scholarly journals Relevansi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Pengarusutamaan Gender

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Rizka Hidayatul Umami

Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas relevansi pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam berbasis pengarusutamaan gender. Sesuai dengan Instruksi Presiden nomor 9 tahun 2000, sudah semestinya setiap lembaga pemerintah menerapkan pengarusutamaan gender sebagai landasan membuat kebijakan dalam pembangunan. Hal tersebut juga berlaku di lembaga pendidikan, di mana pengarusutamaan gender sudah harus diintegrasikan atau setidaknya berkorelasi dengan kurikulum pembelajaran. Salah satu mata pelajaran wajib yang perlu mengintegrasikan konsep kesetaraan gender dalam pembelajarannya adalah pendidikan agama islam, karena dalam banyak kasus menyebutkan pemahaman agama yang tidak sensitif gender seringkali membawa dampak sosial yang merugikan perempuan, menghadirkan stereotipe, diskriminasi, marginalisasi dan melanggengkan budaya patriarki di masyarakat. Jenis penelitian ini berbasis kepustakaan atau library research dengan metode deskriptif-analitis.  Adapun hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pengarusutamaan gender sangat urgen dimasukkan dalam kurikulum pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam karena terbukti membawa dampak signifikan dalam perubahan cara pandang pendidik dan peserta didik.Abstract: This article focuses on the relevance of learning Islamic religious education based on gender mainstreaming. In accordance with Presidential Instruction number 9 of 2000, every government agency should have implemented gender mainstreaming as a basis for making policies in development. This also applies in educational institutions, where gender mainstreaming must be integrated or at least correlated with the learning curriculum. One of the compulsory subjects that need to integrate the concept of gender equality in learning is Islamic religious education, because in many cases it is stated that the understanding of religion that is not gender sensitive often brings social impacts that are detrimental to women, presenting stereotypes, discrimination, marginalization and perpetuates a patriarchal culture in society. Sources of data were obtained from books and journal articles related to the research focus. The results show that gender mainstreaming is very urgent to be included in the Islamic religious education curriculum because it has been proven to have a significant impact in changing the perspectives. Kata Kunci: pengarusutamaan gender, kesetaraan gender, pembelajaran PAI                           

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Reksiana, Reksiana

the existence of differences of view to education children character, and can be classified in several categories and theories. This difference is seen as some figures say families or tualah people are the most important in providing character education. Others argue sekolahlah that is most vital in respect of containers of character education. This article uses a qualitative approach, with the kind of Library Research. Therefore, the overall data focuses on books or papers relating to discussion of "rightmost character Education". Quant à la méthode d’analyse de données technique utilisée est descriptive analyse qualitative méthodes, car les données sont traitées sous la forme d’un écrit de données telles que : livres, revues, articles de journaux, caractère education curriculum directives structures formelles en 2013 en ligne En ligne) et comprend le produit brut standard sous forme de législation relative à la formation du caractère. From the results of the discussion and anlisa above, concrete conclusions can be taken, that the person in charge character education namely Educational Institutions not the independence of each other, but rather inherently. Summary this rests on a concrete analysis of the various figures such as: Thomas Lickona, Jun Sung Hong and James Garbarino, David w. Johnson, and Roger t. Johnson, even from muslim figures like Abdul Majid, Jamal ‘Abdur Rahman, Moh. Solikodin Djaelani, Muchlas Samani dan Abdullah Nashih ‘Ulwan, first product reinforced by legislation which clearly explains the RI character education is the shared responsibility of educational institutions.

Al-Mizan ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Palwi Rakhman

Every married couple hopes that their home life will be created as a family that is confident and full of love. This article will discuss the role of the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) in creating happy families. This research is library research which is analyzed by qualitative descriptive. The approach used is a sociological legal approach. The results showed that the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) made efforts to foster happy families through religious education in the family, religious education in the community, religious education through educational institutions, bridal brokering courses, family counseling, fostering adolescents of marriage age, empowering family economies and improving nutrition. family.

