scholarly journals Motion Graphic untuk Pengenalan Warna Dalam Bahasa Inggris

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-39
Arta Uly Siahaan ◽  
Heny Anggraini Putri ◽  
Afdhol Dzikri

One of the levels of education for early childhood is Kindergarten. The presence and development of technology has a considerable influence on the development of learning media that utilizes video-based media. The use of video as a medium for learning color recognition in English in Kindergarten is expected to enhance childrens’ understanding. The aim of this research was to develop learning media to recognize colors in English through the implementation of motion graphics and to convey material about color in English through learning media in the form of motion graphics that have been made. This product was developed using the Luther Sutopo method and distributed to Ibn Khaldun's Islamic Kindergarten. Previously, a test was conducted where it was found that this media was very good to use and it was proven that the students' average score had increased by learning to use this media.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 226
Luqyana Nada Masar ◽  
Marlini Marlini

Abstract This paper discusses "Making Video Service Guide in Padang State University Library in the form of Motion Graphic". This paper is to introduce the services of the Padang State University Library to users. Describe the making of a video library service in Padang State University library in the form of motion graphics. The research method used in the discussion of this paper is descriptive. Descriptive method seeks to make a description, discuss systematically, factual and accurate about facts, facts, traits and relationships between phenomena investigated by observation and interview. In the first discussion chapter, the user needs to make a library service video at Padang State University in the form of motion graphics that are designed and implemented for users, specifically for students and Padang State University. In its use, users are expected to get information about services in the Padang State University Library. Second, start making video library services in Padang State University Library as follows: (1) concept or concept, (2) design or drawing, (3) material collection or material collection, (4) Assembly or collection, (5) testing or test, (6) distribution or distribution. Third, the trial results of the Padang State University library video products in the form of motion graphics conducted to the Head of the Padang State University Library gave a pretty good response to provide information to the users and also gave a response given by the librarian from the State University of Padang. Results of product trials to users so know the hours of operation of the library and also the use of existing services at the Padang State University Library.Keywords: service, library, motion graphic

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 445
Vevi Sunarti ◽  
Jamaris Jamna ◽  
Sufyarma Marsidin

Children's education cannot be separated from the large contribution of parents, who realize it or not will have a considerable influence on the success of an education. Therefore, in any situation, the role of parents cannot be ignored. One of the things we can observe is the need for parental cooperation in the implementation of existing education in an educational institution, we call it an early childhood education institution. Early childhood education cannot be separated from the cooperation of parents, the low cooperation of parents with early childhood education institutions will affect the success of the program itself. In this study the researchers tried to analyze the things that caused the low work of parents in early childhood education institutions, questionnaires were distributed to 21 who had children who were in early childhood education institutions and distributed randomly. With the results of good job research in terms of orientation to tasks that are considered quite good, (2) Orientation to the process which is considered quite good (3) Orientation to the assessment is quite low. The conclusions we can draw from this research are the need for an approach given to parents, so that parents want to be involved and cooperate in early childhood education institutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 485-496
M. Fadlillah ◽  
Rendy Setyowahyudi

The most effective way to prevent the spread of Covid-19 is to comply with health protocols. However, this habit is still tricky for some Indonesians, including in early childhood. This study aimed to develop and test the Ultaco game's quality as a medium in introducing the Covid-19 health protocol to early childhood. The research and development (RD) method was used in this study. In developing the Ultaco game, three steps carried out, including planning, design, and development. Product quality testing was carried out using three techniques: alpha test, beta test, and final evaluation. This study showed that the Ultaco game is a kind of snakes and ladders game that contains the Covid-19 health protocol, including wearing a mask, maintaining distance, staying at home, washing hands, covering sneezes, exercising diligently, and eating nutritiously. The trial results showed that the Ultaco game is of good quality and is suitable for use as a medium for introducing the Covid-19 health protocol to early childhood. This is based on the average score of the alpha test score of 4.48, the beta test score of 3.41, and the final evaluation score of 3.64. This study implies that children can become accustomed to complying with the Covid-19 health protocol with attractive, fun, and fun game media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-107
Reni Nurapriani ◽  
Aldila Rahma ◽  
Rini Alfiyah

Abstract Geometry is one of the basic math concepts that are crucial for early childhood development because it relates to objects in the environment around children. Cooking class activity is one way to improve the ability to recognize geometry in children, through food processing activities. This study aims to determine the effect of cooking class activities on improving the ability to recognize geometric shapes in early childhood. This research uses a quantitative approach with the Pre-Experimental method, one group pretest-posttest type. The study population was students aged 5-6 years (group B) consist of 15 children from Paud Al-Manshurin, Bandung. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews including documentation. From the research results, it was obtained that the pre-test average  score was 2.1 and the post-test score was 3.3. The t-test shows t value > t table (17.429> 1.761) with a significance level of 5%. These results indicate that cooking class activity significantly influences the child's ability to recognize geometric shape. Keywords: geometry, cooking class, early childhood, pre experimental

