scholarly journals Penerapan Model Discovery Learning pada Pembelajaran Garis Singgung Lingkaran untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Prestasi Belajar Siswa

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-28
Ahmad Febrian Rusdiansyah ◽  
Sripatmi Sripatmi ◽  
Yunita Septriana Anwar ◽  
Nurul Hikmah

The background of this research is the low activity and achievement of students' mathematics learning, one of which is due to the selection of learning models that are less varied. The activities of students are only limited to listening, taking notes, then doing practice questions. Discovery Learning is a learning model that directs students to be able to find concepts through the learning process they do which is expected to increase the activities and learning achievements of students. This type of research is a classroom action research (PTK) which is carried out in two cycles and each cycle contains the stages of action planning, action implementation, observation, and evaluation, as well as a reflection stage. The results showed that there was an increase in the activity and learning achievement of students where the learning activities of students in the first cycle with an average score of 10.51 were categorized as high, while in the second cycle with an average score of 13.67, they were categorized as very high. The average score of the learning evaluation results of students has increased in each cycle, namely in the first cycle the average score of the learning evaluation results was 72.65 with a percentage of 62.07% completeness and in the second cycle the average score of the learning evaluation results was 79.24 with a percentage of completeness of 86.21%. Based on the achievements obtained, it can be concluded that the Discovery learning model can increase the activity and learning achievement of students in learning tangents to circles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Tutwuri Handayani

The implementation of the 2013 curriculum (K-13) has a consequence that teachers must be more qualified in carrying out learning activities. Because K-13 mandates the application of a scientific approach (5M) which includes observing, asking, gathering information, reasoning / associating, and communicating. Mathematic Teachers North Bintan Elementary School often did not give opportunity for students to get the opportunity to think creatively, critically,collaboratively and communicatively. This happens because the learning model carried out by the teacher has not implemented a learning model that can optimally accommodate students' interests and potential. Researchers have taught as classroom teachers since 2012. In the 2018/2019 academic year, researchers taught fourth grade. As a class teacher, the writer teaches all subjects, including PPKN, Indonesian, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, andSBdP. Of the six subjects, the lowest average score for daily tests was mathematics. Basic mathematics competencies are in semester II include KD 3.9, namely; Explaining and determining the perimeter and area of squares, rectangles, and triangles as well as the square relationship with the square root is the KD with the lowest score for the daily test scores of grade IV a SD Negeri 003 Bintan Utara. Class IV mathematics learning process at SD Negeri003 North Bintan often did not make students get the opportunity to think creatively, critically, collaboratively and communicatively, this happened because the learning model carried out by the teacher has not implemented a learning model that could optimally accommodate students' interests and potential. The impact was that many students could not achieve the minimum mastery level at 72. The purpose of writing this paper was to describe mathematics learning atSD Negeri 003 North Bintan, and to describe the Learning Implementation Plan with the Discovery Learning learning model, and to describe the Discovery Learning scenario. The basis for this paper was the low level of understanding of students in doing math problems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Alfina Nurlitasari ◽  
Badarudin Badarudin ◽  
Karma Iswasta Eka

This research is motivated by the low level of questioning skills and student achievement. The purpose of this study is to see the improvement of questioning skills and student achievement by applying the Discovery Learning model. The type of research used is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects in this study were 26th grade students of VB SD Negeri 1 Kedungbanteng, consisting of 13 male students and 13 female students. The data collection tool uses learning evaluation tests, observation sheets, questioning skills, observation sheets, activities of teachers and students. The results of the study show that learning using the Discovery Learning model can improve the skill of asking students who are in the criteria of skill and learning achievement that is in very good criteria.Keywords: Questioning Skills, Learning Achievement, Discovery Learning Model

Nila Sari Latif

This study aims to identify the improvement in mathematics learning achievement for students of grade VIII A at SMPN 9 Marusu by applying discovery learning models using LKPD. Subjects of this study were 26 students of grade VIII A SMPN 9 Marusu academic year of 2018/2019. This study is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles in which consisting of several stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and evaluation as well as reflection. Data collection method applied were students’ learning achievement test conducted at the end of each cycle, observation, reflection, documentation and student responses. The collected data were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative method. The achievement achieved after the discovery learning models using LKPD was applied are: (1) in cycle I, the average score of mathematics learning achievement of students is 61.92 increasing to 75.38 in cycle II. The deviation standard in the first cycle is 12.66 and increasing to 9.48 in the second cycle of the ideal score 100, (2) There is an increase in the frequency of student activities and student attitudes. Based on the above research achievement, it can be concluded that there is an increase in mathematics learning achievement for students of grade VIII A at SMPN 9 Marusu by applying discovery learning models using LKPD.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Panji Setiawan ◽  
Dewa Nyoman Sudana

