scholarly journals Physical features of the young black-and-white breed and black-and-white x holstein crossbreeds

Nail M. Gubaidullin ◽  
Vladimir I. Kosilov ◽  
Igor R. Gazeev ◽  
Maxim B. Rebezov ◽  
Zulfiya A. Galieva
L. Ovchinnikova ◽  
E. Babich

In the Republic of Kazakhstan over the past decade positive changes have been observed in increasing the number of farm animals, increasing their productivity, and increasing the gross production of milk, meat and other products. At the same time the development of dairy cattle breeding is mainly due to the breeding of Black-and-White, Red Steppe, Simmental breeds and their intra-breed types as well as imported from abroad Holstein breed. The purpose of the research was to analyze ways to improve the intra-breed type Karatomar of Black-and-White breed in Northern Kazakhstan. Research work has been carried out on breeding animals such as Karatomar type cattle of Black-and-White breed in LLP “Experimental farm Zarechnoe” in the Kostanay district in the Kostanay region. The dynamics of growth and development indicators, reproductive traits of heifers of a new intra-breed type Karatomar of Black-and-White cattle have been studied. A comprehensive assessment of their economically useful traits in the first lactation, determined by the resistance of animals to climatic and forage conditions, the efficiency of breeding of animals of different genotypes has been conducted. It has been found that the replacement heifers – daughters of American breeding sires inherited precocity and showed higher growth energy after 6 months of age and continued to grow rapidly until 18 months. The advantage in metabolism was in the daughters of Holstein sires of the American selection Orbit 4078, and the increased immune status of the organism in the daughters of the sire of the domestic selection Yamal 975 as the most adapted to the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan. The best ability to increasing the milk yield, stable lactation activity, high milk productivity, gross content of dry matter and nonfat milk solids have been characterized by the daughters of sires of the American selection Orbit 4078 and Lowrider 4129. Analysis of economic indicators of milk production has been shown that from cows – daughters of sires Orbit 4078 and Lowrider 4129 for 305 days of lactation received 15,8 and 15,2 % more milk of base fat, the expenditures of EFU per 1 kg of production was lower by 10,2 and 5,9 %. A higher level of profitability has been observed in the group of daughters of the sires Orbit 4078 – 35,5 % and Lowrider 4129 – 33,1 %, which was 8,5 and 10,8 % higher than in the group of daughters of the sire Yamal 975.

A. Farkhutdinova

The expediency of using the probiotic drug Biolax-U in the rations of lactating and dry cows of Black-and-White breed has been studied and scientifically proved. The influence of this drug on the morphological and biochemical parameters of animal blood has been determined. The composition of the probiotic drug Biolax-U consists of eight strains of a balanced complex of living lactic acid bacteria, yeast and actinomycetes, as well as biologically active substances. For experimental studies conducted on 2 groups of cows have been selected by the method of pairs-analogs, the influence of feeding of feed have been prepared with the use of the microbiological drug with probiotic action Biolax-U on feed consumption, morphological and biochemical changes in blood has been studied. Analysis of the rations of cows indicates that the content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur and trace elements such as manganese, copper, zinc and cobalt in the feed has been reduced. It has been found by studies that the use of probiotic drug Biolax-U had the positive influence on the feed intake, digestibility and better assimilation of feed nutrients and contributed to the improvement of blood morphological and biochemical parameters. For example, in animals of the experimental group hemoglobin has increased by 3,6 % (Р < 0,05), red blood cells by 10,1 (P ≤ 0,05), the content of leukocytes by 4,43, carotene by 9,6, glucose by 3,4; reserve alkalinity by 15,6, calcium by 19,4 (P ≤ 0,01), and phosphorus by 18,4 % compared with the control group of animals. During the lactation significantly improved hematological parameters including alkalinity reserve by 5,11 %, calcium level by 11,1, phosphorus by 8,6, hemoglobin by 14,2 %, the content of erythrocytes by 12,3, leukocyte by 3,86, and carotene 11,1 % against the parameters of animals of control group. The improvement of morphological and biochemical parameters of blood of cows indicates about stimulating effect on hematopoiesis and the general clinical condition of animals that contributes to the improvement of metabolic processes when using feed prepared with the use of microbiological drug with probiotic action Biolax-U.

