scholarly journals Implementasi jaringan internet guna meningkatakan pelayanan pemerintah desa di Kecamatan Sembalun

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 264-273
Muhamad Sadali ◽  
Yupi Kuspandi Putra ◽  
Yahya Yahya ◽  
Intan Komala Dewi ◽  

Internet network has become a basic need for all government offices, from central to village governments. This is because the Indonesian government has built an integrated online system. Therefore, this service aims to assist all village governments in Sembalun District in improving services for the community in information technology. The target of the activity is Sembalun District which is the leading partner. The target and outcome of this service are establishing an internet network facility of a village government in Sembalun District to improve services in information and communication technology. The method used is a participatory approach to community development or Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA). The results of this service are: 1) The internet network facility greatly helps the village government, 2) Village officials can complete their work based online, 3) The village government can improve services in information and communication technology. With the community service that has been carried out, it is hoped that it can help all village governments in Sembalun District carry out their duties to the maximum and improve services for the community.

Muhammad Fazil ◽  
Asrul Fahmi

This study is entitled "Implementation of Gampong Online in Lhokseumawe City". Where the strengthening of information and communication technology is still considered a luxurious facility and requires very large costs, so only a small part of the village government has obtained it. The wide gap between the size of the budget needs and the limited budget that can be provided gives rise to budget allocations that lead to physical activities for the development of rural infrastructure alone without looking at the increasingly rapid technological developments and increasing the capacity of village apparatus resources to support the current government system. both in the administrative system, public services as well as on matters relating to community business development. This study aims to see and describe the implementation of technology to present online gampongs with basic information and communication technology training activities for gampong governments in Lhokseumawe City. A descriptive qualitative approach with observation and documentation data collection techniques has been carried out in this study with field assessments in 3 (three) Gampongs in the Lhokseumawe city area to see the application of technology, determine strategy, socialize and provide information and communication technology introduction materials. The results of the study found that training for 3 (three) gampongs in the Lhokseumawe city government, namely Gampong Hagu Barat Laot, Gampong Hagu Teungoh and Gampong Hagu Selatan, had provided an understanding and awareness of the importance of using information and communication technology in gampong government for the smooth running of public services, public relations and public relations. internal organization as well as improving the business of the village community in the field of technology, where technology can help the village government connect with the city government and the village community online.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-103
Taufiq Ismail Yusuf ◽  
Sardi Salim ◽  
Ade Irawaty ◽  
Amiruddin Dako ◽  
Rahmat Dako ◽  

Rural development has undergone significant changes since the digitization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Hybrid media technology has proven to make it easier for innovative villages to build networks and empower their communities to narrow the ICT gap, one of which is through community service. This community service is an effort of Gorontalo State University so that the Tridarma of Higher Education is implemented to contribute science and technology to the community. This Community Service was carried out in Tamboo Village, Bone Pantai District, Bone Bolango Regency. The purpose of this Community Service was to provide counseling on how to condition the beginning of a village so that it becomes a digital village. The expected output targets from this activity are: 1) The officials and community in Tamboo Village have knowledge of the importance of the village internet and how to manage infrastructure related to the village internet. 2) Village officials or village internet managers can have the ability to use internet facilities, which can then be developed to create village websites for digitization: village profile data, population data, village resource and potential data and other activities that can be digitized for work effectiveness and efficiency.

Santi Isnaini ◽  
Dina Septiani ◽  
IGAK Satrya Wibawa ◽  
Rani Sukma Ayu Suteja ◽  
Irfan Wahyudi ◽  

