scholarly journals Analisis Dampak Pembatasan Sosial dan Kerja di Rumah terhadap PKL Kelurahan Celep

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-22
Deni Ainur Rokhim ◽  
Laila Nur Alfiah ◽  
Intan Ayu Idha Wulandari

Abstract. The world is repairing the 2019 Corona Virus Disease pandemic (Covid-19). The spread of Covid-19 is increasingly widespread, increasingly influencing the number of deaths and increasingly diverse aspects of life. The government provides policies regarding activities out of the house, school activities at home, work from home, even worship activities are at home. Street Vendors (PKL) in Celep Village, Sidoarjo. This study discusses community perspectives regarding government policy on Work From Home (WFH). Street Vendors (PKL) are able to fulfill their daily needs by selling along the road, so they have to take a trading holiday. Based on the results of research through the distribution of questionnaires to Street Vendors (PKL) in Celep 46.2%, they strongly agree with the WFH policy, however, the policy concerns Street Vendors (PKL), which are needed to help meet the daily needs of Foot Traders Lima (street vendors).Keywords: Corona Virus Disease, Work From Home (WFH), Street Vendors (PKL).Abstrak. Dunia sedang mengalami pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). Persebaran Covid-19 semakin meluas, sehingga menyebabkan meningkatnya jumlah kematian dan mempengaruhi berbagai aspek kehidupan. Pemerintah memberikan kebijakan membatasi aktifitas keluar rumah, kegiatan sekolah di rumahkan, bekerja dari rumah (work from home), bahkan kegiatan beribadah pun di rumahkan. Kebijakan tersebut berdampak pada sektor ekonomi masyarakat khususnya para Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL) di Kelurahan Celep, Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perspektif masyarakat berkenaan kebijakan pemerintah mengenai Work From Home (WFH). Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL) mampu mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari dengan berjualan di sepanjang jalan, sehingga mereka harus libur berdagang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian melalui penyebaran angket kepada Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL) di Kelurahan Celep 46,2% sangat setuju dengan kebijakan WFH tetapi kebijakan tersebut mempengaruhi penghasilan Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL), sehingga dibutuhkan upaya pemerintah untuk mencukup kebutuhan sehari-hari Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL).Kata Kunci: Corona Virus Disease, Work From Home (WFH), Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL).

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Inggit Akim

ABSTRACTSupervise the government as the provider of public services to carry out their duties and authorities under applicable regulations. Large-Scale Social Restrictions are restrictions on certain activities in an area suspected of being infected with Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), which causes the quality of public services to be disrupted. The Ombudsman has the task of supervising the implementation of shared services organized by state or government officials and private or individual bodies assigned the task of providing services according to minimum service standards as a benchmark for service delivery and assessing the quality of services to the community. The research method used is normative juridical research with a conceptual approach (Statute Approach).The results of this study are large-scale social restriction policies through the Mayor of Tarakan Regulation Number 17 of 2020, restrictions on activities outside the house such as the implementation of learning at schools and/or other educational institutions, Work From Home (WFH), religious movements in houses of worship, activities in public places, social and cultural activities and Mandatory rapid tests for those using Sea and Air transportation modes, and providing social assistance to communities affected by COVID-19. Ombudsman's supervision of public services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Tarakan City, namely by conducting coordination and control and cooperation with state and private officials as well as community or individual organizations, opening an Online Complaint Post for COVID-19 Affected Persons. Also, conduct unannounced checks to improve public services in the City of Tarakan. Based on the supervision, the receipt of reports on suspicion of maladministration and the Ombudsman's investigation results are subject to examination. Suppose it is proven that it has committed maladministration in public services, the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia can take corrective action and provide recommendations/suggestions to state administrators to improve the quality of public services. Keywords: Surveillance; Ombudsman; Public Service; COVID-19 Pandemic

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Albet Saragih ◽  
Johanes Waldes Hasugian

