2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-155
Mul Yadi ◽  
Harry Rudyantoro ◽  
Ujang Bahar

ABSTRACT  Related to the implementation of the Regional Regulation (Perda) about the increase in parking rates at the edge of the road prone to congestion in the city of Bogor ratified and entered into force on July 2, 2012, The first location that imposed this tariff is the Way Suryakencana and Jalan Siliwangi Bogor and the second location is the application of The Government through the Department trials Traffic Transportation (DLLAJ) Bogor City gets a reaction from the people around Jalan Suryakencana. Enactment of the increase in parking rates at Jalan Bogor Suryakencana expected to reduce illegal parking of vehicles in the area, which has been causing congestion. With parking rates that have been enacted many road users who park their vehicles in multiple and indiscriminate. The method used in this study is empirical juridical approach. The study, based on an inventory of positive law, the discovery of the principles of law and legal discovery inconcretto, which include observation of empirical operationalization of law in society. The conclusion from this study is the basis of the application of the levy Parking Services Bank Public Road, especially in the city of Bogor is Law No. 28 of 2009 on Regional Taxes and Levies and Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2012. Implementation of Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2012 on Increase Rates Parking is not yet fully effective this is due to high payments also has not been matched with adequate services, the responsibility for the damage and loss still be a burden for the owner of the vehicle so that the functions and responsibilities of the government that deal with parking problems is questionable. Impact parking tariff policy to demand that any increase in the parking rate of 10 percent would result in a decrease in the use of parking of 0.7 -0.8 percent, increase use of public transport and cycling amounted to 3.71 percent of 0.9 percent. This figure is even greater in the short term, when applied can lead to a new increase in the elasticity to be about - 0.28., Where the parking lot reducing the length of parking time and reduce the amount of parking.  Keywords: Regional Regulation, Rates Parking, Traffic Order

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Karto Wijaya ◽  
Heru Wibowo

This developing area provides a very wide potential in the development as an area that has excellent products or development projects in Bandung. Cigondewah area has the potential to become this area as a creative industrial area that can support the income of the people and the city of Bandung. Cigondewah is one of the areas known as the Cigondewah environment and surrounding areas as a creative industrial area about the utilization of textile industry waste that sells the rest of cloth from factories around the city of Bandung. The area of Cigondewah grows and develops with the uniqueness of the community itself that will take advantage of opportunities from the textile industry, homes along the road corridor that turns into the shelter, the community into warehouses and shops to sell fabrics.It is also the aim of the government to promote and develop tourist areas Cigondewah for the future to be better again to enhance the identity of the area Cigondewah as a tourist area fabric shopping in the city of Bandung. This study aims to determine the development of creative industries in Cigondewah. Cigondewah Textile Tourism Area of Bandung City, especially Capacity Building, to show the identity and image of Cigondewah area as a textile tourism area in Bandung City. The identity of Cigondewah area which is currently called Cigondewah as Tourism Shopping Area Cloth. From this research is expected to give an idea that the environment is in the corridor Cigondewah road.

Jurnal Zona ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-74
Muhammad Yevizal ◽  
Aras Mulyadi ◽  
Ferry Fatnanta

Completion of the transportation problems in the city of Pekanbaru currently only looked at in terms of congestion, but not touching insights from environmental aspects such as performance air pollution and noise levels. This research was conducted at the observation point road ahead Repair Tambusai lord Eastern Daihatshu, road Tuanku Tambusai West Side Mall SKA, North Soekarno Hatta street front retail outlets, street front Soekarno Hatta South Hotel Ibis Pekanbaru. V / C Ratio highest in the afternoon rush hour on the road ahead Tambusai lord Stations Daihatsu ie 0.86 pelyanan road performance E. Quality Standard ambient NOx emissions do not exceed the threshold of ambient quality standards, the NOx emission = 281.76 mg/m3. Quality Standard ambient CO emissions do not exceed the threshold of ambient quality standards, namely emission = 7456.79 mg/m3, the noise level over the limit of noise that is 71.41 dB (A). To balance the load reduction in pollutant emissions and noise levels at the flyover plan with the plan of special bus lane traffic volume assumptions have to move 25% of the transfer of the road users of private vehicles and motorbikes switch to using mass public transport vehicles ie Trans Metro bus Pekanbaru.