AbstractSoket Laok is a village located in Tragah District, Bangkalan Regency, Madura. This village has the greatest economic potential in agriculture because the majority of its residents, which are around 4000 people, work as farmers. However, the village, which is not far from the city of Surabaya, is still lagging behind and has not been able to properly utilize the village's potential for community empowerment. Cashew product is the greatest potential by the residents of Soket Laok Village, but the community does not understand how to create and design proper packaging for their cashew products. In addition, Soket laok community also has no experience and knowledge utilising information and communication technology to optimalise the marketing of the cashew products. Therefore, the Communications Department of FISIP Unair conducts a community service program entitled Branding Workshop for Economic Empowerment of the Cashew Farmer in Soket Laok Village, Bangkalan Regency, Madura. This program is an extended program that has been carried out in 2020. This community service focuses on creating and training to manage the community website, training on packaging and brands, as well as registration of brands and business license for their business.Keywords: Economic Potential, Marketing Communications, BrandingAbstrakSoket Laok merupakan salah satu desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Tragah, Kabpupaten Bangkalan, Madura. Desa ini  memiliki potensi ekonomi terbesar di bidang pertanian karena mayoritas warganya yang berjumlah sekitar 4000 jiwa berprofesi sebagai petani. Meskipun demikian, desa yang berada tidak jauh dari Kota Surabaya tersebut masih tertinggal dan belum mampu memanfaatkan dengan baik potensi desa untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat. Produksi mente merupakan potensi terbesar yang dimiliki oleh warga Desa Soket Laok namun para petaninya sendiri belum mengerti cara mengemas produk mente untuk dipasarkan di luar daerah Soket Laok sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku. Ditambah lagi dengan kurangnya pemahaman terkait penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi juga menjadi faktor kurang optimalnya pemasaran produk mente. Dengan berbagai alasan tersebut, Departemen Komunikasi FISIP Unair kembali mengadakan pengabdian masyarakat bertajuk Pelatihan Branding dalam Rangka Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Petani Mente Desa Soket Laok, Kabupaten Bangkalan, Madura. Kegiatan tersebut merupakan lanjutan dari pengabdian masyarakat yang telah dilaksanakan pada tahun 2020. Pengabdian masyarakat kali ini berfokus pada pembuatan dan pelatihan mengelola website Desa Soket Laok, pelatihan membuat kemasan dan merek, serta pendaftaran merek dan perizinan usaha pada produk yang telah dihasilkan.Kata kunci: potensi ekonomi desa, komunikasi pemasaran, branding,

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Andika wicaksono Wicak Wicaksono ◽  
Ahmad Riyadh UB

The study aims to analyze and describe the ability of village officials in understanding information and communication technology towards (e-Desa) in the Village Government. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews with the Kedungbocok Village Apparatus supported by literature studies related to village apparatus ability. The research location at the Kedungbocok Vil- lage Office in Tarik District, Sidoarjo Regency, with consideration that the physical devel- opment in the Kedungbocok village office was fairly good in this case it was shown in the completeness of the facilities and facilities that the technology in the field was good enough. One of the interesting things to study is the ability of the village apparatus in understanding information and communication technology to the (e-Desa). The results of this study indicate that intellectual ability is still in the learning stage in understanding technology, physical ability is still in the stages of training held continuously to get the intended results, and the last cognitive abilities are still less than optimal due to the age factor of the Village Apparatus

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Dede Abdurahman ◽  
Tri Ferga Prasetyo

