Wahyu Nuning Budiarti ◽  
Mawan Akhir Riwanto

This development research developed one of the learning media needed during the Covid 19 pandemic, namely an electronic module which is the development of a module that is easier to use, easy to carry, concise and practical by lecturers and students. The module for Elementary School Indonesian Language and Literature Skills for PGSD students was developed so that students can better apply the language skills learning aspects of listening in their ability to synthesize. The research method used 10 steps of Borg and Gall's development research grouped into 4 procedures. The four procedures are. (1) Initial research (2) Product Development, (3) Product testing and revision, and (4) final stage. The data is obtained by analyzing the ratings by users, material experts, and media experts. The result obtained is that the feasibility value by the experts reaches a value of 90% from material experts and 89% from media experts with very valid criteria and is achieved in the second stage. Student response is very good with a score of 74.14%. Pre test results are? and the post test results after using the product being developed are 22,5%. The use of e-modules for learning is proven to improve students' listening skills and shows that this language skills learning module is feasible to use.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 133
Rachmawati Rachmawati ◽  
Rina Wijayanti ◽  
Era Dewi Kartika

The purpose of this study is to produce character building learning media based on m-learning mathematics with a contextual approach that is expected to provide convenience for students and teachers in supporting the revitalization of vocational education. This research is a development research. This research method refers to the 4D development model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). Development of Math-Cha applications with the help of Android Studio IDE software, and Fire Base. The result of the development in the form of a learning media product is the Math-Cha application which is installed on an Android device. The Math-Cha application consists of material and evaluation. The m-learning media on mathematics is given reinforcement by integrating character education and contextual presentation so that it supports the revitalization of vocational education. Content in the application begins by introducing character values into mathematical problems at the apperception, material and evaluation stages. Evaluation of validity aspects is based on the validation of media experts and material experts who are valid criteria with an average of 3.61. The evaluation of practicality aspects based on student response questionnaire was in the good criteria of 3.72 and the teacher's questionnaire in the criteria of good was 3.40. The assessment of effectiveness aspects based on student test results is in good criteria with an average of 86.6. Math-Cha supports learning, use easily, and it can be used anywhere and anytime. AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran matematika m-learning berbasis pendidikan karakter dengan pendekatan kontekstual yang diharapkan memberikan kemudahan siswa dan guru dalam menunjang revitalisasi pendidikan SMK. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan. Metode penelitian ini mengacu pada model pengembangan 4D (Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate). Pengembangan aplikasi Math-Cha dengan bantuan software Android Studio IDE, dan Fire Base. Hasil dari pengembangan berupa produk media pembelajaran yaitu aplikasi Math-Cha yang terinstall di perangkat Android. Aplikasi Math-Cha terdiri dari materi dan evaluasi. Media pembelajaran m-learning pada matematika diberikan penguatan dengan mengintegrasikan pendidikan karakter dan disajikan secara kontekstual sehingga mendukung revitalisasi pendidikan vokasi.  Konten dalam aplikasi dimulai dengan mengenalkan nilai-nilai karakter kedalam permasalahan matematika pada tahap apersepsi, materi  dan evaluasi. Penilaian aspek kevalidan berdasarkan penilaian validator ahli media dan ahli materi yang berada pada kriteria valid dengan rata-rata 3,61. Penilaian aspek kepraktisan berdasarkan angket respon siswa berada pada kriteria baik sebesar 3,72 dan angket respon guru yang berada dalam kriteria baik sebesar 3,40. Penilaian aspek keefektifan berdasarkan hasil tes siswa berada pada kriteria baik dengan rata-rata 86,6. Math-Cha mendukung dalam pembelajaran, tingkat penggunaannya relatif mudah, pembelajaran dapat digunakan dimana saja dan kapanpun.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Gita Sekar Prihanti ◽  
Novi Puspita Sari ◽  
Nur Indah Septiani ◽  
Laura Putri Risty L. Tobing ◽  
Annisa Rahayu Adrian ◽  

