scholarly journals The Differences Influence of Health Education Demonstration and Video Methods on Knowledge, Attitude, and Ability of Adolescent Practices about the Breast Self-Examination

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-26
Achmad Wahdi ◽  
Dewi Retno Puspitosari ◽  
Eppy Setiyowati

Background: Breast self-examination is very important for women and it would be better if the teenagers already have the knowledge and practical ability to realize. Therefore breast self-examination is very important to do in adolescents as early detection of breast cancer. The study aims to determine the differences in the influence of health education demonstration methods and video screenings on the knowledge, attitudes, and abilities of youth practice about BSE. Methods: The research design used queasy-experimental, the population of the study at Darul Ulum 1 High School was 325 respondents, and a sample of 60 respondents (demonstration group n= 30, video playback group n = 30) were taken using the Stratified Random Sampling technique. Statistical tests using Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney with significance level α ≤ 0.05. Results: The results showed there was an influence of health education demonstration and video playback methods on knowledge, attitudes, and practice abilities with a value of p= 0,000 (p<α), there were differences in the influence of health education demonstration methods and video playback on knowledge, attitudes and practice abilities with p value= 0.001 (p<α). Discussion: Demonstration and video playback methods can improve knowledge, attitudes, and practice abilities compared to before being given treatment, so adolescents experience behavioral changes and expect health values ​​to be well embedded, health status to be good, and finally teens able to be independent in health problems

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-12
Griselli Saragih

ABSTRAK Kanker  payudara merupakan salah satu jenis kanker yang umum pada wanita. Kanker payudara merupakan tumor ganas yang tumbuh  didalam  jaringan payudara.Setiap tahun lebih dari 185.000 wanita di diagnosa menderita kanker payudara. Insiden penyakit ini semakin meningkat di negara-negara maju. Sekitar 43.500 kematian akibat kanker payudara setiap tahunnya yang menjadikan penyakit ini sebagai penyebab kematian terbesar kedua setelah kanker paru pada wanita. Diketahuinya pengaruh pelaksanaan pemeriksaan payudara sendiri (SADARI) terhadap pengetahuan siswi dalam upaya deteksi dini kanker payudara. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian menggunakan Quasi- Experimental. Instrument yang digunakan untuk pengetahuan adalah kuesioner sedangkan untuk kemampuan menggunakan lembar observasi. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Porposive Sampling dengan jumlah sampel 68 orang. Pengolahan data menggunakan uji statistik Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden setelah di beri penkes memiliki tingkat pengetahuan tentang SADARI yang baik yaitu 62 orang (91,2%). Sedangkan tingkat pengetahuan tentang SADARI yang cukup yaitu 6 orang (8,8%). Dari hasil uji statistik pengetahuan dan kemampuan sebelum dan setelah pendidikan kesehatan diperoleh nilai p= 0.000 (p <0.05).Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan tentang pemeriksaan payudara sendiri (SADARI) terhadap pengetahuan siswi dalam upaya deteksi dini kanker payudara di SMK Kesehatan Imelda Medan. Diharapkan agar pihak sekolah selalu melakukan sosialisasi tentang kesehatan pada wanita dan bekerjasama dengan petugas kesehatan terutama tentang pemeriksaan SADARI.     ABSTRACT Breast cancer is a type of cancer that is common in women. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the breast tissue. Every year more than 185,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. The incidence of this disease is increasing in developed countries. Around 43,500 deaths from breast cancer each year make this disease the second largest cause of death after lung cancer in women. Knowing the effect of the implementation of breast self-examination (BSE) on the knowledge of students in the early detection of breast cancer. This type of research is quantitative research with a research design using Quasi-Experimental. The instrument used for knowledge was a questionnaire while for the ability to use observation sheets. The sampling technique in this study used Porposive Sampling with a total sample of 68 people. Data processing using Wilcoxon statistical tests. The results of this study indicate that the majority of respondents after being given a penkes have a good level of knowledge about BSE that is 62 people (91.2%). While the sufficient level of knowledge about BSE is 6 people (8.8%). From the results of statistical tests of knowledge and ability before and after health education, the value of p = 0,000 (p <0.05) can be concluded that there is an effect of health education about breast self-examination (BSE) on students' knowledge in efforts to detect breast cancer at the Imelda Health Vocational School Field. It is hoped that schools will always disseminate information about health to women and work closely with health workers, especially about BSE examination.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Hema Malini ◽  
Emil Huriani ◽  
Devia Putri Lenggogeni ◽  
Shinta Herlina