Fast, accurate and accurate information needs to be one of the basic development of information and communication technology. The type of service and support in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) on governance is a strategic part in ensuring the improvement of service quality and support in applying e-Government to Village Governance.Village Governance and clean, transparent public services are challenges that the village government must answer in performing its functions as a public servant. With infrastructure facilities in the field of ICT already available in the village and administrative issues that need to get serious attention, thereby encouraging Researchers to utilize existing ICT infrastructure by analyzing and designing e-government applications that suit the needs of the village and in accordance with the Village Law article 4 letter f which reads to improve public services for the villagers to accelerate the realization of general welfare, and article 7 paragraph 3 letter c which reads accelerate the improvement of public service quality.Based on the above study, the public service and e-Government support provided by the Village Government through the application of information and communication technology is the focus of the researcher in this research, with the aim of improving the service to the village community and improving the performance of village government apparatus, for the analysis and design of e- government Researchers are based on policies and National Strategy e-Government development is done in several stages namely, Level 1 - Preparation, which is making the website as a medium of information and communication at each institution. Level 2 - Maturation, which is the creation of an interactive public information web portal. Level 3 - Stabilization, which is the creation of a web portal that is a public service electronic transaction. Level 4 - Utilization, ie application creation for Government to Government (G2G), Government to Business (G2B), Government to Consumers / community (G2C) services.The method of this study using the usual research methods used in the development of system life cycle system development (SDLC). The main stages may consist of system planning stages, system analysis, system design, system selection, system implementation and system maintenance.As for the method of data collection using the method of observation, interview, and literature study. The final step in this application development process is system testing. The system tested using 2 ways, namely: Blackbox test and Alpha test. Blackbox test, performed by system programmers while Alpha test performed simultaneously with user training.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 120
Dimas A. Gammayani ◽  
Irham Hanif Nabawi ◽  
Muhammad Irsyad Alfatih

Changes are rapidly occur in this world, especially developments in the field of information and communication technology. Man must be able to adjust quickly to keep up. Developments in information and communication technology has made it easier for people in work. Utilization of information and communication technology are expected to make work performed by humans is more effective and efficient. National Library of Indonesia mandated by Law No. 43 of 2007 as an adviser to all types of libraries throughout Indonesia. In carrying out the task, the National Library should coordinate with local government including the provincial government, represented by the provincial library which can be said to represent the provincial government in the affairs of the library. National Library of Indonesia in coordination with the provincial library has been facilitated by information and communication technology such as telephone, fax and internet. In addition, coordination can also be done through conventional correspondency or direct face to face. This study tried to define which communication system that is commonly used by the National Library of Indonesia when coordinating with the provincial library and the reasons that lie behind them. The method used in this research is descriptive with a participatory approach, the researchers and respondents are equal and shared a mutual cooperation. This research indicates that face-to-face coordination is more preferred, because face-to-face coordination offers a social and economical benefit.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-77
Ridwan Raafi'udin ◽  
Bayu Hananto ◽  
Catur Nugrahaeni Puspita Dewi

The availability of information and communication technology (ICT) has made it a lot of convenience in everything. An example is the existence of online trading transactions, for we can market these products online both through marketplaces and social media, we must-have products that are slightly different from the others. One way is to design your own product packaging that we will sell, and for example it can be started by making a product logo. This is the basis of community service activities, and this activity utilizes the creative side of partners so that they can create a design that will be packaged in the next stage in the form of merchandise. In this design training phase, partner participants were given the understanding to use vector-based graphic design applications, from creating product logos to digital advertising posters

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 134-148
Mardi Yudhi Putra ◽  
Nadya Safitri ◽  
Nofia Filda Fauziah ◽  
Ahmad Safei ◽  
Rayhan Wahyudin Ratu Lolly

