scholarly journals The Syuro-Participative Leadership in Al-Qur’an-Based Pesantren in the Disruption Era

Ta dib ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 15
Muh. Mustakim ◽  
Ahmad Salim ◽  
Kana Safrina Rouzi ◽  
Ruwet Rusiyono ◽  
Desy Khusna Nurmaida

This study discussed the renewal of leadership models in Al-Qur'an-based pesantren. Leadership in pesantren has a major influence on its development and existence. Ibn Abbas Islamic Boarding School is interesting to study because it is modern managed. This is a case study to examine in depth the developed leadership model. The data were collected through observation, documentation, and interview, and analyzed using the Miles Huberman triangulation model, so that the results were in the form of abstractions showing their novelty. Pesantren Ibnu Abbas Klaten is led by a director who acted as a manager as well as mufti and kyai. The director supervises three educational units; the pesantren, the santri, and the school unit, which each led by a chief. Even though a director (or Kyai) has full leadership rights, the "syuro-participative" leadership model is implemented in regular meetings every week, and the deliberation results showing the participation of each existing institution. This indicated that the highest forum is at the leadership meeting, not unilaterally by the Kyai.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-110
Yazidul Busthomi

Abstract: The main capital that causes a Kiai to succeed indeveloping education in Islamic boarding schools is, in essence,extraordinary knowledge in his leadership in developing education inhis Islamic boarding school. So that education in Islamic boardingschools that are developing at this time is solely dependent on theleadership of the Kiai in developing his education. Based on thedescription of the problem, the researcher raised the title "KiaiLeadership in developing educational curriculum in Islamic boardingschools (case study: Pondok Pesantren al-Rifaie 2 Gondanglegi,Islamic Boarding School Miftahul Ulum Putri Ganjaran, and IslamicBoarding Schools of the People of al-Amin Malang). background of theproblem that has been explained above, then the problem formulationcan be taken, namely: 1. How is the leadership of the Kiai indeveloping the education curriculum at Pondok Pesantren al-Rifaie 2Gondanglegi Malang? 2. How is Kiai's leadership in developing theeducation curriculum at Miftahul Ulum Islamic Boarding School inGanjaran Gondanglegi Malang? 3. How is Kiai's leadership indeveloping an educational curriculum at Pondok Pesantren Rakyat alAmin Malang? In order to obtain truly valid data in this study, theresearcher needs to determine the appropriate data collectiontechniques. Therefore, researchers use the following techniques: 1.Interview techniques, 2. Observation techniques, 3. Documentationtechniques. From the results of research conducted by researchers todescribe the leadership of Kiai in developing an educationalcurriculum in Islamic boarding schools (case study: Pondok Pesantren al-Rifaie 2 Gondanglegi, Islamic Boarding School Miftahul Ulum PutriGanjaran, and Islamic Boarding Schools of al-Amin Malang), it can beconcluded the results of the data namely three Kiai in developingeducational curricula in their respective Islamic boarding schools, bysubmitting to heads of fields or units in developing educationalcurricula, and using responsive leadership models

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 329-346
Iyam Marhamah ◽  
Yaya Yaya ◽  
Asep Sodiqin

