scholarly journals Cultural Traditions of Khanduri Blang in Reubee Village Aceh, Indonesia

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 427
Muhammad Arifin ◽  
Abdul Manan

Before Islam was introduced into Aceh, many people there still believed in animism or dynamism or Hinduism or Bhudhism. Some parts of those beliefs still affect the local Acehnese cultures even after most of the people have become Muslim. This study describes the ritual of Khanduri Blang, as an acculturation of the people from Reubee village and surrounding villages in Pidie District between their previous cultures with their new Islamic culture: The study also looks at the reasons why the people from Reubee still perform these rituals in recent times. A religious anthropological approach was used to get plenary data about the subject. The data was collected using observations, interviews, and study of related literature. The results showed that the people living in that area performed the rituals as they believed that they would prevent dangers and harm from ghosts and spirits that live around their rice fields. Even though the people have been acculturated to Islam they still perform these ceremonies since they have been handed down as part of their culture and they still do not have sufficient comprehension of the tenets of Islam. Furthermore, the involvement of their local religious figures in the ceremonies convinces the people that these rituals do not contradict their Islamic beliefs. Then too, the use of local traditions as a medium for introducing Islam brought the understanding that such rituals were part of the traditions of Islam.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 7
Dr. A. J. Manju ◽  
Anvar P. A.

India has a variety of cultures which are more common in South India. India's culture collectively refers to the thousands of unique and distinct cultures of all the religions and communities present in India. The languages, religions, dance, music, architecture, food and customs of India vary from one place to another within the country. Indian culture has often been described as a fusion of several cultures. It's a family story, a relationship and a friendship. Ayan unravels mysteries that surround his grandfather Gopal Shanker's life. The story is simple and revolves around the protagonist, Ayan, whose life is thrown into turmoil following an unfortunate incident at a party which he attends due to peer pressure. Ayan is the symbol of the Millennial, careless young man of today who is over-imaginative of life. However, when you come to its core, Religion, caste system and local traditions are reflected in the day-to-day life of the people. Each locality has its own traditional customs based on a particular religion and caste. While Indian culture is vast, there are not many books on the subject that are not well adapted to readers ' needs. Preeti Shenoy's "A Hundred Little Flames" among the few read-friendly books. Every Modern household has modern amenities, but in its relationship, family bond, etc., the truth is lacking. In India, people used to give the relationships and bonds more values. All those good factors are vanishing in the modern days. The author highlighted these situations of Indian families and systems of today. People forget about their parents when you age and send them to old age homes. A Hundred Little Flames is a gem of a novel that continues to attract the attention of its reader. A sequel with a twist on other characters maybe wouldn't be such a bad idea. How our values were, and what importance we neglect these days, and disregard, and tells us what Gopal and Rohini can teach us. The book enlightens us on a good path and brightens our lives like hundred little flames.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-36

Makam kuno merupakan jejak budaya materil sebagai penanda hadirnya Islam di tengah masyarakat, sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui nilai penting situs makam Islam, baik dari aspek makam Islam sebagai hasil produk kebudayaan masa lampau, maupun situs makam dari persektif masyarakat, serta memberikan gambaran secara komprehensip tentang perilaku masyarakat Maros dalam melindungi, mengembangkan dan memanfaatkan situs makam Islam berdasarkan tradisi masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan strategi perpaduan (mixed methods) antara metode arkeologi untuk melihat makam Islam sebagai hasil produk material kebudayaan, sedangkan perilaku masyarakat dalam berinterkasi dengan situs makam kuno menggunakan metode antropologi yaitu etnografi berorientasi pada topik. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa hadirnya berbagai tradisi masyarakat seperti tradisi lisan tentang cerita kesaktian tokoh-tokoh leluhur masyarakat pada masa lampau, telah menggerakkan masyarakat untuk melestarikan dan mengembangkan tradisi yang terkait dengan makam kuno seperti tradisi ziarah di hari-hari kebesaran Islam, ziarah songka bala (tolak bala), ziarah pengharapan, tradisi appanaung, tradisi a’dengka ase lolo (menumpuk padi di lesung atau pesta panen), tradisi mappalanca (adu betis). Tradisi-tradisi tersebut sangat fungsional untuk dijadikan sebagai suatu sistem pelestarian makam kuno berbasis masyarakat. Ancient tomb is the product of Islamic culture in Maros. With that in mind, this study aims to find out important values behind the existence of tombs and how the local communities perceive living among those tombs. This is a qualitative descriptive research, incorporating archeological method and topicoriented etnoghraphy. The former is intended to dig deeper into understanding Islamic tombs as the product of material culture; while the latter is projected to see how the local people perceive the existencence of those tombs. The study indictes that the oral tradition of telling the heroic and supernatural aspects on the people buried in the tombs has moved them to make pilgrimage with various intentions: withstanding destrcuctive power, getting blessings, exercising appanaung tradition, and expressing gratitude after harvest season. There is also that traditional practice done in relation to tomb pilgrimage: calves contest, making it an integral part of preservation system of culturel heritage of Islam.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Renny Oktafia ◽  
Imron Mawardi

