scholarly journals Manajemen Bahan Ajar Menulis Puisi Pada Tadris Bahasa Indonesia IAIN Curup

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 133
Murni Yanto

This study aims to explain and analyze about how the management of teaching material poetry’s writing in Tadris Bahasa Indonesia at IAIN Curup. As well as knowing curriculum management in improving the teaching material of writing poetry in Tadris Bahasa Indonesia at IAIN Curup. The results of this research are expected to be able to contribute thoughts in an effort to improve quality education and increase knowledge about the management of teaching material poetry’s writing in Tadris Bahasa Indonesia at IAIN Curup. This study uses a development approach. Data collections was carried out using questionnaires, interviews and tests. To obtain information on the feasibility of teaching materials, a validation test was carried out on the material eligibility about language (poetry). The subjects of this study were 22 students. Based on the analysis, poetry writing teaching materials can be categorized as good and appropriate to be used. Students have diverse needs in writing poetry. The need for aspects of the content and physical aspects of teaching materials. Entertaining teaching materials as well as clear and varied poetry, exercises and evaluations in accordance with the theme desired by student. Teaching materials such as modeling the making of poetry and presenting images are needed to motivate students in carrying out exercises and evaluating poetry writing varied examples of poetry. Teaching material for writing poetry entitled fun writing poetry used in learning. Teaching material development in the form of textbooks can improve student’s abilities. So the management of writing poetry can improve students, understanding of writing poetry.

Suwandy Tanwin ◽  
Rosliani Rosliani

This research is motivated by the scarcity of Bahan Ajar Bahasa Indonesia Untuk Penutur Asing (BIPA), especially cultural-charged teaching materials. Therefore, the development of BIPA teaching materials is needed. The problems examined in this study are (1) how the process of developing BIPA teaching materials containing Batak culture for beginner-level foreign speakers, (2) how the final results of the development of BIPA-charged Batak culture materials for beginner-level foreign speakers, (3) how the materials are feasible BIPA teaching contains Batak culture for beginner-level foreign speakers. This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) approach which is carried out in five stages, namely: (1) preliminary survey, (2) initial prototype development, (3) product design, (4) product validation, (5) product revision and improvement. This study uses two data collection techniques, namely observation and interviews to obtain data on the needs of teaching material development and assessment of teaching material prototypes. The results of this study are as follows. First, the development of BIPA teaching materials with Batak culture for beginner-level foreign speakers is carried out in five stages, namely: (1) a preliminary survey with techniques for analyzing existing teaching materials, (2) initial prototype development, (3) product design, (4) product validation, and (5) product revision and improvement. Second, the prototype of teaching material is developed with three parts including (a) physical form, (b) book cover, (c) content / material content. Third, the evaluation from experts which includes the graphic aspect gets 89.29%. In the aspect of content/material obtained 78.57%. In the presentation aspect, it gets 83.33%. Aspects of language and readability, obtain 100.00%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-175
Gia Juniar Nur Wahidah ◽  
Sjaeful Anwar