Failure of therapy is a result of bad adherence  medication. Non-adherence to therapy is a major factor that is suspected to result in uncontrolled blood pressure in hypertensive patients resulting in more serious complications. Therefore it is important to increase the adherence rate of treatment in patients with hypertension in the treatment process. For this reason, the need for interventions to improve  adherence  with several aspects that can be changed. This study uses One Group Pretest-Posttest Design using 100 samples. Data derived from questionnaires containing 25 items of adherence to therapy, 5 items of knowledge, 4 items of trust, 3 items of motivation, 10 items of family support with nonparametric statistical tests used were Mc Nemar test. Mc Nemar test results indicate that there is a significant difference between adherence at the pre-test and at the post-test after counseling with a significance value (p = 0,000). The results also showed that there was a difference in knowledge with a significance value (p = 0.001), motivation with a value (p = 0.031) and family support with a value (p = 0,000). The education with counseling about knowledge, trust, motivation and family support is effective in increasing compliance. There are other changeable factors such as lifestyle education, patient doctor relationships, and the use of smartphone applications for self-reported therapy can improve adherence in patients thereby minimizing therapy failure. Other educational methods that can be used besides counseling are counseling and dissemination of social media information.

Yunita Rochmawati Jonan

ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini adalah menghasilkan sebuah rubrik penskoran pada asesmen otentikuntuk materi volume dan luas balok yang dapat digunakan oleh guru dan siswa. Rubrik ini dibuat sesuai dengan standar penilaian dalam kurikulum 2013. Penelitian pengembangan (R&D) ini menggunakan model Borg and Gall yang terdiri dari lima tahap yaitu penelitian dan pengumpulan data awal, perencanaan, pengembangan format produk, uji coba skala kecil, revisi akhir dan penyempurnaan produk. Hasil penelitian pengembangan ini berupa rubrik penyekoran holistik dan analitik dengan nilai sangat valid sebesar 94%. Analisis dari penelitian ini adalah angket kebutuhan bagi guru dan siswa sedangkan uji coba dilakukan melalui perorangan, kelompok kecil dan kelompok besar. Sedangkan kelayakan rubrik penskoran dari penilaian oleh ahli dengan menggunakan angket uji validitas materi, hasil belajar siswa, respon siswa serta tanggapan guru pengajar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rubrik penskoran ini efektif dalam membantu memperbaiki hasil ulangan dan cukup praktis serta dapat dipergunakan untuk memberikan penilaian hasil belajar yang sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013. Kata kunci: rubrik, penskoran, asesmen otentik.   ABSTRACT The purpose of this development research is to produce a scoring rubric on an authenticity assessment for the volume and area materials that can be used by teachers and students. The rubric is made in based on the assessment standards in the 2013 curriculum. This development research (R&D) uses the Borg and Gall model consisting of five stages of preliminary data research and collection, planning, product format development, small-scale trials, final revisions and product enhancements. The results of this development research include holistic and analytic scoring rubric with a very valid score of 94%. The rubric is analyzed fromquestionnaire for teachers and students, while trials are conducted through individuals, small groups and large groups. The feasibility of the scoring rubric from assessment by members by using the material validity test questionnaire, student learning results, student response and teacher responses. The results of this study show that the scoring rubric is effective in helping to improve the test results and is practical and can be used to provide assessment of learning outcomes in accordance with the 2013 curriculum. Keywords: rubric, scoring, authentic assessment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 269
I Kadek Sukadana ◽  
I Gusti Ngurah Japa

Teachers do not apply interesting learning models that can stimulate students in learning. In addition, the lack of learning media that can facilitate students in learning has an impact on students' low science learning outcomes. This study aims to develop a learning video about Animal Movement Organs to improve students' understanding in learning. This type of research is development research. The model used to develop the product is ADDIE. Techniques that collect data are interviews and questionnaires. The instrument used to collect data is a questionnaire. The subjects of this study amounted to 4 experts. The analysis technique in this research is descriptive qualitative statistical analysis and descriptive quantitative. The results of the research are the test results from the content experts of the developed media subjects get a value of 4.71 (very good), the test results from the learning media experts get a value of 4.75 (very good) and the results of the validity test of the developed media teachers get a value of 4 .83 (very good). It can be concluded that the learning video media regarding animal movement organs based on video scribe is feasible to be applied in learning. The implication of this research is that the developed media can make it easier for students to understand the material of animal movement organs and can facilitate students in independent learning.

