scholarly journals Menyoal Praktik Kebijakan Reforma Agraria di Kawasan Hutan

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-162
M Nazir Salim ◽  
Westi Utami ◽  
Diah Retno Wulan ◽  
Sukmo Pinuji ◽  
Mujiati Mujiati ◽  

Abstract: The Agrarian Reform (RA) policy, especially land redistribution from the release forest areas, is considered slow. This was caused by several problems in the field, namely: leadership, institutions, regulations, and RA subjects-objects. Effective strategies to implement RA at central and regional levels has not been found, particularly on leadership and coordination between sectors at site level. This study is presented in the form of a policy forum by closely reviewing findings and solutions to RA practices in forest areas. Analysis, reduction, and interpretation of qualitative data were carried out to draw conclusions on real practices of RA at site level in the last three years. At macro level, the authors' findings confirm that the practice of RA experiences a fairly systematic problem due to the weakness of key actors controlling the implementation of RA, the ineffectiveness of the established institutions, and different interpretations of regulations impacted on the differences in understanding RA objects in the field. These findings emphasized that, resoundingly, strategic program of RA has not yet become a common agenda to be implemented in the framework of creating justice and welfare for the entitled people. Keyword: Agrarian reform policy, PPTKH, GTRA, TORA, release of forest area     Abstrak: Kebijakan Reforma Agraria (RA) khususnya redistribusi tanah dari objek pelepasan kawasan hutan dianggap lambat. Pelambatan tersebut disebabkan karena beberapa problem di lapangan, yakni: kepemimpinan, kelembagaan, regulasi, dan objek-subjek RA. Sampai saat ini, belum ditemukan cara yang efektif untuk menjalankan tata kelola RA di level pusat dan daerah, khususnya kepemimpinan dan koordinasi antarsektor di level tapak. Kajian ini dimaksudkan untuk memetakan problem dan menawarkan solusi dengan basis observasi dan studi di lapangan selama tiga tahun terakhir (2018-2020). Studi ini disajikan dalam bentuk policy forum dengan me-review secara padat temuan-temuan dan solusi atas praktik RA di kawasan hutan. Analisis, reduksi, dan tafsir atas data-data kualitatif dilakukan untuk menarik kesimpulan, bagaimana sesungguhnya praktik RA di level tapak dalam tiga tahun terakhir. Secara makro, temuan penulis mengkonfirmasi bahwa praktik RA mengalami problem yang cukup sistematis akibat lemahnya aktor-aktor kunci pemegang kendali RA, tidak efektifnya kelembagaan yang dibentuk, dan perbedaan tafsir atas regulasi yang berdampak pada perbedaan pemahaman atas objek RA di lapangan. Berbekal temuan tersebut, secara meyakinkan program strategis RA belum menjadi agenda bersama untuk dijalankan dalam kerangka menciptakan keadilan dan kesejahteraan untuk masyarakat yang berhak. Kata Kunci: Kebijakan RA, PPTKH, GTRA, TORA, Pelepasan Kawasan Hutan

Tunas Agraria ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Restu Istiningdyah ◽  
Sutaryono Sutaryono ◽  
Wahyuni Wahyuni