This paper is the result of an analysis of the practical situation of family education in the Christian community in the midst of a global pandemic. When the government has to limit its citizens to stay at home, stay at home, work from home, social distancing, wear masks, wash their hands; then all of this has an impact on difficulties for families. Children learn distance (online) from home. It is the parents who play a bigger role in learning, the burden on teachers and schools is increasingly formalized. Christian parents face formidable challenges in realizing their vocation and role in today's situation. Based on the research conducted, various efforts should be made by Christian parents in terms of Christian parenting during the Covid-19 pandemic, including Restoration of initial love, which is rooted in the love relationship between husband and wife that has been blessed by God and restoration of love with God, restoration of an initial love for children, proven patience, preparation of good nutrition for all family members, and continuing to share love, as a model of exemplary care for children. This paper was written using a descriptive method, namely through the use of literature or literature sources, especially with regard to the parenting style of Christian’s parents during the pandemic. Abstrak: Tulisan ini adalah hasil analisis terhadap situasi praktis pendidikan keluarga komunitas kristiani di tengah pandemi melanda dunia. Ketika pemerintah harus membatasi warganya untuk tinggal di rumah saja, stay at home, work from home, social distancing, harus pakai masker, cuci tangan; maka semua ini berdampak kesulitan bagi para keluarga. Anak-anak belajar jarak jauh (online) dari rumah. Orang tualah yang lebih banyak berperan dalam pembelajaran, beban guru dan sekolah semakin terporalisasi. Para orang tua Kristen menghadapi tantangan berat dalam mewujudkan panggilan dan perannya dalam situasi seperti sekarang ini. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan maka ditemukanlah berbagai upaya yang hendaknya dilakukan oleh orang tua Kristen dalam hal pengasuhan yang kristiani di saat pandemi covid-19, antara lain: Pemulihan kasih mula-mula, yang berakar pada dasar hubungan kasih suami-istri yang sudah diberkati Tuhan dan pemulihan kasih dengan Tuhan, Pemulihan kasih mula-mula terhadap anak, Kesabaran yang teruji, Penyiapan gizi yang baik buat semua anggota keluarga, dan tetap berbagi kasih, sebagai model asuhan keteladanan bagi anak-anak. Tulisan ini dibuat dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif, yaitu melalui pemanfaatan sumber literatur atau pustaka, khususnya berkenaan dengan pola asuh orang tua Kristsen di masa pandemi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Imtihan Hanom ◽  
Rachel Aleyda Rozefy ◽  
Hilmiyani Taqiyyah Filasta

Work From Home (WFH) is a system chosen by the government in 2020 due to the spread of the Corona virus, with this system it is hoped that it can maintain social distance, namely reducing people's mobility, maintaining physical distance, and reducing crowds so that it is expected to reduce the risk of corona virus transmission. and employee safety. The WFH system has high flexibility, this is to support employee balance between work and life. The work system that changed to WFH in a short period of time made workers experience stressful conditions such as feelings of anxiety or worry for a long time, especially when they lived under the same roof with many people. In carrying out WFH, workers need a comfortable place to work to help focus on work. One of the things that play a role in creating a sense of comfort when working is the application of ergonomic rules. This study looks for any variables that can affect WFH activities and which variables most affect WFH activities. The application of ergonomics, especially macro ergonomics in WFH activities, is considered appropriate to be able to solve various problems in WFH activities. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method by conducting a study through distributing questionnaires to respondents who are doing WFH. From the results of the study, it was found that the comfort of workers in carrying out WFH activities is closely related to ergonomics in a residential house. The results of this study can be used as a reference for designing a suitable workspace for WFH activities, and as a reference for further research with a similar focus of study. Keyword: Interior, Ergonomic, Working From Home

Webology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 166-178
J.FX. Susanto Soekiman ◽  
Teguh Dwi Putranto ◽  
Daniel Susilo ◽  
Erica Monica A. Garcia