Abstract This research aims to produce science teaching materials in junior level with Energy in The Body as the theme using Four Steps Teaching Material Development  (4STMD). The material is presented in an integrated way so that students can  think holistically and contextually. The method used in this study is Research and Development. In this R&D methods is used 4STMD. There are four steps done on the development of teaching materials, the selection step, structuring step, characterization, and didactic reduction. Selection step includes the selection of indicators in accordance with the demands of the curriculum which is then developed with the selection of concepts and values that are integrated with the concept of science. Structuring step includes make macro structures, concept maps, and multiple representations. Characterization's step includes preparation instruments, then  trial to students to identify difficult concepts. The last, didactic reduction was done by neglect and the annotations in the form of sketches.The test results readability aspect instructional materials lead to the conclusion that by determining the main idea, the legibility of teaching materials reached 67%, with moderate readability criteria. Test results of feasibility aspects based on the results of questionnaires to the 11 teachers lead to the conclusion that the overall, level of eligibility teaching materials reached 91% with the eligibility criteria well. Keywords: teaching materials; energy; 4STMD Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar IPA SMP pada tema Energi dalam Tubuh menggunakan metode Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4STMD). Materi disajikan secara terpadu sehingga memacu siswa untuk berpikir secara holistik dan kontekstual. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan. Dalam penelitian dan pengembangan yang ini, digunakan metode Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4STMD). Terdapat empat tahap yang dilakukan pada pengembangan bahan ajar, yakni tahap seleksi, strukturisasi, karakterisasi, dan reduksi didaktik. Tahap seleksi meliputi pemilihan indikator yang sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum yang kemudian dikembangkan dengan pemilihan konsep dan nilai yang diintegrasikan dengan konsep IPA. Tahap strukturisasi meliputi pembuatan struktur makro, peta konsep, dan multipel representasi dari materi. Tahap karakterisasi meliputi penyusunan instrumen karakterisasi, kemudian uji coba kepada siswa untuk mengidentifikasi konsep sulit. Tahap terakhir, yaitu reduksi didaktik konsep terhadap konsep sulit. Reduksi didaktik yang dilakukan berupa pengabaian dan penggunaan penjelasan berupa sketsa. Hasil uji aspek keterbacaan bahan ajar menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa berdasarkan penentuan ide pokok, keterbacaan bahan ajar mencapai 67%, dengan kriteria keterbacaan tinggi. Hasil uji aspek kelayakan berdasarkan hasil angket terhadap 11 orang guru menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa secara keseluruhan tingkat kelayakan bahan ajar mencapai 91% dengan kriteria kelayakan baik sekali. Kata Kunci: bahan ajar; energi; 4STMD  Permalink/DOI:  

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 27 ◽  
Abdullah Aydin ◽  
Cahit Aytekin

It has been determined that the drawings, photographs and pictures related to the subject of the continuity of the tangent function on page 68 of the Ministry of National Education’s twelfth-grade mathematics textbook contradict principles 1, 7 and 10 of Yanpar’s (2007) teaching material development principles. According to these principles, teaching materials should: i) be simple, plain, and understandable, ii) reflect real life as much as possible, and iii) be easy to develop or revise, if necessary. This study aims to develop a portable tangent bridge model to meet the needs of the subject of the continuity of the tangent function. With this aim: i) teaching with the analogies model in the design of the teaching material, ii) “this is my project” format in the development and iii) Yanpar’s (2007) principles were considered. The design of the model lasted 14 weeks. At the end of the study, a portable tangent bridge model from waste products was designed and developed. This model is thought to contribute to the teaching effectiveness of teachers (Shulman, 1987) with content knowledge alongside with pedagogical knowledge (Shulman, 1986). With this contribution, the needs of the subject as described by Taba (1962) and Tyler (1949) will be met. This model will also serve as an example of meeting the needs of the subjects of knowledge and its product, technology, as highlighted by Cahit Arf (Terzioglu &Yilmaz, 2006).

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Evi Susilawati ◽  
Imamul Khaira

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mendesain materi pengembangan bahan ajar non cetak melalui e-learning flipped classroom. Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah penelitian yaitu: perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, analisis dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester V Program Studi Dosenan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Dosenan Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara pada tahun pelajaran 2020/2021. Pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan pada matakuliah  Pengembangan Bahan Ajar dengan jumlah mahasiswa 17 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data pada  penelitian ini menggunakan data kuantitatif. Alat pengumpulan data kuantitatif ini menggunakan instrumen materi pengembangan bahan ajar non cetak dengan menggunakan pilihan berganda yang diberikan secara online, sementara pada data kualitatif menggunakan hasil observasi kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mendesain materi pengembangan bahan ajar non cetak di kelas e-learning. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mendesain materi pengembangan bahan ajar non cetak dengan menggunakan e-learning flipped classroom. Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Mahasiswa, Bahan Ajar Non Cetak, E-Learning Classroom  Abstract: This study aims to improve students' abilities in designing non-print teaching materials through e-learning flipped classrooms. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) by following the research steps, namely: planning, implementing, observing, analyzing and reflecting. The subjects of this study were students in the fifth semester of the Pancasila and Citizenship Lecturer Study Program, the Teaching and Lecturer Faculty of the Islamic University of North Sumatra in the 2020/2021 school year. The implementation of this classroom action research was carried out in the course of Teaching Material Development with a total of 17 students. Data collection techniques in this study using quantitative data. This quantitative data collection tool uses non-printed teaching material development materials instruments using multiple choices provided online, while the qualitative data uses observations of students' abilities in designing non-print teaching material development materials in e-learning classes. The results of this study indicate that there is an increase in the ability of students in designing non-print teaching materials development materials using e-learning flipped classrooms. Keywords: Student Activity, Non-Printed Teaching Materials, E-Learning Flipped Classroom 

