scholarly journals Physical fitness and lifestyle behaviors among type2 diabetes Persons over 50 years old

Ziad Ermeley

This study aimed to compare physical fitness and lifestyle behaviors among type2 daibetes subjects over the age of 50 years old, The sample consisted of (20) subjects, They were divided into two groups : group A included (10) type2 daibetes subjects who were regularly participants in physical activities in fitness classes, and group B included (10) type2 daibetes subjects who were not participants in physical activities. A lifestyle behaviors questionnaire was used to measure the lifestyle behaviors for both groups, hte questionnaire Included phrases related to : (Exercise and positive health practices, dietary habits, smoking habits, preventive health measures and amount of sleep) . In addition, to physical fitness tests: (strength endurance of the abdominal muscles, maximum strength of the hand muscles, and flexibility). The results revealed that the lifestyle behaviors in type2 daibetes persons in group A who were participating in physical activities was more healthy than group B who were non-participants, in conclusion ,participation in physical activities contributes to a better healthy lifestyle behaviors including regular exercise, regular dietary habits, not smoking and an adequate amount of sleep.

Natalia I. Latyshevskaya ◽  
Tatyana L. Yatsyshena ◽  
Elena L. Shestopalova ◽  
Irina Yu. Krainova

Modern trends in the deterioration of health and the growth of non-communicable diseases among the adult working-age population, including medical workers, actualize the importance of a healthy lifestyle for maintaining health and professional longevity. There were almost no studies related to cosmetologists' experienced group as representatives of aesthetic medicine. There is no scientific evidence on behavioral risks of this group. It justifies the relevance of this study. The study aims to analyze the essential components of the cosmetologists' lifestyle depending on age and the argumentation of priority behavioral health risk factors for preventive and recreational work justification. Sixty women (practicing cosmetologists in Volgograd at the age of 28-39 years (group A) and 40-53 (group B)) took part in the study. Lifestyle assessment included a modified questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 5 blocks (block 1 - nutrition; 2 - physical activity, including hardening and active rest; 3 - daily regimen; 4 - personal hygiene; 5 - bad habits). It allows the analysis of the adherence to a healthy lifestyle based on the provision of quantitative data. Statistical data processing was carried out using the Excel package. The authors identified the essential and statistically significant differences in the cosmetologists' lifestyle depending on age. The respondents of group B demonstrated hygienically rational indicators in all blocks of the lifestyle more often. They had a more formed adherence to a healthy lifestyle: 504 answers in the category "insignificant risk" of respondents in group B versus 354 in group A. Distribution of answers in the "high risk" category: 119 responses in group B and 185 in group A. The lifestyle of 46.7% of the respondents in group B refers to a healthy lifestyle. 3.3% of the group B respondents have an anxious lifestyle, 50% have health risks. 10% of Group A respondents' lifestyle refers to a healthy lifestyle. 13.3% of Group A respondents' lifestyle refers to an anxious lifestyle; 76.7% of this group have health risks. There was almost no complex hygienic research profession of medical cosmetologists. Cosmetologists of the older age group (40-53 years old) are more conscious of maintaining a hygienically rational lifestyle. The most significant defects among cosmetologists aged 28-39 years are low physical activity, nutritional defects, insufficient duration of night rest, and excessive use of information and communication technologies for rest, accompanied by manifestations of neurotization and signs of pronounced fatigue. The obtained results argue the need to develop and implement informational and educational measures to prevent risk behavior patterns, taking into account the age of cosmetologists and the priority of the identified behavioral risk factors.

Akshaya Patil

Lifestyle disorders like unhealthy dietary habits, physical habits, disturbed sleep and rest patterns are the principal factors that cause many digestion related disease. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is also one such disease which occurs due to the ingestion of unwholesome diet causing disturbances in Agni. According to Ayurvedic science, this disease can be considered as a Grahani roga. So we may consider IBS as Grahani roga. Various herbal medications and panchakarma (biopurification) procedures are described in the treatment of Grahani roga though there is no reliable medical treatment for IBS in modern medicine; various efforts have been made to overcome this problem by the virtue of Ayurvedic therapy. The present study was done to assess the efficacy of Panchmooladya choorna with Takra(buttermilk) as anupan in Group A(10Patients) and Group B(10Patients)with luke warm water as anupan in management of Grahani roga in total of 20patients.The results of therapy were assessed by various parameters after 1month with follow up of 15days.The result concluded that Panchmooladya choorna with Takra as anupan reduced the symptoms of Grahani rog as compared to Group B.

