scholarly journals INTERNALIZATION OF RELIGIOUS VALUES BASED PESANTREN (Study of SMA Muhammadiyah 01 Metro Lampung)

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 333
Maragustam Maragustam ◽  
Yogi Wibisono

Action or morality in principle begins with a deep value in the soul. That deep value becomes a pattern of belief, awareness, and thought. Because that value has become a mindset, taste, and belief, one will easily do positive and negative actions. So, the planting of value becomes a necessity in education. This research will answer how the school's strategy instills religious values, what religious values are instilled, its supporters and inhibitions, and how they result. This type of research is qualitative with a pedagogical approach. Determination of subjects using purposive and Snowball.  Data collection with observations, interviews, and documentation. The analysis technique uses Miles and Huberman models. The conclusion is (1) strategies for planting religious values are habituation, teaching the values of goodness, nudity, repentance with istighatsah, and punishment; (2) The religious values instilled are personal and social worship; (3) the less successful factors of planting religious values are less aware learners, teachers have difficulty supervising students, parents are less exemplary, and socio-cultural environments are less supportive. Simultaneously, the success factor is compact managers, adequate facilities and infrastructure, strict school discipline application, passionate teachers, sincere, and professional managers applying the pesantren system.

Suti Sutrisno Lateba ◽  
Ferdinan Kerebungu ◽  
Rasyid Umaternate

The problem in this study is poverty in the people of Sofan Village, South East Taliabu District, Taliabu Island Regency. The purpose of this study was to assess poverty in the community of Sofan Village, South East Taliabu District, Taliabu Island Regency. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques used are observation, documentation and interviews. The data analysis technique used in this study was the Milles and Huberman technique. Determination of informants in this study using purposive sampling technique. The results show that in general the Sofan Village community is a poor community, and the factor that causes poverty in the Sofan Village community is the low education factor, this lack of employment can be seen in general from the work of the community is farmers and fishermen. Another thing that causes poverty is the lack of income and the habit of some people who were still sitting before working. Another factor that causes poverty in the people of Sofan Village is the attitude of being dependent on other parties, especially the Government. This attitude of being too dependent on others is what causes them to live in poverty.

Sujoko Sujoko ◽  
Listiana Listiana

The purpose of this research is to describe the religious values related to the relationship between human and God, relationship of human to humans, and the relationship between human and nature in the novel Rania Lantunan Cinta Di Sepertiga Malam by Eria Chuzaimiah and Nasrullah. This research is descriptive qualitative. The data collection technique used in this research is documentation study. In analyzing the data, content analysis technique is used. The results of this study consisted of 164 expressions. The religious value of the relationship between human and God includes the following five aspects: 1) there are 36 expressions of believing in Allah; 2) there are 44 expressions of wroshipping Allah; 3) there are 49 expressions of being grateful for His blessings; 4) there is one expression of being patient with His trials; 5) there are nine expressions of asking for forgiveness. The religious value of human to human relation includes 4 aspects, as follows: 1) there is one expression of fairness, 2) 10 expressions of helping each other, 3) eight expressions of forgiveness; and 4) five expressions of keeping promises. The religious value of the relationship between human and nature includes one aspect which only occures one time namely preserving the environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-58
Syafrin Ngiode ◽  
Alfian Erwinsyah

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) in madrasah, Gorontalo District, Gorontalo Province. This research uses mixed methods. Data collection techniques carried out through observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The data analysis technique is done in stages, starting from editing, coding tabulating, scoring to drawing conclusions. The results showed that: Input component score is 87 (effective), consisting of guidelines book, objectives, program objectives, PIP recipient requirements, student allocation, fund amount, determination of prospective students receiving assistance, submission of PIP recipients, PIP program funds distribution and withdrawal, realization of PIP disbursement and reporting, are considered effective, because their implementation refers to the technical guidelines for the implementation of the Smart Indonesia Program in madrasah. Output component score of 90 (effective). The indicators on the use of funds are considered effective, because students have used them well to meet their educational needs. The PIP recipient's liability indicator is in the effective category, because in PIP acceptance, madrasah students have an obligation to report the value of their semester results, PIP will be canceled if the requirements are not met.