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has become a “major disaster” for Indonesia. Communities became confused after the Government instructed people to “Stay at Home” and “Work from Home” in order to end the spread of the coronavirus. Many people feel that the Government's decision is detrimental because not everybody can work from home. There were many employee reductions in several companies and did not have a steady income. This study attempted to find out the use of Instagram as one of the popular media during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia on economic impact. This study employed the semiotics method to analyse the #stayathomeindonesia hashtag on Instagram from 20 March 2020 to 5 April 2020. It was revealed that during the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesian Instagram users used the platform to post their activity at home. Indonesian behaviours on Instagram amid the COVID-19 pandemic include posting homemade food, children’s drawings or colourings at home, and food order through online applications. So that the online-based economy more benefited than the offline-based because of limited activities outside the home due to appeals for staying at home.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Bagus Muahamad Iskandar ◽  
Rasona Sunara Akbar

At the beginning of 2020 the whole world was in an uproar with the emergence of a virus that can attack the respiratory tract and can even make its victims die. Covid-19 or Corona Virus is the cause. When entering the end of 2019 in December the first Covid-19 cases appeared in the city of Wuhan, China (People's Republic of China). This virus spreads very quickly through droplets or fluids. At the beginning of March 2020, Covid-19 cases had started to enter Indonesia, precisely in Depok City. It is reported that there are 2 people who have contracted Covid-19.. People began to self-quarantine at home, and always maintain cleanliness by washing hands and using hand sanitizer. Some people even spray disinfectant in their homes to kill the Covid-19 virus. The government has also stepped in to tackle this problem. The government asks residents to always comply with health protocols and use masks and reduce activities outside the home if it is not too urgent. The Indonesian Directorate General of Immigration issues policies related to making passports during the pandemic, such as limiting the number of passport applicants in the immigration office. Applicants are also required to follow the health protocol rules set by the immigration authorities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Ni Ketut Sriwinarti ◽  
Ikang Murapi ◽  
Dewa Ayu Oki Astarini ◽  
R. Ayu Ida Aryani ◽  
Baiq Adrian Ulfa

Government appeals to stay at home and restrictions on the delivery of public services do make people less comfortable in receiving public services, but this is a policy currently taken by the government is an effort to limit or stop the spread of Corona Virus. based on the instructions given, DJP (Direktorat Jenderal Pajak) then stop reporting directly and lead to the use of e-filing and extend the tax reporting period that should end on 31 March 2020 to 30 April 2020. Termination is what later became a problem experienced by taxpayers, especially the grocery traders in Gerung Market, Gerung District, West Lombok Regency, where the average trader was very unfamiliar with the use of electronics, especially the use of computers and the internet. By coordinating with an account representative, the servant provides assistance to traders who wish to report their annual tax return online while still paying attention to social distancing or maintaining a safe distance from participants. because of the adaptations made so that not all registered participants can be accompanied, namely only 50% of participants who successfully report online, 20% of participants are reported manually and the rest are still waiting for further policies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 110-120
Daniel Elvis Pontonuwu ◽  
Wilson Bogar ◽  
Marthinus Mandagi

The emergency status caused by Coronavirus Diseases (Covid-19) has prompted the government to implement Social Distancing as a measure to reduce the number of spreads of the Covid-19 virus. Social distance is a person's efforts not to interact at close range or avoid crowds. The community is asked to work at home, study from home and worship at home; even tourist attractions are not allowed to operate, this situation is a challenge for tourism actors. The purpose of this study is to find out how the tourism strategy is during the New Normal period after the COVID-19 pandemic with restrictions on community activities. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data analysis was carried out with qualitative-interpretive. The results of research conducted at the prayer hill religious area show that government policies through the implementation of Government Regulation No. 1 of 2021 concerning Improving Discipline and Law Enforcement of Health Protocols in the Prevention and Control of Corona Virus Disease 2019 have been well implemented in terms of four indicators, namely: communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure.

