2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Faidatu Rohmah, Mutrofin

This study aims to describe the role of Community Information Groups (KIM) in forming agricultural business networks in order to improve the community's economy through empowering local potentials in Karangsono Village, Kanigoro District, Blitar Regency. The approach used is to use the theory of diffusion of innovation which has 4 elements of the innovation diffusion process, namely innovation, communication channels, time and social system. However, researchers are more focused on the process of diffusion of innovations in forming a network using communication channels. This study will explain the innovations of KIM members which will be disseminated to the public using qualitative descriptive methods. This research data collection through interviews and field observations. The results of this study are the diffusion of innovation in forming business networks through communication channels that have been created by KIM members. So that the innovation process that has been disseminated can be accepted by the community and can change the community to be more prosperous.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-45
Rani Diah Anggraini

The haze disaster that hit the Central Kalimantan and surrounding areas in 2015 had a broad impact on various fields of life, such as economics, health, and education. The government prohibits land clearing by burning and launching a peat restoration program to prevent the occurrence of the smog haze again while restoring degraded peat ecosystems. However, the diffusion of innovations in peat restoration programs carried out by BRG in which there is PLTB program must deal with the habit of burning land that has been carried out for generations. The study about the process of diffusion of innovations in PLTB program in Central Kalimantan used a qualitative descriptive approach with a case study method. The face-to-face interpersonal communication channel is the main communication channel of the BRG in the process of diffusion of innovation in PLTB program and is considered the most effective. BRG maximizes the role of opinion leaders and change agents as a source of information. BRG also improved the function of Fasdes and established intensive communication with peatland farmers through the WhatsApp group to overcome uneven internet network constraints. Keywords: Peat Restoration, Land Processing without Burning, Diffusion of Innovations   ABSTRAK Bencana kabut asap yang melanda wilayah Kalimantan Tengah dan sekitarnya pada tahun 2015 berdampak luas pada berbagai bidang kehidupan, seperti ekonomi, kesehatan, dan pendidikan. Pemerintah melarang pembukaan lahan dengan membakar dan mencanangkan program restorasi gambut untuk mencegah bencana kabut asap kembali terjadi sekaligus mengembalikan ekosistem gambut yang terdegradasi. Namun, difusi inovasi program restorasi gambut oleh BRG di mana terdapat program PLTB harus berhadapan dengan kebiasaan membakar lahan yang telah dilakukan masyarakat secara turun-temurun. Penelitian tentang proses difusi inovasi program PLTB di Kalimantan Tengah ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Saluran komunikasi interpersonal secara tatap muka menjadi saluran komunikasi utama BRG dalam proses difusi inovasi program PLTB dan dinilai paling efektif. BRG memaksimalkan peran pemuka pendapat dan agen-agen perubahan sebagai sumber informasi. BRG juga meningkatkan fungsi Fasdes dan menjalin komunikasi intensif dengan petani-petani lahan gambut melalui grup WhatsApp untuk mengatasi kendala jaringan internet yang belum merata. Kata kunci: Restorasi Gambut, Pengolahan Lahan Tanpa Bakar, Difusi Inovasi

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Andi Ridwan Makkulawu

<p>Diffusion of innovation theory essentially describes the process of how an innovation is<br />delivered (communicated) through certain channels over time to a group of members of the<br />social system. In this paper will be presented a study of the diffusion of innovations that resulted<br />from the innovative work that milk sterilizer with electric shock (electric milk) to help dairy<br />farmers in maintaining the quality of milk yield. Analytical methods to accelerate the innovation<br />diffusion theory of Rogers conducted the assessment associated with knowledge management to<br />measure innovation performance. From the results of the study, electric sterilizer milk is an<br />innovation because they have been commercialized to the public, especially in the Milk<br />Processing Cooperative (PPP) milk and dairy farmer groups. In functional electrical appliance<br />milk can be accepted by the public because the operating system can be run automatically<br />making it easier for users of the technology in terms of the operation of the appliance. To<br />accelerate the diffusion of innovation will require accelerating the dissemination of tools with<br />tool usage in group level, as did the level rancher PPP.</p>