Emawati Emawati ◽  
Emzir Emzir ◽  
Zainal Rafli

The purpose of this research is to describe in depth about Palembang Malay language defense in Palembang. Data analysis was done by using the method of ethnography according to Spradley with progressive stretching sequence (developmental research sequence Spradley). Data collection techniques were conducted through interviews, observation, field notes, document studies, questionnaires, and photography. The steps taken by the researcher are (1) the determination of focus, (2) the submission of questions, (3) data collection, (4) analyzing and interpreting data. Further data analysis technique is done using Spradley (ethnography) model. Researchers analyzed field data collected from observations of participants to find questions. Furthermore, researchers analyzed field notes. There are four types of analysis: domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, component analysis and theme analysis. Based on the results of the analysis can be concluded that all domains still use Palembang Malay language in everyday life. Nevertheless on the research findings, researchers also found some vocabulary that has been rarely used in the conversation / daily communication of Palembang Malay society. Factors that threaten the existence of Palembang Malay language is the entry of immigrants from the outside, the natives of Palembang who moved to other areas, marriage antardaerah Palembang city. Efforts that can be made for the defense and revitalization of Palembang Malay language is to make Palembang Malay as a subject in school, menghidupuburkan Palembang Malay language use in the mass media and support from the local government for Palembang Malay language defense by creating a special law that discusses the use of language Malay Palembang so that it can continue to survive and develop so avoid the extinction.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Tito Inneka Widyawati

This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness of lending by PT. BPR Tangerang Branch.The type of research used is quantitative descriptive. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. Determination of respondents was chosen by using purposive sampling with a sample of 70 respondents. The data analysis technique used is statistical analysis.The results showed that the level of attainment of the percentage of the effectiveness of giving credit as a whole is in the effective category (82.75 percent), thus it can be said that the credit given by Bank PT. BPR Tangerang Branch is effective seen from the 5C principle, namely Character, Capacity, capital, Collateral, and conditon of economic. Judging from the results of the measurement of the Characteristics of lending effectiveness through its dimensions shows that all dimensions support the effectiveness. Judging from the table above 1 dimension is in the very effective category, namely the Character dimension 86.93%, 4 dimensions are in the effective category, namely the dimensions of Capacity 78.14%, capital 82.86% and dimensions of Collateral 84.86%, and dimensions condition of economy is 74.71%.

Nadwa ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Umi Zulfa

<p>This study aims to find a new PAI learning model that is more creative and innovative. Data collection methods used were observation, interview and documentation. The data analysis technique used was the qualitative analy-sis of interactive models. Based on the research methods used, the findings are: a) the policy of the PAI learning in SDIP Kroya deals with learning inside and outside the classroom, b) the implementation stages of the PAI learning are through religious values socialization, religious values inter-nalization, continuity and religious values institutionalization, c) learning outcomes indicate that the new religious values just become a custom made by students, not as strong character, d) the PAI learning model found with the name of SICI learning Model.<br /><br /><strong></strong></p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan satu model pembelajaran PAI yang baru, yang lebih kreatif dan inovatif. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik ana-lisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif model interaktif. Berda-sarkan metode penelitian yang digunakan, diperoleh temuan penelitian bah-wa: a) kebijakan tentang pembelajaran PAI di SDIP Kroya adalah pembela-jaran yang dilakukan di dalam kelas dan luar kelas, b) pelaksanaan pem-belajaran PAI melalui tahapan sosialisasi nilai agama, internalisasi nilai agama, kontinuitas dan institusionalisasi nilai agama, c) hasil pembelajaran menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai agama baru sekedar menjadi kebiasaan yang dilakukan oleh subjek didik, belum sepenuhnya menjadi karakter yang kuat, d) temuan model pembelajaran PAI dengan nama Model Pembelajaran SICI.<br /><br /></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Sri Rahayu ◽  
Diah Isnaini Asiati