Suhardi Suhardi

ABSTRAK: Artikel ini menguraikan tentang hasil penelitian analisis kebutuhan bahan ajar mata kuliah bahasa indonesi pada jurusan ilmu hukum. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kulitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan pengolahan data dilakukan dengan langkah, reduksi, klasifikasi, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar matakuliah bahasa indonesia jurusan ilmu hukum mencakup materi tentang (1) membaca dengan analisis untuk mengetahui gagasan atu ide-ide bacaan dan melakukan penilaian bahan bacaan, (3) mendeskripsikan suatu kejadian yang beraspek hukum dalam bentuk tertulis secara objektif, (4) menulis karya ilmiah, (5) menyimak, dan (6) berbicara ilmiah. Penelitian ini juga merekomendasikan penyesuaian silabus mata kuliah Bahasa Indonesia.KATA KUNCI: Bahan Ajar, Bahasa Indonesia, Ilmu Hukum.��ABSTRACT: This article describes the results of research into the analysis of the needs of Indonesian language teaching materials in the department of law. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive research. Data collection is done by interview and data processing is done by steps, reduction, classification, and conclusion collection. The results of the study show that Indonesian language teaching materials majoring in law include material about (1) reading with analysis to understand thinking or reading ideas and reading reading material, (3) describing cases that have aspects (4) writing scientific papers, (5) listening, and (6) speaking scientifically. Syllabus of Indonesian Language courses.KEYWORD: Indonesian Language, Legal Studies, Teaching Material.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-46
Abdul Muktadir

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengembangkan model bahan ajar sastra berbasis cerita rakyat dengan pendekatan CTL untuk pendidikan karakter di sekolah dasar Kota Bengkulu. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan Borg & Gall yang digabungkan dengan langkah-langkah pengembangan bahan ajar Jolly & Bolitho. Penelitian dilakukan di SD Kota Bengkulu.Hasil analisis kebutuhan ditemukan bahwa bahan ajar bahasa Indonesia tidak menyertakan cerita rakyat Bengkulu dalam pembelajaran dan kompetensi guru dan siswa berkenaan dengan cerita rakyat belum memadai. Hasil rancangan bahan ajar sastra berbasis cerita rakyat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut efektif,layak digunakan, dan valid menurut validasi ahli materi, media, kurikulum, dan karakter. Bahan ajar Sastra berbasis cerita rakyat dengan pendekatan CTL di SD untuk pendidikan karakter efektif hasil pengembangan dan yang digunakan kelompok besar juga menyatakan dengan kriteria baik.Terdapat perbedaan keefektifan yang signifikan pada kemampuan hasil belajar siswa antara kelompok menggunakan bahan ajar sastra berbasis cerita rakyat dan kelompok yang tidak menggunakan bahan ajar bahasa Indonesia berbasis cerita rakyat.Hasil validasi bahan ajar kelompok pakar dengan kriteria sangat baik, dan guru dengan kriteria sangatbaik. Respon penguna bahan ajar guru dan siswa baik, maka dapat disimpulkan bahan ajar yang di rancang layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: bahan ajar, cerita rakyat, CTL, dan pendidikan karakter Abstract The research aims to used is develop teaching literature material model based on folklore and CTL approach for the education of character at Elementary School in Bengkulu city. The reasearch method using Researched Developmentof Borg & Gall combined with folly and Bolitho’s material development steps. Research was done in Elementary School in Bengkulucity. The data were collected by surveys, interviews,and questionnaires. The need identification shows that teaching material of Bahasa Indonesia did not includ folklore of Bengkulu in class; and the ability of teachers and students wasnot yet adequate. Literature teaching materials using folklore was found effective and validaccording to experts of media, curriculum, and character. There were significant difference of effectiveness in which students using literature teaching materials using folklore and which were not. Materials validation by expert group and teacher judgementwas very good. Teacher and students well respond to the teaching materials, so it can be concluded that literature teaching materials was effective for teaching literature. Keywords: teaching material, folktale, Contextual Teaching &Learning, character education

