2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Maryna Smulson ◽  
Dmytro Mescheryakov ◽  

The article is devoted to the comparative terminological analysis of approaches to scientific review of concepts “subject” and “subjectness” in Ukrainian and foreign psychology, the author's interpretation of these concepts, defining how they translate into English, and reverse translation of relevant terms. The basic concepts of subjectness in Ukrainian (V.A. Romenets, V.O. Tatenko) and Russian (S.L. Rubinstein, A.V. Brushlinsky, K.O. Abulkhanova) psychology, the connection of a full-fledged subjectness with intelligence according to O.F. Losev, as an attempt to transform the imperfections of life are analyzed. The terms of subject-development paradigm, subjectogenesis, responsiveness of the subject as a response to the call for socio-cultural development are considered. It is shown that the terms “agent” and “agency” are widely used in foreign scientific and psychological discourse, which are often translated into Ukrainian as “subject” and “subjectness”, and sometimes as “subjectness activity” (the reverse translation looks accordingly). The authors' critical attitude to such variants of translation of these terms is substantiated, and other variants of translation which are already widely used in modern science are offered, namely “subject” – “суб’єкт”, “subjectness” – “суб’єктність”, “subjectness activity” - “суб’єктна активність”. The formation of the terms "subject" and "subjectness" in foreign scientific discourse is considered. The author's understanding of the subject as a carrier of the mental model of the world, and the corresponding interpretation of subjectness are offered

Oyuna Tsydendambaeva ◽  
Olga Dorzheeva

This article is dedicated to the examination of euphemisms in the various-system languages – English and Buryat that contain view of the world by a human, and the ways of their conceptualization. Euphemisms remain insufficiently studied. Whereupon, examination of linguistic expression of the key concepts of culture is among the paramount programs of modern linguistics, need for the linguoculturological approach towards analysis of euphemisms in the languages, viewing it in light of the current sociocultural transformations, which are refer to euphemisms and values reflected by them. The subject of this research is the euphemisms in the English and Buryat languages, representing the semiosphere “corporeal and spiritual”. The scientific novelty consists in introduction of the previously unexamined euphemism in Buryat language that comprise semiosphere “corporeal and spiritual” into the scientific discourse. The analysis of language material testifies to the fact that in various cultures the topic of intimacy and sex is euphemized differently. The lexis indicating the intimate parts of the body is vividly presented in the West, while in Buryat language – rather reserved. The author also determines the common, universal, and nationally marked components elucidating the linguistic worldview of different ethnoses and cultures.

Zarina Mukhriddinovna Denisova

The subject of this research is the works of the prominent national composer Alfred Schnittke. The analysis of musical compositions demonstrated that one of the dominant technique of their thematic development consists in the intonation and genre montage, and dramaturgy is structured as a peculiar intertwinement of imagery-thematic lines, each of which is formed as an assemblage of themes referred to the same genre. The main principle for this research served the principle of historicism as one of the fundamental within national musicology, which views an artistic phenomenon in unity of transformation of traditions and modern trends. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the leading principle of musical compositions of A. Schnittke – the principle of “generalization through the genre”, presented as an intonation and genre montage. In conclusions formulated in the article, the author summarizes and systematizes the results of study: combining different genres in a single sound space, the composer interprets them as so-called intonation-semantic signs formed in the process of prolonged historical-cultural development, generating valid content, and at the same time, in its intertwinement, creating an individual artistic view of the world.

2019 ◽  
pp. 197-204
Jan Zadrożny

Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed database, where participants can exchange the value of, i.e. information or financial resources without the participation of a trusted third party. Despite of a number of positive features, this technology is not free of defects. The aim of the article is to present the barriers of the discussed technology, which prevent the discussed technology from further dissemination. Therefore, in a first step, the review of basic concepts related to blockchain was conducted. It includes a discussion of key characteristics as well as dominant types of blockchain. Afterwards, the author presents barriers of the implementation of the blockchain technology: technical, socio-organizational and legal. Blockchain gained its popularity thanks to the bitcoin cryptocurrency, which was launched in 2009 as a consequence of the global financial crisis. Since then, the technology has gone a long way of evolution and development, and its use goes far beyond only the financial sector. Therefore, the article is not focused on the strengths and weaknesses of the bitcoin blockchain network, as this has already been the subject of many other publications (i.e. Yli-Huumo et al., 2016; Koteska et al., 2017), but aims to highlight barriers of its deployment. Consequently, the limitations faced by bitcoin blockchain or, more broadly, the world of cryptocurrencies, have been passed in this article advisedly.