Abstract: This research aims to determine the contribution of land redistribution activities carried out by the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial/National Land Agency on Key Performance Indicators (IKU) which is compiled namely the percentage increase in income of people receiving agrarian reform. Data analysis is done by using spatial pattern to give description of distribution of land redistribution and contribution of land redistribution activity to IKU which have been prepared. The difference of formula applied in calculation of IKU cause unclear amount of contribution of a strategic program especially redistribution of land to IKU. Re-formulation of IKU is the percentage of increase in income of recipients of agrarian reform needs to be done so that the contribution of a strategic activity undertaken can be measured clearly. Keywords : contribution, land redistribution, Key Performance Indicators Intisari:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi kegiatan redistribusi tanah yang dilaksanakan oleh Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Badan Pertanahan Nasional terhadap Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU) yang disusun yaitu persentase kenaikan pendapatan masyarakat penerima reforma agraria. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan pola keruangan untuk memberikan gambaran sebaran pelaksanaan redistribusi tanah dan kontribusi kegiatan redistribusi tanah terhadap IKU yang telah disusun. Adanya perbedaan rumus yang diterapkan dalam perhitungan IKU menyebabkan ketidakjelasan besaran kontribusi suatu program strategis khususnya redistribusi tanah terhadap IKU. Perumusan ulang IKU yaitu persentase kenaikan pendapatan masyarakat penerima reforma agraria perlu dilakukan sehingga kontribusi suatu kegiatan strategis yang dilaksanakan dapat diukur dengan jelas.  Kata Kunci : Kontribusi, redistribusi tanah, Indikator Kinerja Utama

Muhammad Febri Ramdani

ABSTRAKMUHAMAD FEBRI RAMDANI. Implementasi Kebijakan Agraria dan Ketimpangan Penguasaan Lahan (Kasus Lahan Eks HGU di Desa Cipeuteuy, Kecamatan Kabandungan, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Provinsi Jawa Barat). Dibimbing oleh MARTUA SIHALOHO.Redistribusi lahan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah sebuah upaya implementasi kebijakan agraria. Kebijakan agraria tersebut berupa asset reform (penataan aset) eks lahan perkebunan dengan skema legalisasi aset berwujud sertifikasi bidang lahan. Namun dalam pelaksanannya pemerintah mengklaim bahwa kebijakan tersebut merupakan agenda reforma agraria. Atas dasar klaim tersebut, penting untuk meninjau access reform (penataan akses) bekerja, karena pada hakikatnya reforma agraria merupakan asset reform (penataan aset) dan access reform (penataan akses) yang berjalan beriringan, dengan bertujuan untuk menata ketimpangan penguasaan lahan agar terwujudnya keadilan agraria (agrarian justice). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif yang didukung kualitatif dengan pendekatan sensus. Metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan responden ialah purposive sampling dengan teknik non probability sampling. Pengolahan data menggunakan uji statistik rank spearman untuk melihat hubungan variabel. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa tingkat asset reform berada pada kategori rendah. Hasil uji statistik menunjukan bahwa asset reform berhubungan dengan access reform dan asset reform berhubungan dengan ketimpangan penguasaan lahan.Kata kunci: access reform, asset reform, keadilan agraria, reforma agrariaABSTRACTMUHAMAD FEBRI RAMDANI. Implementation of Agrarian Policy and Land Tenure Inequality (Case of Ex-HGU Land in Cipeuteuy Village, Kabandungan District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java Province). Supervised by MARTUA SIHALOHO.Land redistribution has been done by government as an effort of agrarian policy implementation. The policy came in form of asset reform of ex-plantation land with asset legalization scheme (land-part certification). But the government claimed that this policy is one of the agrarian reform agenda. It is important to observe how this access reform works, because agrarian and access reform can’t be separated one another, with purpose to reduce the inequality of land tenure so that the agrarian justice can be reach. This research used quantitative method supported by qualitative data, using the census approachment. Purposive sampling with non probabilty sampling used to specify the respondent. The data processed by rank spearman statistic test to analyze the relation between variable. This research shows a low level of asset reform. The statistic test shows that the low asset reform have a strong relation to low access reform, and high inequality of land tenure.Key words: access reform, agrarian justice, agrarian reform, asset reform