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan sistem dakwah Pondok Pesantren At-Tawazun ditinjau melalui sistem terbuka mulai dari tahap input, conversion, output, feedback, hingga environment dalam upaya mengatasi problematika santri yang dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan zaman. Penelitian yang dilakukan ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan spesifikasi penelitian field research (penelitian lapangan). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan pondok pesantren At-Tawazun dirasakan cukup besar manfaatnya oleh orang tua maupun masyarakat. Lembaga dakwah dan pendidikan ini telah ikut berkontribusi dalam menanggulangi masalah sosial dan kenakalan remaja yang semakin rumit, sehingga mampu memberikan lulusan santri yang brakhlak, berbudi luhur dan mampu mengamalkan ilmunya di masyarakat. Lebih dari itu, kehadiran pondok pesantren At-Tawazun diharapkan dapat mengatasi akulturasi budaya yang menyimpang di era sekarang ini. Sehingga semangat generasi muda kita dapat disalurkan terhadak hal-hal positif, untuk kemajuan Agama dan Negara. This paper aims to describe the da’wah system of At-Tawazun Islamic Boarding School through an open system starting from the input, conversion, output, feedback, and environment stages in an effort to overcome the problems of santri that are influenced by the times. This research uses case study method with qualitative approach and field research specification (field research). The results of this study indicate that the existence of the At-Tawazun Islamic Boarding Scool was felt to be of considerable benefit by parent and community. This da’wah and education institution has contributed to tackling social problems and juvenile delinquency that are increasingly complicated, so as to be able to provide graduates who are morally, virtous and able to practice their knowledge in the community, moreover, the presence of the At-Tawazun Islamic Boarding School is expected to overcome the deviant cultural acculturation in the present era. So that the spirit of our young generation can be channeled suddenly to positive things, for the advancement of Religion and the state.

NASPA Journal ◽  
2001 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
Charles L. Outcalt ◽  
Shannon K. Faris ◽  
Kathleen N. McMahon ◽  
Philip M. Tahtakran ◽  
Christopher B. Noll

The current case study investigates the application of a non-hierarchical leadership model at an urban public research university. Following a review of recent contributions to leadership theory, especially with regard to student development, the authors balance discussions of the values on which the program under review is based with descriptions of the practical structure of the program. In addition, they suggest means by which other campuses can tailor this program to their resources, opportunities, and needs. The case study concludes with a discussion of the program’s effect on students’ cognitive and social development.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-150
Kusnan Kusnan

Arabic is the language of Muslim’s holy book, and reading  it is obligatory for Muslims. In Islamic education, Arabic is the language that should be mastered as a means of understanding the original texts of the source of Islamic law. One of the important thing in learning Arabic is the method. Zam-Zam Muhammadiyyah Modern Islamic Boarding School implements a diffent model and method of learning Arabic compared to other Islamic boarding schools in the district of Cilongok. This is a qualitative research, through a case study using interview, observation and documentation techniques for collecting data and interactive analysis for analying data. The findings of this research are three models of Arabic learning in Pondok Pesantren. The first model is khiwar or muhadatsah, the second is mufrodat walls intended to make students familiar with Arabic vocabulary, and the third is Lughoh. The method and model of Arabic learning in the institution as described above is a combined method. There are at least three methods used, i.e. Communicative Problem-Based Learning Method, Audiolingual Method, and Grammar-Translation Method.

Munganatl Khoeriyah

Pesantren, the Islamic boarding school, is the oldest Islamic education in Indonesia and is constantly undergoing changes from time to time. This research uses the qualitative approach. This study aims to describe the application of the heutagogy method in the growth of pesantren education. The results of this study indicate that the Al-Luqmaniyyah salaf Boarding School has already applied the heutagogy learning method, it means that pesantren education precedes the Westerners in terms of its utilization. Through the study and discussion of Kitab Kuning (yellow-colored textbooks about Islamic knowledge), students determine their systems, study materials, and problems to find a solution. Sources of learning for students are not only limited by the Kitab Kuning, but students can also have access through the internet, online books and applications with trusted sources. PSDS is responsible for managing the talents and interests of the santri (a term used in Pesantren to call an apprentice), as well as training santri skills by making films, recording, creativity, writing, making advertisements, making interesting contents on social media. LP2M Al-Luqmaniyyah with its various divisions is required to channel and facilitate what the community needs from the students as they can also learn from the community it self. Keywords: Heutagogy, Islamic boarding school education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-79
Muhammad Ramaditya ◽  
Syahrul Effendi ◽  
Faris Faruqi