2018 ◽  
Farida Nur Rahma

The purpose of this research is to formulate the curriculum of Islamic Religious Education for minority Moslem in the level of Secondary Education. The method that used is literature study (Library Research) with content analysis techniques from the main literature sources include: Fiqh Aqalliyat by Yusuf Qaradawi and Toward a Fiqh for Minorities written by Taha Jabir Al-Alwani. The result of this study is that students from Muslim minority areas need a special Islamic Religious Education that is able to build the integrity of Muslim identity that is able to solve the problematic life in the middle of non-Muslim society and build harmonious relationship with people of other faiths under islamic shari'acorridor. The minority of Islamic Religious Education is built from studies of Jurisprudence of Minorities (Fiqh Aqalliyat) initiated by some scholars from Asia, Egypt and the West.The concept of islamic religious education curriculum for minority is as follows: the objective of the Islamic Religious Education for minority is to build the integrity of minority muslims and build harmonious relationships with other religious people. The contents of the minority Islamic Religious Education Curriculum are the subjects of Islamic Religious Education that get additional in basic competence. Class VII the minority Islamic Religious Education emphasizes the minority fiqh in the context of habluminallah (human relationship with God) i.e. the fiqh of worship. Raised issues and solutions to worship practices often faced by learners in the community. In addition, also raised activities of non-muslims who intersect with Islamic Creed and how to react. Class VIII Islamic Religious Education minorities emphasize minority fiqh in the context of hablubinafs (human relationship with itself). Approach issues of food, clothing and moral often faced by learners in the majority of non-muslim community and how to respond. Class IX the minority Islamic Religious Education emphasizes minority fiqh in the context of habluminnās (relationship with fellow human beings). Raised issues of interaction or association between muslims and non-muslims in the economic, political, social and cultural and how to react. The Islamic Religious Education Curriculum for minority is contained in Islamic Religious Education subjects through the addition of basic competencies as per the content focus of each level of curriculum. The way of learning Islamic Religious Education minority refers to the method of teaching the prophet one of which is to notice the differences in the character of each learner. In the science of education in general, this method is known as Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL).

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 212-231
Ni’mah Setya Asih

The integration between science and Islam is considered to have many advantages. There are many institutions that apply integration between Islam and science, especially educational institutions. There are various kinds of knowledge that can be integrated with Islamic Religious Education, one of integration of scienceand Islam is the integration of Islamic Religious Education with entertainment, Specifically entertainment in this research is the Naruto anime, this research aims to find out the integration between the values of life in the Naruto anime that originates in humanity and the values contained in Islamic Religious Education.This research is a library research by taking the main data sources namely Naruto anime and supporting data in the form of articles and relevant studies. After the data is collected, then the data are analyzed using content analysis methods which are then drawn conclusions using the theory of integration.In this study it was found that there are points of similarity between the values in the life of the Naruto anime with the values in Islamic Religious Education, Following some values can be integrated between the values of life in the Naruto anime with the value of Islamic Religious Education, there are: the spirit of life, courage, compassion, solidarity, sacrifice, love of the homeland, work ethic, learning, self-confidence. These nine values have a common point in terms of both Naruto anime life values and Islamic Religious Education values, which are both teaching about humanity More specifically, the value of Islamic Religious Education integrated with Naruto Anime life values is the value of moral education to fellow humans (hablum minannnar)

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Badruzaman Badruzaman ◽  
Didin Hafidhuddin ◽  
Endin Mujahidin

