scholarly journals Keharmonisan Keluarga Beda Agama (Studi Fenomena Keharmonisan Keluarga Beda Agama di Kecamatan Sindang Kelingi Kabupaten Rejang Lebong)

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Arif Mustofa

Expecting to have a family that harmonious and get along well is every family's dream. There are usually individual differences makes it a challenge for the realization of harmony in the family, but not for families in Sindang Kelingi. This study aims to describe the family harmony that occurs in Sindang Kelingi even though with different religions. This study is a descriptive qualitative research in the form of library research, with data collection then analyzed with descriptive data. The data on this Research was obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. Results of this study are: Religious differences in families that occur in Sindang Kelingi village are formed by the pattern of parents and children. No religious differences were found with married couple andfamily harmony that has diversity in religion can be realized in Sindang Kelingi due to: there are of kinship, the sense of unity, the equality of work / profession of his parents (trans veterans), the advice from the elders to live in harmony, the village regulations for living in harmony and mutual respect the views of moderate religious leaders

Al-Mizan ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Palwi Rakhman

Every married couple hopes that their home life will be created as a family that is confident and full of love. This article will discuss the role of the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) in creating happy families. This research is library research which is analyzed by qualitative descriptive. The approach used is a sociological legal approach. The results showed that the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) made efforts to foster happy families through religious education in the family, religious education in the community, religious education through educational institutions, bridal brokering courses, family counseling, fostering adolescents of marriage age, empowering family economies and improving nutrition. family.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 47-53
Basmiati Jufri Jufri

Abstract This study aims to determine the level of women's participation in the administration of village governance and the factors that influence the level of women's participation in the administration of the village of Bulucenrana. The population of this study was 1,231 families and a sample of 92 households. The sampling technique used is Purpossive Sampling. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, library research and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques use statistics with helped SPSS v.16. The results showed that the participation of women 56% was not good consisting of money participation 59%, participation of property 59%, participation of personnel 56%, participation of skills 49%, participation of ideas 58%, and also social participation 57%. The implementation of Village Government 54% is not good consisting of services 61%, empowerment 50%, and development 52%. Based on SPSS v.16 using the regression formula, the economic aspects of 22%, socio-cultural aspects 41%, geographic aspects of the region 81% affect the level of women's participation in the administration of the Village Government of Bulucenrana.   Keywords: Women's Participation and Implementation of Village Government  

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Burhanudin Mukhamad Faturahman ◽  
Cintantya Andhita Dara Kirana ◽  
Dedy Dwi Putra ◽  
Andri Irawan ◽  
Salesius Vitalis Kolne

Cultural literacy is needed as an element of development in development administration. Values in culture, especially village communities have long been a factor forming social structures in the village and are able to play a role in maintaining the preservation of environmental ecosystems. However, cultural problems in the village have long existed before the government's cultural development policies were implemented. The purpose of this paper provides a broader space to translate village culture to the lowest level into the development process because villages in the context of modernization have a vulnerability to traditions that have been carried out for generations. The research uses library research. The results of the discussion show that communication and interaction within the family contribute to strengthening local language culture and habits that are taught from generation to next generation. Culture formed by families is able to filter out social change. In addition, the diversity of cultures in the village has become a unique opportunity for the consistency of cultural development with a tolerance base amid the swift capitalism / modernization that has a universal cultural impact. Thus, these two aspects are steps in the people center development to be considered in cultural development in the village.

2011 ◽  
Vol 26 (S2) ◽  
pp. 363-363
N. Gonçalves ◽  
S.K. Fuji ◽  
S.N. Cordeiro ◽  
E.R. Turato

IntroductionFrom the viewpoint of society, adolescence can be considered a transition phase into adulthood. For many psychoanalysts, the changes originating from the puberty process are accompanied with an “anguish of growth”. The crisis installed due to this process can be marked by something peculiar in the life of each one.ObjectivesTo discuss the clinical practice, looking towards an understanding of the peculiarities that mark the psychotherapy of an adolescent who lives through a cultural transition.MethodCase report referring to a clinically listening to a 15 years old adolescent who was born and raised in Japan, then moved to Brazil with her family when was 12 years old.ResultsAdaptation to a different culture was what motivated the patient's mother to seek attention for her daughter. The family brings the image of an idealized Japan. The change did not only bring consequences to the daughter, but to the family that went through reorganization in the face of customs and material conditions. The new conditions ended up accentuating conflictive questions by the married couple and the difficulty of organizing the positions of the parents and children in family dynamics, interfering in the process of separation/ individualization of the adolescent. The patient found within a typical Japanese music group an outlet in which she could confront other discussions that stamp her identity.ConclusionsPsychocultural transition has marked this phase in the life of this adolescent. Within a referential group of oriental culture, the patient has found support for these changes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Anggi Puspita Sari Dewi Ningsi ◽  
Darnawati Darnawati