2017 ◽  
Arab World English Journal ◽  
Hana' Abu-Mwais ◽  
Oqlah Mahmoud Smadi

Listening is a language skill that people in general and students in specific may need it more than some of the other language skills such as reading and writing in their everyday life and communication. Yet, the integration of the four language skills should be always emphasized when learning any foreign language since this reinforces each other and represents the natural acquisition of the language. The current study aims to examine the effect of an instructional program based on integrating the four language skills on Jordanian undergraduate EFL students' listening comprehension skills and to find out their attitudes regarding the effectiveness of this program on improving their listening skills. In order to collect the data , the researchers used two instruments: pre-post test and an interview. The study is a quasi-experimental one, and the subjects of the study were 61 students from Al Al Bayt University in Jordan. The subjects were divided into two groups: the control one had 24 students while the experimental one had 37. The findings of the study reveal that there is a significant difference at ( α= 0.05) between the means of the two groups at the listening post-test due to the program. In addition, the instructional program proves to be effective for the students of the experimental group who believe that the program improved their listening skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Prima Warta Santhalia ◽  
Elisabet Clara Sampebatu

Pendemi covid 19 mengharuskan semua jenjang pendidikan melakukan pembelajaran daring. Akan tetapi banyak pendidik yang masih kesulitan dalam memilih dan menggunakan platform yang sesuai dengan pembelajaran fisika terutama pada materi prinsip bernaoulli. Upaya untuk mengatasi hal tersebut salah satunya melalui pemanfaatan media pembelajaran yang bersifat audio visual dalam bentuk multimedia interaktif. Tujuan dari penelitian pengembangan ini adalah mengembangkan multimultimedia interaktif fisika pokok bahasan prinsip bernoulli. Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan model pengembangan 4D. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa kuesioner dan soal tes pemahaman konsep terhadap 36 siswa kelas XI MIPA 2 di SMA Katolik Rajawali Makassar. Untuk mengukur tingkat pemahaman konsep siswa dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil pretes dan posttes. Instrumen tes yang digunakan berupa tes uraian. Hasil validasi ahli menunjukan bahwa multimedia pembelajaran yang dikembangkan layak untuk di uji coba. Hasil Uji coba menunjukkan bahwa multimedia pembelajaran yang kembangkan sangat praktis dan layak digunakan. Sedangkan untuk kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa mengalami peningkatan yang ditunjukan dengan nilai N-gain yang diperoleh mencapai 0,50 yang berada dalam kategori medium atas. Hal ini berarti bahwa multimedia pembelajaran yang dikembangkan secara efektif dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep fisika siswa. Penelitian lanjutan diharapkan dapat mengembangkan multimedia interaktif pada materi lainnya sehingga banyak tersedia multimedia pembelajaran interaktif yang dapat digunakan oleh siswa untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep fisika siswa. AbstractCOVID 19 requires all levels of education to do online learning. However, many educators still find it challenging to choose and use a platform suitable for learning physics, especially in Bernoulli's principle. One of the efforts to overcome this is to use audiovisual learning media in interactive multimedia. This development research aims to develop interactive multimedia subject matter of the Bernoulli principle. This development research uses the 4D development model. In this research, the development stage is limited to the development stage because of time and cost limitations. Data were collected using instruments in the form of questionnaires and concept understanding test questions on 36 students of class XI MIPA 2 at Catholic High School Rajawali Makassar. To measure the level of understanding of student concepts is done by comparing the pretest and post-test results. The test instrument used was a description test. The results of expert validation show that advanced learning multimedia is worthy of a trial. The trial results show that the developed learning multimedia is efficient and feasible to use. As for the ability to understand, the concept of students has increased as indicated by the value of N-gain obtained reached 0.50, which is in the medium category. This means that multimedia learning developed effectively can improve students' understanding of physics concepts. Further research is expected to create interactive multimedia on other materials. That way, there are many interactive learning multimedia available that students can use to improve students' understanding of physics concepts.