Langgulung is an expert on Muslim education, in which he asserted that the source of the main runway and the Islamic education curriculum is Islamic teachings (<em>al-Qur'?n</em> and <em>as-Sunnah</em>). However, Langgulung is not a person who shut to use the source in addition to Islam, to the extent that relevant sources and does not conflict with the main runway. Therefore, one of the cornerstone of Islamic education curriculum arrangement is the one of the implementations of the alignment is the adjustment with the development of science. This indicates the existence of a dynamic and open in the thought of Langgulung. View of dynamic of education curriculum implications in an effort renewal curriculum that didn’t outdated, so always up to date. The journal is a library research. Data writing techniques emphasize text analysis and study, library research is done by collecting literature related to research material, whether in the form of books, magazines, articles or opinions and the primary book in this research is the book <em>of Man and Education: A Psychological Analysis and Education, Principles of Islamic Education, Islamic Education and Civilization, Creativity and Islamic Education: Analysis of Psychology and Philosophy, Islamic Education Faces the 21st Century, Some Thoughts on Islamic Education </em>by Hasan Langgulung. According to Hasan Langgulung; humans are essentially created to carry out the duty of service to the creator (<em>‘abdullah</em>) and his duty as the caliph of Allah (<em>K</em><em>hal?fatullah</em>) on the face of the earth. The purpose in humans with the religion of Islam is: (1) so that humans carry out their functions as caliphs, and (2) so that humans always serve God. The purpose of this human formation will intersect with the objectives of Islamic religious education, because education is basically to reach people of faith and charity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-38
Imanuel Tubulau

This study aims to analyze the concept of the scope of the curriculum of Christian Religious Education. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative approach to the study of literature. The results showed that the scope in formulating the Christian Religious Education curriculum considered elements of students, lecturers, educational institutions, institutional leaders, parents of students, churches and community. Understanding the curriculum concept is also an important part in formulating a Christian Religious Education curriculum. With the results of the study found a thesis that a correct understanding of the basic concept of the Christian Religious Education curriculum has a close relationship in the success of the curriculum development process and it’s implementation in the context of church service and in the context of general education in school. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa konsep ruang lingkup kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Kristen. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ruang lingkup dalam merumuskan kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Kristen mempertimbangkan unsur mahasiswa, dosen, lembaga pendidikan, pimpinan institusi, orangtua mahasiswa, gereja dan masyarakat. Pemahaman konsep kurikulum juga menjadi bagian penting dalam merumuskan kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Kristen. Dengan hasil penelitian tersebut ditemukan tesis bahwa pemahaman yang benar terhadap konsep dasar kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Kristen memiliki relasi yang erat dalam keberhasilan proses pengembangan kurikulum dan pelaksanaannya dalam konteks pelayanan gereja maupun dalam konteks pendidikan umum di sekolah-sekolah.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-100
Ika Widyasari Simanjuntak ◽  
Talizaro Tafonao

This paper departs from the author's concern for the curriculum for adults in the church, that until now the curriculum has not been a particular concern for ministers and teachers in the church in adopting the curriculum as reviewed in this paper.  The purpose of writing this article is to encourage churches to pay attention to curricula for adults to mature church members into strong congregations in the faith. The method used is the library research method (library research or literature review) by examining the urgency of implementing the curriculum for adults. The analysis process carried out is to use various literary sources, both journals, books and other reliable reference materials to support the author's analysis. The results of this study found that there is significance in implementing the curriculum for adults with indicators, namely recognizing adult characteristics, the Bible as the basis of the curriculum, the foundation of the development of the Christian religious education curriculum and curriculum implementation strategies. Thus, the curriculum places a very strategic and urgent position in carrying out the learning process for adults in the church. Tulisan ini berangkat dari keprihatinan penulis terhadap kurikulum bagi orang dewasa dalam gereja, bahwa sampai saat ini kurikulum belum menjadi perhatian khusus bagi para pelayan dan pengajar di gereja dalam menerapkan kurikulum sebagaimana ulasan tulisan ini. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah mendorong gereja untuk memperhatikan kurikulum bagi orang dewasa untuk mendewasakan warga gereja menjadi jemaat kokoh dalam iman. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian pustaka dengan mengkaji urgenitas dalam menerapkan kurikulum bagi orang dewasa. Proses analisis yang dilakukan adalah menggunakan berbagai sumber literatur-literatur baik jurnal, buku dan bahan referensi lainnya yang terpercaya untuk mendukung analisis penulis. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa adanya signifikansi dalam menerapkan kurikulum bagi orang dewasa dengan indikator, yaitu mengenal karakteristik orang dewasa, Alkitab sebagai dasar kurikulum, landasan pengembangan kurikulum pendidikan agama Kristen dan strategi penerapan kurikulum. Dengan demikian bahwa kurikulum menempatkan posisi yang sangat strategi dan urgen dalam melaksanakan proses pembelajaran bagi orang dewasa dalam gereja.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-234
Yazidul Busthomi ◽  
Syamsul A’dlom