The high incidence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in the community due to the lack of socialization or the provision of health education about MDR-TB. During this time, health education is only focused on tuberculosis (TB) generally. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of health education on the behavior of MDR-TB prevention in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in two Community Health Centers in Padang. This study design is quasi-experimental with pre and post-test groups only. The program intervention of health education was conducted for a month with lecture method and group discussion using flipchart and video as media. The sampling technique used purposive sampling were 29 patients with TB who are still in the phase of treatment. Data collection used a set of questionnaires. The data analysis in this study using statistical tests t-test. The results showed, there is a significance influence of health education on knowledge with p-value=0.000 (p≤0.05) and attitude with p-value=0.000 (p≤0.05). The result also showed that 65.5% of patients taking medication regularly. It was also that there is the effect of health education on the behavior of MDR-TB prevention in TB patients. It is expected that the providing of health education on the prevention of behavior on MDR-TB is emphasized on the motivation and self-efficacy of the patients and involvement of supervision on taking medication.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-52
Dhita Kurnia Sari ◽  
Lingga Kusuma Wardani

ABSTRACT THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FAMILY PSYCHOEDUCATION (FPE) ON DRUG SUBSTITUTION OF SKIZOFRENIA PATIENTS IN THE CITY OF KEDIRI Dhita Kurnia Sari 1, Lingga Kusuma Wardani 2 STIKes Surya Mitra Husada Kediri [email protected] Schizophrenia is one type of psychotic disorders that often experience relapse. About 33% of people with schizophrenia experience recurrence and about 12.1% re-experienced hospitalization. Discontinuation of drugs is a major cause of recurrence of schizophrenic patients. The family of schizophrenic patients is a very important variable in the recurrence of schizophrenic patients. Allegedly the biggest factor in its effect on adherence to taking the drug of schizophrenia is family factor. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of family psychoeducation therapy on adherence to taking the drug of schizophrenia patients.            The design used in this research is pre-experiment. The population in the study were all families of schizophrenic patients in Kediri. Sampling technique in this research is taken by Purposive Sampling. The independent variable is the provision of family psychoeducatin therapy and the dependent variable in this study is the adherence to taking the drug of schizophrenic patients. Data were collected by observation sheet, then analyzed using Mc Nemar test with significance level a£ 0,05.          The results of the study of adherence to the treatment of schizophrenic patients before given the family psychoeducation of 20 respondents who did not obey 20 respondents (100%), whereas after given the family psychoeducation obedient 17 (85%) and disobedient 3 (15%), from the results of statistical tests with using Mc Nemar test obtained p value 0,000 <α 0.05 means there is influence of adherence to medication before and after given family psycoeducation.            Family knowledge and ability to cope with stressors while caring for family members with schizophrenia can create a comfortable and conducive environment that helps restore the client's condition and reduce and prevent noncompliance with schizophrenia medication. Keywords: adherence, family psychoeducation, schizophrenia

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 225-229
Ika Agustina ◽  
Maria Ulfa

Familiarize yourself observing breast awareness is a part of a woman's body. In this way, even the smallest defects which can be found and active measures for treatment can be started as early as possible. Method: The research design was pre eksperimental design. With the approach of one group pretest-posttest design. The sample are 100 student of SMKN 3 Blitar City, it was choosen using simple random sampling technique. The data was collected by questionnaire. Result : Based on statistical tests Paired T Test obtained sig = 0.000. This shows 0.000 <0.05 that the presence of the above found that the pvalue (0,000) <0.05, it can be concluded that there are significant health education on the attitudes of young women. Discussion : Young women more active to increase the knowledge by obtaining information about reproductive health care, especially on the breast it self.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-110
Kristina L. Silalahi ◽  
Patimah Sari Siregar ◽  
Fajar Amanah Ariga

