scholarly journals The Relationship Of Drinking Tea Behavior With Levels Of Hemoglobin in STIKes Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta Students

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-131
Relita Pebrina ◽  
Ikrimah Nafilata ◽  
Sunartono Sunartono ◽  
Fransiska Aselina

Iron has an important role in the body that functions to transport oxygen from the lungs to all body tissues through hemoglobin in the blood. Iron deficiency is one of the factors causing anemia. Anemia can be diagnosed from a level of hemoglobin. If a person's has Hb level is low, it can be said that the person is suffering from anemia. The low Hb level can be influenced by several factors, one of which is the consumption of tea. The content of tannins in tea can reduce iron absorption by the body. This study aims to analyze the relationship between drinking of tea behavior in STIKES Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta students with level of hemoglobin. The method is carried out by direct interviews with 55 samples of female students and level of henoglobin were checked using the Hb meter automatic. The results obtained were that 71% of the samples consumed tea and 29% did not consume tea. 53.85% of the sample who consumed tea had a low Hb level whereas 68.75% of the samples that did not consume tea had normal Hb levels. Data from the results of chi-square analysis obtained a value of p = 0.001 <0.05, which means that there is a relationship between the behavior of tea drinking with hemoglobin levels in STIKES students for Yogyakarta

Suryanti Suryanti ◽  
Andi Ipaljri

In the current era of globalization, humans always interact with technological developments. One result of the development of technology is the use of computers. The use of computers that are not under the ergonomic position causes effects on health, one of them is tension-type headaches. In the United States, 1-4% of patients coming to the Emergency Care Unit complain of headache, 90% of them are tension-type headaches. The proportion of migraine and other headache syndromes in the hospital. Harapan Bunda in 2011 and RS. Camatha Sahidya in Batam in Batam was 5% and 0.7% respectively. Whereas the incidence of tension headaches in 5 puskesmas in Batam in 2014 ranged from 0.5% - 1.3%. The proportion of tension headaches at the BIP Clinic in the January-April 2018 period is 1.5%. Tension-type headaches that occur continuously can cause barriers to daily activities. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of computer use with the incidence of tension-type headaches in workers. This research uses a descriptive-analytic method with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. Of 97 respondents who visited the clinical BIP that met the criteria, it was found that computer user respondents experienced tension-type headaches of 18 people (42.9%) and not tension-type headaches of 24 people (57.1%). Whereas the respondents who were not computer users experienced tension-type headaches of 10 people (18.2%), and non-tension-type headaches of 45 people (81.8%). Bivariate chi-square analysis showed that p = 0.008 (p <0.05). This means that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected.

2019 ◽  
fendi ntobuo

One of negative behavior that is mostly done by adolescents is bullying, this behavior is prevalent in the school enviroment. Generally, the factor that influence bullying behavior are family factors, shool factor, peer factor. The focus was on the influence of parenting style because it has a correlation between parenting on an aggressive behavior. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of parenting to bullying behavior in Bolangitan 1 N Senior High study approach. The total population was 48 respondents. The result of study by using the Chi Square statistical tes tah there is a significant relationship between parenting of bullying behavior in Bolangitan N 1 School with a value (p value: 0,000). It can concluded there is a significant relationship between parenting style towards bullying behavior in Bolangitan 1 Senior High School. It suggest that counseling can be held about bullying behavior and its response to adolescents.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-38
Alfi Noviyana ◽  
Purwati Purwati

The conditions of pregnancy can increase anxiety in women, therefore it can cause a negativeimpact on pregnant women themselves and on their fetuses. Anxiety is one of the risk factors ofthe incidence of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women. Pre-eclampsia is still the top three causes ofmaternal death in the field of obstetrics in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to know andanalyze the relationship of anxiety with the incidence of pre-eclampsia in RSUD Dr. R. GoetengTarunadibrata Purbalingga. This research is a quantitative study, with case control design,sampling technique with an accidental sampling approach. Data collection using a standardquestionnaire from Hamilton. Analysis in quantitative studies using the X2 test (chi square) Theresults of this study that there is no statistical relationship between anxiety and the incidence ofpre-eclampsia with a value of ρ = 0.732 but clinically found that mothers with anxiety have a riskof 1, 26 times higher experience pre-eclampsia ( value of OR = 1.26). As for some externalvariables in this study that theoretically become a predisposing factor for pre-eclampsia includingage, previous history of pre-eclampsia or hypertension, hereditary history, history of hormonalfamily planning acceptors related to pre-eclampsia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 51
Ikawati Setyaningrum ◽  
Firman Hidayat ◽  
Ratna Widhiastuti

Preceptorship is one method of guidance with one to one relationship in the scope of nursing which is considered good enough to add skills in care, both soft skills, hard skills and attitude of the nursing profession. Many factors affect the implementation of preceptorsip in hospitals. This study aims to determine the relationship between clinical instructional motivation and the implementation of preseptorship at Dr. Soeselo Slawi. This research is a quantitative study and the type of descriptive correlation research design with cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used was a total sampling of 39 people. The research instrument uses a motivation questionnaire containing 26 statements, whereas for Preceptorship uses a questionnaire containing 10 statements. Chi square analysis results showed that the p value was 0.007 (<0.005), which means there was a significant relationship between CI motivation and the implementation of Preseptorship. The hospital is expected to be able to choose nurses who will become CIs according to certain competency and knowledge standards, as well as specializing CI assignments so that they do not overlap with patient service tasks.  Keywords: Motivation. Clinical instructure, preceptorship