Z. Fedorova

In order to fi ll the existing protein defi ciency in the rations of farm animals in particular dairy cows it is necessary to input feed lupins as widely as possible in crop rotations. Lupin is a very versatile forage crop it can be used in feed as herbage, in the form of haylage, silage, in compound feed as a protein additive, as well as a green manure crop to increase soil fertility. Questions of protein nutrition should be to be quickly resolved, both in the production of protein and in its standardized rational use. Unbalanced protein rations increase feed consumption per unit of production, thereby increasing its prime cost. In the world soya is generally recognized as a protein feed, but in the Kaliningrad region as in most of regions in our country, it does not maturate being a heat-loving crop. Under these environments the inclusion of extruded lupine grain in the composition of energy-protein concentrates for the production of compound feed has become an alternative to replacing expensive soya. The researches have been carried out it the cattle farm of LLC “Temp” in the Guryevsky area in the Kaliningrad region (March-May 2019) on feeding lactating cows energy-protein concentrate from extruded grain of narrow-leaved lupine, fl ax, triticale, subjected to heat treatment on a press extruder. For this purpose two groups of lactating cows of Black-and-White breed (control and experimental) have been formed using the method of pairs of analogs per 11 heads in each. Cows of the control group have received the main ration of the farm, and cows of the experimental group in addition to the main ration have received compound feed with extruded energy-protein concentrate based on lupine. As a result of research, the positive infl uence of energy-protein concentrate based on lupine in compound feed on the dairy productivity of cows has been established. Recipes of concentrate and compound feed with concentrate for lactating cows, the volume of inclusion of components in the concentrate and in the compound feed have been calculated. During the experiment, the milk yield in the experimental group of cows has increased by 62,4 kg or 8,0 %, than in the control group. From the cows of the experimental group the conditional profi t has been received in the amount of 1684,8 rubles per head.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-35
N. I. Abramova ◽  
O. L. Khromova ◽  
M. O. Selimyan ◽  

The use of foreign-bred bulls leads to changes in the genetic structure of the black-and-white breed population, which affects the level of population characteristics. The study was conducted to study the comparative variability and heritability of productive and reproductive characteristics of daughters of sires of domestic and foreign selection in pedigree livestock 10 250 cows 1st calving modern population of black-motley breed of the Vologda region. The superiority of the offspring of foreign bulls in the average indicators of all the studied traits was established with confidence (P<0,001). There were no significant differences in the level of variability of the characteristics of the descendants of domestic and foreign bulls. According to productive traits, the greatest variability of indicators was established for milk yield for 305 days of the 1st lactation Cv = 17,3 – 17,7%, therefore, selection on this trait will be more effective. The greatest share of the influence of bullsfathers, both domestic and foreign selection, in the total sum of all factors determining the value of traits in the population of the black-and-white breed, is determined by the milk yield of daughters η2 = 0,22 – 0,24, the age of the 1st fruitful insemination and the first calving η2 = 0,24 – 0,25. In further breeding work with the breed, it is necessary to obtain and use domestic producers that exceed the breeding value of foreign bulls.