Hypertension is one of the biggest problems that cause death because many are undiagnosed and hypertensive sufferers often experience asymptomatic events causing difficulty to know the causes of hypertension. Treatment of hypertension can perform by pharmacology and non-pharmacology. Non-pharmacological treatment may be in the form of aromatherapy. This study aimed to determine the effect of aqueous aromatherapy on the decrease of blood pressure in hypertensive patients at Royal Prima Hospital Medan in 2017. The study design was quasi-experiment with one group pretest-postest design provided with aromatherapy for 10 minutes. The population consisted of 28 people. The 10 people as sampling were drawn by a purposive sampling technique. Data collection was performed by interview and observation. The bivariate analysis used was paired sample t-test with a significance level of 0.05 (5%). The results showed that the level of systolic and diastolic blood pressure before aromatherapy aqueous treatment was 156.60 mmHg and 92.40 mmHg. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure after aqueous aromatherapy administration was 142.60 mmHg and 81.80 mmHg. Based on the results of statistical tests it was found that there was a difference in blood pressure between before and after aromatherapy, {systolic, p-value = 0.000 (p <0.05) and diastolic, p-value = 0.000 (p <0.05)}. The results of this study concluded that there is an effect of giving aqueous aromatherapy (Kananga odorata) on the decrease of blood pressure in hypertension patients at Royal Prima Hospital Medan in 2017. It is suggested that aqueous aromatherapy can be applied as an alternative therapy to lower blood pressure.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Teguh Achmalona ◽  
Sentot Imam Suprapto ◽  
Indasah Indasah

Nursing services are an integral part of health services in hospitals, which have a very strategic position in efforts to improve the quality of care in hospitals, thus demanding the professionalism of nurses in providing and regulating nursing care activities to patients. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of leadership, competency, motivation, workload and reward factors on the behavior of nurses in providing services in installation distric general hospital Praya.The research design used was quantitative analytic with a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique uses cluster random sampling with a sample of 114 respondents. Data was collected using questionnaires and observation sheets, then analyzed using ordinal regression test. The results showed, from the results of a statistical test simultaneously obtained p value of 0.000 <α = 0.05, meaning that all independent variables together affect the dependent variable. The results of statistical tests partially obtained the results there is an influence between leadership, competence, motivation, workload and reward with nurse behavior, with p values ​​for each variable, namely leadership (p <0.012), competence (p <0.008), motivation (p <0.006), workload (p <0.012), and reward (p <0.000). Multivariate analysis shows that reward is the most dominant variable affecting the behavior of nurses in providing nursing services with a value (p <0,000). Nurse behavior is influenced by factors of leadership, competence, motivation, workload and rewards, so that these aspects need to be managed well in the hope of getting better results of nurse performance and behavior

1930 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 69-75
Riri Maharani ◽  
Lisa Fransisca

Breast Self Examination (BSE) is an examination technique where one woman check her own breasts with a look and feel with a finger to detect whether or not there is a lump in her breast ( Djawarut , 2014). BSE is one way to detect breast cancer early . According Sutjipto , at this time have been found with breast cancer at a young age . This study aims to determine the behavior of adolescent girls in SMA 6 Pekanbaru 2016 . This type of research is a quantitative analytical research. With design cross- sectional. The sample was SMA Negeri 6 Pekanbaru class X and XI which totaled 129 with a population of 371 people. The sampling technique used is stratified random sampling. The analysis used were univariate and bivariate with Chi Square test. Based on the results of the study showed most respondents did conduct BSE in 2 (1.6 %), respondents with low knowledge, 104 (100 %), respondents with negative attitudes were 107 (100 %), respondents were not doing as much as 110 (100 %), respondents who never get as much information as much as 105 (100 %), and respondents who have no family support as many as 106 (100 %), Based on the statistical test P value obtained from five variables < α (0.05), there is a significant relationship between knowledge, attitudes, actions, mass media and family support to conduct breast self-examination. Advice can be given is the school invited health authorities to work together to educate the student through counseling in an effort to improve reproductive health so that students know the importance of early behavioral measures BSE.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-91
Ike Prafitasari ◽  
Nurul Mawaddah ◽  
Oktovian Dwi Arini