<p>Samin culture is one of the few sub-cultures that exist in East Java. Samin community in East Java settled in the district of Bojonegoro. In popular culture Samin contains a lot of wisdom values that is in accordance with the values of Islamic culture. The values of cultural wisdom Samin community's need to be excavated and preserved, in order to improve the livelihood of the people, which in turn will create a civilization that is safe, peaceful, just and prosperous nation's development objectives.</p><p>In traditional Islam can be used as a guide in shaping the law syar'i. Terms used in Islam to the local traditions referred to as' urf. U'rf can be used as legal guidelines syar'i for 'urf is not contrary to the Qur'an and Hadith. Given the synergy between local culture and Islamic culture, the life activities undertaken by the community remain in accordance with the teachings of religion, but the local culture is preserved continuity.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1(82)) ◽  
pp. 31-35
K. Tagieva

In the article, we consider the ergonyms of the city of Ganja as a precedent name. It analyzes the development of precedent ergonomics and their role as a carrier of cultural information. The article emphasizes that ergonyms have become part of the culture of the people in the modern world, an indicator of the functional capabilities of their language and are due to the national and cultural traditions of the people. The main aim of the study is to characterize the potential for using precedent ergonomics. The object of the research is the national and cultural peculiarities of precedent ergonyms, the subject is the peculiarities of their use. The study used methods of descriptive, observational and semantic analysis. The research reveals the specific features of the use of precedent names in ergonomics; discover that precedent ergonyms make it possible to convey information in a vivid, concise and accessible form.

Aleksey E. Shishkin

Relevance. The market-imposed system of consumerism overstepped the boundaries of bifurcation and entered into “legitimate rights” to abolish the living traditional world, thereby disturbing the balance in society and thereby signed the death sentence to itself. The problem of research. Exploring the possibilities of social reloading from consumerism to communitarianism to restore the balance of power in society. Scientific novelty and research results. Our novelty of research lies in the application of scientific tools to analyze a possible reload. We used the complementarity principle of N. Bohr, the principle of spontaneous emergence of I. Prigogine, the principle of incompatibility L. Zade, the principle of managing uncertainties, the principle of ignorance of individual opinions and collective ideas, the principle of conformity, the principle of diversity of development of a complex system, the principle of unity and mutual transitions, the principle oscillatory (pulsating) evolution – showed instability in the management of society by mondialist-compradors and a possible countdown of the transition from the sensual age to the ideation nnuyu, and in our case – from consumerism to communitarianism. The main purpose of the work. From the apparent modern triumph of consumerism over communitarianism, we are not interested in a fact-problem, but in the idea of transforming reality that can stop the process of obscuration. Discussion and Conclusion. In the Middle Ages, during the construction of the project “Holy Russia”, communities were created according to the principle of “big”. Around the devotee of piety, voluntary monastic settlements were created, which grew into suburbs. Of these, the ascetic-hesychast stood out, who went into the forest and chopped down a new temple. To the righteous people flocked, yearning for a just life. This is how a new community was created. There was a new prayer book and then the big man blessed him to organize other settlements. The state should be interested in finding new forms of solutions for educational, economic, technical, cultural and food programs, therefore the initiative of communitarianists should not be punished, but supported. Today, foreign investors are becoming owners of not only factories, but even entire branches of domestic industry and are able to significantly influence domestic politics in our country. The growing number of immigrants as a destabilizing factor is becoming increasingly important. In such a situation, the fate of the country depends on the ability of the people to a new unification. It is necessary to unite on the basis of religious and cultural traditions on the principle of professional fraternities; if only there would be more centers of spiritual culture, but not by the principle of quantity, as is always the case with officials, but by the qualitative qualification of the “big man” as a center of creative and integrative power. From the foregoing, the idea of building ideational (communitarian) cohorts is born, which, through their ascetic life and creative work, should set a new vector for historical development (“salt”) consumer society.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 128
Dicky Rachmat Pauji

Amâlî (Imla) is a methodology used in studying Arabic language and literature that has a very wide scope. Amâlî (Imla) itself can be translated as: to dictate, to add, to fill in and etc. Amâlî (Imla) may also be interpreted further by the following narration: A teacher (ustadz) comes to a place like a mosque, an Islamic school or any learning space in general. In the process of teaching and learning, all that are spoken by the teacher is written down by the students on pieces of paper they had prepared earlier then be compiled into a book which will be preserved. This paper presents a brief summary of Amâlî (Imla) as a methodology which is discussed in many Amâlî (Imla) related literature works written from the beginning of 7th century until the 14th century. The subject Amâlî (Imla) is written in exceedingly diverse manner, unique to each of numerous known authors. This paper also discusses about various meaning of the word Amâlî (Imla) that has been interpreted differently among authors. In addition, the method of separating chapters and other minor distinct writing style that each of various groups of Amâlî (Imla) authors had developed was presented in this work. And lastly, this paper discusses the fact that Amâlî (Imla) related textbook authors were not only originated from the Middle East, but also from regions such as Iran (Huzistan) and Andalusia