Yuliia Horiashchenko ◽  

This article draws a parallel between the diffusion of innovation and the level of profitability of Ukrainian enterprises. The conceptual and categorical analysis of the term “diffusion of innovations” is carried out. The basic principles of innovative solutions are indicated as the basis for information support of innovative activities. These principles include: the natural nature of innovation, analytical solutions, validity, voluntariness, partnership between all participants in the innovation process. It is emphasized that non-observance of these principles makes it impossible to make a voluntary or collective decision and presupposes the adoption of an undesirable innovative decision for enterprises, which, unlike a collective one, is made not by the social system, but by a group of people with influence or power. Shown are regional disparities in terms of profitability (loss ratio) of large, medium and small enterprises in 2015-2019. The difference between the level of profitability of large, medium and small enterprises by region is due to regional imbalances in social, economic, environmental and political and legal development. Separately, a comparison was made of all economic regions for a deeper understanding of the country's innovative potential and cluster analysis in further scientific research. It is emphasized that it is the profitable activity of enterprises that is the first step towards innovation. The calculations showed the level of readiness and ability of citizens to do business in the country. A fuzzy relationship has been established between the profitability of Ukrainian enterprises and their innovative activities. The main problem for small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine, as well as for businesses in European countries, is the inaccessibility of digital production and distribution solutions. The German experience of diffusion of innovations in small and medium-sized businesses was studied, in particular, the attraction of German small businesses to digitalization. Based on the study of foreign experience, a strategic task for Ukrainian small and medium-sized businesses is outlined.

2021 ◽  
Ursula Catherina Loots

<p>This research is an attempt to clarify the extraordinary and new concept in public libraries - trust as a form of governance. Public libraries world wide are faced with the dilemma of having to find funding to keep the services they provide for their communities as good, or preferably better, than it has been. Trust as a form of governance is just one possibility facing public libraries in New Zealand today. At the onset of this research it became clear that no literature has been produced or research undertaken on the topic of trusts in public libraries in New Zealand or on the governance of public library trusts. As trust as a form of governance could become an important issue in the restructuring and funding of public libraries in New Zealand as well as in the management changes facing public libraries in New Zealand today, it is important that research be done on the topic and made available to the public library community. As a supporting theoretical framework for planning the research, Everett Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation theory and more specifically, the theory of the innovation process in organisations has been used.</p>

2021 ◽  
Ursula Catherina Loots

<p>This research is an attempt to clarify the extraordinary and new concept in public libraries - trust as a form of governance. Public libraries world wide are faced with the dilemma of having to find funding to keep the services they provide for their communities as good, or preferably better, than it has been. Trust as a form of governance is just one possibility facing public libraries in New Zealand today. At the onset of this research it became clear that no literature has been produced or research undertaken on the topic of trusts in public libraries in New Zealand or on the governance of public library trusts. As trust as a form of governance could become an important issue in the restructuring and funding of public libraries in New Zealand as well as in the management changes facing public libraries in New Zealand today, it is important that research be done on the topic and made available to the public library community. As a supporting theoretical framework for planning the research, Everett Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation theory and more specifically, the theory of the innovation process in organisations has been used.</p>

Gunahumas ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-104
Latifa Ramonita

ABSTRAK Pemerintah melalui Menteri Perikanan dan Kelautan telah mengumumkan kondisi rawan stunting atau kondisi terhambatnya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang dialami oleh anak-anak Indonesia. Menyikapi kondisi ini, Pemerintah menetapkan program “Gemarikan” sebagai salah satu program kerja “Nawa Cita 5”, yang disosialisasikan ke seluruh Indonesia melalui berbagai kegiatan; salah satunya adalah lomba kuliner “Menuju Istana – Lomba Masak Ikan Nusantara” (LMIN), yang digagas oleh Femina Media pada periode Juni-Agustus 2017 lalu. Melalui kompetisi ini Pemerintah berharap masyarakat Indonesia mau lebih banyak makan ikan untuk mendukung tumbuh kembang, sehingga risiko stunting bisa menurun dan hilang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis aktivitas program LMIN dalam proses pembentukan agent of change makan ikan di Indonesia, mengetahui beragam hambatannya, serta mengetahui solusi yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut. Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis kegiatan ini adalah Difusi Inovasi dari Everett Rogers, yang menitikberatkan pada penyebaran inovasi di masyarakat yang dilakukan melalui saluran komunikasi tertentu dalam waktu tertentu, dan dilakukan dalam suatu sistem sosial, dan memanfaatkan agen perubahan untuk membawa inovasi kepada masyarakat. Analisis kegiatan kompetisi kuliner ini dilakukan secara kualitatif melalui wawancara kepada para peserta lomba juga penyelenggara, juga melalui studi dokumen. Hasil dari analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa LMIN pada dasarnya merupakan kegiatan yang menarik dan berpotensi untuk menghasilkan agen-agen perubahan yang siap diterjunkan ke masyarakat, meski sayangnya aktivitas pasca kegiatan belum dilakukan secara terpusat dan terarah. Kata Kunci: Pemerintah, kompetisi, program kuliner, ikan, Indonesia ABSTRACT The Government, through the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, has announced stunting-prone conditions or the conditions of underdeveloped growth in many Indonesian children. Responding to this condition, the Government established the "Gemarikan" campaign as one of the “Nawa Cita 5” working programs, which was disseminated throughout Indonesia through various activities. One of them is the culinary competition: "Menuju Istana – Lomba Masak Ikan Nusantara" (LMIN), which was initiated by Femina Media in the period of June-August 2017. Through this competition, the Government hopes that Indonesian people will be willing to eat more fish to support growth and development, so the risk of stunting can decrease and eventually disappeared. This research aims to find out and analyse the LMIN activities in producing agents of change for eating fish in Indonesia, knowing the various obstacles, and knowing the solutions that can be done to overcome these obstacles. The theory used to analyse this research is the Diffusion of Innovation from Everett Rogers, which focusing in the dissemination of innovation, in the community, which is carried out through certain communication channels in a certain time through certain social system, and agent of change as the carrier of the innovation to the public. The research was carried out through qualitative methods, by informant and program organizer interviews, and also through document studies. The result of this research indicates that LMIN is basically an interesting activity and has the potential to produce agents of change who are ready to be deployed to the community, although unfortunately post-activity activities have not been carried out centrally and directed as expected. Keywords: government, competition, culinary program, fish, Indonesia