Abstract: Islamic boarding schools in the village of Malang Ganjara n Gondanglegi are Islamic educational institutions with a Salaf Islamic curriculum so far believed to be a place of religious education, proven to be one of the places where preaching education still exists. However, curriculum development and evaluation i n this Islamic boarding school, there is still no data that can be ascertained, so it is interesting to study. So the researcher raised a title "development and evaluation of educational curricula in Malang Ganjaran Gondanglegi boarding school". Based on t he background of the problem stated above, the problem formulation can be taken, namely: 1) How is the development of the Islamic religious education curriculum in the Islamic boarding school of Ganjaran Gondanglegi village in Malang ?. 2) What is the eval uation of the Islamic religious education curriculum in the Islamic boarding school of Ganjaran Gondanglegi village in Malang ?. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data was collected through interviews, participant observation and documentation. From the results of this study it was found that the development of the Islamic religious education curriculum in the Ganjaran village Islamic boarding school is by developing a curriculum plan with clear objectives, developing curriculum plans according to the characteristics of the santri, preparing the lesson schedule, determining the teaching materials to be taught, determining the material that must be read by santri, provide a source of teaching and learning processes, prepare prospective Islamic religious education teachers, and in the application of educational curriculum is strongly influenced by the ability of the teacher. The evaluation of the Islamic religious curriculum in the Ganjaran village boarding school was carried out twice in the development of its curriculum, using measurement instruments in the form of standard tests, teacher - made tests, oral tests, and questionnaires.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-38
Sigit Tri Utomo

This paper contains a presentation about the curriculum in the development of Islamic religious education. The curriculum becomes very important in educational institutions because the curriculum is the "heart" of education. The curriculum is a set of tools to achieve goals, starting from planning, starting from initial planning, to planning, such as; strategic planning program planning, such as; Individual-based programs, module-based programs, competency-based or entrepreneurial-based programs. In the dimensions of Islamic religious education curriculum development, there are several matters such as theological foundation, philosophical foundation, social foundation, foundation of wisdom and foundation of Pancasila and technology foundation. While the principles in the development of the PAI curriculum are the principles of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, approval and integration. Based on the concepts of educational curriculum development and curriculum development, the curriculum development after observing the characteristics of the Islamic education curriculum are the basis of curriculum development, the principles of curriculum development, then it must be in accordance with what will be done in curriculum development; Whether discussing fields of study, discussing between participants, discussing reconstructionism, discussing humanism, or accessing national development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Mahfud Ifendi

In various sources of historical books it is said that the Abbasiyah dynasty was the peak of the heyday of Islamic civilization. This article, it aims to describe the Islamic educational institutions at that time which indirectly supported the progress of the Abbasiyah dynasty to reach its peak. This type of research is qualitative research, and is included in the category of library research. The data collection technique uses discourse analysis from books, journal articles, magazines, or other information related to the study of Islamic educational institutions during the Abbasiyah dynasty. Than, the writing of this article was analyzed using the Milles and Huberman analysis model, with the flow of data reduction, data preparation and conclusion drawing. The results of the research in this article can be seen from the form and nature of education. Islamic educational institutions that existed during the Abbasiyah dynasty can be categorized into 3 types. Which consists of informal educational institutions; such as the houses of the scholars', non-formal educational institutions; such as Kutab, mosque, qurhur, bookstore, observatory, literary salun, library, ribath and zawiyah and formal educational institutions, for example, madrasas. A lot of educational institutions that exist shows that this is in accordance with the belief in Islam which requires studying and is considered a form of worship. Therefore the place to study is very diverse, not only focused on a particular place.

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