Penguasaan terhadap Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi perlu diajarkan pada semua tingkatan agar suatu proses dan kegiatan dapat dilakukan dengan lebih cepat, mudah dan efisien. Para siswa kelas XII SMK Taruna Bangsa dituntut untuk memiliki kompetensi yang dapat dikuasai sebelum lulus sekolah. Salah satunya kompetensi adalah dapat membuat website atau aplikasi berbasis web. Disamping itu, kepala program jurusan RPL SMK Taruna Bangsa menyampaikan perlu adanya pendalaman dan pengetahuan lebih dalam pembuatan website selain yang dibekali di sekolah seperti mendesain website front end. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pelatihan mendesain website menggunakan framework Bootstrap. Pelaksanaan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini dijalankan sesuai dengan wujud implementasi MoU yang telah dilakukan antara SMK Taruna Bangsa dengan Universitas Bina Insani. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pada masa pandemi Covid-19 dilakukan secara online melalui media konferensi dan Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 78 peserta dengan hasil akhir memberikan hasil yang positif, ditunjukkan pada umpan balik peserta terhadap materi yaitu pada nilai 4 (Baik) sebesar 32,1% dan nilai 5 (Sangat Baik) sebesar 60.7%. Berdasarkan paparan tersebut kegiatan PkM ini telah memberikan kemampuan dan penguasaan terhadap siswa dalam mendesain website dan memiliki bekal dalam mengimplementasikan pada bidang Teknologi informasi yang pada akhirnya mendorong smart education kota Bekasi. Kata kunci—bootstrap, pengabdian kepada masyarakat, website Mastery of Information and Communication Technology needs to be taught at all levels so that processes and activities can be carried out more quickly, easily and efficiently. Class XII students of SMK Taruna Bangsa are required to have competencies that can be mastered before graduating from school. One of the competencies is being able to create a website or web-based application. In addition, the head of the RPL department program at SMK Taruna Bangsa said that there is a need for more in-depth and knowledge in making websites other than those provided in schools such as designing front end websites. Therefore, training in designing websites using the Bootstrap framework is necessary. The implementation of Community Service (PkM) is carried out in accordance with the implementation of the MoU that has been carried out between SMK Taruna Bangsa and Bina Insani University. The implementation of activities during the Covid-19 pandemic was carried out online through the media conference and This activity was attended by 78 participants with the final result giving positive results, shown in the participants' feedback on the material, namely a value of 4 (Good) of 32.1% and a value of 5 (Very Good) of 60.7%. Based on the explanation, this PkM activity has given students the ability and mastery in designing websites and has provisions in implementing it in the field of information technology which ultimately encourages smart education in the city of Bekasi. Keywords— bootstrap, community service, website,

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 134
N.M.A.E.D. Wirastuti ◽  
I.G.A.K.D.D. Hartawan ◽  
I.M.A. Suyadnya ◽  
D.C. Khrisne

Along with the advancement of science and technology, all teachers especially primary school teachers areexpected to have the ability in the field of information and communication technology (ICT). So that teacherscan teach using ICT-based learning media. By using multimedia learning model, teachers will be able to doteaching more interactive, fun, and motivate learners to be more active. The goal of this program is toimprove the ability and competence of teachers in Elementary School (SD) Imbas in Kintamani Village areasin creating multimedia-based ICT learning media. In this community service activities, it is given counselingand training about the introduction of the Internet and the development of multimedia-based ICT learningmedia using Microsoft PowerPoint, create teaching materials in PDF format, create teaching materials inimage display (JPEG) and apply teaching materials in activities learning in the class. The purpose of this activity is the participants understand of the importance in using ICT for supporting learning and teachingactivities multimedia-based learning media. Participants also understand of how to create learning materialsin PowerPoints format, create files in the form of .pdf, and generate. JPG files. Teachers will also be trainedon how to enrich multimedia-based learning materials using internet access.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 120 ◽  
Dimas Gammayani ◽  
Irham Hanif Nabawi ◽  
Muhammad Irsyad Alfatih

Changes are rapidly occur in this world, especially developments in the field of information and communication technology. Man must be able to adjust quickly to keep up. Developments in information and communication technology has made it easier for people in work. Utilization of information and communication technology are expected to make work performed by humans is more effective and efficient. National Library of Indonesia mandated by Law No. 43 of 2007 as an adviser to all types of libraries throughout Indonesia. In carrying out the task, the National Library should coordinate with local government including the provincial government, represented by the provincial library which can be said to represent the provincial government in the affairs of the library. National Library of Indonesia in coordination with the provincial library has been facilitated by information and communication technology such as telephone, fax and internet. In addition, coordination can also be done through conventional correspondency or direct face to face. This study tried to define which communication system that is commonly used by the National Library of Indonesia when coordinating with the provincial library and the reasons that lie behind them. The method used in this research is descriptive with a participatory approach, the researchers and respondents are equal and shared a mutual cooperation. This research indicates that face-to-face coordination is more preferred, because face-to-face coordination offers a social and economical benefit. Keywords: library, national library, provincial library, utilization technology

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