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Rewa Singh

“Why do we have to pay the price of poverty? We didn’t create poverty, adults did.” This might be the sentiment of every child who is forced to work at an age when he or she deserves to go to school unlike the fellow kids who are born in a family that can afford to give them a decent childhood. Child Labor is the single most damaging impediment on the road to achieving the goal of development and the purpose of this paper is to show the obstacles that this social evil poses in the path to development. The study used Exploratory, rather unstructured research design and instruments such as case studies and life histories. The study indicates that the government of India has taken some strict measures to eradicate this evil such as the passing of the Right to Education Bill, illegalization of employment of children under the age of 14 years, schemes like “Sarva Siksha Abhiyan” (Education for all campaign), free afternoon meal and so on. But on the ground level their implementation is shoddy due to (as bureaucrats would put it) practical problems. The problem is of course, in the system but it has more to do with the mindsets of the people too. There are people who speak against child labor in India and back at their own house or office, many of them will have at least one child working for them. People need to realize that what a waste of talent and a major obstacle to a country’s development, Child Labor is.   Keywords - Children. Child labor India. Social evil. Illegal employment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 178-184
Muhammad Imam Arrasyid ◽  
Rika Susanti ◽  
Roza Mulyana

Background. A traffic accident is an incident on the road which accidentally involves a vehicle with or without other road users which results in human casualties and/or property loss. The most common injury that occurs during traffic accidents is head injury. Head injury due to traffic accidents is a major cause of disability and mortality in developing countries.Objective. To analyze the overview of victim who died with head injury in traffic accidents at the forensic department of DR. M. Djamil Padang 2018-2019.Methods. This type of research is retrospective descriptive. Sampling was carried out by total sampling technique in the forensic department of RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang from March 2020 - September 2020.Results. The results showed that 150 victims who died with head injury in traffic accidents. The conclusion of this study, most of the age is 15-29 years and the incidence was higher in males. The most common injury patterns are abrasions.The head region most affected is the frontalis region. The most time for accidents is at 12.01-18.00 WIB and the most accident days are on Sundays. Most of the accident locations were outside the city of Padang, most types of vehicles were motorbikes, the role of the most victims were motorists and the most types of accidents were being hit by other vehicles.Conclusion. Most of the age is 15-29 years and the incidence was higher in males. The head region most affected is the frontalis region. Most of the accident locations were outside the city of Padang, most types of vehicles were motorbikes, the role of the most victims were motorists and the most types of accidents were being hit by other vehicles

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (8) ◽  
pp. 3192-3195
S. Nandhini ◽  
Saravana Kumar ◽  
Aditya Kumawat ◽  
Mansi Sharma

Road traffic has become a major issue in highly crowded metropolitan cities. Ambulance services which are provided by the government and private organizations struggle to get the patient to the hospital, resulting in unfortunate events which affect the people vastly. We are applying Internet Of Things (IoT) and cloud based services that can bring up an effective route and smoothen the ambulance movement throughout. Our attempt is to alert people on the road in prior about incoming ambulances by using smart lighting and managing them via cloud. Internet Of Things helps in collaboration of these different devices, accessing and monitoring them remotely.

Pranav Taneja ◽  
Manan Arora ◽  
Abhay Mendiratta ◽  
Alankrita Aggarwal ◽  
Shailender Kumar

The world is going through one of the worst pandemics ever seen. After concurrent lockdowns, as the government is easing out, more people are on the verge of risking their lives. This leads to a need for a system that not only provides a user with relevant updates regarding this disease but is essentially a useful tool that can be used to provide a safest path between a source and a destination. Most of the people now are equipped with smart devices. Since the spread is nowhere near its termination and the world is having a lot of breakdowns be it in the form of economic disruption or sociological imbalance due to this, though the government is already working hard on detecting and declaring hotspot zones, there is no real-time evaluation of potentially crowded zones that can be a source of disease synthesis too. There is a need for a system that can notify its users regarding any kind of potentially harmful zones, and since getting on the road is more than a necessity now, a safe route provisioning system is also a dire need of the situation in order to stop the spread.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-118
Ni Putu Sri Widiasih

Violations committed by motorists with not using a helmet shows compliance (compliance) are low traffic rules as regulated in section 57 subsection (2) of Act No. 22 of year 2009 about traffic Transport and streets. This type of research is conducted with the normative-legal research efforts are empirical. The research results showed that the factors cause motorists not wearing a helmet at the cross roads and surrounding A H.E. Mokodompit still in Kecamatan Kambu is a factor of consciousness and behavior, because almost all violations and traffic accidents on the road sekitasrnya and H.E. à Mokodompit that Kecamatan Kambu is still in its primary cause is the rider. These factors gave rise to differences of level of knowledge and/or understanding of the people against the prevailing rules resulted in a disparity that potentially gave rise to traffic problems in particular knowledge of the importance of the benefits the use of helmets for motorbike riders of vehicles that do not wear a helmet, both between road users themselves as well as between road users with apparatus that served to carry out law enforcement on highways, environmental factors contribute active in creating behavior-behavior that deviates. The citizens of the society like the breach of rules that have been set out in the legislation are likely to form a bad or aberrant personality on the individual efforts being done Satlantas Polres Kendari in tackling traffic offences caused by motorcyclists not wearing a helmet at the cross streets of H.E. à Mokodompit is by way of enforcing methods of pre-emptif, is an effort or prevention efforts against irregularities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 100
Masdin Masdin