Проведено комплексное исследование морфофункциональных особенностей молочной железы коров черно-пестрой и ярославской пород с разным уровнем молочной продуктивности в условиях крестьянско-фермерского хозяйства Московской области. Рассмотрены молочная продуктивность, морфологические и функциональные свойства вымени подопытных животных, гистологическая структура молочной железы. Отмечено, что у коров черно-пестрой породы количество молочного жира за лактацию составило 256 кг, а у ярославской породы — 233 кг. Показатель коэффициента молочности составил у черно-пестрых животных 1180 кг, а у коров ярославской породы — 1132кг. При анализе лактационных кривых было выявлено, что у подопытных коров обеих групп наивысший суточный удой получен на 2-м и 3-м мес лактации. Так, коэффициент постоянства лактации у коров черно-пестрой породы составил 88,7%, ярославской — 73,5%. При взятии промеров установлено, что по длине задние соски вымени черно-пестрых коров не соответствуют требованиям технологического отбора, а по диаметру сосков обе группы имеют оптимальные показатели. Время доения черно-пестрых животных составило 12,76±0,92 мин, ярославских — 11,45±0,94 мин. По индексу вымени у коров черно-пестрой породы показатели выше, чем у животных ярославской породы на 6,22%. Площадь паренхимы вымени составляет 81,4%, стромы 18,6%, у черно-пестрых особей, тогда как у ярославских на долю железистой ткани приходится 66%, соединительной — 34%. На основании проведенных исследований для повышения продуктивности стада желательно увеличить поголовье черно-пестрых животных и использовать инновационные методы, направленные на повышение качественных показателей молочной продуктивности коров ярославской породы. Complex study of morphological and functional characteristics of the mammary gland of black-and-white and yaroslavskaya breeds of cows with different levels of milk productivity under conditions of a peasant farm from Moscow region has been conducted. Milk productivity, morphological and functional properties of the udder of the animals, histological structure of the mammary gland have been observed. It has been noted that cows of black-and-white breed produced 256 kg of milk fat during lactation, cows of yaroslavskaya breed – 233 kg of milk fat. Milk productivity coefficient indicator for black-and-white breed was 1180 kg, 1132 kg for yaroslavskaya breed. Analysisof lactation curves of the cows studied has revealed that animals from both groups had the highest daily milk yield at the 2nd and 3rd months of lactation. The coefficient of lactation consistency of black-and-white cows has reached 88.7%,yaroslavskaya breed — 73.5%. Measurements taken has revealed that the length of the rear teatsof black-and-white cows did not meet the requirements of technological selection, at the  same time both groups had optimaldiameter of the teat indicators. Milking time for black-and-white cows has reached 12.76±0.92 minutes, for yaroslavskaya breed — 11.45 ± 0.94 minutes. According to the udder index, animals of black-and-white breed had higher indicator than that of the other group, by 6.22%. Cows of black-and-white breed had udder tissue consisting of 81.4% parenchyma and 18.6% stroma, while that of yaroslavskaya breed consisted of 66% glandular tissue, 34% connective tissue. Based on conducted studies it could be concluded, that it is preferable to increase the amount of black-and-white cows in the herd and to use innovative methods for increasing milk productivity of yaroslavskaya breed cows, in order to achieve higher milk productivity of entire herd.

A. Abilov ◽  
A. Azhmyakov ◽  
I. Novgorodova ◽  
N. Bogolyubova

Purpose: to study hematological parameters of blood in bulls-producers of dairy breeds on the day of semen collection in the Udmurt Republic after a long winter period of operation, depending on the breeds, age and place of selection.Materials and methods. The work was performed at the Federal Research Center for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member L. K. Ernst on the basis of AO "Udmurtplem" of the Udmurt Republic in the period from 2020 to 2021 on dairy bulls (n=20) aged 15-69 months, including a purebred Holstein breed of domestic selection (n=6), a Holstein black-and-white breed of European selection (the Netherlands, n=6), a black-and-white breed with blood transfusion on Holsteins on at the level of 94-98% (n=8). The content of white blood cells, red blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit, depending on age and breed, was studied on the ABC VET hematological analyzer on the day of taking the seed.Results. It was found that on average, in 20 bulls aged 15-69 months, the level of white blood cells was at the level of reference values of 8.8±0.25 x 109/l, red blood cells 10.3 x 1012/l, which is 50% more than the reference values. The concentration of hemoglobin is 128.0±2.92 g/l, hematocrit is on average 54.3%, with a norm of 24-46%. Breeding bulls at a reliable level, differing in age, showed that some animals had high indicators for red blood cells of 10.3±0.26 x 102, for hematocrit of 54.3% against 24-46% of reference values. Also, according to hematological indicators, there was a tendency to increase the concentration of hemoglobin and hematocrit in European-bred bulls.Conclusion. The study of the variability in hematological parameters depending on the selection showed that there is no significant difference in leukocytes and all indicators are at the level of reference values, and in erythrocytes more than 50% than the highest indicators. The highest hemoglobin values were at the level of 141-156 g/l instead of 128 g/l according to the highest reference values. Hematocrit also showed high max values in all groups in comparison with the reference values of 59-66% versus 46% in the norm. It is necessary when analyzing hematological blood parameters in addition to the average statistical indicators (M+m) also, monitor the variability (min-max) in order to obtain more objective information.

