tourism development, BumDes, and through the provision of the internet. However, it is not under the auspices of the village library. The empowerment carried out is partial, not centered on the village library. Paseban Village Government has not fulfilled the three aspects of empowerment, namely a) enabling, b) empowering, and c) protecting. So that there is a need to develop a model of knowledge empowerment in the Paseban Village Library, including: a) enabling (village library as a center of knowledge, village library creates an atmosphere that allows the potential of the community to develop by maximizing the function of the library; b) empowering (strengthening the village library as a center of knowledge , strengthening the village library in creating an atmosphere that enables the potential of the community to develop by maximizing the function of the library with concrete steps, the concept that is in enabling is practiced with concrete steps and the availability of infrastructure that can support the creation of community empowerment; c) protecting ( the village library as a knowledge center establishes an information center that can protect and defend the community in terms of knowledge and information related to the distribution of the results of community innovation, the village library covers everything needed community in developing welfare literacy. Keywords: village library, knowledge empowerment, welfare literacy. Abstrak Perpustakaan Desa mempunyai tanggung jawab penuh dalam hal pemberdayaan pengetahuan bagi masyarakat. Hal ini dikarenakan perpustakaan desa mempunyai posisi yang strategis dalam masyarakat pedesaan. Pemberdayaan pengetahuan ini sangat erat kaitannya dengan pencapaian kesejahteraan baik secara materi maupun nonmateri. Dalam pemberdayaan pengetahuan mengacu pada kondisi eksisting perpustakaan desa, peta potensi, dan permasalahan yang ada pada masyarakat Desa Paseban. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, materi audio-visual (Creswell). Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data Creswell. Peneliti memilih menggunakan validitas dan realibilitas kualitatif untuk menunjukkan keabsahan data sekaligus keakuratan hasil penelitian. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Pemerintah Desa Paseban sudah pernah melaksanakan pemberdayaan terkait pembangunan wisata, BumDes, dan melalui penyediaan internet. Akan tetapi, tidak di bawah naungan perpustakaan desa. Pemberdayaan yang dilakukan bersifat parsial, tidak terpusat pada perpustakaan desa. Pemerintah Desa Paseban belum memenuhi tiga aspek pemberdayaan, yakni a) enabling, b) empowering, dan c) protecting. Sehinggan perlu adanya pengembangan model pemberdayaan pengetahuan pada Perpustakaan Desa Paseban, antara lain: a) enabling (perpustakaan desa sebagai pusat pengetahuan, perpustakaan desa menciptakan suasana yang memungkinkan potensi masyarakat dapat berkembang dengan memaksimalkan fungsi perpustakaan; b) empowering (memperkuat perpustakaan desa sebagai pusat pengetahuan, memperkuat perpustakaan desa dalam menciptakan suasana yang memungkinkan potensi masyarakat dapat berkembang dengan memaksimalkan fungsi perpustakaan dengan langkah-langkah nyata, konsep yang ada pada enabling dipraktikkan dengan langkah-langkah nyata dan tersedianya sarana prasarana yang dapat mendukung terciptanya pemberdayaan pada masyarakat; c) protecting (perpustakaan desa sebagai pusat pengetahuan mendirikan juga pusat informasi yang dapat melindungi dan membela masyarakat dalam hal pengetahuan dan informasi terkait pendistribusian hasil inovasi masyarakat, perpustakaan desa meng-cover segala hal yang dibutuhkan masyarakat dalam mengembangkan literasi kesejahteraan. Kata kunci: perpustakaan desa, pemberdayaan pengetahuan, literasi kesejahteraan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-133
Liya Megawati ◽  
Novian Ekawaty

This study aims to determine how the optimization of income tax revenue carried out by KPP Pratama Karawang Utara, Karawang Regency. To answer this problem, researchers used a descriptive qualitative approach. The object of this research is North Karawang Pratama KPP Regency. The data of this study were obtained from secondary data and interviews conducted at North Karawang North KPP employees. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the optimization of income tax receipts at North Karawang North Tax Office is not optimal, because there are still obstacles in its implementation. Keyword: income tax, North Karawang North Tax Office

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