scholarly journals Pengaruh Edukasi Perilaku Vulva Hygine Dengan Media Video Dan Ceramah Terhadap Perilaku Vulva Hygine Pada Santriwati Rersiko Keputhan Patologis Di Pondok Pesantren Raudhatul Malikiyah Kota Probolinggo

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Siti Linda Masluha ◽  
Handono Fathur Rohman ◽  
Agus Nurul Hidayat

ABSTRACTBackground: Vulva hygine is necessary to prevent pathological vaginal discharge. The right strategy to prevent vaginal discharge is to provide Vulva hygine education. The study was conducted on April 1, 2020 for 1 week.Research methods: Using a quasi-experimental research method. This type of research is the pre and post test control group design with a sample of 65 respondents, using a questionnaire measuring instrument and using the Wilcoxon test for knowledge and attitudes and the T test for action.Results: statistical tests on knowledge and attitudes using the Wilcoxon test, from the results of these tests obtained results for knowledge and attitudes P value + 0.000 <α 0.05, and for action using the Paired sample T-test statistical test and the results obtained P value = 0.000 <α 0.05. This means that from the three domains above Ha is accepted.Conclusion: There is an effect of education on the knowledge, attitudes and actions of students at the risk of pathological vaginal discharge. Based on the results of this study, it is advisable for students to apply the education that has been given during the research. Keywords: Education, Vulva Hygine, Knowledge, Attitude, Action

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 515-522
Zubaeda Zubaeda ◽  
Suhartono Suhartono ◽  
Runjati Runjati

The first 1000 days of life period is the most frequent period of stunting as well as the best period to prevent and improve the stunting condition, so it needs optimal preparation before entering this period which can be applied to premarital women. This study aims to analyze the effect of giving first 1000 days of life modules to the knowledge and attitude of stunting prevention in Premarital women. This type of research is quasi-experimental pre test-post test with control group design. The number of samples is 60 premarital women divided into two groups. The Result of Paired T-test knowlede and attitude score obtained p value 0.001), while the result of Independen T-test p value of knowledge = 0.002 and attitude = 0.02. The First 1000 days of life modules   has more effect on increasing knowledge and attitude of stunting prevention compare premarital class only.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Ulfah Sofindra Syahidatunnisa ◽  
Holil M Par'i ◽  
Fred Agung Suprihartono ◽  
Fred Agung Suprihartono ◽  
Rr. Nur Fauziyah ◽  

One of the factors that influence Kadarzi's achievement is the knowledge and attitudes of the toddler's mother. This study aims to determine the effect of counseling using backsheet media on the knowledge and attitudes of toddlers' mothers about Kadarzi in the Cipeundeuy Health Center District of West Bandung Regency. The research design used was quasi-experimental with a pre-post test control group design model with a total sample of 28 people each for the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group was given an intervention in the form of counseling using flipchart media, while the control group was given an intervention in the form of counseling using leaflet media. The results obtained from the Wilcoxon test in the experimental group and the t-dependent test in the control group were changes in the increase in knowledge and attitude scores in the experimental group and the control group after intervention (p <0.005). The results of the Mann-Whitney test showed no significant difference between knowledge and attitude scores in the experimental group and the control group (p> 0.005). It is better to do further research related to Kadarzi's behavior so that the application of the Kadarzi indicator can be monitored so that it can describe the results of attitudinal changes, and to increase Kadarzi's knowledge and attitudes to toddler mothers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-20
Elna Sari ◽  
Andi Zulkifli ◽  