ABSTRAK: Tujuan  utama dalam  penelitian  ini adalah: (1)  Untuk  mendeskripsikan  latar belakang  etnopedagogi pada masyarakat Moronene di Kelurahan Taubonto,  (2) Untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi etnopedagogi dalam lingkungan keluarga masyarakat Moronene di lingkungan sekitarnya, (3) Untuk  mendeskripsikan karakter yang  dikembangkan  etnopedagogi  dalam  budaya masyarakat Moronene. Prosedur penelitian ini terdiri atas 3 tahap yaitu:  (1)  Heuristik, yang terdiri dari a) penelitian kepustakaan, b) pengamatan, c) wawancara (2)  Kritik sumber, yang terdiri dari a) kritik eksternal b) kritik internal dan  (3)  Historiografi, yang terdiri dari a) penafsiran (interpretasi), b) penjelasan (eksplanasi), dan c) penyajian (ekspose). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Latar belakang etnopedagogi pada Masyarakat Moronene, etnopedagogi merupakan landasan dalam pendidikan sejalan dengan salah satu landasan filosofi pengembangan pendidikan yang berakar pada budaya bangsa masa kini dan masa yang akan datang. (2) Implementasi etnopedagogi dalam lingkungan keluarga masyarakat Moronene yaitu: a) Pendidikan  dalam bidang agama, dalam hal agama suku Moronene mayoritas memeluk agama islam, adapun ajaran agama yang diberikan pada anaknya yaitu mengaji, sholat, menghafal ayat-ayat Al-Quran. b) Pendidikan dalam bidang bertata krama, dalam budaya masyarakat Moronene ada yang disebut Moko Anu dan Upalli, inilah yang membangun semangat manusia ketika ia pergi untuk menuntut ilmu maupun bekerja. c) Pendidikan dalam bidang bertutur kata, bertutur kata adalah sesuatu yang kita ucapakan dengan baik dan santun yang mencerminkan tingkah laku yang baik. dan d) Pendidikan bidang sosial agar memahami norma-norma yang ada dalam keluarga maupun dalam masyarakat. (3) Karakter yang dikembangkan pada etnopedagogi dalam budaya masyarakat Moronene yaitu: 1) Kejujuran, dimana anak sejak kecil sudah mulai diajarkan jujur kepada orang tuanya. 2) Disiplin, anak sejak masih kecil sudah mulai di ajarkan disiplin waktu agar kelak dewasa nanti ia bias lebih dispilin lagi dalam hal apa saja.. 3) Kemandirian, anak diajarkan mandiri agar kelak ia dapat mengurus dirinya sendiri tidak bergantung pada orang lain lagi.  4) Demokratis, ini ditandai dengan adanya sikap terbuka antara orang tua dan anaknya, mereka membuat aturan-aturan yang di setujui bersama. dan 5) Tanggung jawab, tanggung jawab keluarga merupakan pusat pendidikan yang tidak hanya menyelenggarakan pendidikan diri dan sosial saja. Kata Kunci: Latar Belakang, Implentasi, Etnopedagi, Karakter ABSTRACT: The main objectives in this study are: (1) To describe the ethnopedagogical background of the Moronene community in the Taubonto Village, (2) To describe the implementation of ethno-agogy in the family environment of the Moronene community in the surrounding environment, (3) To describe the character developed by the ethnopedagogist in Moronene community culture. This research procedure consists of 3 stages, namely: (1) Heuristics, which consists of a) library research, b) observations, c) interviews (2) Critical sources, which consist of a) external criticism b) internal criticism and (3) Historiography, which consists of a) interpretation (interpretation), b) explanation (explanation), and c) presentation (exposure). The results showed that: (1) Ethnopedagogical background in the Moronene Society, ethnopedagogy is the foundation in education in line with one of the philosophical foundations of educational development that is rooted in the nation's culture today and in the future. (2) Implementation of ethnopedagogy in the Moronene community family environment, namely: a) Education in the field of religion, in terms of the majority Moronene religion embraces Islam, as for the religious teachings given to their children namely to recite, pray, memorize verses of the Koran. b) Education in the field of manners, in the culture of the Moronene community there is what is called Moko Anu and Upalli, this is what builds human enthusiasm when he goes to study and work. c) Education in the field of word-telling, word-telling is something that we say well and politely that reflects good behavior. and d) Social education in order to understand the norms that exist in the family and in the community. (3) The characters developed in ethnopedagogy in the culture of the Moronene community are: 1) Honesty, where children from childhood have begun to be taught honestly to their parents. 2) Discipline, children from childhood have begun to be taught the discipline of time so that later they can later be more disciplined in any case .. 3) Independence, children are taught independently so that one day they can take care of themselves not to depend on others anymore. 4) Democratic, this is marked by the open attitude between parents and children, they make rules that are agreed upon together. and 5) Responsibilities, family responsibilities are the center of education which does not only carry out self and social education. Keywords: Background, Implementation, Ethnopedagi, Character