In the modern era, the leadership values and processes that must be passed by someone to become a leader has been changed. The evolution of mind and social life has changed the paradigm of modern humans in the view of the concept of leadership. To be a leader, a person must speak and train himself to have the character, abilities or qualities that should be owned by leaders. The Students who manage intra-school organizations (OSIS) are one of the forerunners of future leaders in the future and have an interest in driving change in their respective schools so that they become better. As a form of caring in building a leadership model that has integrity, Indonesia College of Economics conducts leadership training and coaching for OSIS administrators in SMA & SMK Negeri as well as the private sector in North Jakarta. The method used in this training consisted of lecture activities, question and answer sessions, discussion of case studies, by explaining the basic concepts of visionary leadership, participative leadership styles, change leadership and how to make decisions correctly. After this training, it is hoped that the student council officials will possess and demonstrate leadership motivation skills that are ready to challenge and can inspire students in their respective school environments.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-113
Ulfatun Nisa ◽  
Fitriyah Mahdali

This study focuses on the interconnection and the integration, namely about the relationship of, education and Alquran. This study is a case study that took Pondok Pesantren Al-Aqobah Diwek Jombang as the research location. There are several arguments that form the basis of this research, firstly, this pesantren is applying both the salafiyah boarding school system and the modern system of education of technology and science. Secondly, santris in this pesantren are required to memorize hadis and Alquran using the principle of one day five verses and one hadis. In a matter of months, santris in this pesantren have studied the science of religion which counts generally should be studied in annual time. This research is a qualitative-explorative study that uses the theory of interconnected-integrative paradigm. In accordance with the research theory, the formulation of the problem taken to conduct this research is “what is the paradigm of Quranic based education and how is it implemented in Pondok Pesantren Al-Aqobah”. The methods of data collection are documentation, observation, and interview. The findings of this study are: (1) Educational and Social Institutions of Pondok Pesantren Al-Aqobah Jombang is an educational institution that offers various programs to develop the potential of santri or students using Alquran as the basis for their education; (2) it uses the MIR (Multiple Intelligence Research) method as an effort to explore various kinds of children's abilities, and so that their potencies can be maximized.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-87
Denden Sudarman Hadiwijaya ◽  
Ahmad Hilal Hadiwijaya

This article aims to determine how important the vocational skill education for students in the Darussalam Islamic Boarding School of Kersamanah Garut. The background of this research is that ideally the person who was educated both formal and non-formal schools at least have the skills of life that it faces, especially in the world of work. In fact there are a lot of unemployment among educated either issued by the formal and non-formal education is still unused and still many educational institutions interventioned with offices and civil service, and there are still doubts in the world of work on the output issued boarding. Therefore it is necessary to study "Education Vocational Skills (Case Study In Darusaalam Islamic Boarding School Kersamanah Garut)", This study aims to describe and analyze the development of vocational skills in applied as future supplies students. It uses the method to achieve the goal of research is to reserch descriptive qualitative method. Data retrieval is done by interview, observation and documentation. Results from this study showed that the Darussalam Islamic Boarding school is a boarding school that equip students with vocational skills through extra-curricular activities in the form of education life skills oriented vocational education skills such as : organizational and clerical schools , or in the form of a course in which there are education vocational skills such as : automotive , sewing and culinary art , or other training by bringing in trainers from outside schools , in order to motivate students to become productive graduates who are able to enter public life line

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-28
Moch Sya'roni Hasan ◽  
Mar’atul Azizah

This research to describe the strategy of Urwatul Wutsqo Islamic boarding school dealing with modernization challenges. The focus of his research is the strategy used by Al-Urwatul Wutsqo Islamic Boarding School deal with the challenges of modernization? 2). the activities forms of the Boarding School's deal with it. 3). the supporting and obstacle factors in the implementation it. This study is a qualitative approach in the form of case study. Data collection methods are done through interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data display and verification. Al Urwatul Wutsqo's Islamic boarding school strategy dealing with modernization is providing integrated education of faith and piety in accordance with the Qur'an and Hadith. The activities are to love Allah and the hereafter is amal sholih, thariqah, recitation, istighatsah, etc.

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