Svetlana Georgievna Gutova

The most relevant features of the French Enlightenment are studied in the article. One of the features is ambivalence, that was expressed in most of the theoretical judgments by representatives of the era. The main ideas of the French Enlightenment are presented through the prism of the historical formation of the basic concepts: nature, human brain, culture. It is emphasized that the main achievement of the enlighteners in the cultural reformation of society was to combat religious and moral prejudices. It is noted that the value of enlighteners is in their innovative attempt to create a progressive model of cultural development based on a naturalistic and mechanical and deterministic picture of the world. The philosophical and cultural analysis revealed the internal dynamics of the enlighteners' ideas from civilizational optimism to criticism of civilizational progress. It is concluded that the philosophical and theoretical legacy of the Enlightenment, in the framework of the development of a single paradigm, is integral, logical and actually complete, that made the most use of its methodological and heuristic potential.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 12-16
Родин ◽  
A. Rodin

The problem of communication is considered as a phenomenon existing in the context of the interrelationship between the similarities and differences. The differences are connected with legitimation of interest in the subject of communication practices within the socio-cultural society (the similarities). It is revealed that the communication society culture exists as a unity of closely interrelated aspects — subjective and personal. The need for approval of the communicative model of personality as a multicultural entity creates prerequisites for radical changes in life strategy, the key points that make up the skills to be included in the growing complexity of communication networks, including the ability to create a new system of relationships (self-organization). All this does not only make the differences in culture explicit, but also stimulates the next stage of the socio-cultural development. It is concluded that the position of the subject, which has new communicative consciousness, may be changed. The basis for the mechanism of personal comprehension of the world is an innovative activity of the multicultural subject.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (14) ◽  
pp. 27
Rogério Miranda de Almeida ◽  
Irineu Letenski

Estas reflexões têm como objetivo principal analisar a crise dos fundamentos das ciências modernas na perspectiva de Edmund Husserl. Com efeito, na primeira metade do século XX, o autor das Investigações lógicas levanta o brado em torno da existência de uma crise científica e, ao mesmo tempo, procura diagnosticar as causas e remediar os males que acarretaram tal crise. Mais precisamente, o pensamento husserliano tem como ponto de partida a crítica aos limites e à possibilidade do conhecimento proposto pelas filosofias de Descartes e de Kant. Mas Husserl ataca igualmente o espírito reducionista do positivismo científico – com o desenvolvimento e a sofisticação de suas técnicas – assim como a imposição não menos reducionista do historicismo que, ao afastarem o “sujeito do mundo”, romperam suas “relações primigênias”, espoliando assim o papel do sujeito na construção do conhecimento.Abstract: These reflections aim principally at analyzing the crisis of the modern science foundations from Edmund Husserl’s perspective. Indeed, at the first half of the 20th century, the author of Logical Investigations points vehemently out to the existence of a scientific crisis and tries, at the same time, to diagnose the causes and to show a solution to the disadvantages that brought about such a crisis. More precisely, the Husserlian thought has as its starting point the critique against the limits and the possibilities of knowledge proposed by the philosophies of Descartes and Kant. However, Husserl also attacks the reducing spirit of scientific positivism – together with the development and sophistication of its techniques – as well as the no less reducing and imposing historicism. Both trends have not only removed the “world subject”, but also disrupted its “primeval relations” having, thus, deprived the role of the subject in the construction of knowledge.Keywords: Husserl, crisis, sciences, subject, knowledge.  

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 49-53

The modern system of education has been built primarily upon the foundation of ancient educational ideals and the practices of modern education have been largely influenced by past experiences. Vedic views are the root of our civilization, hence  we cannot neglect the sphere of those views from which our civilization has developed to its present form. The Upanisads are the most important part of the Vedic literature. Theyguide the students through the valuable advices of the preceptors for choosing the correct path in life. The policy of education described in our Upanisads had some special characteristics and it is to be noted that it could be connected to the modern field of education. In this regard, we may refer to the Siksavalli section of the Taittiriyopanisad where education has been handled as a philosophical policy where  the teacher stands at the beginning, the students at the end and the subject of teaching in the middle. Through this  paper an attempt is being made to interpret the policy of education reflected in the Siksavalli section and its utilization in modern educational fields.  A query of investigation would also made to explain how the Vedic people plunged into the world of unknown only with the help of their powerful intellect and deep insight and managed to explain the happenings of the world through their own perception, without any help of modern science and technology. This paper will try to locate the presence and application of the instructions delivered to the students by the preceptor as prescribed in the Taittiriyopanisad, which can still be implemented successfully in the current educational institutions for a smooth and well managed society. A study of the Vedic texts reminds us of the same procedure to be followed for the smooth functioning of the society.

