2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Qolbi Khoiri

This research starts with the phenomenon of pesantren that grows and develops in the midst of society, especially Bengkulu province. The existence of the pesantren is managed independently by the community. With regard to this matter, it is important to examine the community's participation and contribution in the context of strengthening the existing pesantren institutions. This research was conducted using qualitative research, where the source of the research consisted of leaders of pesantren, teachers, and students. Data is processed in several stages, namely tabulation, coding, and conclusion analysis based on needs by referring to the research problem. The results showed that pesantren in Bengkulu Province involved the community in various activities, such activities were in the form of routine programs and programs that were carried out regularly. The leadership of the pesantren also involves the community in the form of material contributions, this is to support the funding of the pesantren management and in order to complete the pesantren's facilities and infrastructure. The pesantren that carried out the participation and contribution models were the Hidyatullah Islamic Boarding School in Bengkulu City, Bengkulu City Pancasila Boarding School, South Bengkulu Alquraniyah Boarding School, South Bengkulu Makrifatul Ilmi Islamic Boarding School, Raudah Seluma Boarding School, and Jaal Haq Boarding School in Bengkulu City, dus Hasanah Islamic Boarding School in Central Of Bengkulu.Keywords: Strengthening Pesantren Institutions; Participation; Contributions; SocietyPenelitian ini berangkat dari fenomena pesantren yang tumbuh dan berkembang ditengah-tengah masyarakat khususnya provinsi Bengkulu. Keberadaan pesantren tersebut dikelola secara mandiri oleh masyarakat. Berkenan dengan hal tersebut, maka penting untuk diteliti mengenai bagaimana partisipasi dan kontribusi masyarakat dalam rangka penguatan kelembagaan pesantren yang ada. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif, dimana sumber penelitian terdiri dari pimpinan pesantren, pengajar dan santri. Data diolah dengan beberapa tahapan, yaitu tabulasi, koding dan analisis simpulan berdasarkan kebutuhan dengan merujuk pada masalah penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pesantren yang ada di Provinsi Bengkulu melibatkan masyarakat dalam berbagai kegiatannya, kegiatan tersebut dalam bentuk program rutin dan program yang dilakukan secara berkala. Pimpinan pesantren juga melibatkan masyarakat dalam bentuk kontribusi materi, hal ini guna menopang pembiayaan pengelolaan pesantren dan dalam rangka melengkapi sarana dan prasarana Pesantren. Adapun pesantren yang melakukan model partisipasi dan kontribusi tersebut adalah Pesantren Hidyatullah Kota Bengkulu, Pesantren Pancasila Kota Bengkulu, Pesantren Alquraniyah Bengkulu Selatan, Pesantren Makrifatul Ilmi Bengkulu Selatan, Pesantren Raudah Seluma, dan Pesantren Jaal Haq Kota Bengkulu serta Pesantren Hasanah bengkulu Tengah. Kata kunci: Penguatan Kelembagaan Pesantren; Partisipasi, Kontribusi; Masyarakat

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Mohammad Zainal Hamdy

Abstract: This research consists of two problems. Firstly, how is the process of learning reading skills using electronic newspapers at Darul Lughah wal Qur’an Boarding School Angsokah Timur Palengaan Daya Palengaan Pamekasan. Secondly, What is the Factors of learning reading skills using electronic newspapers at Darul Lughah wal Qur’an Boarding School Angsokah Timur Palengaan Daya Palengaan Pamekasan. This research uses qualitative research and the data source includes the teachers and students of learning reading skills using electronic newspapers at Darul Lughah wal Qur’an Boarding School Angsokah Timur Palengaan Daya Palengaan Pamekasan. And then,Data collection techniques using interviews and observationswhere the research was carried out for one month. Start from 2nd of February 2020 untill 3rd of March 2020 that the data analysis using descriptive analysis. The results of this research state that the process of learning reading skills using electronic newspapers at Darul Lughah wal Qur’an Boarding School Angsokah Timur Palengaan Daya Palengaan Pamekasanare effectiveexcept some problems like vocabulary difficulties in contemporary languages. So for all of students who studies this learning reading skills using electronic newspapers at Darul Lughah wal Qur’an Boarding School Angsokah Timur Palengaan Daya Palengaan Pamekasanis hoped to take the time to memorize difficult vocabularies, especially in contemporary languages. And for the teachers who teaches learning reading skills using electronic newspapers at Darul Lughah wal Qur’an Boarding School Angsokah Timur Palengaan Daya Palengaan Pamekasan could be more creative and innovate so that students love Arabic more than before and they are not bored in following their learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Ratu Suntiah ◽  
H Maslani