SMA 5 and SMA 21 are the leading schools in Makassar City which have a Youth Counseling Information Center. Previous research looked at the influence of game simulation and brainstorming on the knowledge and attitudes of stundent about reproductive health for high school adolescents in Makassar City, including SMA 5 and SMA 21, but the results did not have effect on students' knowledge and attitudes. Therefore, the researcher took the initiative to provide another intervention in the form of counseling. This study aims to determine the effect of counseling on knowledge and attitudes about risky sexual behavior among students in SMA 5 and SMA 21 Makassar City. This study used a quasi-experimental design with a randomized pre test post test control group design. A sample of 76 students of class XI SMA 5 and SMA 21 Makassar City, using simple random sampling technique. Data collection was using a questionnaire. Statistical analysis used paired t-test and independent samples t-test. The results showed that there was an effect of counseling on knowledge (p = 0.002) but there was no effect on attitudes (p = 0.865) in SMA 5 and SMA 21 Makassar City. It is suggested that SMA 5 and SMA 21 Makassar City be active in conducting counseling, especially counseling about attitudes, so that students have positive attitudes about risky sexual behavior.

2021 ◽  
Andi Asrifan ◽  
Adi Wijayanto

Penelitian dalam skripsi ini dilatar belakangi bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran yang tepat dapat memberikan stimulasi perkembangan anak usia dini. Pemilihan dan penggunaan media pembelajaran yang tepat dapat menstimulasi perkembangan anak usia dini di RA Al Khodijah Purworejo Ngunut Tulungagung. Media audio visual memberikan suara dan gambar yang bergerak sehingga dapat menarik minat anak dalam pembelajaran dan mempengaruhi kecerdasan bahasa anak. Sedangkan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan APE akan mempermudah dan memberikan kesempatan pada anak untuk berimajinasi, berfikir kreatif, menciptakan sesuatu yang baru dan menemukan berbagai alternatif dalam pemecahan masalah.Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan pendekatan quasi experimental dan desain penelitian non equivalent control group design. Populasi anak usia dini kelompok B di RA Al Khodijah Purworejo Kecamatan Ngunut Kabupaten Tulungagung tahun pelajaran 2019/2020 yang terdiri dari kelompok B1 sejumlah 30 anak dan kelompok B2 sejumlah 30 anak. Sampel diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling sejumlah 30 anak. Variabel independen media audio visual dan alat peraga edukatif, variabel dependen pengembangan bahasa anak. Data diambil dengan lembar observasi pengembangan bahasa anak, kemudian dianalisis dengan uji paired sample t test dan independent sample t test.Hasil dari penelitian didapatkan: 1) Ada pengaruh media pembelajaran audio visual terhadap hasil pengembangan bahasa anak kelas B di RA Al Khodijah Purworejo Ngunut Tulungagung. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dari uji paired t test pengembangan bahasa anak antara sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran media audio visual didapatkan p value 0,000 &lt; 0,05. 2) Ada pengaruh alat peraga edukatif terhadap hasil pengembangan bahasa anak kelas B di RA Al Khodijah Purworejo Ngunut Tulungagung. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dari uji paired t test pengembangan bahasa anak antara sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran dengan alat peraga edukatif didapatkan p value 0,000 &lt; 0,05. 3) Ada perbedaan pengaruh media pembelajaran audio visual dan alat peraga edukatif terhadap hasil pengembangan bahasa anak kelas B di RA Al Khodijah Purworejo Ngunut Tulungagung. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dari uji independen t test pengaruh media pembelajaran audio visual dan alat peraga edukatif terhadap hasil pengembangan bahasa anak didapatkan p value 0,004 &lt; 0,05.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-37
Arif Hendra Kusuma ◽  
Atika Dhiah Anggraeni