Asmania Rizki Nurjannah Sulistyo ◽  
Maria Mintowati ◽  
Suyatno Suyatno

Based on the observations of the use of textbooks in teach Mandarin, the identification sheet of students' needs and the results of interviews with Mandarin teachers found several problems. Among them, the majority of teachers still use imported textbooks from China, the contents of textbooks that do not reflect Indonesian culture and are not in accordance with the 2013 Curriculum, have not been sufficient to provide exercises for the practice of language skills, the order of material that has not been arranged in accordance with the rules for the preparation of textbooks, the number of textbooks available is limited, the condition of textbooks whose time has expired, and the learning process is less active and teacher-centered. This study aimed to examine the process of developing Mandarin digital textbooks in terms of the quality, effectiveness and practicality of 2013 curriculum-based digital textbooks in across-major courses of Mandarin for tenth graders. This development research uses Sugiyono's development model. This development research was carried out on the class X IPA 4 SMA Dharma Wanita Surabaya. The results of the validation of Mandarin textbook material are 89%, the results of the validation are 87%, the results of the language validation are 85%, and the results of the validation are 92%. All validation results are in the "very strong" category. The results of observations of student and teacher activities are 89% for student activities and 87% for teacher activities. The t-significance calculation uses a 95% confidence level or a 5% significance level and a t-significance result of 24, 11. This indicates that there are significant differences between the pre-test and post-test scores. It is said that Mandarin textbooks are effective for use

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-58
Wisnu Aziz Bahtiar ◽  
Jan Hendrik Nunaki ◽  
I. Iwan Iwan

The development research aims to develop interactive multimedia-based learning media on valid, practical and effective animal tisue material. This development research refers to the ADDIE development model. Based on the data analysis obtained value of validity and media based on material expert got the value of o,92 with valid category while in terms of media diperolch value of validty for interactive learning media 0,94 with valid category, practice media obtained from the observation aheet of instructional media implementation with a value of 91,67 with good category meanwhile for the effectiveness aspect derived from 4 assessmet of student active with a value of 98,30 where the learning media is said to be effective in learning if the activities of learners in the lesson 75% the ability of teachers to manage learning with the acquisition value of 3,28 are included in the category of moderate, test results learners with completeness of individual acquisition of 21 people with mastery mask 95,5% and quistonnaire response of learners with the acquisition of 75,76 learners respond positively to interactive media learning

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-27
Fenti Hasnani Hasnani

Abstract Non-specific low back pain is the symptom of lower back pain that occurs without an obvious cause, the diagnosis is based on exclusion of specific pathology. Non-specific low back pain can result in pain, muscle spasm and muscle imbalance, it can decrease the stability of the abdominals and lower back, limitation in lumbar mobility , changes posture, and it’s couse make disability in patients with non-specific low back pain. Exercise therapy for non-specific low back pain is high recommend to increased stability and correct posture of the spine. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of McKenzie Exercise to reduce patient disability in non-specific low back pain. Method: This research applied pre experimental research method with one group Pre and Post Test Design. The research was conducted in Dr Soeradji Tirtonegoro hospital Klaten. There were 16 subjects taken for this research. Disability was measured by oswestry disability index (ODI) before and after treatment. Subject get Mckenzie exercise with the frequens are 2 times a weak in a month Result: Statistical test results obtained, have a decline ODI score at the McKenzie Exercise have done with a value of p = 0.000. This means that Mckenzie excercise can reduce patients disability in non-specific low back pain. Keywords: McKenzie exercises, disability, non-specific low back pain, oswestry disability index.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 28
Sifa Nursinah ◽  
Ina Magdalena ◽  
Sa’odah Sa’odah

<div class="WordSection1"><h1>This research was a descriptive qualitative with a titled implementation of cardboard display tools based on the study of mathematics in primary school with 3<sup>rd</sup> grade students of S dn Bojong renged IV. The research subject are 3<sup>rd</sup> students of Sdn Bojong renged<strong> </strong>VI This research aimed to “how to implemented of cardboard display tools based on the study of mathematics in primary school with subjects are 3<sup>rd</sup> grade students of Sdn Bojong renged VI.? The method of this research are qualitative data which is the instruments used in this study are observation, interviews, and documentation. The research objective is that the implementation of the use of teaching aids can provide concrete scientific contributions to the implementation of learning outcomes, especially in mathematics. The data was then analyzed using qualitative descriptive.Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that both the process assessments and the learning assessments made by submitting post tests are improvement in students studies. In the last data, Students reached 34,78 percent which is just 8 of 23 children who have been got the same grade with a value of test results above KKM and 65,22 percent which is just 15 of 23 children who have been got below KKM. The minimum criteria (KKM) of this lesson is 60. The students who have a score below KKM just 10 of 23 children that be sampled. The results of students in math studies from the post-test in fraction sub are increase</h1></div>

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