This research departs from the view that education is an effort to preserve, transfer and transform values in all its aspects. In the context of improving education in pesantren institutions there needs to be developed. This study applies qualitative research methods. Therefore, the source of the data and the type of data determined by the researcher himself as the center of information and are purposive as long as they are considered representative. The researcher participated with the teachers and students in the implementation of educational learning at the Kebon Jambu al-Islami Islamic Boarding School in Ciwaringin Cirebon. The results showed that the background of the establishment of the Kebon Jambu al-Islami Islamic Boarding School in Ciwaringin Cirebon was due to the demands of the people who needed guidance to understand and practice Islamic teachings. The purpose of education is to form an intellectual cadre of ulama and asatidz. The subject matter taught is in the form of salaf and Khalaf books. The learning process consists of scheduled teaching and religious activities. Supporting factors for the implementation of activities are wise and sincere Kiai, many asatidz levels of education that have scholars, strategic geographical location, support of alumni.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 499
Dewi Dewi ◽  
Zariul Antosa

The School Literacy Movement (GLS) is a policy issued by the government to overcome the problem of education and improve the basic literacy abilities of students. SDN 6 Pekanbaru is one of the schools that has implemented GLS at the familiarization stage well. Therefore, this study aims to determine the basic literacy skills of students in low classes through the implementation of GLS in SDN 6 Pekanbaru. This study used qualitative research conducted through observation and interviews about the implementation of GLS and students’ basic literacy skills with teachers and students in classes I and II. The results showed that GLS was able to improve the phonetic abilities of students by achieving a very good level of the ability to read and pronounce combinations of letters. The increase of students' vocabulary comprehension ability was seen where most students were able to know the meaning of words and retell the contents of books with theme daily activities. From the research findings, it was concluded that GLS improved the basic literacy ability of low-class students at SDN 6 Pekanbaru.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 88
Yunus Yunus

AbstrakPola Strategi pengembangan Pondok Pesantren di Malangke, strategi pengembangan pesantren adalah cara atau srategi yang digunakan oleh wadah atau tempat guna proses suatu perubahan berencana yang memerlukan dukungan semua pihak, anatara lain Kepala, staff, guru, dan siswa dengan perubahan-perubahan itu diharapkan dapat mengembangkan dan meningkatkan lembaga pendidikan, yang memerlukan usaha jangka pendek, menengah, dan panjang guna menghadapi perubahan yang akan terjadi pada masa mendatang. Peluang dan tangan pengembangan Pesantren di Luwu Utara,  terdapat Undang-undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, yang beberapa pasalnya menekankan penyelenggaraan pendidikan keagamaan, seperti, pasal 30 ayat (1) dan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 55 Tahun 2007 tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Pendidikan Keagamaan pada pasal 1 ayat (2) tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Pendidikan Keagamaan yang didalamnya secara tegas dikemukakan bahwa pondok pesantren menyelenggarakan pendidikan diniyah pada tingkat dasar dan menengah, tergolong dalam sub sistem pendidikan Nasional di Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk mencerdaskan bangsa, menjadikan manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri dan menajdi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab. Sedangkan tantangan ada beberapa hambatan 1)Sistem kurikulum yang lebih modern, sehingga pesantren ketinggalan jauh dari sekolah umum, 2) Kurangnya anggaran dan sumber pendanaan disebabkan oleh kurang siswa. 3) adanya sebagian orang tua tidak tertarik menyekolahkan anak di sekolah Pesantren.Kata kunci:      Pengembangan, Pondok Pesantren As’addiyah.  AbstractThe pattern of the development of Islamic boarding schools in Malangke, the strategy of developing pesantren is the method or strategy used by the place or place for the process of planning changes that require the support of all parties, among others, the Head, staff, teachers and students are expected to develop and improving educational institutions, which require short, medium and long-term efforts to deal with changes that will occur in the future. Opportunities and hands for the development of Islamic boarding schools in North Luwu, there is Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, some of which emphasize the implementation of religious education, such as article 30 paragraph (1) and Government Regulation (PP) Number 55 of 2007 concerning Education Religion and Religious Education in Article 1 paragraph (2) concerning Religious Education and Religious Education in which it is expressly stated that Islamic boarding schools conduct early childhood education at the elementary and secondary levels, belonging to the national education sub-system in Indonesia which aims to educate the nation, make humans who have faith and devotion to the Almighty God, are noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and become a democratic and responsible citizen. While the challenges are several obstacles 1) A more modern curriculum system, so that pesantren lag far behind public schools, 2) The lack of budgets and funding sources is caused by lack of students. 3) there are some parents who are not interested in sending their children to school in Islamic boarding schools.Keywords:        Development, As'addiyah Islamic Boarding School.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-150
Kusnan Kusnan