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Putri Maulina

In this contemporary era, the forms of public service in Indonesia have become increasingly practical and instant. Conditions like this to illustrate how the phenomenon of McDonaldization began to plague into public service systems, one of which is with the public service system e-Filing DJP Online. E-Filing DJP Online is an application of public services based on information and communication technology implemented by the state tax execution agency to provide easy access to services for the Taxpayers in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to see how the principles of McDonaldization are applied in the public service system of tax agencies through the DGT Online e-Filing system. The theory approach used is McDonaldization Theory by George Ritzer, and the concept of Public Service. The method used is qualitative descriptive, with literature review approach. The results show that the DGT Online e-Filing system applies the principles of McDonaldization in the form of its services, namely: efficiency, quantified and qualified services, predictability, control, and ultimately the rationale for irrationality of service.Keywords: McDonaldization, Public Service, Tax, e-Filing

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-66
Coni Wanprala ◽  
Isnaini Muallidin ◽  
Dewi Sekar Kencono

At present the development of technology and information has reached a very rapid level. Technology and information are used as a service media in the government environment which is also known as e-Government, one of which is the service of public information disclosure. The central government through Law No. 14 of 2008 concerning Openness of Public Information, encourages all Public Agencies including the Sleman Regency Government to make transparency in the administration of the state by utilizing information technology. This research is a qualitative descriptive study which aims to describe the reality that occurs. The object of research in this study is the official website of the Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID) of Sleman Regency with the domain then the Sleman Regency Communication and Informatics Office as the organizer of the public information disclosure program. The data collection technique itself is carried out by means of interviews, documentation studies, and field observations (observations). After collecting and presenting data, then the data will be reduced first then analyzed and concluded. From the results of the study, in general the researchers concluded that the Sleman Regency PPID website had reached the level of qualification to become a quality website, however there were still some improvements and evaluations that had to be done by the relevant agencies in order to be better, namely (i) the website was still being assessed as a one-way service (ii) There are still many OPDs that are not ready to implement PPID (iii) data and information are still not updated (iv) lack of responsiveness of services in requests for information.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (III) ◽  
pp. 199-211
Stella Gati Maroa ◽  
Mary Namusonge