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Angga Mahargia yunanta Firdaus ◽  
Eni Hidayati

NAPZA merupakan singkatan dari Narkoba, Psikotropika, dan Zat Adiktif lainnya. Penggunaan NAPZA sangat membahayakan bagi kesehatan baik mental maupun fisik penggunanya. Pengguna NAPZA beresiko gangguan perkembangan otak, bunuh diri dan depresi kehilangan memori, risiko tinggi terhadap perilaku seksual, kecanduan, pengambilan keputusan terganggu, prestasi akademis yang buruk, kekerasan, dan kecelakaan kendaraan bermotor. Penggunaan NAPZA juga merusak masa depan penggunanya dan juga masa depan Bangsa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap penggunaan NAPZA pada remaja di sekolah mengah atas di kota Semarang. Jenis Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode survei analitik. menggunakan rancangan survei cross sectional. Sampel penelitan sebanyak 150 remaja yang memenuhi kriteria menggunakan kuesioner kemudian diuji menggunakan uji chi square pada tingkat kepercayaan 95% dari program SPSS versi 19. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  ada hubungan positif dan Signifikan antara pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap penggunaan NAPZA remaja di sekolah mengah atas di kota Semarang. Nilai p=0.000 dan nilai r=0.343 pada uji pengetahuan dan penggunaan NAPZA membuktikan bahwa pengetahuan merupakan faktor pendukung penggunaan NAPZA. Nilai p= 0.003 dan nilai r=0.236 mengindikasikan bahwa ada korelasi antara sikap dengan penggunan NAPZA, dan pengetahuan dan sikap menghasilkan nilai Chi Square signifikasi = 0,202. Berdasarkan ketentuan analisis Chi Square dimana nilai probabilitas (p) kurang dari 0,05 artinya tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat pengetahuan dengan sikap pada remaja. Pengetahuan tentang NAPZA dan penyalahgunaannya akan mengarahkan remaja untuk tidak pernah menggunakan bahkan mencoba zat berbahaya tersebut serta bersikap menolak ajakan teman maupun pengaruh lingkungan untuk menggunakannya. Dengan demikian menjadi sangat penting bagi semua pihak baik sekolah maupun orang tua untuk terus memberikan pengarahan yang baik mengenai bahayanya penyalahgunaan NAPZA bagi masa depan remaja. Kata kunci: Remaja, Kecanduan media sosial, Motivasi belajar ANALYZE THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE USE OF DRUGS IN TEENS IN SCHOOL MENGAH TOP IN SEMARANG CITY ABSTRACTIT stands for drugs, psychotropic drugs, and other addictive substances. The use of DRUGS is very harmful for the health of both mental as well as physical users. People who use drugs are at risk of impaired brain development, suicide, depression and memory loss, against the high risk sexual behavior, addiction, impaired decision making, poor academic achievement, violence, and motor vehicle accidents. The use of DRUGS also damage future users and also the future of the nation. This research aims to analyze the relationship of the level of knowledge and attitude towards the use of DRUGS in teens in school mengah top in Semarang city. Type of this research is quantitative research with survey method is analytic. using the draft survey of cross sectional. The sample for the study as many as 150 teens who meet the criteria using keudian questionnaires were tested using the chi square test on a confidence level of 95% of the program SPSS version 19. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between knowledge and attitudes towards the use of DRUGS in mengah school teen top in Semarang city. The value p = 0000 and the value of r = 0.343 on a test of knowledge and the use of DRUGS prove that knowledge is a factor supporting the use of DRUGS.The value p = 0.003 and value r = 0.236 indicates that there is a correlation between attitudes with use of DRUGS, and the knowledge and attitude to produce the value of the Chi Square = 0.202 significance. The Chi Square analysis based on where the value of the probability (p) of less than 0.05 means there is no significant relationship between the level of knowledge with attitude in teenagers. Knowledge about DRUGS and abuse will direct teenagers to never use even attempting the hazardous substances as well as being friends or refuse the influence of environment to use it. Thus it becomes very important for all parties to either the school or parents to continue to provide a good briefing about the dangers of the misuse ofDRUGS for the future of youth. Keywords: adolescent, addicted to social media, the motivation of learning

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Khamid Arif ◽  
Etlidawati Etlidawati