2021 ◽  
Dewi meylinta

Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan olehcorona virus, yang menjadi krisis kesehatan dunia karena penyebarannya yang sangat cepat(WHO, 2020). COVID-19 mulai terjadi pada bulan Desember 2019, wabah virus ini pertama kaliterjadi di kota Wuhan di Provinsi Hubei Tengah Cina (Holshue et al, 2020). Pada tanggal 11Januari Cina mengumumkan kematian COVID-19 pertamanya. Covid-19 telah menyebar keberbagai negara di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Merebaknya wabah ini pun meningkatkan jumlahkasus positif terjangkit Covid-19. Akibatnya, di seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia mengalamidampak krisis kesehatan dan ekonomi.Kondisi pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan sebagian besar orang merasa khawatir atau takut yangberlebihan dan berpikir yang tidak masuk akal. Tidak jarang mereka memiliki kecurigaan danprasangka pada orang yang memiliki tanda-tanda penderita Covid-19. Hal tersebut semakinmembuat orang semakin berusaha mencari berita mengenai Covid-19, dan tidak dapat memilahberita yang akurat sehingga memunculkan kecemasan. Keadaan demikian membuat seseorangmengalami stress. Stres dan kecemasan adalah reaksi terhadap situasi yang mengancam dan takterduga seperti dalam wabah pandemi koronavirus. Sehingga mengalami sulit tidur, sakit kepala,dan gangguan fisik lainnya. Inilah yang disebut kondisi stress."Kebijakan belajar dari rumah, bekerja dari rumah, dan ibadah di rumah terus digencarkan untukmengurangi penyebaran Covid-19," demikian disampaikan Presiden Joko Widodo. (Kompas, 6Maret 2020). Kebijakan tersebut diambil dalam kondisi darurat pandemi Covid-19 yang jumlahkasusnya terus bertambah. Sehingga untuk mengurangi potensi penyebaran Covid-19 kebijakantersebut tepat, meski dalam perjalanannya menimbulkan masalah baru bagi kalangan masyarakat,baik pelajar, pekerja/karyawan, dan seluruh rakyat, oleh karena seluruh kegiatan harus dilakukan di rumah, yang dikenal dengan istilah Work From Home (WFH) dan menerapkan socialdistancing. Hal tersebut semakin memicu terjadinya stress pada masyarakat

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-143
Rif’at Ayu Wijdan Irham ◽  
A. Khawarizmi Siregar ◽  
Hasse Jubba

This paper aims to see how the response of Muslims and the government related to the Covid-19 pandemic that occurred throughout the world. This research is a qualitative study of document studies using sources consisting of publications. Muslims believe in this pandemic originating from Allah SWT, but Muslims are expected not to react to it too much and make this phenomenon to increase the capital of God for the Almighty God, Islamic jurisprudence can help find solutions to overcome it. Covid-19 Pandemic. The government as a leader in this country has implemented a policy related to the reduction of Covid-19. Many people who respond to the policies set by the government do not believe also because they oppose the government because of the lack of education by the government and Indonesian religious leaders.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 168-177
Noorika Retno Widuri

Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic that hits Indonesia makes leading Indonesian government take policy measures by launching regulations in implementation procedures within government agencies. LIPI issued a circular to promote Increasing Awareness and Prevention of Spreading of COVID-19 Infection within LIPI’s offices environment. The LIPI Scientific Documentation and Data Center (PDDI) received this mandate to carry out and regulate the policy for carrying out official duties at home (WFH). This paper aims to describe the implementation of the policy of carrying out official duties at home (WFH) for librarians in the PDDI LIPI. Implementation of this policy shows that as an implementing institution unit, PDDI follows up on the policy by issuing work from home assignments with provisions that refer to the circular of the head of LIPI. The target group in this policy is librarians in LIPI. This paper applies descriptive writing with quantitative data approach. The results of this study indicate that principally, the objectives of this policy have been achieved. The target group optimally carries out official duties at home. The survei shows that the target group has implemented the policy in accordance with the direction of LIPI Chairman. The communication pattern and interaction between the policy implementer and the elements implementing the policy are relatively good, so that the policy can be implemented as expected. Communication media is very flexible and not rigid, information related to policies, policy changes are conveyed through the WhatsApp group communication channel so that librarians can immediately receive the policy information. In this policy implementation model, the implementing organization minimizes the factors that make this policy not properly implemented, namely by arranging picket schedules, providing official vehicles for those who do not have private vehicles and lending work facilities to be brought home.

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