Loyalty has a very important meaning for the sustainability of the Muhammadiyah Association. Muhammadiyah member's loyalty will automatically strengthen and enlarge the existence of the organization through the various propaganda activities it developed. The purpose of the study was to see the effect of satisfaction on Muhammadiyah's loyalty members. The study was developed using an associative design involving two variables, namely member's loyalty, and member's satisfaction. Each variable was developed into 18 and 16 indicators, respectively. The population was determined by all Muhammadiyah members in South Sumatra who had  Muhammadiyah Standard Number (NBM- Nomor Baku Muhammadiyah) of 6,617 people. The number of samples was determined as much as 5% of the population of 232 members by cluster sampling. The determination of clusters was based on districts spread across South Sumatra. The main data used primary data with questionnaire data collection methods. The analysis technique used simple regression. The results of the study showed that member's satisfaction significantly influences Muhammadiyah's loyalty members in South Sumatra.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
David Bagus Yulinanda ◽  
Yofi Irvan Vivian ◽  
Aris Setyoko

Turonggo Budoyo Mugirejo is a Kuda Lumping group Gagrak Blitaran in the city of Samarinda through the transmigration process. Gagrak Blitaran, on its own, was the identity of this group. The process of learning culture alone played a crucial role in preserving Kuda Lumping Gagrak Blitaran in Samarinda. This study aims to explain the characteristics of Gagrak Blitaran’s music; describe the process of self-study at the Turonggo Budoyo Mugirejo. The study employs qualitative methodologies by applying three phases, some of which define the location of research, data collection techniques, and analysis. Determination of the location aims to focus on the object of research. Data-collection techniques include library studies, informers, interviews, and documentation. The last one is the analysis technique by utilising field data. The study results in accord with the background of the problem and the purpose of the study. Gagrak Blitaran’s music characteristic have been achieved through the four rhythms of sampak, gangsaran, dua-satu (pegon and dangdutan), and satu-satu. The instruments on which these rhythms are based are the kenong, kempul, gong suwukan, and gong ageng. The process of learning its own culture includes internalisation, socialisation and enculturation. The three processes allow each member of the company to have a deeper understanding of Kuda Lumping. It involves a dance technique, beating the Gamelan according to the characteristic of Kuda Lumping Gagrak Blitaran.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 324-337
Wendy Dimas Cahyadi

This research was conducted in Sumberharjo village, Prambanan district, Sleman regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. It aims to study (1) the partnership process, (2) the determination of the partnership pattern, (3) the application of the partnership’s principles, and (4) the independence of Sidodadi Farmers with the existence of the production partnership of hybrid corn seed operated among Agri Makmur Pertiwi Inc., Agent (grower), and Sidodadi Farmers in Prambanan district, Sleman regency. This study utilized qualitative approach and the case study in Sumberharjo village. The data retrieval technique key informant was carried out purposively, namely Field Assistant and Quality Control of Agri Makmur Pertiwi Inc. in Central Java and Yogyakarta, Field Assistant of the Agent, the head as well as members of the Sidodadi farmers. Meanwhile, the data collection was done by observation, interview, and documentation, whereas the qualitative data analysis technique was obtained interactively and went on continuously until the data were saturated, and the validity of the data collected will be tested by the triangulation of the data collection method. The result of the study revealed that (1) the partnership process was gained from the stage of socialization, cooperation agreement, cultivation process, up to the crops deposition to the company, (2) the partnership pattern formed was Sub-contract and Agribusiness Operational Cooperation, (3) the partnership principles fulfilled were equality, transparency, result-oriented, responsibility, and complementarity, and (4) the independence of Sidodadi farmers had only reached the stage of independent fertilizer procurement and collective farmers’ cards management.

Kundharu Saddhono ◽  
Alva Kurniawan

The purpose of this paper is to describe: (1) the form of Begalan traditional ceremony, (2) the meaning contained in brenang kepang, (3) the religious values of Islam in a Begalan traditional ceremony. This research is descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques in this study are observation, interview, and reviewing documents and archives. The object of this study is a religious value in a traditional ceremony of Begalan Banyumasan. The data analysis technique in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis and interactive. Begalan Banyumasan traditional ceremony is a form of ritual to get rid of negative things. From the order of performance time, speech, and tools brought in Begalan have meaning and religious value. Therefore, the traditional ceremony of Begalan Banyumas is very suitable as a source of educational character in schools.

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