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-67
Yulita Fitriana

This study aims to know the problem solving of economy, socio-culture, and religion in respect to matrilineal concept of Minangkabau society. The problems raised in this study are about the problem of economy, socio-culture, and religion related to matrilineal concept. The result of study proves that the “surface structure” that belongs to this story contained “deep structure” that reflects the cultural identity of the matrilineal society of Minangkabau. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data obtained through library research with the presentation of descriptive data analysis. After investigation, It can be concluded that the matrilineal kinship system in Minangkabau society affects the way the society in addressing the problems that arise, as seen in the myth of “Malin Kundang”. The myth illustrates matters as follows. 1. The economic issues that arise is solved by wandering famous tradition in Minang community. 2. After marriage, a man will stay in the family of woman (matrilocal). If the opposite happens, it becomes a disgrace to the family. 3. Punishment of Malin Kun-dang figures closely associated with the position of Minangkabau women who are considered high in society, in the tradition and values of Islam exposed by Minangkabau community.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Sugandi Miharja

This paper aims to describe the dynamics of family empowerment in supporting da'wah programs in the countryside. Changes to the order of life, including in the rural areas, need adaptation from the da'wah movement that can balance and fill the changes towards a more qualified society. The family is the smallest group component, at most, and is most directly related to da'wah activities in the countryside. Family participation as a subject and missionary partner will determine the overall success. The research method used is a qualitative approach with community empowerment interventions. The target community is religious leaders and the community of the da'wah congregation, including: DKM chairmen, the reciters of recitation, and the asatidz, worshipers of mothers and teenagers as well as children of pengajian worshipers. Data obtained in the form of social and religious activities that have taken place in the village of Mandalasari. First, Social and Religious Activities. Second, Da'wah activities based on Empowering Family Participation. Third, the Role and Obligations as Family Members in empowering da'wah. Writing can describe a case about empowering da'wah through family participation in the countryside.Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dinamika pemberdayaan keluarga dalam mendukung program dakwah di pedesaan. Perubahan pada tatanan kehidupan termasuk di pedesaan perlu adaftasi dari gerakan dakwah yang bisa mengimbangi dan mengisi perubahan menuju masyarakat yang lebih berkualitas. Keluarga merupakan komponen kelompok terkecil, paling banyak, dan paling berhubungan langsung dengan kegiatan dakwah di pedesaan. Peran serta keluarga sebagai subjek dan mitra dakwah menjadi sangat menentukan akan keberhasilan secara keseluruhan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan intervensi pemberdayaan masyarakat. Masyarakat sasaran adalah tokoh-tokoh keagamaan dan masyarakat jamaah dakwah, meliputi: Para ketua DKM, Ibu-ibu penggerak pengajian, dan para asatidz, para jamaah Ibu-ibu dan remaja serta anak-anak jamaah pengajian. Data yang diperoleh berupa keegiatan sosial dan keagamaan yang telah berlangsung di Desa Mandalasari. Pertama, Kegiatan Sosial dan Keagamaan. Kedua, Kegiatan Dakwah berbasis Pemberdayaan Partisipasi Keluarga. Ketiga, Peran dan Kewajiban sebagai Anggota Keluarga dalam dakwah pemberdayaan. Tulisan dapat menggambarkan suatu kasus tentang dakwah pemberdayaan melalui partisipasi keluarga di pedesaan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-194
Suhandi Suhandi