Strategic innovation is a strategic tool that can be used to align the institution’s resources and capabilities with opportunities in the external environment in order to enhance survival and long term success of the organization.  Innovation promotes use of technology consequently impacting positively on service delivery. Public universities reforms have been a necessary and on-going policy objective for the Government of Kenya. Innovation as one of the approaches to the reforms is intended to induce an overhaul the public university system to better serve the needs of both government and the citizens with improved delivery of public services. In Kenya technology in public institutions has not been effectively used to enhance service delivery more so institutions where technology use has been embraced, its impact on service delivery has not been assessed effectively. This study applied the institutional theory, diffusion of innovation theory and stakeholders theory of management to determine how strategic innovation at Kenyatta University impacts on service delivery. The general objective of this study therefore was to determine the effect of strategic innovation on service delivery in Kenyatta University. Specific objectives included finding out the influence of eLearning, online student registration and use of e-messaging services on service delivery in Kenyatta University. A population of 72,000 students admitted to Kenyatta University was used from which random sampling was conducted to a sample of 200 students using Nassiuma’s formula. Data was collected by disbursing physically the questionnaires to the students. Descriptive and regression analysis was conducted using SPSS 22 to provide findings on the study. The study conducted a multiple regression analysis to estimate the model for the study. The study had a coefficient of correlation R of 0.912 an indication of strong of correlation between the variables and a coefficient of adjusted R2 was 0.814.This means that there was a significant correlations between the variables and service delivery at Kenyatta University however other factors that are not considered in the research paper contribute approximately 18.6% of the service delivery at Kenyatta University. Therefore, a very extensive further research is highly required to investigate and come up with other factors of the viability to service delivery at Kenyatta University. The study concluded that the strategic innovation of the public universities ranges from the products and services offered and is determined by the technology that is revolutionizing the current global world and has improved the service delivery at Kenyatta University. A strategic innovation brings a lot of advantages and has a great impact on human and business daily life. Therefore, strategic innovation development is the best choice in helping higher institution of learning stay on track.

Publika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 323-334
Rani Wahyuningsih ◽  
Galih Wahyu Pradana

Sektor pariwisata yang saat ini sedang banyak diminati masyarakat adalah konsep pariwisata pedesaan, seperti desa wisata. Di Gresik sendiri terdapat banyak sekali wisata yang dikembangkan oleh Pemerintah melalui Badan Usaha Milik Desa atau BUMDes seperti Desa Wisata Lontar Sewu di Desa Hendrosari. Berawal dari potensi desa yang apabila dikembangkan secara optimal dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat sekitar sehingga mampu meningkatkan perekonomian masyakat Desa Hendrosari. Sebab itu perlu untuk dilakukan penelitian lebih jauh mengenai pentingnya pemberdayaan masyarakat. Sehingga penting untuk dilakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat dimana di Desa Hendrosari terdapat sumber daya alam yang mumpuni untuk dikelola sehingga jika dikelola lebih baik bisa untuk menambah pendapatan desa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan fokus penelitian menggunakan teori Pemberdayaan Masyarakat oleh Tim Delivery (Totok Mardikanto, 2013: 125-127). Karena pada awalnya dahulu desa hendrosari terkenal dengan desa penghasil minuman fermentasi sehingga konotasi dari Desa Hendrosari lebih ke arah negatif. Sehingga dengan adanya program kerja tersebut mampu mengubah image masyarakat tentang desa tersebut menjadi desa wisata. Masyarakat Desa Hendrosari mempunyai peran penting untuk melestarikan dan mengembangkan potensi yang ada seperti sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia. Sehingga mereka memiliki peran penting dalam tindakan pengambilan keputusan, mempengaruhi serta memberi manfaat bagi kondisi lingkungan yang ada disekitar. Pengelolaan yang baik menghasilkan tempat wisata yang dikenal dengan nama lontar sewu. Dengan adanya tempat wisata baru tersebut menghasilkan banyak pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengembangan desa wisata lontar sewu. Kata kunci :Lontar Sewu, Desa Hendrosari, Desa Wisata, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat,   The tourism sector which is currently in great demand by the public is the concept of rural tourism, such as a tourist village. In Gresik itself, there are lots of tours developed by the Government through Village-Owned Enterprises or BUMDes such as Lontar Sewu Tourism Village in Hendrosari Village. Starting from the potential of the village which, if developed optimally, can increase the income of the surrounding community so as to improve the economy of the Hendrosari Village community. Therefore it is necessary to conduct further research on the importance of community empowerment. So it is important to do community empowerment where in Hendrosari Village there are natural resources that are qualified to be managed so that if they are managed better they can increase village income. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach with a research focus using the theory of community empowerment by the delivery team (Totok Mardikanto, 2013: 125-127). Because in the beginning, Hendrosari Village was known as a village that produced fermented drinks, so the connotation of Hendrosari Village was more negative. So that the existence of this work program is able to change the image of the community about the village into a tourist village. The Hendrosari Village community has an important role to play in preserving and developing existing potentials such as natural and human resources. So that they have an important role in decision-making actions, influence and benefit the surrounding environmental conditions. Good management produces a tourist spot known as lontar sewu. With this new tourist spot, it has resulted in a lot of community empowerment through the development of the Lontar Sewu tourism village. Keywords :Lontar Sewu, Hendrosari Village, Tourism Village, Community Empowerment

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