2021 ◽  
Vol 250 ◽  
pp. 172-177
E. I. Anisimova E. I. ◽  
P. S. Katmakov ◽  
A. V. Bushov ◽  

The paper presents results of assessing black-and-white bulls by the quality of the offspring with application of different methods. The evaluation of bulls was carried out with application of the “daughter-mother” method in the conditions of Volzhsky Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation. The valuation showed that the bulls Aist 7 and Muscat 8 increased milk yield of daughters, in comparison with mothers, by 951 and 486 kg, or by 26.7 and 12.9%. The rest of the servicing bulls reduced milk yield of the offspring by 46 - 1019 kg (1.1 - 24.7%). When assessing the bulls using the “daughterpeer” method, the highest milk productivity was shown by the descendants of Sazan 25 and Aist 7 of Vis Back Ideal line, which surpassed their peers in milk yield by 273 and 419 kg, or by 3.8 and 5.7%, respectively. The producers Snop 57 (his 17 daughters had average milk yield of 4224 kg for the first lactation with milk fat of 3.80%) and Muscat 8 (with an average milk yield of daughters of 4254 kg , milk fat - 3.83%) are also of significant value for the breeding work of this farm. According to the assessment results, the producer Aist 7 was assigned to the breeding category of A1 of milk yield improvers. Bulls Sazan 25 and Muscat 8 are also rated as daughters’ milk yield improvers and are categorized as A2 and A3. All bulls evaluated by comparing daughters to the breed standards are improvers of daughters’ milk yield (+ 454-1860 kg).

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 1511-1514
Sergey Yu. Smolentsev ◽  
Galiya R Yusupova ◽  
Nikita V Nikolaev ◽  
Zaira F Aukhadieva ◽  
Renat A Volkov ◽  

The effectiveness of dairy cattle breeding largely depends on the intensity of use of the breeding stock. At the same time, the factor of the duration of economic use of animals is gaining importance, which affects not only the production economy, but also the improvement of stocks and breeds. The lifelong productivity, the quantitative and qualitative growth of the stock, the amount of capital investment in its formation and the efficiency of operation depend on the term for the productive use of cows. The terms of breeding and production use of animals are direct linked with the biologically possible longevity of each animal, in turn, the duration of the productive period of cattle is in the range of 12-17 lactations. The influence of feed on production is associated primarily with the level of digestion and assimilation. The digestive capacity of the digestive tract of animals can be improved by selecting the optimal ratio in the diet of rough, juicy and concentrated feeds, i.e. optimization of animal feeding types. We conducted an analysis of milk productivity in lactating cows, when using AVMC feed additive in the diet. The experiment was conducted in the conditions of the dairy farm of Biryuli CJSC of the Vysokogorsky District of the Republic of Tatarstan on three groups of lactating cows. For the experiment, 30 cows were selected, 10 in each Holstein black-and-white breed according to the principle of analogues. Studies have shown that AVMC with rapeseed oil seeds and AVMC with fus in the diet of lactating cows provided higher animal productivity and positively affected the chemical composition of milk.