Jazariyah Jazariyah

Alignment between early childhood education (PAUD) in the family with the implementation of education in early childhood institutions become a key to optimal development of early childhood. Parents with good parenting skills can be a factor supporting the PAUD institution in achieving its vision and mission. Family-Based Early Childhood where there are some activities involving parents can be a bridge to establish cooperation between parents, educators and institutional managers. For this purpose, this research is conducted in an effort to develop family-based PAUD program, by creating a practical module that can be used by educators and parents. Research results show that the developed product is feasible to be used as an independent learning media that can be used by parents. This is based on the average score of the overall validator in this case media experts, material experts, peers and educators obtained score of 4.53 which is in the category of "very good". Furthermore, based on the pretest results with the value of 23.3 and posttest a number of 32.27 indicates an increase in knowledge of upbringing of 8.9 with a standard gain of 0.75 in the "high" category. Observation of parenting activities shows an average score of 4.6 in 92% percentage that is categorized as "very high". Based on these results, the modules developed are effective in improving parenting skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-177
Dea Amanda Amelia Revlinasari ◽  
I Nyoman Sudana Degeng ◽  
Agus Wedi ◽  

Pengembangan motion graphic mampu menjadi alat pendukung berupa visual dengan menggambarkan isi dari materi Dinamika Litosfer. Siswa merasa lebih kesulitan dalam menggambarkan bentuk visual dari sebuah pembelajaran Dinamika Litosfer, sehingga membutuhkan sebuah tiruan. Tiruan jika dilakukan pada sebuah peralatan yang pada faktanya membutuhkan banyak biaya dan berbahaya. Maka penggunaan animasi beupa Motion Graphics mampu menjadi solusi yang bertujuan untuk dapat menangani keterbatasan antara ruang dan waktu dan menciptakan gairah belajar. Lee & Owens, adalah metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, karena metode tersebut memiliki langkah-langkah pengembangan sistematis dan mengutamakan dari hasil pengalaman penggunanya. Hasil review dari ahli materi dan ahli media menunjukkan nilai positif. Ahli media dan materi berpendapat secara menyeluruh materi sudah layak dan media sangat menarik. Animasi Motion Graphics mempunyai keunggulan yaitu mampu menciptakan minat dan motivasi belajar pebelajar, memperjelas hal abstrak dan menyampaikan gambaran lebih nyata

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-132
Kristyannanda Aprilia Putra ◽  
Mahendradewa Suminto ◽  
Pandan Pareanom Purwacandra

Melihat banyaknya pengguna smartphone dan menjadikan generasi anak muda sekarang menjadi generasi individualis, menjadikan ide pada film animasi ‘Smartphone Addiction’ yang menggugah keinginan untuk merubah prilaku anak muda sekarang untuk lebih bersikap bijak terhadap perkembangan teknologi lewat animasi motion graphic, yang berisi gambaran-gambara perilaku kita sekarang ini yang terlalu menjadi pecandu smartphone.Teknikanimasimotion graphic digunakandalampenciptaankaryaanimasi, ‘Remaja dan Smartphone’denganalasaninginmemberikan penyajian yang sederhana dan mudah dipahami lewat style gambar flat designdan teknik animasi motionyang di padukan dengan narasi untuk memperjelah isi dan pesan pada film animasi ‘Remaja dan Smartphone’.Film animasi‘Remaja dan Smartphone’ sebuah film infografis yang di dalamnya berisi kebiasaan-kebiasaan anak muda sekarang yang terlalu menjadi pecandu smartphoneyang mengakibatkan masa muda mereka menjadi generasi individualis, kehidupan yang membosankan dan mereka hanya hidup di ruang lingkup dunia maya saja, di dunia nyata hanya menjadi manusia asing, sehingga mulai dari sekarang generasi anakmuda yang cerdas harus lebih bias bersikap bijak terhadap perkembangan teknologi. Kata kunci: Smartphone, Perkembangan Teknologi, Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Abstract Seeing the number of smartphone users and making the generation of young people now become an individualist generation, making the idea of an animated film 'Smartphone Addiction' that arouses the desire to change the behavior of young people now to be more wise about technological developments through animated motion graphics, which contain images of behavior we are now too much of a smartphone addict.Motion graphic animation techniques are used in the creation of animated works, 'Teenagers and Smartphones' with the reason that they want to provide a simple and easy-to-understand presentation through flat design drawing styles and motion animation techniques that are combined with narration to fill the contents and messages in the animated film' Teenagers and Smartphone '.Animated film “Remaja dan Smartphones' an infographic film that contains the habits of young people who are now too addicted to smartphones which results in their youth becoming an individualist generation, a boring life and they only live in the scope of cyberspace, in the world the real thing is only being a foreign human, so that from now on the generation of smart youngsters must be more biased to be wise about technological developments. Keywords: Smartphone, Technology Development, Public Service Advertising