Кравченко ◽  
Al'bert Kravchenko

Sociocultural anthropology studies instruments of labor, technology, traditions and customs, beliefs and values, social institutions, family, marriage and kinship, economic mechanisms, the evolution of art, etc. The book outlines the basic knowledge of this discipline, taking into account the world experience and the requirements of the state standard: the place of anthropology in the system of scientific knowledge, the subject, object and methods of research, theory and empirical classics of social anthropology, anthropogenesis (the origin of man) and sociogenesis (evolution of prehistoric society); The typology of early societies and the historical stages of the development of traditional society (hunters and gatherers, tribal order, chiefdom), marriage, family, kinship. The book is intended for students of primary courses of humanitarian universities, as well as everyone who loves this most interesting and most modern science about man and society.

Оlena Moskalenko-Vysotska

The purpose of the article is to try to determine the nature of the interrelationships between two supertasks - an actor and a role - in the process of an actor's creativity, based on an analysis of the essence of the problem of reincarnation in the art of an actor from the Stanislavsky school. The research methodology is based on analytical, general logical and comparatively typological methods, which make it possible to comprehend in an unconventional way the concept of the dialectical unity of two super-tasks in the process of an actor's creativity in the context of the problems of reincarnation. The subject of this research is the basic concepts of the world-famous "system" of KS Stanislavsky. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the theory of acting has never resorted to analyzing the dialectics of the relationship between two supertasks - the actor and the role - in the context of the problem of reincarnation. Its interpretation by the Stanislavsky school confirms the idea of ​​dialectical interaction of two super-tasks in a single creative process. Conclusions. In an artistically completed acting performance, we always deal with the presence of both the supertask of the actor himself, performing a certain role, and the supertask of the role (the actor). Despite their multidirectional nature, they nevertheless constitute a dialectically inseparable whole, transforming the process of reincarnation into a highly artistic act of creativity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 154-161
Дун Шухань

Предметом исследования является различия между музыкальным образованием в Китае и в России, в частности преподаванием музыки и отношением родителей к обучению игре на фортепиано. В статье анализируются мнения исследователей, считающих уровень музыкального  образования в Китае недостаточным, по сравнению с западными и соседними странами. Отмечается необходимость создания музыкальной среды, где люди любят и понимают музыку. Развитие уровня музыкального образования связывается с формированием эстетических качеств, и понимания, того что главная цель музыки – это культурное развитие подрастающего поколения, а не достижение высоких результатов. В условиях глобализации мирового пространства, эпохи стремительного обогащения информационно-коммуникативных возможностей человечества, в развитых странах усиливается тенденция к диалогу культур, активизируются интеграционные процессы, налаживается диалог между Западной и Восточной Цивилизациями, взаимный обмен и обогащение культурного пространства. Эта ситуация вызвала новый принцип взаимоотношений между Россией и Китаем, направила их на установление мостов творческого сотрудничества и взаимообмена между достижениями культуры и образования. Известно, что за последние два десятилетия обучение музыке стало популярным в Китае. В стране самое большое количество в мире молодых людей, изучающих музыку. Отмечается развитая инфраструктура, хорошие учебные заведения, оснащенные высококлассным оборудованием. The subject of the study is the differences between music education in China and in Russia, in particular, music teaching and the attitude of parents to learning to play the piano. The article analyzes the opinions of researchers who consider the level of music education in China to be insufficient, in comparison with Western and neighboring countries. It is noted that it is necessary to create a musical environment where people love and understand music. The development of the level of musical education is associated with the formation of aesthetic qualities, and the understanding that the main goal of music is the cultural development of the younger generation, and not the achievement of high results. In the context of the globalization of the world space, the era of rapid enrichment of information and communication capabilities of mankind, the trend towards a dialogue of cultures is increasing in developed countries, integration processes are becoming more active, a dialogue between Western and Eastern Civilizations is being established, mutual exchange and enrichment of cultural space is being established. This situation has caused a new principle of relations between Russia and China, directed them to establish bridges of creative cooperation and interchange between the achievements of culture and education. It is known that over the past two decades, music education has become popular in China. The country has the largest number of young people studying music in the world. There is a developed infrastructure, good educational institutions equipped with high-quality equipment.

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