This research was motivated by the low of mathematics learning result in 5th grade students in SD Negeri 4 Kaliuntu. The low of mathematics learning result  was caused by the low understanding of the students in the subject materials presented by the teacher. In the delivery of materials, teachers did not use learning models with a scientific approach that caused students to appear less active in learning activities. The purpose of this research was to enhance the result of mathematics learning result in 5th grade students in SD Negeri 4 Kaliuntu. The kind of this research was a classroom action research wich was conducted in  two cycles. Each cycle had stages including of action planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. This research  used contextual teaching learning model. The results showed that there was an increase in student learning result in each cycle. Before the research was conducted, the average of students’mathematics score that taken from the first semester was 67.98. In the first cycle could be seen that there was an increase in student learning result with the average score is 78.42 and 92% classical completeness percentage. The target of research in the first cycle hadn’t reached so that the research was continued into second cycle. In the implementation of the second cycle, the deficiencies that existed in the first cycle was fixed so that the average score of students' mathematics learning result increased to 82.94 with 100% classical completeness percentage. This indicate that the target of the research has been achieved in second cycle. The average of student learning result based on the PAP is in the high category so it can be concluded that the use of contextual teahing learning model can improve the learning outcomes of 5th grade students of SD Negeri 4 Kaliuntu Year 2017/2018. Key Word: CTL, Mathematics Learning Result

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 53
Sri Hartati

The objective of this study is to improve students' learning outcome on mathematics through the active learning model of Course Review Horay (CRH) in class VII H students of the odd semester of SMP Negeri 2 Weru in the academic year 2019/2020. The subjects of this study are 32 students of class VII H. Data collection techniques are using documentation, observation, and written tests. Data collection tools are the form of observation sheets, test items, and a list of scores. Data analysis use comparative descriptive analysis followed by reflection. Each cycle consists of four steps, namely: (1) Planning, (2) Implementing Actions, (3) observing, and (4) Reflecting. The results show that there is an increase in students 'Mathematics learning achievement, the average score of students' mathematics learning achievement increase, namely before the action was 69.8, in cycle I is 72.9 and in cycle II is 82.9. In addition, the percentage of student learning completeness also increase, namely before the action was 53.1%, cycle I is 65.6% and cycle II is 93.8%. So it can be concluded that the CRH active learning model can improve students' learning outcome.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 71-78
Maiharti Hadijah

Teacher has a very important role in creating an exciting and enjoyable learning environment in math lessons.Learning atmosphere is not exciting and fun for students usually to create learning activities that are less harmonious.As in SD 06 Perawang Barat is still low learning achievement of mathematics students, especially VD class with the number of students 32 people.Based on the mathematical repetition value of grade VD students contained in table 1 can be concluded that most students have not reached the established KKM that is 60 in 2012/2013           Another effort that teachers do is to provide practice questions (PR). Then the teacher also repeats the material that the students have not understood. But the effort made by the teacher has not achieved the expected result; low student learning achievement to mathematics is a material for researchers, that the need for mathematics learning that can improve the results of learning mathematics.               The formulation of the problem in this study is whether the application of direct learning model in groups can improve student achievement on the subject matter of the fractional matter in the VD SDN 06 Perawang Barat class in the even semester of the academic year 2012/2013?       The form of this research is collaborative classroom action research, in collaborative classroom action research involving teachers, principals, and outsiders in one team simultaneously, with the aim of improving learning outcomes, the development of theory and teacher performance improvement. This team relationship is a partnership, meaning that the position of team members with each other is the same that aims to think about the issues to be studied in classroom action research. In this case the researcher serves as a teacher. Action will be done is in order to improve the results of teaching mathematics at class VD SDN 06 in Perawang Barat.               The data in this study were collected with observation sheet and mathematics learning result test. Observations were made to the activities of the students and teachers during the learning process for each meeting by filling out the observation sheets that have been filled in by observing the observation sheets of each teacher and student behavior on the observation sheet. While data is about mathematics learning result collected through daily test (UH1) and daily test (UH2) which contains problem based on indicator that will be achieved based on lattice test result of learning.               The data obtained in this research is then analyzed through descriptive analysis.Descriptive data analysis aims to describe data about student learning outcomes on subject matter using in problem solving.               Based on the results of research and discussion concluded that the application of direct learning model in groups can improve student learning achievement at VD SDN 06 in Perawang Barat class on the subject matter using fractions in problem solving.      