Nia Kurniati ◽  
Reginawanti Hindersah

Objective - The objective of this study is to identify the food security characteristics in local communities at Napan Village, Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia and to study the implementation of agrarian reform principles covering asset reform and access reform, in achieving food sustainability. Methodology/Technique - The method used is a normative judicial method. The data is analysed through qualitative judicial means, supported by Focus Group Discussion, to obtain primary qualitative data. Findings - The results show that synchronization of agrarian reform programs, including asset reform with "Food Intensification Program" along with "Social Forestry Program", reinforce farmers' rights over their farmlands and assure farmland tenure and ownership. The approach of "access reform" by means of the "Food Intensification Program", integrated with government intervention, might serve as the base for achieving the inclusivity and continuity of food sustainability in Napan Novelty - This study highlights the need for central and local governments to accelerate food production in underdeveloped regions through asset and access reform programs. Land Certification, Social Forestry Program, and the Food Intensification Program can all be implemented to strengthen farmers' land rights as well as their productivity. Type of Paper - Empirical. Keywords: Agrarian Reform; Food Security; Napan Village; Indonesia. JEL Classification: Q1, Q18.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 59-61
Muhammad Umar Isa ◽  
Yusri Bin Kamin ◽  
Yusri Bin Kamin

Project based learning (PoBL) is a constructivism learning approach that focuses around student centred learning. PoBL has been found to be effective in different tertiary institutions of learning across the globe. However, in spite the effectiveness of PoBL, it has not been adopted in Nigerian tertiary institutions. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effective strategies for integrating PoBL in teaching and learning Woodwork Technology Education (WTE) at tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Three research questions were posed in this study. A mixed method approach involving both quantitative and qualitative method was employed for the study. The sample of the study comprised 50 in-service postgraduate students from Nigerian tertiary institutions studying Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for the quantitative aspect, and 9 in-service post graduate students for the qualitative part. A 16-item structured questionnaire was used for quantitative data collection while semi structured interview was used for qualitative data collection. Data was analyse using the SPSS software version 24 to analyse quantitative data and NVIVO 12 was used for qualitative data analysis. The findings of the study revealed that traditional instructional approach is the predominant method used in teaching and learning WTE at tertiary institutions in Nigeria. It was also revealed from the findings that PoBL encourage student ownership of learning, enhances students critical thinking, effective collaboration and communication. The findings from the study also revealed that restructuring of WTE curriculum at tertiary institutions in Nigeria to focus on a learner centred approach, as well as organising seminars and workshops for WTE lecturers to be acquainted with the application of PoBL in WTE teaching and learning were among the effective strategies for integrating PoBL in teaching and learning WTE at tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Finally, this paper calls for the integration of PoBL into the teaching and learning of WTE at Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of education in Nigeria for effectiveness in skills acquisition.

Alejandro Tortolero Villaseñor

The first phase of the development of land tenure in Mexico, from the desamortization laws in 1856 to agrarian reform, was completed in 1940 by the Lázaro Cárdenas administration. While between 1856 and 1910 property reforms served to concentrate land and stimulate latifundio, from the violent Mexican Revolution of 1910–1917 until 1992 a policy of social justice was implemented that sought to give land to peasant families, thereby generating a better distribution of land, though without improving its productivity. This signifies that if postrevolutionary modernity assumed, echoing neo-institutionalism or old trends such as positivism or regeneracionismo, that land redistribution was a necessary condition to generate economic growth, in reality it was the social dimension and not the economic that gave character to Mexican agrarian reform between 1920 and 1992. As a backdrop to this, the analysis of literature and history shows a truncated and limited agrarian reform in which traditional figures such as the cacique persisted. The traditional and official vision of the agrarian reform is misguided, in which it is understood as a product of restitutive justice, the result of peasants regaining the lands from which they had been evicted due to the desamortization laws and the greed of landowners hungry for land who had annexed the land of the pueblos. To the contrary, agrarian reform is distributive, allocating land to peasants who requested it, while the hacienda was not the source of all the evils that gave rise to the revolution. Nor can the situation of the Mexican countryside be portrayed as the fight of the peones against the hacendados or caciques hungry for land. This erroneous vision of the Mexican countryside should be demystified, because it does not take into account that agrarian reform became the touchstone to give an agrarian nature to a very diversified Mexican Revolution and convert it into an instrument for the postrevolutionary governments to champion the peasant struggle in 20th-century Mexico, becoming the key to economic growth and social justice in the rural Mexican world.