Medicina ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 55 (6) ◽  
pp. 281 ◽  
Smelt ◽  
Pouwels ◽  
Celik ◽  
Gupta ◽  

: Background: Several studies showed that there is a relationship between vitamin and mineral status and muscle strength. In particular this is the case for handgrip strength (HS) and vitamin D deficiency. In bariatric surgery there is a risk of decrease in muscle strength after surgery and also vitamin and mineral deficiencies are not uncommon. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of low vitamin 25 (OH) cholecalciferol levels, high dose cholecalciferol supplementation regime and protein intake on physical fitness, measured using handgrip strength (HS) and the shuttle walk run test (SWRT). Methods: For this retrospective study, 100 patients who have had bariatric surgery were included. Group A (n = 50) used 800 IU oral cholecalciferol per day. Group B (n = 50) used 800 IU oral cholecalciferol daily and 50,000 IU liquid cholecalciferol monthly lifelong. Both groups were matched on common variables. To measure physical fitness, we used the HS manometer of Jamar and the Shuttle Walk Run Test (SWRT) to assess physical capacity. Results: No significant differences in HS and SWRT outcomes were found between patients with serum 25 (OH) cholecalciferol < 75 nmol/L or >75 nmol/L. The postoperative HS is significantly influenced by protein intake (p = 0.017) and no significant influence was seen in outcomes of the SWRT (p = 0.447). Conclusion: We have found that serum 25 (OH) cholecalciferol and different cholecalciferol supplementation regimes do not have a significant effect on HS and SWRT before, three and 6 months after surgery. It seems that protein intake plays a more important role in maintaining adequate muscle strength.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Ella Nurlelawati ◽  
Kursih Sulastriningsih ◽  
Riza Umami

Globalization and technological development in each field also influence changes in behavior, people’s lifestyles, such as dietary habits, physical activity, smoking behavior, length of sleep, stress control clean and healthy living behavior. The study’s aims to determine the relationship between information sources, and pocket money with healthy lifestyle behaviors for third-level female students at the Diploma III of Midwifery study program at MH Thamrin University, East Jakarta 2016. Methods that is used is a cross- sectional design carried out for two months produced by Midwifery MH Thamrin University, East Jakarta. Information Source test results are information with healthy lifestyle behaviors indicate that information sourced from the media has healthier healthy lifestyle behaviors (79.7%). In proportion, pocket money with healthy lifestyle behavior shows that an allowance of more than one million five hundred thousand rupiahs has a healthy lifestyle behavior of 88.9% (56 respondents) compared to an allowance of less than one million five hundred thousand rupiahs of 66, 7% (20 respondents), p = 0.02, OR = 4.00 which means that respondents with an allowance of more than one million five hundred thousand rupiahs have a 4 times chance of having a healthy lifestyle compared to respondents with an allowance of less than one million five hundred thousand rupiah. Conclusion of the research are respondent with sources of information through the media have a one-time opportunity to have a healthy lifestyle an respondents with a monthly allowance of more than one million five hundred thousand rupiahs have a 4 times opportunity to have a healthy lifestyle Keywords: Healthy Lifestyle Behavior, Information Sources, Pocket Money

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 1355 ◽  
Mehtap Metin Karaaslan ◽  
Ayda Çelebioğlu