2020 ◽  
Rizza Megasari ◽  
Rizky Dwi Putri ◽  
Dian Rachmawati

The course for developing teaching materials is a subject that must be taken by educational students. Students as prospective teachers must be able to make good quality teaching materials so that learning can run effectively and efficiently. In the course of developing instructional materials, students are required to be able to produce a print teaching material that is appropriate for use by students. Teaching materials can be said to be of good quality and appropriate if it is in accordance with the learning objectives that must be achieved by students. This research is a descriptive study with an analysis of teaching materials that have been developed by students through project-based learning. The results of the study can be seen that the quality of teaching materials that have been developed along with the cognitive abilities of students master the material of teaching material development subjects. Good quality teaching materials indicate mastery in cognitive abilities as well. Keywords: development, teaching material, project-based learning

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Fitrawati Fitrawati ◽  
Witri Oktavia

This article presents a part of a study conducted to develop multimedia based teaching material for Grammar 3. It aims at describing needs and problems of students in learning Grammar 3 through a descriptive study. The data were gathered from the questionnaires distributed to the students who have taken Grammar 3 course. The result of the research conveys that 1) there is a gap between the objective of Grammar 3 course and the students’ achievement in the class, 2) students get the problems in understanding Grammar 3 due to inappropriate teaching materials used in teaching and learning process, and 3) the students need a multimedia based teaching materials to improve their understanding and achievement in Grammar 3 course.Key words/phrases:teaching material development, multimedia, need analysis, Grammar 3 APAKAH MAHASISWA MEMBUTUHKAN MATERI AJAR GRAMMAR 3 BERBASIS MULTIMEDIA?AbstrakArtikel ini merupakan salah satu bagian dari rangkaian penelitian pengembangan materi ajar Grammar 3 berbasis multimedia. Penelitian deskrptif ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan masalah dan kebutuhan mahasiswa terhadap materi Grammar 3. Oleh karena itu, data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang disebar kepada seluruh mahasiswa yang telah mengambil mata kuliah Grammar 3. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1) adanya ketimpangan antara tujuan pembelajaran Grammar 3 dan kemampuan yang dikuasai mahasiswa; 2) mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami materi Grammar 3 karena kurang memadainya materi yang digunakan dalam proses belajar dan mengajar; dan 3) mahasiswa membutuhkan materi ajar berbasis multimedia yang dapat membantu meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan mereka pada materi Grammar 3.Kata Kunci/frase: pengembangan materi ajar, multimedia, analisis kebutuhan, Grammar 3

Jurnal Kiprah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-150
Hanum Hanifa Sukma ◽  
Ganis Amurdawati