Stroke merupakan sindrom neurologis dengan karakteristik defisit neurologis tanpa adanya konflusi akibat kelainan peredaran darah cerebral yang berlangsung selama 24 jam atau lebih. Status neurologis penderita stroke dapat diukur dengan National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS). Pemeriksaan ini untuk menilai kemajuan hasil perawatan pasien stroke yang terdiri dari 11 komponen. Pemberian posisi kepala 30° disertai dengan passive range of motion (PROM) merupakan kombinasi tindakan yang berfungsi memaksimalkan oksigenasi jaringan serebral dan kemampuan motorik, sehingga penyembuhan pada pasien stroke akan menjadi lebih cepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi posisi kepala 30° dan PROM terhadap penurunan skor NIHSS pada pasien stroke. Desain penelitian menggunakan Quasi Experimental dengan pendekatan pretest posttest control group design. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 14 responden yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok. Hasil penelitian menggunakan uji dependen t-test menunjukkan ada pengaruh kombinasi posisi kepala 30° dan PROM terhadap skor NIHSS pada pasien stroke dengan  P value = 0,002 (α<0,05). Saran penelitan ini perawat dapat menerapkan kombinasi posisi kepala 30° dan PROM sebagai intervensi mandiri keperawatan pada pasien stroke untuk dalam upaya memberikan penyembuhan yang lebih cepat dan menjadikan salah satu SOP dalam perawatan pasien stroke dirumah sakit.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 278
Mira Agusthia

<p><em>Stroke patients in Indonesia are increasing every year and have a high degree of dependence on caregiver. The more severe the load perceived by the caregiver the more severe the emotional level felt by the caregiver, therefore caregiver requires upbringing in reducing the burden he feels that is by providing psychoeducation therapy. Psychoeducation is one of the therapies that provide information and education to the caregiver, thus psychoeducation is the right therapy in lowering caregiver load. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of psychoeducation therapy on caregiver load in treating stroke patients. This research was conducted at National Stroke Hospital of Bukittinggi from July 31st to September 1st 2017. The research type was quasi-experimental with pretest and posttest with control group design using Zarit Burden Interview questionnaire. The sample of 34 Caregiver using Purpossive Sampling technique. The results showed that there was a decrease of Caregiver load in the intervention group as much as (12,71), deviation standard (4,566) with p value 0,000 and the weight loss control group (0,41) standard deviation (0,795), with p value 0,050. Conclusion of the study of the influence of psychoeducation therapy on caregiver load in treating stroke patients.</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em><br /></em>Penderita stroke di Indonesia semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya dan memilikitingkatketergantungan yang tinggiterhadapcaregiver. Semakin berat beban yang dirasakan oleh caregiver semakin berat pula tingkat emosional yang dirasakan oleh caregiver, oleh karena itu caregiver membutuhkan asuhan dalam menurunkan beban yang dirasakannya yaitu dengan memberikan terapi psikoedukasi. Psikoedukasi merupakan salah satu terapi yang memberikan informasi dan edukasi kepada caregiver, dengan demikian psikoedukasi adalah terapi yang tepat dalam menurunkan beban caregiver. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi psikoedukasi terhadap beban caregiver dalam merawat penderita stroke.Penelitian ini dilakukan Di Rumah Sakit Stroke Nasional Bukittinggi mulai dari tanggal 31Juli s/d 1 September 2017. Jenis penelitian adalah quasi-eksperimental dengan rancangan pretest and posttest with control group menggunakan kuisioner Zarit Burden Interview. Sampel berjumlah 34 Caregiver menggunakan teknik Purpossive Sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya penurunan beban Caregiver pada kelompok intervensi sebanyak (12,71), standar deviasi (4,566) dengan p value 0,000 dan kelompok kontrol penurunan beban sebanyak ( (0,41) standar deviasi (0,795), dengan p value 0,050. Simpulan penelitian adanya pengaruh terapi psikoedukasi terhadap beban caregiver dalam merawat penderita stroke.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 821-828
Nuniek Tri Wahyuni