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-75
Monika Pradila ◽  
Sandi Prasetyaningsih

Event Organizer (EO) Batam Pos adalah penyedia jasa profesional penyelenggara acara dan merupakan bagian dalam PT. Sijori Interbintana Pers. EO Batam Pos belum diketahui secara luas mengingat citra merek yang sudah sangat melekat di masyarakat terhadap Batam Pos terbatas sebagai perusahaan media cetak penerbit surat kabar. Demi memaksimalkan pengetahuan masyarakat dalam mendapatkan informasi mengenai EO Batam Pos, maka dibutuhkan media untuk berpromosi.  Pembuatan motion graphics dengan Research and Development (R&D) merupakan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Dengan hasil analisa bahwa media promosi tersebut sesuai dengan tujuan yang diharapkan, yaitu menjadi wadah dalam memberikan informasi mengenai EO Batam Pos dengan cara yang lebih efektif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (01) ◽  
pp. 91-107
Dian Novita ◽  
Kenty Martiastuti

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi fenomena nomophobia pada anak usia dini di wilayah perdesaan dan perkotaan, menganalisis perbedaan perilaku nomophobia dan perilaku sosial antara kedua wilayah, serta menganalisis hubungan perilaku nomophobia terhadap perilaku sosial. Penelitian ini dilakukan di dua wilayah yaitu di Kabupaten Kuningan (representatif wilayah perdesaan) dan Kota Depok (representatif wilayah perkotaan) dengan responden masing-masing sebanyak 50 orang, sehingga total responden adalah 100 orang. Data yang dikumpulkan dari penelitian ini adalah perilaku nomophobia yang menggunakan instrumen NMP-Q (Yildirim,2015) dan perilaku sosial diukur berdasarkan dimensi yang dikembangkan oleh Hurlock (1978) yang terdiri atas perilaku prososial dan antisosial. Melalui uji independent sample t-test, hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan pada perilaku nomophobia antara wilayah perdesaan dan perkotaan. Skor rata-rata perilaku nomophobia di perdesaan adalah 35,61 sedangkan di perkotaan adalah 35,72 yang termasuk kategori rendah. Perilaku sosial di kedua wilayah sebagian besar menunjukkan kategori tinggi (64%) dan tidak ada perbedaan perilaku sosial secara umum baik di perdesaan maupun perkotaan. Hasil uji korelasi menunjukkan tidak adanya hubungan signifikan antara perilaku nomophobia dan perilaku sosial namun koefisien korelasi negatif yaitu -0,085 menjadi indikasi bahwa semakin tinggi perilaku nomophobia maka akan semakin rendah perilaku sosial anak usia dini. Hal ini perlu mendapat perhatian bersama, mengingat dampak buruk yang dapat ditimbulkan dari adanya fenomena nomophobia terutama pada anak usia dini. Kata Kunci: anak usia dini, nomophobia, perilaku sosial   Nomophobia Phenomenons in Early Childhood based on Regional Typology and       Its Relationship to Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviors Abstract This study aims to identify the phenomenon of nomophobia in early childhood in rural and urban areas, to analyze differences in nomophobic behavior and social behavior between the two regions and to analyze the relationship between nomophobic behavior and social behavior. This research was conducted in two areas, namely Kuningan District (rural area representative) and Depok City (urban area representative) with 50 respondents each, so that the total number of respondents was 100 people. The data collected from this study were nomophobic behavior using the NMP-Q instrument (Yildirim, 2015) and social behavior was measured based on the dimensions developed by Hurlock (1978) which consisted of prosocial and antisocial behavior. Through the independent samples t-test, it was found that the results of the study showed no significant difference in nomophobic behavior between rural and urban areas. The average score of nomophobic behavior in rural areas is 35,61, while in urban areas it is 35,72 which is in the low category. Most of the social behavior in the two regions shows the high category (64%) and there is no difference in social behavior in general, both in rural and urban areas. The results of the correlation test showed that there was no significant relationship between nomophobic behavior and social behavior, but the negative correlation coefficient, namely -0,085, is an indication that the higher the nomophobic behavior, the lower the social behavior of early childhood. This needs mutual attention, considering the bad effects that can be caused by the phenomenon of nomophobia, especially in early childhood. Keywords : early childhood, nomophobia, social behavior

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