Arabic is the language of Muslim’s holy book, and reading  it is obligatory for Muslims. In Islamic education, Arabic is the language that should be mastered as a means of understanding the original texts of the source of Islamic law. One of the important thing in learning Arabic is the method. Zam-Zam Muhammadiyyah Modern Islamic Boarding School implements a diffent model and method of learning Arabic compared to other Islamic boarding schools in the district of Cilongok. This is a qualitative research, through a case study using interview, observation and documentation techniques for collecting data and interactive analysis for analying data. The findings of this research are three models of Arabic learning in Pondok Pesantren. The first model is khiwar or muhadatsah, the second is mufrodat walls intended to make students familiar with Arabic vocabulary, and the third is Lughoh. The method and model of Arabic learning in the institution as described above is a combined method. There are at least three methods used, i.e. Communicative Problem-Based Learning Method, Audiolingual Method, and Grammar-Translation Method.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Anita Dwi Agustin ◽  
Rohmad Widodo ◽  
Mohammad Syahri

ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan: 1) Modelpembinaan anak jalanan di Pondok Pesantren, 2) Kendala-kendala yang terjadi dalam pembinaan anak jalanan, 3) Mengatasi kendala yang ada. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi: observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Adapun metode analisis datanya melalui: pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian menjelaskan bahwa: 1) Pembinaan yang dilakukan di Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Sabilul Hikmah ini adalah pendekatan secara personal sosial dimana pengurus pondok pesantren harus berinteraksi sosial secara anak per anak agar tahu apa yang sebenarnya diinginkan oleh masing-masing anak serta pembinaan dengan pendekatan secara agama (religius), 2) Kendala yang paling menonjol adalah sulitnya masa peralihan anak-anak yang semula hidup bebas dijalanan dan kemudian hidup di lingkungan pondok pesantren serta kurangnya dana operasional untuk mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari para santri, 3) Mengatasi anak yang susah diatur adalah dengan membuat anak - anak tersebeut merasa nyaman maka itulah guna dari pembinaan melalui pendekatan personal sosial,sedangkan kendala dari keuangan adalah bagaimana pendiri Pondok Pesantren menggunakan uang pribadi dalam mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari para santri.Kata Kunci : Model Pembinaan, Anak Jalanan, Personal sosial dan religi.ABSTRACTThe research objective is to understand and describe: 1) The mentoring model for street children at Islamic Boarding School, 2) The problems in mentoring for street children, and 3) The solution for solving the problems. This research applied the descriptive qualitative research. The techniques for data collection were observation, interview, and documentation. The analysis data started from data collection, data reduction, result of research and conclusion. The result of this research showed that: 1) The mentoring which was done by Salafiyah Sabilul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School was a personal and social approach where Islamic boarding school staffs should make an social interaction to eachof street children so they could understand their real needs, 2) the most problem which faced by street children was the difficulties on their adaptation from the life street to Islamic boarding school which did not have a good financial to support all their daily needs, and 3) To mentor the street childern who could not be taught easily was by making them feelmore comfortable so it aligned with the goal of a personal and social approach, and to cover the lack of financial on the student’s daily needs was by using the staff’s personal money.Keywords: Mentoring Model, Street Children, Personal and social approach, and religion.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Ahmad Oktavian Triatmojo ◽  
Endang Hangestiningsih