Tunagrahita adalah kondisi anak yang kecerdasannya dibawah rata-rata yaitu dibawah 70 dan memiliki ketergantungan pada orang lain secara berlebihan, kurang tanggap, penampilan fisiknya kurang proporsional, perkembangan bicara terlambat dan bahasa terbatas. Anak tunagrahita rentan terhadap infeksi dikarenakan imunitas  yang kurang dan kemampuan perawatan diri yang masih lemah. Penyebab infeksi tersebut karena banyak anak usia sekolah terkena diare karena sebelum dan sesudah makan mereka tidak mencuci tangan. Mencuci tangan dapat menekan angka kejadian infeksi diare sampai 47%. Saat ini media pembelajaran untuk melatih anak tunagrahita masih bervariasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan lagu “6 langkah mencuci tangan” terhadap kemampuan mencuci tangan siswa tunagrahita sedang di SDLB-C Pancaran Kasih Kota Cirebon.   Desain   Penelitian ini menggunakan quasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan pre test and post testwithout controlgroup design. Teknik sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling yaitu anak tunagrahita sedang SDLB-C dengan jumlah 37 responden. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi 6 langkah mencuci tangan sesuai dengan standar WHO. Untuk menguji hipotesis digunakan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian membuktikan terdapat pengaruh penerapan lagu “6 langkah mencuci tangan” terhadap kemampuan mencuci tangan anak tunagrahita sedang (p value 0.000). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian direkomendasikan bahwa lagu ”6 langkah mencuci tangan” dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemandirian anak tunagrahita khususnya mencuci tangan.Kata kunci     : Tunagrahita, Penerapan lagu, 6 langkah mencuci tangan, audio visual ABSTRACTTunagrahita is the child's condition is below average intelligence that is under 70 and has a dependency on others excessively, less responsive, less proportionate physical appearance, delayed speech and language development is limited. In some cases, children with intellectual disability are susceptible to infection due to less immune system and self care. The infection is mostly caused by diarrhea as many school-aged children have no proper hand-washing behavior before and after meals. Hand-washing reduces the risk of infectious diarrhea up to 47 %. However, learning media to train those children with mental retardation still vary from one another.  This research aims to understand the influence of the application of a song “6 steps of washing hands” on the ability of student mental retardation to wash hand was on a method of audio visual at SDLB-C (special elementary school for intellectual disability) Pancaran Kasih Cirebon. The research used quasi experimental design with pre test and post test, without the presence of control group design. Purposive sampling method was used to involve 37 students of SDLB-C with mental retardation as the research respondents. The research instruments were observation sheets of 6 steps of washing hands in accordance with the WHO standards. In testing hypotheses, wilcoxon test was used. The finding suggests that there is positive influence of the application of “6 steps of washing hands” song on the ability of washing hand behavior of children with mental retardation, denoted by p value 0.000. Therefore, the application of song “6 steps of washing hand” can possibly be applied to improve independence of children with mental retardation.Keywords      : Mental retardation, six steps of washing hands, Aplication of the song, audio visual method

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-146
Erika Yulita Ichwan ◽  
Shentya Fitriana ◽  
Diana Hartaty Angraini ◽  
Deas Nurul Awaliyah

Adolescence is a transition period with specific needs for growth and development. The reproduction of health education is essential to be given to adolescents because they are susceptible to the risks of reproduction health problems. Giving explanations of health education for adolescents by using media will maximize them in absorbing information since media has become an integral part of adolescents' life. One alternative media that is close and familiar with adolescents is an Android application that can be easily accessed by teenagers who have it through a handphone. The purpose of this study was to know the effectiveness of android based applications at the Central Jakarta Senior High School. The method of this research is a quasi-experimental research with control group design. Sampling by cluster sampling method at SMAN 1 Jakarta as an intervention group and SMAN 5 Jakarta as a control group. Statistical tests using the Paired T-Test, Wilcoxon Test, and Mann Whitney test. The results of the study show what is meant by the knowledge of adolescents with a value of p = 0,000, so Android application can be applied as a media tool about improving the health of adolescents in schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Anjar Astuti ◽  
Dina Dewi Anggraini