This research was conducted as a descriptive study to determine the healthy lifestyle behaviors of high school students. The schools located in Rize Province were grouped (n: 9926). The number of samples was determined to be 370 according to the sample width formula, which is known as the number of individuals in the phase. A total of 449 volunteer students were selected from a high school in each group by simple random sampling method and the study was completed. To collect data, the personal information form and healthy lifestyle behaviors scale II, which were developed by the researcher, were used. The data were evaluated using percentile, ANOVA and t test. It was determined that the average score of healthy lifestyle behaviors scale II scores of the students was moderate with 128.06 ± 20.19. The average score of female students' health responsibility and interpersonal relationship scores were higher than male students (p <0.05). The average physical activity score of male students was found to be higher than that of female students (p <0.05). A significant positive correlation between the age of the students and the class with 'interpersonal relations' and the total score was found (p <0.05). The acquisition of positive health behaviors during the adolescence period is important to perform healthy behaviors in the future life of the individual. As a result of this study, it is suggested that education programs should be established to protect and improve the health of the students. Also, education should develop the self-efficacy of the students. Moreover, it should be conducted according to the low-scored areas and schools. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.ÖzetBu araştırma, lise öğrencilerinin sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışlarının belirlenmesi amacıyla tanımlayıcı olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Rize il merkezinde bulunan okullar gruplandırılmıştır(n: 9926). Evrende birey sayısı bilinen örneklem genişliği formülüne göre örneklem sayısı 370 olarak belirlenmiş, her gruptaki birer liseden basit rastgele örneklem yöntemiyle toplam 449 gönüllü öğrenci ile çalışma tamamlanmıştır.  Verilerin toplanmasında, araştırmacı tarafından oluşturulan kişisel bilgi formu ve sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları ölçeği II kullanılmıştır. Veriler bilgisayar ortaminda yüzdelik, ANOVA ve t testi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir.Öğrencilerin sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları ölçeği puan ortalamasının 128.06±20.19 ile orta düzeyde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kız öğrencilerin sağlık sorumluluğu ve kişilerarası ilişkiler puan ortalaması erkek öğrencilerin puan ortalamasından yüksek bulunmuştur(p<0.05). Erkek öğrencilerin fiziksel aktivite puan ortalaması, kız öğrencilerin puan ortalamasından yüksek bulunmuştur(p<0.05). Öğrencilerin yaşı ve sınıf ile ‘kişilerarası ilişkiler’ ve toplam puan arasında pozitif yönde anlamlı ilişki saptanmıştır (p<0.05).Adölesan döneminde olumlu sağlık davranışlarının kazanılması bireyin ileriki yaşamında sağlıklı davranışlar gerçekleştirmesi açısından önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışma sonucunda öğrencilerin sağlıklarını korumak ve geliştirmek için eğitim programları oluşturulması ve eğitimin özellikle öz- etkililiği geliştirici olması ve daha çok düşük puan alınan alanlara ve okullara göre yapılması önerilmektedir.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  
A Penesova ◽  
J Babjakova ◽  
A Havranova ◽  
R Imrich ◽  
M Vlcek

Abstract Background Central obesity and dyslipidemia are a cardinal features of the metabolic syndrome and represents increased cardiometabolic risk. It has been shown that weight loss is capable to improve insulin sensitivity and lipid parameters. The aim of our study was to analyze the effect of a weight-lowering program (diet and physical activity) on LDL- and HDL-cholesterol subfractions and cardiometabolic risk factors (waist circumference, blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, physical fitness). Methods We studied 2 groups of obese subjects, group A composed of 43 patients with obesity grade 1 and 2 (30F/13M; age: 43.2 ±12.4 years; BMI 31.3 ± 6.1 kg/m2); group B composed of patients with obesity grade 3 (6F/7M; age: 34.7 ±9.8 years; BMI 51.7 ± 7.9 kg/m2). The weight loss interventional program (NCT02325804) in duration of 8-week (group A) or 24 weeks (group B) consisted of hypocaloric diet and physical activity. Body composition, physical fitness, blood lipids profile (using the Lipoprint system (Quantimetrix Corp., CA, USA), and insulin sensitivity were measured. Results The average weight loss was 7.3±1.9 kg in group A and 35.3±16.0 kg in group B. Systolic, diastolic blood pressure (BP) as well as heart rate decreased in group A, in group B only systolic BP. Fasting plasma glucose and insulin decreased as well as insulin sensitivity and physical fitness has been improved after intervention. Total, LDL2, HDL2 cholesterol, as well as triglycerides (TG) decreased with weight in group A and total, LDL, TG, VLDL, LDL2 large, and small HDL subfractions decreased and intermediate HDL increased in group B. Conclusions Short term life style intervention (diet and physical activity) in patients with obesity lead to notable improvement of cardiometabolic parameters (decreased body fat mass, improved insulin sensitivity, lipid profile) as well as atheroprotective changes in LDL subfractions. Funding Supported by grants APVV 17-0099; VEGA 2/0129/20; VEGA 2/0072/18 Key messages Short term life style intervention in patients with obesity lead to notable improvement of cardiometabolic parameters. Weight-lowering program (diet and physical activity) lead to positive changes in LDL- and HDL-cholesterol subfractions.

Kallanagouda H. ◽  
S. C. Sarvi

Background: Jaundice (Kamala) is a yellowish pigmentation of the skin, the conjunctival membranes over the sclera (whitish of the eyes), and other mucous membranes caused by hyperbilirubinemia (increased levels of bilirubin in the blood). Today’s lifestyle with unhygienic and poor dietary habits and alcoholic habits etc. are responsible factors to promote hepatic damage which clinically reflects as Kamala Roga. The incidence of such causes resulting in Jaundice. In India it is 2.37-3.15 per 1000 population. The effect of Ayurvedic treatment was assessed in relation to improvement in overall clinical signs and symptoms. Objectives: To evaluate the effect of Phalatrikaadi Kwatha and Darvyadi Kwatha in Kamala Roga. Methodology: A comparative clinical study was conducted on Kamala for period of 15 days. The patients were divided into 2 groups. In Group A 20 patients were administered with Phalatrikadi Kwatha internally and in Group B 20 patients were administered with Darvyadi Kwatha internally. Results: Group A and Group B have shown statistically significant result. Group B treated with Darvyadi Kwatha showed better result compared with Group B treated with Phalatrikadi Kwatha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 80 (Suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 1482.2-1482
S. Lezhenina ◽  
A. Lammert ◽  
N. Shuvalova ◽  
E. Guryanova