In its capacity as social beings, humans tend to relate and interact with their environment. As for social interaction, it is always preceded by social contact and communication. This contact is then followed by processes that are associative or disassociative or opposition. The associative process begins with cooperation then continues with accommodation, assimilation, and acculturation. This research focuses on efforts to portray the harmonization of religious communities in the Wiyoni area of Pesawaran District. From the results of the study it can be concluded that: Social interactions that occur are more directed at dynamic interactions where the occurrence of mutually beneficial two-way interactions that result in associative interactions that are mutually reinforcing. So that this leads to the realization of harmonization in inter-religious life. While the factors that support the occurrence of interaction are mutual respect between one religion to another (Islam and Christianity), support from religious leaders, and ethnically in the village. Wiyono is mostly Javanese who culturally promote culture of mutual respect for each other.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 138-163
Norma Ita Sholichah ◽  
Ahmad Bukhori

This study aims to find out the modin social contribution to the transformation of nyadran tradition in Pagelaran Malang, as well as the concrete forms of modin's involvement in the transformation of the tradition. This study uses descriptive qualitative research method that seeks to produce descriptive data in the form of narration about the observed phenomena, expressions or notes that occur during the research process naturally and holistically (intact). This research was conducted in Pagelaran, a sub-district of Malang Regency, namely in the Village of Banjarejo and the Hamlet of Sukoarum. In connection with the main issues, namely the role or social contribution of modin in the nyadran cultural transformation, there were several findings: (1) the social contribution of modin is coordinating with religious leaders and elders to holding tahlīl and istighātsah at the nyadran in Sukoarum, compiling the Islamic nyadran program in collaboration with other village officials for it, socializing nyadran to the hamlet communities order to participate in preserving the culture, as well as participating and at the same time as the coach of the tradition in the hamlet, (2) the concrete forms of Modin's involvement in the nyadran transformation are: actively participating in tahlīl and istighātsah in pasarean (cemetery) Sukoarum until now, monitoring Islamic religious activities at the location of the pasarean by holding tahlīl every thursday night legi, working with donors to participate in orphanage compensation every nyadran on 1 Muharram (1 Suro), in collaboration with the Hamlet Head of Sukoarum to continue preserving the cultural tradition of nyadran.

2021 ◽  
pp. 88-97
Anggi Yus Susilowati ◽  
Andi Susanto

The purpose of this research is to study the appropriate conflict resolution strategies in resolving family conflictsduring the pandemic. The research method used in this research is library research method. The results of the studyshow that conflicts within the family during the pandemic, when viewed from the conflicting parties, include conflictbetween husband and wife, conflict between parents and children, and conflict between siblings. The cause of the familyconflict is due to two factors, namely originating from personality problems and other family problems such as familyfinances or economics, household chores, childcare problems, and interaction problems within the family. Family conflictresolution strategies can be carried out in two methods, namely self-resolving conflict resolution using severalapproaches that can be used such as collaboration or compromise approaches, defeating opponents or competitions,and avoiding. Conflict resolution methods in resolving family conflicts can also be done with third party interventions to helpresolve conflicts that occur.    Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni untuk mengkaji strategi penyelesaian konflik yang tepat dalam menyelesaikan konflikkeluarga dimasa pandemi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kepustakaan.Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa konflik di dalam keluarga pada masa pandemi jika dilihat dari pihak yangberkonflik meliputi konflik pasangan suami istri, konflik antara orang tua dan anak, serta konflik antarsaudara. Penyebabterjadinya Konflik keluarga tersebut dikarenakan atas dua faktor yakni bersumber dari masalah kepribadian danbersumber dari masalah keluarga lainnya seperti keuangan atau ekonomi keluarga, masalah pekerjaan rumah tangga, masalah pengasuhan anak, serta masalah interaksi di dalam keluarga. Strategi penyelesaian konflik keluarga dapat dilakukan dengandua metode yakni resolusi konflik penyelesaian sendiri dengan menggunakan beberapa pendekatan yang dapat digunakan seperti pendekatan kolaborasi atau kompromi, mengalahkan lawan atau kompetisi, serta menghindar. Metode resolusi konflik dalam penyelesaian konflik keluarga juga dapat dilakukan dengan intervensi pihak ketiga untuk membantu menyelesaikan konflik yang terjadi 

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