2021 ◽  
pp. 19-23
Т.В. Павлова ◽  
Н.Н. Шамич ◽  
В.А. Бельцов

Цель работы – установить влияние генотипа и интенсивности формирования коров на уровень их молочной продуктивности в одном из предприятий Минской области Республики Беларусь. Объектом исследований являлись 940 коров белорусской чёрно-пёстрой породы с разной долей генотипа по голштинской породе. Для проведения группировки коров по генотипам у каждого животного определяли линейную принадлежность, породность по голштинской породе и страну селекции отца. При оценке молочной продуктивности коров учитывались следующие показатели: удой за 305 дней первой и последней законченной лактации; массовая доля жира, %; массовая доля белка, %; выход молочного жира и белка, кг. Установлено, что с увеличением породности по голштинской породе у коров в стаде рассматриваемого предприятия прослеживается повышение удоев и снижение жирно- и белковомолочности. Наиболее высокий удой наблюдается у коров шведской (9190 кг) и итальянской (8148 кг) селекций, удой этих коров достоверно (Р = 0,999) превышает средний по стаду на 2019 и 977 кг соответственно; массовая доля жира и белка в молоке – у коров российской селекции (4,26 и 3,54% соответственно); у животных белорусской селекции удой составил 6714 кг при жирно- и белковомолочности 4,24 и 3,49% соответственно. С увеличением интенсивности формирования животных снижается возраст первого осеменения и увеличивается живая масса при первом осеменении, наиболее близки к оптимальным параметры у умеренноформирующихся животных. У них же отмечен и наиболее высокий удой за 305 дней первой лактации – 7226 кг, что достоверно (Р = 0,95) превышает этот показатель у медленно- и быстроформирующихся животных на 264 и 150 кг соответственно. The purpose of the work is to establish the influence of the genotype and intensity of cows’ formation on the level of their lactation performance in one of the enterprises of the Minsk region of the Republic of Belarus. The object of research was 940 cows of the Belarusian Black-and-White breed with different genotype proportions for the Holstein breed. To group cows by genotypes, each animal was determined by directional affiliation, race by Holstein breed and country of father selection. When assessing the lactation performance of cows, the following indicators were taken into account: yield for 305 days of the first and last completed lactation; weight fraction of fat, %; weight fraction of protein, %; milk fat and protein yield, kg. It was established that with an increase in breeding in the Holstein breed, cows in the herd of the enterprise under consideration show an increase in yields and a decrease in fat and protein milking capacity. The highest yield is observed in cows of Swedish (9190 kg) and Italian (8148 kg) selection, the yield of these cows significantly (P = 0.999) exceeds the herd average yield for 2019 and 977 kg, respectively; mass fraction of fat and protein in milk – in cows of Russian selection (4.26 and 3.54%, respectively); in animals of Belarusian selection the yield was 6714 kg with fat and protein milking capacity of 4.24 and 3.49%, respectively. As the intensity of animal formation increases, the age of the first insemination decreases and the live weight increases at the first insemination, the parameters are closest to optimal in moderately forming animals. They also had the highest yield for 305 days of the first lactation – 7226 kg, which significantly (P = 0.95) exceeds this indicator in slow and fast-forming animals by 264 and 150 kg, respectively.