Indonesia menjadi negara dengan penderita Hepatitis B ketiga terbanyak di dunia, sebanyak 28 juta penderita. Penyakit Hepatitis B dapat menyerang semua umur, tidak terkecuali ibu hamil. Jika janin terinfeksi virus hepatitis B dapat mengakibatkan bayi prematur, BBLR, kelainan anatomi dan fungsi tubuh bayi. Salah satu faktor penyebab tingginya kejadian hepatitis B adalah rendahnya pengetahuan dan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap penyakit tersebut. video animasi merupakan salah satu media yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat tentang hepatitis B dan mempunyai banyak kelebihan dibandingkan dengan media lain. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh “VISIP - HB” terhadap perubahan pengetahuan dan sikap pencegahan Hepatitis B wanita pra konsepsi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi experimental research dengan sampel 50 wanita pra konsepsi. Analisis bivariate dengan independent t-test. Hasil menunjukkan ada perbedaan pengetahuan wanita pra konsepsi tentang pencegahan hepatitis B pada kehamilan pada kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan dengan nilai p 0,000. Ada perbedaan sikap wanita pra konsepsi tentang pencegahan hepatitis B saat hamil pada kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan dengan nilai p 0,000. Ada pengaruh “VISIP - HB” terhadap perubahan pengetahuan dan sikap wanita pra konsepsi dalam mencegah hepatitis B saat hamil. Kata kunci: pengetahuan; sikap; video; wanita pra konsepsi The Effect of "VISIP - HB" on Knowledge and Attitude Changes of Hepatitis B Prevention in Pre-Conception Women ABSTRACTIndonesia is the country with the third most hepatitis B sufferers in the world, with 28 million sufferers. Hepatitis B disease can attack all age level, including pregnant women. If the fetus is infected with the hepatitis B virus, it can cause premature babies, low birth weight babies, anatomical and baby body functions abnormalities. One of the factors causing the high incidence of hepatitis B is the lack of knowledge and public awareness of the disease. Animated video is one of the media that can be used to increase knowledge to the public about hepatitis B and has many advantages compared to other media. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of "VISIP - HB" on knowledge and attitudes changes of prevention of Hepatitis B in pre-conception women. This study used a quasi-experimental research design with a sample of 50 pre-conception women. Bivariate analysis test used independent t-test. The results showed that there was a difference in the knowledge of pre-conception women about preventing hepatitis B in pregnancy in the control group and the treatment group with a p value of 0.000. There were differences in the attitudes of pre-conception women about preventing hepatitis B during pregnancy in the control group and the treatment group with a p value of 0.000. There is an effect of "VISIP - HB" on changes in knowledge and attitudes of pre-conception women in preventing hepatitis B during pregnancy.  Keywords: knowledge; attitude; videos; pre-conception woman

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-47
Maya Cobalt

Background: One of the disorders experienced by gout arthritis sufferers is pain in the joints. Joint pain in patients with gouty arthritis occurs due to deposits of monosodiumuric crystals that accumulate in the joints as a result of high levels of gout arthritis in the blood. One of the interventions that can be given to reduce the pain scale in sufferers of gouty arthritis is the administration of warm cinnamon compresses. The essential oil in cinnamon bark contains eugenol, where eugenol has a very hot and spicy taste so it can open the skin's pores. So that pain can be reduced with the warm cinnamon compress. Purpose: The effect of the warm cinnamon compress aims to determine the benefits of the warm cinnamon compress to reduce the pain scale in sufferers of gout arthritis. Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental method with a pre and post control group approach. The sample in this study amounted to 50 respondents, the sample was taken by stratified random. Results: The results of the Wilcoxon test showed that the p value in the control group was 0.850 and the intervention group obtained a p value of 0.000. The results of the Paired T-test showed that the p value in the control group was 0.594 and the intervention group obtained a p value of 0.000. Independent T-test results obtained p value 0.000 <0.05, meaning that there is an effect of warm cinnamon compresses on reducing pain in patients with gout arthritis before and after giving warm cinnamon compresses between the intervention group and the control group. Conclusion: The warm cinnamon compress has an effect on reducing the pain scale in people with gouty arthritis. Keywords: gout arthritis, pain, cinnamon warm compress

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