Street children in Kendari are as same as other children in the universe who have the right to get education and play around. This study aims to analyze the street children phenomenon within the framework child-friendly-city (KLA). Some of the street children in Kendari attend formal school and some of them take informal one, especially in one of street children communities in Kendari; called KOJAK, or most of them do not attend any educational institutions since they encounter financial problem. They make a living in the streets to help their parents’ economy condition.  Some of them are staying with their parents, but others have no place to live and stay on the road. They work as street musician to fulfill their needs. Recently, there is no special education for street children facilitated by the government. Under KLA framework, the children need to obtain education because it is their right to pursue their dreams in the future.  The city government has not facilitated education for street children, and the street children who attend school are initiatives from parents or non-governmental organizations.

2018 ◽  
Nur Khaerat Nur

In the management of parking during this run visible indicators that can be used as abenchmark as the low contribution of parking service on revenue of Makassar and still lessprofessional and optimal management of parking. This study aims to determine the level ofoptimization of the application of the parking management system by operators of parkingbased on public perception and analyze the level of service and high availability of parkingfacilities in the city of Makassar. This research was conducted by direct interview to thecommunity and the spread of random questionnaires to determine public perceptions ofparking management that are run during this and subsequent analysis of the level of serviceand availability of parking infrastructure by taking samples of the two locations in the cityof Makassar. From the results of research in getting that parking geometric arrangementresulted in the design markings on the road Bougainville Makassar park consists of 26markers and 20 markers of motor cars, while road markings Pengayoman consists of 146cars and 54 motorcycles markers. Overall capacity of the car park on the streetBougainville 104 vehicles/h, the capacity of the car park on the street Pengayoman thewest as much as 584 vehicles/hour. Capacity motorcycle parking on the street Bougainvilleas many as 80 vehicles/hour, capacity bike parking on the street Pengayoman the west asmuch as 216 vehicles / hour. For availability of parking facilities in addition to markingproblems of parking, availability of infrastructure such as parking signs, SRP and parkingattendants in Bougainville and western aegis not ideal should be added and equipped.Potential revenue (PAD), which can be generated at the study site from the calculation ofthe accumulation of cars and motorcycles parked vehicles every 15 minutes in the span of13 hours every day for a week total daily average of Rp. 1,657,346. The respondent'sperception of the overall entry in the medium category. For the highest score obtained ata frequency of parking of vehicles in the parking lot was not authorized by a score of 1054.While the lowest score in the delivery of tickets, with a score of 716. Overall it can beconcluded that the availability of parking infrastructures is lacking and parkingmanagement systems are still considered less than optimal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Andika Putra Eskanugraha

Utilization of land for public facilities is the ideals of the constitution as stated that "to be used for the greatest prosperity of the people" and "land to function socially" based on Law No. 5/1960 concerning Basic Agrarian Regulations. The use of land for the public facilities does not give priority rights to a party or individual. Collective use within the community must be addressed wisely and proportionally in its use. A public road that is regarded as a public facility, no one can claim to be entitled to a road because it borders or is close to the land or occupancy. With the closed access to the use and benefitting of roads as the public facilities, it is difficult to determine the violation of the law committed. There is a Provincial Regulation which regulates the prohibition of parking on the roads, but this prohibition is not well-regulated in other regions with its legal products. Disregarding in the community to the road users as public facilities, can become a social problem and must be resolved with a consensus reflecting the Pancasila as the life point of view. Deliberation and consensus is a solution to solving problems by involving Village Traditional Institutions or similar names based on regionalism. Deliberation and consensus as a solution to the use of land for public facilities, can produce decisions in village deliberations. The Village Customary Institution as a partner to the Village Government can propose the joint use of community public facilities to be regulated in a Village Regulation. Normative legal research is the method used in this study. There is no violation of legal rules in the unwise use of public facilities, making this community problem must be resolved by the community itself by prioritizing the value of the Pancasila and after that it can be elaborated in the simplest rules in the Village Regulation.

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