Think India ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 72-83
Tushar Kadian

Actually, basic needs postulates securing of the elementary conditions of existence to every human being. Despite of the practical and theoretical importance of the subject the greatest irony is non- availability of any universal preliminary definition of the concept of basic needs. Moreover, this becomes the reason for unpredictability of various political programmes aiming at providing basic needs to the people. The shift is necessary for development of this or any other conception. No labour reforms could be made in history till labours were treated as objects. Its only after they were started being treating as subjects, labour unions were allowed to represent themselves in strategy formulations that labour reforms could become a reality. The present research paper highlights the basic needs of Human Rights in life.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Ahmad Ubaidillah ◽  
Misbahul Khoir

The objectives of research include; first, to describe what local Islamic working ethos are as the basis for the resilience of songkok, whip and slap handicraft businesses in Serah Panceng Gresik Village. Second, to describe the resilience of the songkok, whip and slap handicraft business in the village of Serah Panceng Gresik. This study is a qualitative-descriptive study with the aim of understanding the phenomena experienced by the subject of research including behavior, perception, motivation, and action holistically by utilizing various scientific methods. Data collection methods include; Observation, In-depth Interview or Focus Group Discussion, Documentation. Data analysis techniques include: processing and preparing data for analysis, reading the entire data, analyzing in more detail by coding data, considering detailed instructions that can help the coding process, giving descriptions that will be presented in the report, interpreting and interpreting data. The results showed that in Serah Village local Islamic working ethos were preserved by the community, such as alms giving, reading dziba', reading tahlil, attending haul akbar, and reading sholawat together every Friday. Although in the tradition it does not involve songkok, whip, and slap directly, there is a good impact to support the resilience of songkok, but not whip, and slap production. Religious rituals by praying together asking Allah to facilitate and carry out business in production songkok, whip, and slap are an expression of gratitude for what God gave to the people of Serah Village. All economic activity done by Serah community is meant to get God’s willing. Keywords: Islamic Working Ethos, Handicraft Businesses

Sailendra Bhuyan ◽  
Punita Borpuzari Deori

Achievement test is of very important assessment tool to evaluate the student’s current level of knowledge and skill acquired from classroom instruction. This test is designed to evaluate the student’s level of achievement in a particular subject for a particular class prescribed under the board or the university. In other words, to assess how much the pupils have achieved the educational objectives in teaching learning process at the end of the course and if achieved then to what extent, it has been achieved. Achievement tests are proved to be very helpful in various ways to the people who are involved in the field of education such as the teachers, the administrators, the planners, to the parents as well as for the students. The teacher very carefully develops and conduct achievement test in the class which enable the teacher to get an overall idea of the progress or the level of achievement of his students in the subject area. The teacher can determine the pupil’s strength and weakness in the subject area. So, based on this the teacher can take necessary remedial instructional strategies for the betterment of the pupil’s progress. In the same time, it also provides feedback for the teaching efficiency of the teacher.As with the time changes there have been many educational reforms taken place and in between syllabus had also been changed under different Boards of Studies. In order to maintain uniform standard of education the Government has formulated a policy to implement NCERT syllabus common to all School Boards throughout the country and accordingly the State Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA) follow NCERT syllabus and to evaluate students’ achievement in terms of the policy formulated by the Board. Till now, no any standardized achievement test has been conducted for the secondary school students of Assam. Therefore, the investigators felt to construct and standardize an achievement test in the subject General Science which will definitely help in educational research.

2020 ◽  
pp. 002198942097099
Kit Dobson

This article considers ways in which solidarity across social locations might play a role in fostering resistance to vulnerability. My case study consists of the interplay between writer George Ryga’s 1967 play The Ecstasy of Rita Joe, and Okanagan Syilx writer and scholar Jeannette Armstrong’s 1985 novel Slash. While these important and compelling texts have received considerable critical attention, the relationship between them is less known. I am interested in the ways in which these works both hail and offer critique to one another. In the contemporary moment, in which questions of appropriation of voice have gained renewed urgency within Indigenous literary circles in Canada and beyond, the relationship between these texts speaks to a historical instance of appropriation, but also of complicated processes of alliance-building. These texts demonstrate how agency resides across multiple locations. I read Ryga’s Ecstasy in the context of Jeannette Armstrong’s engagement with the play within her novel Slash in order to witness the ways in which Ryga’s text, in the first instance, appropriates Indigenous voices into an anti-capitalist critique. In the second instance, I read these works in order to witness how they might simultaneously provide a compelling analysis of the vulnerability of the people who are the subject of both works. I compare the interplay between Armstrong and Ryga’s texts to contemporary debates around appropriation in order to argue for the historical and ongoing importance of these two works as precursors to the crucial interventions made by contemporary Indigenous critics and writers.

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