Carsten Q. Schneider

Macro-qualitative (MQ) approaches to the study of regime transformation can be defined as those that (a) in order to describe or explain macro-level phenomena (b) predominantly use qualitative data and (c) make claims about these phenomena in terms of set relations. MQ approaches can be static or dynamic and are normally used for single-case or small- to medium-N-sized studies. The set of methods employed in MQ research thus defined ranges from qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to sequence elaboration and process tracing. Classics in the MQ transformation literature can be interpreted in terms of set theory. For instance, Lipset (1959) famously claimed that there are social conditions that are necessary for the functioning of democracy.

Ethnography ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 146613812091306 ◽  
Judson G Everitt ◽  
James M Johnson ◽  
William H Burr ◽  
Stephanie H Shanower

In this paper, we argue that there is new insight to be gained by reexamining the classic text, Boys in White, in strategic ways. Specifically, we share excerpts from Boys in White with current medical students and ask for their reactions in qualitative interviews, examining the relevance (or lack thereof) of earlier meanings about professional training for current processes of professional training. We show how we have employed this technique in our current project revisiting Boys in White with current medical students, and discuss preliminary findings that reveal the potential of this technique for documenting evidence of macro-level forces in healthcare institutions using qualitative data on new doctors. We conclude with discussion of alternative approaches through which scholars could make use of this technique in future professional socialization scholarship that could shed light on dynamics of institutional persistence and change.

2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-34 ◽  
Wilder Robles

This article examines Brazil’s experience in agrarian reform from 1985 to 2016. After more than three decades of agrarian reform, Brazil remains a country with highly skewed landownership. Peasant-led agrarian reform efforts have had limited impact in changing this situation. Agrarian reform remains an unfulfilled political promise, and this situation continues to create tensions and conflicts in the countryside. The main reason for the persistence of skewed land concentration is the State’s support of agribusiness. Successive post-1985 democratic governments have encouraged the opening of new agricultural frontiers by providing generous economic incentives. Land redistribution has been offset by further land possession; that is, the expansion of small-scale agricultural farming has been counterbalanced by the expansion of large-scale, capital intensive agriculture. Agribusiness has not only undermined agrarian reform efforts but has also generated a growing dependency on a socially and environmentally destructive monoculture agricultural economy. Moreover, Brazil’s current political and economic crisis has further undermined the struggle for agrarian reform.

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 206-222
Anthony Pahnke

During the center-left Partido dos Trabalhadores (Workers’ Party—PT) governments of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2002–2010) and Dilma Rousseff (2011–2016), the Brazilian Landless Movement took advantage of particular governmental changes—increased access to education, improved small-farmer support programs, and expanded agrarian reform development policies—to strengthen its leadership and organization. Instead of expanding, the movement turned inward to address internal weaknesses. It benefited from the PT’s ambiguous position with respect to the politics of agrarian reform. Since each administration dedicated considerable resources to public policies that the movement favored, neither government engaged in significant land redistribution. Durante los gobiernos de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2002–2010) y Dilma Rousseff (2011–2016), ambos pertenecientes al centro-izquierdista Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), el Movimiento Brasileño Sin Tierra aprovechó cambios gubernamentales particulares, como mejores programas de apoyo a los pequeños agricultores, mejor acceso a la educación y políticas ampliadas para el desarrollo de reformas agrarias, para fortalecer su liderazgo y organización. En lugar de expandirse, el movimiento se tornó hacia sí mismo para abordar debilidades internas. Se benefició de la posición ambigua del PT con respecto a las políticas de reforma agraria. Y dado que ambas administraciones dedicaron considerables recursos a políticas públicas favorecidas por el movimiento, ninguno se abocó a supervisar una redistribución significativa de la tierra.

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