Background:Having complete information about osteoporosis is a prerequisite for preventive behavior, which determines the conscious adherence to the principles of a healthy lifestyle.Objectives:To assess the level of awareness of osteoporosis among women.Methods:A survey was conducted of 750 female respondents aged 15 to 55 years in the Chuvash Republic. The survey was conducted from January to December 2019. The questionnaire consisted of 30 questions. One point was awarded for each correct answer. The minimum score for passing the test was 75% correct answers. The questions addressed both general knowledge about osteoporosis and the relationship between disease onset and diet, physical activity, vitamin D, cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and being overweight. The respondents were divided into two groups: group A (n = 375) - females from 15 to 35 years old and group B (n = 375) - females from 36 to 55 years old. Survey data was processed in Statistical Analysis Software 15.0. Statistical significance was calculated using Analysis of Variation.Results:We obtained the following results for the Main Aspects of the survey: 1. Osteoporosis is a rare condition that occurs primarily in women (Awareness level: Group A - 47%; Group B - 67,5%; Analysis of Variation > 0,05). 2. Postmenopausal women are more at risk of osteoporosis (Awareness level: Group A - 73,5%; Group B - 70,4%; Analysis of Variation > 0,05). 3. Prevention of osteoporosis is impossible (Awareness level: Group A - 78,8%; Group B - 89%; Analysis of Variation > 0,05). 4. Vitamin D is synthesized by direct exposure to UV radiation on the skin (Awareness level: Group A - 53,1 %; Group B - 69,1%; Analysis of Variation > 0,05). 5. Effective prevention of osteoporosis are: I. Balanced diet; II. Absence of bad habits; III. Occupation with health-improving physical culture. IV. Reduction of excess body weight (Awareness level: Group A - 69,2%; Group B - 47,1%; Analysis of Variation > 0,05). 6. Increased consumption of table salt, sugar and excessive consumption of protein foods, vegetarianism negatively affects the quality of bone tissue (Awareness level: Group A - 56,7%; Group B - 70,4%; Analysis of Variation > 0,05).Conclusion:The conducted survey shows that the level of awareness of osteoporosis and its prevention is low among women in different age groups. In some cases, it is even a cause for concern. We believe that respondents’ statements that osteoporosis cannot be effectively prevented are the most important findings of our study. Starting from adolescence, women should be well aware of the main risk factors for the development of osteoporosis, the mechanisms of its development and its consequences. This knowledge will help substantiate why it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, which will help to prevent the development of this disease in the future. The concept of prevention of osteoporosis should include the following recommendations for the general population: to maintain a physically active lifestyle and to spend sufficient time under the influence of sunlight, avoid smoking and drinking large amounts of alcohol, ensure that dietary calcium intake is in line with the recommended level in the area, and maintain an appropriate body weight.Disclosure of Interests:None declared

Asta Sarkauskiene ◽  
Brendon Noble ◽  
Laimute Kardeliene

The aim of this study was to develop and implement curriculum of non-formal physical education in school and assess its effectiveness for health related physical fitness of 11-13 year old children. The research was conducted in two stages. In the first stage 51 11-13 year old children participated in a quasi-experiment for two years. Pupils were organized into E (experimental) and C (control) groups. Both groups shared the duration (1 hour) and frequency (twice a week) but were different in their education curriculum. In the second stage 72 pupils (groups A and B) attended in the research from the same schools. The curriculum of the group A was modified and differed from group E, group B - the same as group C. In both stages the focus groups performed four physical fitness tests and BMI was calculated. Group E girls’ indices of three tests and boys’ indices of all four tests were significantly (p<0.05) higher than young adolescents’ from group C. Group A girls’ flexibility and aerobic endurance as well as boys aerobic endurance were higher (p < 0.05) than pupils from group B. Results suggest that the individualized, diverse, 11‒13 years old children hobbies, needs, abilities, physical and functional powers answering non-formal curriculum, which expands knowledge and develops new skills and when various child-activating teaching methods and forms are used, positively influence their health related physical fitness.  

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