Productive Waqf Fund Management Strategy

Muhammad Ulul Azmi ◽  
Setiawan Bin Lahuri ◽  
Fazari Zulhasmi Kanggas ◽  
Imam Kamaluddin ◽  
Soritua Ahmad Ramdani Harahap

This article aims to provide an example for waqf management institutions in developing the benefits of productive waqf by implementing a good waqf management strategy and following the concept and purpose of waqf. With the increasing public interest in waqf and the increasing number of waqf management institutions throughout the world and especially in Indonesia. Along with that, there has not been a desire that can be emulated by waqf management institutions in determining the management strategy of productive waqf funds to develop the benefits of productive waqf itself. This type of research is qualitative research with data collection techniques conducted by conducting interviews with nadzir waqf in PM. Darussalam Gontor. This research shows that PM. Darussalam Gontor has a unique strategy in managing productive waqf funds while still looking at the purpose of the existing waqf, more than that, many communities around the boarding school can also benefit from productive waqf in PM. Darussalam Gontor. This research is expected to be a guide in developing the benefits of productive waqf in waqf management institutions in Indonesia.

Muhammad Iqbal ◽  
Rusli Rusli ◽  
Musyahidah Musyahidah

This research deals with a professional zakat fund management strategy for mustahiq family welfare by Zakat Amil Body of Palu City Badan Amil Zakat. This research is qualitative research that tried to reveal and interpret this developing phenomenon. This is a case study that used such data collection techniques such as observation, interview, and documentation, while data analysis includes data reduction, presentation, and verification which ends with checking the validity of the data with the source triangulation method. The result showed that zakat collection units receive all kinds of charity such as infaq, sadaqah, as well as profession zakat that muzakkiwill to pay. Second is direct acceptance; that is, a zakat payer comes directly to the Baznas Office to hand over zakat, infaqand sadaqah (ZIS) to the officers in Baznas. The distribution is carried out in two ways: first, mustahiqs are given what they need in terms of daily basic necessities; secondly, aid is given to mustahiqs who have business to help them develop their business.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 227-248
Asep Saepul Malik

Kegiatan dakwah ialah suatu aktivitas yang mendorong umat manusia untuk memperkuat keyakinannya kepada Allah SWT dan agar umat yang belum memeluk ajaran Islam juga dapat memeluk ajaran agama Islam dengan menggunakan cara yang bijaksana melalui materi ajaran syariat Islam, supaya mereka mendapatkan kebahagiaan di dunia dan di akhirat. Pengajian pasaran kitab al-Hikam ialah suatu kegiatan dakwah yang di pimpin langsung oleh sesepuh pondok pesantren azzayniyyah ialah KH. Aang Abdullah Zein. Pengajian kitab al-Hikam ini di dalamnya membahas tentang permasalahan kehidupan manusia seperti masalah hati (qolbu), akhlak, iman, dan Islam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui penyampayan dakwah melalui pengajian pasaran kitab al-Hikam di pondok pesantren azzayniyyah dan untuk mengetahui pesan-pesan dakwah yang ada di dalam kitab al-Hikam. Landasan teori yang digunakan ialah teori M. Munir tentang dakwah bil-Lisan al-Hal. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif, ialah dengan menggambarkan keadaan sebenarnya melalui pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dakwah melalui pengajian pasaran kitab al-Hikam yang di lakukan oleh KH. Aang Abdullah Zein di anggap cukup berhasil, karena jamaah memberikan respon yang baik atau positif dan jamaah yang hadir setiap bulan slalu meningkat atau lebih banyak.Da'wah activity is an activity that encourages mankind to strengthen his belief in Allah SWT and so that people who have not embraced the teachings of Islam can also embrace the teachings of Islam by using a wise way through Islamic teaching material, so that they get happiness in the world and the hereafter. Study of the market of the book al-Hikam is a missionary activity led directly by the azzayniyyah boarding school elders is KH. Aang Abdullah Zein. This study of al-Hikam in it discusses the problems of human life such as the problem of the heart (qolbu), morals, faith, and Islam.  Thep of this study is to determine the delivery of da'wah through the study of the market of the book al-Hikam in azzayniyyah boarding school and to find out the messages of da'wah in the book of al-Hikam. The cornerstone of the theory used is M. Munir's theory about the da'wah bil-Lisan al-Hal. This research method uses descriptive, is to describe the actual situation through data collection conducted using interview techniques, documentation, and literature. The results of this study indicate that preaching through the study of the book market al-Hikam conducted by KH. Aang Abdullah Zein was considered quite successful, because worshipers gave good or positive responses and worshipers who were present every month always increased or more.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Anita Dwi Agustin ◽  
Rohmad Widodo ◽  
Mohammad Syahri

ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan: 1) Modelpembinaan anak jalanan di Pondok Pesantren, 2) Kendala-kendala yang terjadi dalam pembinaan anak jalanan, 3) Mengatasi kendala yang ada. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi: observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Adapun metode analisis datanya melalui: pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian menjelaskan bahwa: 1) Pembinaan yang dilakukan di Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Sabilul Hikmah ini adalah pendekatan secara personal sosial dimana pengurus pondok pesantren harus berinteraksi sosial secara anak per anak agar tahu apa yang sebenarnya diinginkan oleh masing-masing anak serta pembinaan dengan pendekatan secara agama (religius), 2) Kendala yang paling menonjol adalah sulitnya masa peralihan anak-anak yang semula hidup bebas dijalanan dan kemudian hidup di lingkungan pondok pesantren serta kurangnya dana operasional untuk mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari para santri, 3) Mengatasi anak yang susah diatur adalah dengan membuat anak - anak tersebeut merasa nyaman maka itulah guna dari pembinaan melalui pendekatan personal sosial,sedangkan kendala dari keuangan adalah bagaimana pendiri Pondok Pesantren menggunakan uang pribadi dalam mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari para santri.Kata Kunci : Model Pembinaan, Anak Jalanan, Personal sosial dan religi.ABSTRACTThe research objective is to understand and describe: 1) The mentoring model for street children at Islamic Boarding School, 2) The problems in mentoring for street children, and 3) The solution for solving the problems. This research applied the descriptive qualitative research. The techniques for data collection were observation, interview, and documentation. The analysis data started from data collection, data reduction, result of research and conclusion. The result of this research showed that: 1) The mentoring which was done by Salafiyah Sabilul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School was a personal and social approach where Islamic boarding school staffs should make an social interaction to eachof street children so they could understand their real needs, 2) the most problem which faced by street children was the difficulties on their adaptation from the life street to Islamic boarding school which did not have a good financial to support all their daily needs, and 3) To mentor the street childern who could not be taught easily was by making them feelmore comfortable so it aligned with the goal of a personal and social approach, and to cover the lack of financial on the student’s daily needs was by using the staff’s personal money.Keywords: Mentoring Model, Street Children, Personal and social approach, and religion.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Amin Tasih ◽  
Ali Said

Al Masruriyyah Islamic Boarding School is one of the huts of the Tebuireng foundation that is still hungry for discipline in obeying the rules of the cottage. Al Masruriyyah Islamic boarding schools apply ta’zir as a form of consequence for santri who violate the rules of the cottage. This study aims to describe and analyze the implementation of ta’zir in increasing the discipline of santri in Al Masruriyyah Islamic boarding schools. This study uses a qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The data obtained will be compiled by reducing/summarizing the data, then presenting the data and drawing conclusions.  Based on the research shows that: the implementation  of ta’zir carried out by the management and has been approved by the supervisor and caregivers for giving ta’zir every 2 weeks. The criteria for the distribution of ta’zir are 3 from the low, medium and heavy according to the mistakes that have been made. The procedure for giving ta’zir (1) is advised, (2) in ta’zir (3) to be called to Ndalem. The impact of the implementation of ta’zir is that there is a better change in the implementation of teaching and learning activities, obeying the rules, and discipline in worship activities to Allah SWT.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Iwed Mulyani

Indonesia is a country with the largest area of ​​tropical peatland land in the world. Riau Province has the largest peatland area (3.8 million hectares) in Indonesia. Besides having the largest land area, Riau Province is also the second-largest contributor to peatland fires (53,034 hectares) after Kalimantan with Dumai City as the region with the highest fire cases (15 cases). The trend in handling these problems has begun to involve relevant stakeholders, not just the responsibility of the government or the community, even the private sektor. One of the strategies undertaken is to analyze the potential that exists in peatlands using a continuous analysis to provide program recommendations that can solve this problem. Therefore this research will look at how the analysis of sustainable livelihoods conducted by PT Pertamina RU II Dumai company in providing recommendations for peatland community empowerment programs. This study uses qualitative research methods with data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation studies. The results of this study provide three program recommendations, namely the use of peatlands whit involving the Paman Jaya Mandiri Farmer Group, the improvement of the RT 12 RT toll road infrastructure, and the improvement of sanitation and PHBS counselingh