Indonesia has reached the phase of the old structured country because it has an elderly population which reaches 9.27% ​​of the total population. Problems experienced were increasing due to the prevalence in the elderly due to decrease capability of physical and mental. Prolanist exercises a form of physical exercise that was overcoming adversity in the elderly. This study aimed to study the effect of prolanist exercises on anxiety in the elderly in the working area of ​​the Sumberbaru Health Center. The design of this study was pre-experimental with a total sampling technique with a total sample of 29 prolanist members. Analysis of the data used was a paired t-test statistical test. The results obtained before prolanis exercises most of the elderly were at mild anxiety levels, with an average HARS score of 19.76. After prolanis exercises the elderly anxiety almost half are in the level of mild anxiety, with an average HARS score of 18.10. Based on statistical tests with a significance level of α = 0.05, the results obtained p value 0,000. Because the value of p <α (0.05), Ho was rejected. So there was an effect prolanist exercises for anxiety the elderly at the Sumberbaru Health Center. Prolanis exercises activities created social interaction between the elderly so that the elderly cannot feel isolated. Prolanis exercises also increase oxygen absorption, pain management, and trigger endorphins to created a sense of calm thereby reducing anxiety in the elderly.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-27
Putria Carolina

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a syndrome caused by an imbalance between demands and supply of insulin, this disease is a chronic systemic and multifactorial disease that is excised with hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia. Symptoms that arise are due to lack of insulin secretion or insulin associated with microvascular and macrovascular disorders, neuropathic disorders and dermopathic lesions. This study aims to determine the effect of health education on the level of knowledge about diabetes mellitus in the community in Pahandut Village, Palangka Raya. This study used a pre-experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test design approach. Sampling in this study used purposive sampling technique and obtained a sample of 30 respondents in Pahandut, Palangka Raya. Data collection used a measuring instrument in the form of a questionnaire, the treatment used was health education, data were analyzed using the non-parametric statistical test of the Wilcoxon Sign Ranks Test. The level of knowledge before health education was conducted in the community in Pahandut Palangka Raya Village, it was known that out of 30 respondents there were 20 respondents (67%) with less knowledge, 8 respondents (26%) who had sufficient knowledge and 2 respondents (7%) who had good knowledge. The level of knowledge after being given health education revealed that out of 30 respondents, there were no respondents (0%) who lack knowledge, 8 respondents (27%) were knowledgeable enough and 22 respondents (73%) were well-informed. The results of the analysis through statistical tests were obtained Sig. (2-tailed) 0,000 which means smaller than p-value 0.05, so that the results obtained <p-value (0.000 <0.05). So it can be concluded that there is an effect of health education on the level of knowledge about diabetes mellitus in the community in Pahandut Palangka Raya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Nel Efni ◽  
Tina Yuli Fatmawati

The prevalence of tumors / cancer in Indonesia in 2017 is 1.4 per 1000 population, or around 347,000 people. The highest cancer in Indonesia in women is breast cancer and cervical cancer. Breast cancer is in the second position as the most common cancer affecting women in Indonesia after cervical cancer. The only most effective way that can be done for early detection of the possibility of this disease is to perform Breast Self-Examination (BSE). This study aims to determine the effect of health education with leafleat media on the knowledge of young women in early detection of breast cancer through breast self-examination at SMA N 8 Jambi City. The population in this study were young women at SMU N 8 Jambi City.The sampling using purposive sampling with 30 respondent. Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis with Paired Sample T Test. The results of the study concluded there was an effect of health education with leaflet media on the knowledge of young women in early detection of breast cancer through breast self-examination at SMA N 8 Jambi City (p value <0.005).

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