Cases that often occur after the distinction in the recovery room one of them is hypothermy. One of the causes of postoperative hypothermy is the type of anaesthetic used. The purpose of the study was to find out the relationship of anaesthetic type to the incidence of hypothermic. Research design uses correlational with cross sectional approaches. The population of all postoperative patients in the Recovery Room of Banyumas Hospital over the past 3 months as many as 500 patients. A large sample of 83 patients using consecutive sampling techniques. The research instrument used is an observation sheet to record the type of anaesthetic and body temperature. Data analysis using the chi square test. Patients mostly respondents aged 36-46 years as many as 51 respondents (61.4%), men as many as 52 respondents (62.7%) and high school / vocational education as many as 39 respondents (47.0%). Respondents received general anaesthetics of 58 respondents (69.9%) and hypothermi as many as 60 respondents (72.3%). Statustic test results obtained a value of p = 0.000 which showed there was a relationship of anaesthetic type with the incidence of hypothermi in the Recovery Room of Banyumas Hospital. The type of anaesthetic used can determine the occurrence of changes in body temperature, namely hypothermy.  Keywords: anesthesia, hypothermia, recovery room

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-55
Erwin Erwin ◽  
Suhikma Sofyan ◽  
Andi Nur Asmayanti

OHI-S is a state of oral and dental hygiene measured by a debris score and calculus of a person's teeth. Gingiva is part of the outer periodontal tissue. Self-confidence is a positive attitude of someone who enables him to develop a positive assessment of himself and his environment. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship of OHI-S status and gingival health to self-confidence in class VII adolescents at Unaaha 2 Public High School. Type of correlative analytic research with cross sectional approach. Data collection techniques are questionnaire and examination. The sample amounted to 103 people. Analysis techniques with the SPSS program and statistical tests using chi square. The test results of the relationship of OHI-S status to confidence with the chi square analysis test. The value of ρ-value = 0.00 <α = 0.05 thus H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted so that there is a relationship between the status of OHI-S and self confidence in adolescents of class VII at Unaaha Public High School 2. The test results on the relationship of gingival health to self-confidence with the chi-square analysis value ρ-value = 0.00 <α = 0.05 thus H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted so that there is a relationship between gingival health status and confidence in class VII youth at Unaaha 2 Public High School.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-29
Samuel Marganda Manalu ◽  
Citrayuni Saragih

Worm disease is a contagious disease and is a type of disease that is mostly experienced by children in Indonesia, which accounts for 80%. Personal hygiene, especially at the age of elementary school children, is very important, considering that at this age intestinal worm infections transmitted through the soil are very high. The aims of this study to determine the relationship of personal hygiene with the risk of helminthiasis in Elementry School. This research using quantitative with the type of research that is observational survey. The population in this study were all students of Elementry School and the sample of 77 peoples, the total sampling technique and method of collecting data by interviewing indirectly using a questionnaire sheet. The analysis of data is using chi-square then obtained a value of p = 0.037 <α = 0.05 there was a relationship between personal hygiene and the risk of worms. For this reason, it is hoped that the school will provide knowledge about personal hygiene such as every bath must use soap, wash hands with soap after defecation, wear footwear when playing outdoors, cut children's nails once a week, use clean drinking water, drink well-cooked water, not defecating in any place, providing latrines and clean water for school children to prevent worm infections.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-49
Anisa Putri Etika Ramadena ◽  
Sintha Fransiske Simanungkalit ◽  
A’immatul Fauziyah

Diabetes mellitus occurs, one of which is characterized by hyperglycemia that occurs due to insulin abnormalities or insulin action (Perkeni, 2015). The 2018 Riskesdas survey showed an increase in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in people over 15 years of age. High carbohydrate intake can affect the incidence of diabetes mellitus. This is caused carbohydrates that have been broken down by the body into glucose will be circulated throughout the body and the glucose balance will be controlled by the pancreas by releasing the hormone insulin. If a insulin produced is few, the glucose level in the blood will be excess and increase the occurrence of hyperglycemia. This study aims to analyze the relationship between consumption of sweet foods, body mass index and abdominal circumference with the incidence of diabetes mellitus in adults aged 26-45 years in DKI Jakarta based on the Riskesdas 2018 analysis. The results of the bivariate test with chi square showed a relationship between consumption of sweet foods (p = 0,000), body mass index (p = 0,000) and abdominal circumference (p = 0,000) with the incidence of diabetes mellitus. It can be concluded that there is a relationship between consumption of sweet foods, body mass index and abdominal circumference with the incidence of diabetes mellitus in adults aged 26-45 years in DKI Jakarta.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 043-049
Rifiana Hikmawati ◽  
Metti Verawati

Introduction The wrong way to use a bottle of milk can cause bacteria to grow. Of the growthof bacteria in a bottle can interfere with the baby’s digestive system, it can even cause diarrhea in infantsor toddlers. The aim of this study were: to analyze the relationship maternal behavior in the use ofbottles of milk with diarrhea. Methods, research design used in the study is correlational and crosssectional approach. To determine the relationship of maternal behavior in using milk bottle with incidenceof diarrhea in infants with a nominal scale can be searched by using the Chi-Square Test Statistics.Results, Results of chi square analysis obtained x2 x2 count of 4.6 and Table 3.84. So count e” x2 ofx2 tables acceptable means Ha Ho is rejected, it shows no association between maternal behavior in theuse of the bottle with the incidence of diarrhea in infants. Discussion, hoped for the nursing professionnot only serve the clinical aspects (curative and rehabilitation), but needs to be developed for promotiveand preventive efforts in an attempt to prevent the occurrence of diarrhea

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