Modul dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia menjadi pendukung siswa dalam menguasai materi sebab materi bahasa Indonesia saat ini diorientasikan berbasis teks. Tujuan pengembangan bahan ajar berbentuk modul ini untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar modul berbasis local wisdom yang layak pada materi menulis karangan narasi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan atau Reseach and Development. Pengembangan mengacu pada model pengembangan ADDIE (Analyse, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). Namun, pengembangan ini hanya sampai tahap implementation dan tahap kelima tidak dilakukan karena keterbatasan waktu dan biaya. Implementasi dilakukan pada salah satu sekolah dasar dengan subjek 28 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan angket. Data yang didapatkan dianalisis dengan deskriptif persentase.  Hasil dari validasi modul oleh ahli materi dan pembelajaran terdiri dari aspek kelayakan isi sebesar 89%, aspek kebahasaan 87%, dan aspek sajian 82%. Sementara itu, penilaian produk oleh ahli media meliputi aspek bahan ajar sebesar 83%, aspek gambar/kegrafikan sebesar 81%, dan aspek tampilan sebesar 82%. Hasil uji coba terbatas mendapat respon positif sebesar 98,25% sehingga modul sangat layak digunakan sebagai bahan ajar. Penelitian ini menghasilkan pengembangan bahan ajar modul yang berbasis local wisdom di sekitar siswa yang menjadikan inovasi dalam mengembangkan kemampuan menulis narasi.   The position of Indonesian Language subjects in the 2013 Curriculum is an intermittent interrelation of other subjects in the learning process, in addition to that the Indonesian language material is currently oriented based on text. The purpose of developing teaching materials is to form modules to produce module teaching materials based on local wisdom in writing narrative essays for fifth grade students to find out the level of feasibility of the modules developed in writing local narrative essay writing materials. This type of research is development research or research and development. An interesting development in the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). However, this development only reached implementation, and the completion was not carried out due to time and cost limitations. Implementation was carried out in one of the elementary schools with a subject of 28 students. The technique of collecting data in this study used a questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed with descriptive percentages. The results of the module validation by subject matter and learning experts consisted of 89% content eligibility aspects, 87% linguistic aspects, and 82% presentation aspects. Meanwhile, media experts released products with 83% teaching aspect, 81% picture / graphic aspect and 82% visual aspect. The limited trial results received a positive response of 98.25% so that the module is very feasible to use as teaching material. Teaching material based development modules based on local wisdom among students become an innovation in developing narrative writing skills

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 199
Meli Meli

Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi penyusunan materi pengajaran fonetik pada bahan ajar bahasa Mandarin tingkat sekolah menengah atas. Penelitian ini melibatkan 8 paket bahan ajar bahasa Mandarin di sekolah menengah atas. Dari penelitian 8 paket bahan ajar tersebut ternyata penyusunan pengajaran fonetik pada sebagian besar bahan ajar tersebut masih menggunakan format umum, serta tidak mempertimbangkan kesulitan pelajar yang bahasa ibunya adalah bahasa Indonesia. Selain itu, pada sebagian besar bahan ajar, alokasi jumlah unit pelajaran tentang fonetik cenderung masih sedikit dan terkesan disederhanakan. Berdasarkan hal ini, dengan bersumber kepada beberapa penelitian fonetik yang telah dilakukan oleh beberapa pemerhati pendidikan bahasa Mandarin baik di Indonesia dan Tiongkok, peneliti menyarankan format penyusunan pengajaran fonetik pada bahan ajar bahasa Mandarin tingkat sekolah menengah atas yang lebih baik. Hal ini dilakukan agar peserta didik khususnya pelajar pemula bahasa Mandarin di sekolah  menengah atas dapat lebih mudah mempelajarinya.    Kata-kata kunci :          Bahasa Mandarin, bahan ajar, fonetik, sekolah menengah atas AbstractThe main objective of this study is to evaluate the arrangement of phonetic teaching in Mandarin teaching material at senior high school level. The study involved eight packages of Mandarin teaching materials in senior high school. Based on the study of this 8 packages teaching materials, apparently the arrangement of phonetic teaching in most of the materials still utilizes a common format, and does not take into consideration the difficulties of students whose native language is Indonesian. In addition, the majority of the teaching materials allocates only a few units of phonetic lessons, and is oversimplified. As regards, I suggested a better format on the arrangement of phonetic teaching in Mandarin teaching material at senior high school level, referring to some phonetic research that has been done by some Mandarin education observers, both in Indonesia and China. Hopefully learners, especially beginner students in senior high school may learn Mandarin much easier.Keywords: Mandarin, teaching material, phonetic, senior high school

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