2018 ◽  
Vol 51 ◽  
pp. 290-295
N. L. Rieznykova

Introduction. Whiteheaded Ukrainian – native breed, animals of which are characterized with longevity, don’t require much care, have ability to compile rather high milk yield (particularly, record-yielding cow of the breed Оrbita during 300 days of the 7-th lactation – 12 339 kg) with rather high fat yield. However, now this breed is registered as endangered. Breed conservation should be done not only by way of state subsidizing, but as well and more effectively by way of breed commercialization. Like majority of local breeds, it can’t compete with commercial breeds on production quantity, but can do it on quality of it. Quality, namely colour, taste and aroma of fresh raw milk are caused by its content, particularly fat acid content and aroma compound (aldehydes, carbon acids, amino compounds and so on). So, it seemed actual to investigate aroma composition, particularly, availability and amount of aroma compounds, ω-3 and ω-6-acids and fatty acid content of Whiteheaded Ukrainian cows’ and analogous groups of other breeds or crossbreds’ milk. Besides it, milk value is determined as well by its «technology suitability», thus, suitability to processing, one of important indexes of which is milk homogeneity. Homogeneity is found as diameter of fat globules. Small fat globules diameter – important factor for fat storing in cheese curd, so, for avoiding its loss with whey. So, the aim of the work was the defining of aromatics, fatty acid content and the diameter of fat globules of milk of cows of Whiteheaded Ukrainian breed and its crossbreds with Holstein. Materials and methods. Sampling was done from animals of Whiteheaded Ukrainian (WhU) and its crossbred with Holstein (WhU+50%H), which were kept at the same conditions (one shed and the same ratio) of «Podolian host-2004» Ltd. of Khmelnitskiy region. Sampling was done at dinner time by hands from cows, which were at the same stage of lactation (3-4 month) and were not the half- or whole sibs. Taking into account the possibility of objective simultaneous estimation at the equipment only 2 contrast samples, the sampling was done from 4 animals. Two reiterations of the experiment were done. Fatty acid content was defined at chromatograph VARIAN 3900, equipped with column CP-Select CB for FAME, 100 mmx0.25mm, DF-0,25 (Varian firm) according to state standard ГОСТ Р 51483-99 «Fats and oils. The defining of individual fatty acids methyl ethers mass share to its sum by the method of gas chromatography». The preparation of experimental samples was done due to state standard ГОСТ Р 51486-99 «Fats and oils. Getting fatty acids methyl ethers». Results. The analysis of milk aromatic constituents of experimental samples doesn’t confirm the predominance of any breed, though it should be checked at bigger massive. The important characteristics of milk aromatic peculiarities is lactones availability and its concentration. It should be admitted, that the concentration of delta-dodecalactons is almost 3 times higher (4,25 mg/kg) in the milk of half-bred Holstein cow compared with Whiteheaded Ukrainian (1,66). Though, taking into account not-satisfying in number massive, this result should be checked. It’s a pity, but the effect of heterosis was not investigated, though the latter, as we know, is found on traits, which provide the viability of species (live weight, daily gain and so on). To investigate the influence of Holstein blood share on traits was not possible as well, as there were only half-bred animals in the herd. There were found ramified fatty acids with chain length 13-17 carbon atoms at all researched samples in the form of iso- and anteiso-, which have anti-tumour activity. It should be admitted, that healthy anti-sclerotic and anti-ischemic ω-6 fatty acids, particularly, arachic acid, is found not at all samples, though linolic (ω-3) and its conjugate have almost equal distribution at all researched samples. Comparison of milk fatty acid content of Whiteheaded Ukrainian, its crossbreds and Black-and-White breed of Sumy region (again, sooner, crossed with Holstein) showed predominance of milk of Whiteheaded cows and its crossbreds on certain fatty acids. Thus, animals of Black-and-White breed have considerably higher (in average 30,76 %, n=5) content of palmitic and stearic (13,96 %) acids (versus 23.8 on palmitic and 10.5 % on stearic of Whiteheaded Ukrainian and its crossbreds), which, as it is known, negatively influence human organism, creating cholesterol «clots» in vessels, though content of useful oleic acid proved to be higher at the milk of Black-and-White cows. It should be stressed, that the milk of as Whiteheaded Ukrainian, so its crossbreds is suit for cheese-making, as the most profitable cheese-making is done of milk with fat globules’ size 1.5-3.0 mkm. For best human organism assimilation, the milk with smaller fat globules is better as well. So, researched milk samples meet all above-mentioned demands, as the largest number of globules have diameter 1,0-3,0 mkm. Conclusions. 1. The speed of autochthonous breeds of Ukraine disappearing, particularly Whiteheaded Ukrainian, demands the finding out the other ways of its conservation, particularly, its production commercialization. 2. Milk as Whiteheaded Ukrainian, so its crossbreds with Holstein has rich fatty acid content. 3. The diameter of predominant number of fat globules of selected samples is at range 1,0-3,0 mkm, that is the most favourable for consuming and processing.

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