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-29
E. Ewisahrani ◽  
Eva Nursa’ban ◽  
F Fathurrahmaniah

Research has been carried out entitled the application of the Make A Match cooperative learning model to increase the activity and learning achievement of physics class VII students of SMPN 2 Wera. This research is classroom action research (PTK) which consists of 2 cycles. The purpose of this study was to increase the activity and learning achievement of class VII students of SMPN 2 Wera. The results of this study were analyzed with qualitative data while the average value of student learning activities in the first cycle was 12.32 in the fairly active category and the average value in the second cycle was 14.29 in the active category, which means that there was an increase in learning activities. students from cycle I to cycle II, as well as analyzing with quantitative data which resulted in the average value of student achievement in cycle I was 66.32 with 73.52% classical completeness and in cycle II the class average score increased to 72, 21 with classical completeness of 94.12%, which means that classical completeness has been achieved and student learning achievement has increased. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that using the Make A Match cooperative learning model can increase the activity and learning achievement of class VII students of SMPN 2 Wera.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-24
Lenny Kurniati ◽  
Asef Umar Fakhruddin

Pessimism is the attitude or perspective of an individual who is depicted by uncertainty, despair, and there is no hope for something faced. Conversely, optimism is the attitude of someone who sees things positively. This study aims to find out how students who have optimistic and pessimistic attitudes, and find out the differences in students' mathematics achievement between optimistic and pessimistic students, and if there are better ones. This research was conducted in 4 (four) State High Schools in Semarang City, and 498 XII graders has been chosen randomly. The result is that 55% of students are pessimistic, and 45% are optimistic. The research hypothesis that there are differences in mathematics learning achievement between optimistic and pessimistic students has been proven in the results of this study. Significant differences were also confirmed through the results of statistical calculations, and can be indicated by the average score of the optimistic students is higher than pessimistic students. Further discussion is needed on the implications of the results of this study on mathematics education broadly.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Muhamad Ruslan Layn

This research is a Classroom Action Research (PTK), which aims to improve the learning outcomes of mathematics through NHT type cooperative learning model in students of class VIII A MTs. Muhammadiyah conducted collaboratively between researchers and teachers of mathematics studies. In the implementation of this research, it is done by giving group worksheet and observation sheet of student activity using NHT type cooperative learning model after giving an explanation about Pythagoras Theorem material as much as two cycles that cycle I and II. After being given group worksheets then conducted the assessment includes assessment of test results of a cycle I and cycles II and group worksheet to students that is by applying learning model of cooperative learning type NHT. The subjects of this study were students of class VIII A which amounted to 20 students consisting of 15 male students and 5 female students. Techniques of collecting data in research are this observation and test. The data obtained were then analyzed. The results of the study showed that the implementation using NHT type cooperative learning model on Pythagoras Theorem material. the ability of students in solving problems on the material above has increased. With the increase of the average value of students in the first cycle was 43.45 and increased in cycle II 83.90. Improvement of student learning outcomes to mathematics learning using NHT type cooperative learning is good. This is indicated by the average value of group learning outcomes in cycle I 60.00 or being in the medium category and the average score of the learning outcomes of the group in cycle I 82.50 or in the high category. This shows the result of increased mathematics learning after conducting cooperative learning model of NHT type

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-242
Akhiri Putri ◽  
Johanes Sapri ◽  
Herman Lusa

This study aims to improve student learning achievement in Thematic learning class III A SDN 38 Bengkulu City by applying the Cooperative learning model type Make a Match. The subjects of the study were students of class III A SDN 38 Bengkulu City. The research instruments were observation sheets and test sheets. The observation data analysis technique used the formula of average score, highest score, lowest score, difference in score, and range of values for each criterion. Test data were analyzed using the formula of the average value and the percentage of classical learning completeness. Thus the application of the Make a Match type Cooperative learning model can improve student learning achievement in Thematic learning class III A SDN 38 Bengkulu City

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