Siti Nurhafizah ◽  
Zainul Akhyar ◽  
Suroto Suroto

The purpose of this study is to determine the views and support of the society on women's leadership as village heads in Taras Padang Village. This study used qualitative research. Data sources were selected by purposive sampling with data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The data found were analyzed in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and verification. The results of this study indicated that: 1) the society's view of the leadership of women as Village Head in Taras Padang Village is influenced by historical factors of the fusion of village areas, primordial bonds, leadership styles and village development situations. 2) The society's support for the leadership of women as Village Heads in Taras Padang Village is influenced by gender, public interest and communication factors

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
Qonitatul Mahmudah ◽  
Ramiz Ansharil Haq ◽  
Muhammad Ridwan

<p><em>Hadith Arba’in</em> is a collection of the selected 42 hadiths. The name of <em>Arba’in</em> is taken from the amount of hadiths included in the book which is 42 hadiths. The book of <em>hadith Arba’inis</em> considered to be necessarily studied because this book contains the collection of the well know hadiths in islamic community awund the world. This book contains the main hadith that are very important in islamic study, started with hadith about the intention to start doing something, then followed with the basic <em>aqidah, syari’ah, akhlak</em>, and prophet’s advice. This research specifically studies the hadiths from 31-40 because they contain suggestion, forbiddence, excellence, and some of advices about islam. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The method used is (equal/comparison) method. The data in this research are grammatical cohesion marker in the form of pronoun in Arabic language and ideological translation in the 31-40 text of <em>hadith Arba’in</em> written by Ibnu Daqiq Al ‘ied and translated by Muhammad Thalib. The data collection is done by taking the sample or called technique sampling. Technique of presenting data is presented by words and table of data to describe the analysis result. This reaserch investigates cohesion, variasion of translation technique, translation method, and ideological translation used by the translator in translating the expressions in the hadith.</p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>hadith Arba’in</em>, cohesion, technique, method, ideology.

Ibnu Kusuma Negara ◽  
Sriyati Sriyatin

ABSTRACTThe purpose of his research is to find out and analyze the practice of the qardh in Islamic perspective, and the impact of the practice of financing with the Qardh contract on empowerment UMKM , as well as supporting and inhibiting factors and solutions of the empoerment. This research uses descriptive qualitative research with a phenomenological approach as the main theoretical basis. The data collection techniques used interviews, observation, documentation, about the practice of Qardh Practices at the Bank Wakaf Mikro Alpen Barokah Mandiri Islamic Perspective in empowerment Small and Medium Businesses (UMKM) Around the Boarding School. The collected data is then managed and analyzed using descriptive qualitative. Keywords : Qardh Practice, Impact, Empowerment Of Supporting Factors, Inhibiting Factors

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Amin Tasih ◽  
Ali Said

Al Masruriyyah Islamic Boarding School is one of the huts of the Tebuireng foundation that is still hungry for discipline in obeying the rules of the cottage. Al Masruriyyah Islamic boarding schools apply ta’zir as a form of consequence for santri who violate the rules of the cottage. This study aims to describe and analyze the implementation of ta’zir in increasing the discipline of santri in Al Masruriyyah Islamic boarding schools. This study uses a qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The data obtained will be compiled by reducing/summarizing the data, then presenting the data and drawing conclusions.  Based on the research shows that: the implementation  of ta’zir carried out by the management and has been approved by the supervisor and caregivers for giving ta’zir every 2 weeks. The criteria for the distribution of ta’zir are 3 from the low, medium and heavy according to the mistakes that have been made. The procedure for giving ta’zir (1) is advised, (2) in ta’zir (3) to be called to Ndalem. The impact of the implementation of ta’zir is that there is a better change in the implementation of teaching and learning activities, obeying the rules, and discipline in worship activities to Allah SWT.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-216
Rohmatun Lukluk Isnaini

Arabic has a special place among the other languages of the world because Arabic is the language of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of Rasulullah SAW. To learn it, ulama agreed to put sharf and nahwu (qawaid) as the basis. One book that discusses is Alfiyah which is the book of Imam Jamaluddin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Malik. In presenting qawaid in that kitab, the teacher requires special methods and strategies. For that by using descriptive qualitative research method, this research illustrates that a teacher at Madrasah Diniyah Wustha Al-Muayyad Surakarta using three methods, 1) qawaid wa tarjamah method, 2) Tahfidh wa Tasmi' method, and 3) lecturing method. Then, within each of these methods are translated into several strategies. The implementation of this strategy tailored to the Madrasah Diniyah Wustha at the environment Al-Muayyad boarding school in Surakarta.

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