This type of research is a type of qualitative research. This research was conducted at SD N Suryodiningrata 1 Yogyakarta. The subjects in this study were to schools, class teachers, and students. Data collection techniques use observation, interview, and observation techniques. Based on the results of the study show that the forms of student bullying behavior that occur are that students make fun of and mock friends, find out friends and ask for pocket money to their friends. The way the class teacher handles student bullying behavior is by conducting classical and individual guidance. The role of the class in addressing the behavior of bullying students, be a mediator when the bullying occurred in class, and give advice as well as motivations to students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-34
Sunu Hastuti ◽  
Nia Agus Lestari

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berupaya untuk mendeskripsikan informasi tentang implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di SD Sukorejo Kecamatan Gurah Kabupaten Kediri khususnya pada tahap pembiasaan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan sumber data yakni Kepala Sekolah, Guru Kelas dan siswa. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan teknik analisis data melalui tiga tahap yakni data reduksi, penyajian data dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di SD Sukorejo Gurah Kediri, penerapan literasi masih sampai pada tahap pembiasaan. Upaya sekolah untuk menggiatkan gerakan literasi adalah dengan cara membiasakan membaca buku non pelajaran 15 menit sebelum kelas dimulai, menata lingkungan yang mendukung literasi dan melibatkan mitra dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan literasi. Terdapat beberapa hal yang menjadi faktor pendukung dalam kegiatan ini yakni semangat siswa-siswi dalam membaca buku, terdapat buku pengayaan yang disediakan dan dukungan dari berbagai pihak. Sedangkan faktor penghambat pembiasaan kegiatan membaca adalah belum optimalnya pelaksanaan gerakan literasi sekolah ini karena belum sepenuhnya rutin dilaksanakan. ABSTRACT This study tried to describe about the implementation of School Literacy Movement in Sukorejo Elementary School in Kediri, especially in the process of literacy habituation and development. The research used descriptive qualitative research. Data sources are Principal, Class Teachers and students. Data collection in this study was by observation, interviews and documentation. While the data analysis technique through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The results showed that at SD Sukorejo Gurah Kediri, the application of literacy was still at the stage of habituation and development. The principal tried to intensify the literacy movement are by getting used to read non-lesson books 15 minutes before class starts, arranging an environment that supports literacy and involving partners in the implementation of literacy activities. There are several aspects can support school literacy in this school that are enthusiasm of students in reading books, enrichment books provided and support from various parties. Whereas the inhibiting factor for the habit of reading activities is the not yet optimal implementation of the school literacy movement because it has not been fully routinely implemented.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
I’anatut Thoifah

The issuance of regulations and appeals to the way of electronic media communication language in several universities are driven by lecturers' complaints about the number of communication from students via telephone, SMS, email, Whatsapp which is less ethical, in this case language plays an important role, the wording in non-communication Verbal through electronic media provides opportunities for considerable discontinuity in the meaning of sentences, because without visible intonation and expression, so it does not rule out the possibility of multi language interpretations of lecturers and students. This problem is said to be the generation difference is the reason for the creation of communication language discontinuity. This study aims to determine how the discontinuity and how the discontinuity forms of electronic media communication between lecturers and students. With descriptive qualitative research methods, the methods of data collection analysis, data condensation, display, and verification to find the results of the formulation of this research problem. The results observed are discontinuities in the language of communication between students and lecturers found in ways of communication that are not following the descriptive ethics intended by lecturers of the Faculty of Islamic Religion. The form of language discontinuity in student and lecturer communication is in the choice of diction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 367
Kgs Rachmad Dody Fadillah ◽  
Happy Fitria ◽  
Alfroki Martha

The research problem is about the  implementation of academic supervision held by the Paramount  Primary School Principal which considered unoptimal. The aim of this study are: (1) Explaining  the elements that being  focused in academic supervision of Paramount  Primary School. (2) Explaining the strategy of the Principal in improving teacher’s professional competency. (3) Explaining  the implementation of academic supervision held by the Principal (4). Analyzing the implementation of academic supervision held by the Principal in pandemic time. This reseach is a qualitatif descritive reseach, data collection technique used is participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation.The subject in this study are the principal, teachers  and students. The results of this study are: (1) the elements supervised, (2) Strategy applied in improving the professional competence of teachers and (3) The follow up conducted by the principal after the academic supervision activity.

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